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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10495778 No.10495778 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /sci/

I am a NEET who is willing to dump a lot of time into studying a subject by myself, and I have a lot of time. However, I don't know what to study, but I wanna do something that leans towards mechanical engineering, sorta like cars and stuff you feel me, or maybe something math-ish, but not pure maths because I am not autistic enough.

What do you recommend?

>> No.10495787


Go learn a trade that aligns with your interest, or get a degree in engineering (if you have the time and money for it). You're not realistically going to learn this stuff on your own and you need credentials if you actually want to get employed

>> No.10495792

>if you actually want to get employed
I have no intention of getting employed. I have amassed enough money at this point that I can live like a hermit comfortably for 20 years or something.
>You're not realistically going to learn this stuff

>> No.10495801

>What do you recommend?
Get a fucking job

>> No.10495803
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Why are you being so rude, friend? I just want to learn. . .

>> No.10495804

>I have amassed enough money at this point that I can live like a hermit comfortably for 20 years or something
This makes me legitimately disgusted

>> No.10495806

NEETs are actually the worst kind of human

>> No.10495809

You mean jealous?

>> No.10495812
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Why? What's wrong with that? It's just inheritance and some crypto.

Also, you didn't answer my question: why can't I study engineering by myself?

You need to stop being rude now.

>> No.10495814
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He's clearly trying to not be a NEET. Cut him some slack.

>> No.10495838

>or maybe something math-ish, but not pure maths because I am not autistic enough.
don't say that kind of shit before you even start. this kind of behavior repulses me

>> No.10495840

I am sorry, sir. I am a terrible person. Anyways, what do you recommend?

>> No.10495875

Absolutely not

>> No.10495877

You need to take baby steps. Nigga, you don't hold a simple job. What makes you think you can major in math (though math majors are typically retarded), let alone engineering? First you need to apply to a school and get accepted. I reccomend starting at a community college since you have no credentials. It is cheap and perfect if just want to learn and you don't actually care about what the degree unlocks for you. Once you are there, you will need to go through the cycle of basic calculus, humanities electives, etc before you start your major courses. By then, you will have a better idea of what interests you. Presently, you are speaking from the position of someone that knows actually nothing, so leave your mind open and don't commit to one major over another right now.

>> No.10495880

go to your local campus library and ask for recommendations about books on engineering and car construction.

>> No.10495902

I see, I see. Thank you for your detailed post, but I, as an inexperienced retard, think a lot of stuff are interesting.
Like, I was considering studying botany because I like plants, butt then I thought to myself for a while and I think I wanna work on cars!

I can do that?? Thanks for the adivce !

>> No.10496354

Whatever you do, don’t do it completely by yourself. You’ll lose motive very quickly.

>> No.10497453

why not just mechanical engineering?

>> No.10497457

you can learn core classes at khan's academy, its online

>> No.10497465
