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10497556 No.10497556 [Reply] [Original]

Is going to medical school worth it?

>> No.10497560

doctors gonna tell you it aint in order to make themselves look like self-sacrificial noble badasses and maintain their above-equilibrium wages by reducing replacements

>> No.10497579

>Needing to ask.
No. Get a proper job. Earn money and get comfortable being a normal fag simple person.

>> No.10497600

Depends what country you live in and how much of a savant you are
For most people it will either be impossible or the most agonizing grind imaginable, and either way it will be very expensive
If you're an american and extremely interested in medicine and have rich parents and are somewhat of a savant, then go for it

>> No.10497615

>Is going to medical school worth it?
Worth what?

>> No.10497620

Totally, allopathic medicine is a great way to serve others.

Huh. Is the question actually in regard to finances?


>> No.10497632

>Is going to medical school worth it?
To whom?

>> No.10497642


As the death rate holds steady at 100.00%, no.

>> No.10497643

what other field could get untold trillions of dollars of funding over the years and still have a 100% failure rate? It's the ultimate racket, meaning if OP is thinking in financial terms then yes, it's a good investment

>> No.10497656

>Implying it's the goal, beneficial, or even preferable to live longer than one has to
The purpose of medicine is to provide compassion and alleviate suffering. They have a fairly excellent success rate.

>> No.10497658


I would do it just so I can fuck with aging Boomers.

Fuck Boomers

>> No.10498029

>Is going to medical school worth it?
Why don't you try and find out ?

>> No.10498037

Probably on the long run it is. Student life is shitty in every field I guess.

>> No.10498040

Nah, just read and book and go and start practicing medicine... oh wait, we need accreditation?!