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10497705 No.10497705 [Reply] [Original]

\text{For each positive integer }n\text{, write the sum }\sum_{m=1}^n 1/m\text{ in the form }p_n/q_n\text{, where }
p_n\text{ and }q_n\text{ are relatively prime positive integers. Determine all }n\text{ such that 5}
\text{does not divide }q_n\text{.}

>> No.10497706

Previous Thread >>10495275

>> No.10497987

What's the point if there's no anime girl to encourage me?

>> No.10498087
File: 889 KB, 280x275, WeightyNastyAnglerfish-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chika be your guide, fellow patrician.

>> No.10498088

wheres the fucking anime

>> No.10499353


looks like it's just n=1,2,3,4. bump in case it comes to me later. for n=5 it's 137/60.

i tried an inductive proof and other things along that line but i can't see how you'd show that, after finding the LCD and adding (pn/qn + 1/(n+1)), the numerator would have fewer 5's in its prime factorization than the denominator.

>> No.10499475

That's because it's wrong. A quick program shows this not to be the case

>> No.10499646


mind sharing your counterexample?

>> No.10499673

Smallest counterexample is 20: the sum yields 55835135/15519504.
Here is a python. You can check by varying the bound N that there does not seem to be a largest n:

def gcd(a,b):
if a < b:
return gcd(b,a);
if b == 0:
return a;
return gcd(b, a%b);
N = 100;
p, q, d = 1, 1, 1;
for n in range(1, N):
p, q = (n+1)*p + q, (n+1)*q;
d = gcd(p,q);
p, q = p/d, q/d;
if q%5 != 0:

>> No.10500004

>there does not seem to be a largest n

makes sense. though, the wording of the question made it seem like we were dealing with a finite set of n where 5 | qn, rather than trying to characterize an infinite set

>> No.10500137

I can not guarantee that these are all the [math]n[/math], but all [math]n[/math] found this way will satisfy the requirement.

Write [math]n! = 5^kC[/math], then all [math]n[/math] such that [eqn]\sum_{m=1}^{\left\lfloor{\frac{n}{5}}\right\rfloor}\frac{n!}{5m} = \frac{n!}{5} + \frac{n!}{10} + \frac{n!}{15} + \cdots + \frac{n!}{n} = 5^jD[/eqn] where [math]j\geq n[/math] will satisfy the requirement.

For example, for n = 10 we have that n! = 5^2*C, while the sum gives something that factors into 5*D, so it doesn't satisfy our condition.

This becomes unfeasible to compute after about n = 100, but so far it has found all correct n, and haven't missed any. But since the n laying after 124 is at least above 6000 I can't be sure. Unfortunately even with that formula the sum becomes way too big for me to handle accurately, with my limited programming skills.

>> No.10500191

I'll throw in a conjecture I have, namely that it is enough to check whether or not [math]5\nmid q_n[/math] in
[eqn]\frac{1}{5} + \frac{1}{10} + \frac{1}{15} + \cdots + \frac{1}{n} = \frac{p_n}{q_n}[/eqn]
and if so this n satisfies the requirement.

>> No.10500195

Let m = v_5(p_n/q_n) and t = v_5(n+1).

Case 1: m>0
v_5(p_(n+1)) = 0, v_5(q_(n+1)) = t

Case 2: m=0
Case 2a: t>0
v_5(p_(n+1)) = 0, v_5(q_(n+1)) = t

Case 2b: t=0
v_5(p_(n+1)) = ?, v_5(q_(n+1)) = 0

Case 3: m<0
Case 3a: t != |m|
v_5(p_(n+1)) = 0, v_5(q_(n+1)) = max(t, |m|)

Case 3b: t=|m|
v_5(p_(n+1)) = ?, v_5(q_(n+1)) = ?

Obviously Case 3b is the only case where 5 can divide q_n and not divide q_(n+1).

>> No.10500198

What does it mean to be a "relatively" prime positive integer?

>> No.10500206

Jesus I just realized this is just a fifth of the harmonic series. I'm too tired for this.

>> No.10500211

anon.. please don't tell me you're not single

>> No.10500227

So you need to know if v_5(p_floor(n/5)) <1 or not.
I have a slick formula that might help.

[math]Let\ \hat{H}_n = \sum\limits_{m=1 \ 5 \nmid m}^n 1/m = H_n - {1 \over 5} H_{\left \lfloor{n/5}\right \rfloor}. \\
H_n = \sum\limits_{t=0}^{\left \lfloor{log_5(n)}\right \rfloor} 5^{-t}\hat{H}_{\left \lfloor{n/5^t}\right \rfloor}.[/math]

>> No.10500242


the gcd of it (the number) and some other particular number (given) is 1. That is, they have no common factors.

A number is not, of itself, "relatively prime". This phrase describes a relationship which the number has (or does not have) with another number

>> No.10500279

Since no terms in H hat are divisible by 5, you could look at the sum mod 5.

>> No.10500418

Did you scan low value integers for a counterexample or did you find it methoditcally?

>> No.10500495

He probably just ran his program.

From >>10500195
You really only need to look at what happens for n = 5k.
If 5 divides q exactly m times for n = 5k, 5 will divide q exactly m times for n = 5k+1,5k+2,5k+3,5k+4.

If v_5(q_(5k-5)) != v_5(5k) then v_5(q_5k) = max{ v_5(q_(5k-5)), v_5(5k) }.

The only way q MIGHT lose some 5's is when v_5(q_(5k-5)) = v_5(5k).

>> No.10501188

can someone explain exactly what this question is asking for?

if there are infinite n that satisfy this requirement, then what do they mean by "determine all n"?

the set is already defined in the question, and its elements can be enumerated procedurally by brute force.

are we trying to find some closed-form mapping from from N to this subset of N? a better procedure than just brute force checking?

>> No.10501296

There's probably a simple formula.
>the set is already defined in the question, and its elements can be enumerated procedurally by brute force.
If there are infinitely many n, good luck brute forcing them.
If you don't know if there are infinitely many n, good luck with the halting problem.

I think you've missed the point of math entirely.

>> No.10501587

[math]Let\ \hat{H}_k = {\hat{p}_k \over \hat{q}_k}.\\
Clearly\ 5 \nmid \hat{q}_k.\\
H_{5k} = \hat{H}_{5k} + {1 \over 5}H_k = {\hat{p}_{5k} \over \hat{q}_{5k}} + {p_k \over 5q_k}\\
= {5q_k\hat{p}_{5k}+p_k\hat{q}_{5k} \over 5q_k\hat{q}_{5k}}.\\
If\ 5\nmid p_k\ then\ v_5(q_{5k})= 1+v_5(q_k).\\
If\ 5|p_k\ then\ v_5(q_{5k})=0.[/math]

Since H_4 = 25/12 you know 5 doesn't divide q_20. (the smallest counterexample given in >>10499673)

Using cases 1 and 2 from >>10500195
if you know 5 doesn't divide q_5k (m>=0) then you know it doesn't divide q_5k+1,q_5k+2,q_5k+3,q_5k+4.

Using case 3a from >>10500195
if you know 5 divides q_5k then you know it divides q_5k+1,q_5k+2,q_5k+3,q_5k+4.

Using cases 1 and 2a from >>10500195
you know there can't be two adjacent groupings of 5 that aren't divisible by 5.

If you can understand how the groupings generated by H_4 behave, the problem will be solved.
This will probably involve understanding how p_k behaves.

>> No.10501647

I'm a dummy and I'm at a loss about any of this. Which path do I take ton find you? I mean. What math topics can help me find you? And just what is all this for? ROCKET SCIENCE? PROGRAMMING? Just what is it all for? Please help me. I want to be more than I am. Where do I begin?

>> No.10501983

Quit making it seem harder than it is.
All of >>10500195 comes from looking at
p_n/q_n +1/(n+1) and figuring out what happens when 5 divides, p_n, q_n, or n+1.
Understanding how H_n+1 behaves based on H_n seems like a rational thing to do.
The only "clever" part is
[math]H_{5k} = \hat{H}_{5k} + {1 \over 5}H_k[/math]

>> No.10502125

As a Bainlet I have no idea so I'm gonna copy and paste all you guys said and Google it. Or maybe I'll start with khan Academy like I read in another thread. I don't want to lose sight of the beauty I'm seeing here. It's an ocean, all of it. But I'm getting refreshed just enjoying the ambient water spray I'm getting from this thread. It's like watching wizards contemplate spells. It's all so fascinating to me. I'm too dumb!!!

>> No.10502146

WHat should I know if I want to solve this kind of problem?

>> No.10502560 [DELETED] 

>I think you've missed the point of math entirely.

no, it's a badly worded question written by someone with a marginal grasp of english or someone who thinks i'm a mind reader.

>> No.10502565
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>I think you've missed the point of math entirely.

no, it's a badly worded question written by someone with a marginal grasp of english or someone who thinks i'm a mind reader.

>> No.10502577
File: 62 KB, 444x563, 1467307786346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its worded totally fine, retard

>> No.10502589


it's not worded totally fine. they seem to be asking for an alternate description for that infinite set, or perhaps an efficient procedure for enumerating them, but that's not what the question says.

>> No.10502678

This is one of the hardest putnam questions.
1997 B3 for anyone who wants to google it.

>> No.10502713

>they seem to be asking for an alternate description for that infinite set
the answer is actually a finite set

>> No.10502725


oh, alright then.