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10493003 No.10493003 [Reply] [Original]

will women can handle being the scientist and engineers of future generations?

>> No.10493011


a scientist is committed to the truth. so no. women can not be scientists

>> No.10493015


>> No.10493273

Remember when there was a big push (in the US at least) to focus on self-esteem and positive affirmation in childhood and education, and this apparently led to a narcissistic generation that's not good for anything in the real world? Current year women have had this done to them but about 10x harder. They're fucked desu

>> No.10493299

>a scientist is committed to the truth
for the most part, no

Most scientists will repeat any popular opinion and try not to hold politically inappropriate views on any matter. The newage wave of political correctness sweeping academia is due to "scientific studies". In short, a scientist< is just really a public employee with timed projects.

>> No.10493611

>Everyone is equal! Also women are better than men and blacks are better than whites.
Fuck liberals. Fuck them all. Hypocritical oligophreniac douche bags.

>> No.10493613


>> No.10493616
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>> No.10493954

All I know is that one of the sleaziest slickest "scientist"/bureaucrats I have ever had the pleasure of knowing happened to be a woman.

>> No.10493962

a woman who just happened to be German... at an institution which just happened to be run primarily by jews (many who just happened to be from New York), catering to foreign students (who just happened to be mainly Chinese).

>> No.10493967

and I'll add that I've met honest jews at different institutions. ime the ones you need to watch out for are the ones that don't have jewish names.

>> No.10493973
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Women are already the majority of ALL university degrees in my country. This includes computer science where 60% is female (lowest female rate out of all fields).

Our government is even debating implementing some form of affirmative action to make it easier for men to get into university and to give special scholarships for men to attract them to university.

There are a lot of problems in society due to this as well. Women have almost 5 point higher IQ average than men. Women make significantly more than men on average and there are a lot of single women because they want to date men of their own intellectual class and not date stupid men.

More and more EU countries are starting to fall into this trap since education and science are inherently female leaning concepts. It's just that historically women couldn't enter these and it takes some time for them to catch up. But in my completely egalitarian society were women were treated like equals for more than 100 years women have completely dominated all intellectual fields and even have the majority of officer rankings in the police corp and military.

There are Tinder like websites where you have to register using a Bachelors degree code and it's something like 9 women for every 1 dude and they are all thirsty as fuck.

There are some benefits to this as well. It's expected that the woman pays for dates, men usually get more money from divorce than the women and fathers get custody of children more often due to the woman being too embroiled into her career life.

The US will follow this trend eventually as well. If countries actually looked at feminist societies in the EU they would realize that they should cancel female scholarships and affirmative actions as fast as possible and make them male-only instead because eventually the US will also have 8 educated women for ever educated male.

>> No.10493985

Pics of country on a map or it didn't happen.

>> No.10493997

/sci/ isn’t a good place to ask. Half the place is memeing, a quarter are people who genuinely hold a condescending/bitter/dimmisive opinion of women, and the rest either mimic the first two or have fringe opinions about women in the workplace they like to validate here

>> No.10494003

>women are infallible
>therefore anyone who has a negative opinion of a woman in authority (unless she said something racist) is /pol/

>> No.10494010

Where the fuck do you live lol, here in belgium (KUL) the female rate for CS is less than 10% and engineering around 15%

>> No.10494012

I didn’t say any of that. You ought not to put words in my mouth ;^)
As far as the question of infallibility, I would say that generally people get up in arms about sweeping statements about men, saying that we need to judge men on an individual basis. But then we also want to make sweeping statements about women. All I’m saying is that we ought to talk more about individual women’s faults in the context of the individual, not “women are like this”

There’s more to my opinion, but this is a good starting point

>> No.10494021

I think affirmative action was meant to tip the scales a little bit, but it ended up swinging things wildly out of proportion, because a lot of really sleazy low life women who really have no business in science were able to totally capitalize on efforts by society to correct the inequality. Then it makes all women look bad.

>> No.10494037

>this thread again
well, to be fair the few women in mathematics actually do a good job and are cute

>> No.10494092

I can’t really speak with any precision about whether that’s true, but I’m inclined to believe you. I mean, anecdotally I can say that all the women I’ve worked with in academia have been hard and intelligent workers. So it feels like I have to suspend my disbelief when hearing “women aren’t qualified for stem.” I think it’s true that there are people who ought not to be here to some extent, but I think it’s a problem that’s pretty well bounded

>> No.10494429
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>will women can handle

>> No.10494447


Women get better grades cause they're better at grinding through the pointless Bullshit assignments that the (((system))) drowns young people with. Women are psychologically designed for multitasking and tedious tasks, so yes they get better grades.

But when it comes to actual innovation, understanding, and brilliance men are unquestionably superior; just looking at the history of scientific advancements and realizing that 99% of them have been accomplished by men should tell you enough. I can tell you right now that ime the most brilliant people in my classes (engineering masters) are all white, East asian, or Indian males. There is literally no other category of people capable of being at the forefront of science despite what (((they))) tell you.

>> No.10494542

If you think that getting better grades is the same thing as grasping the material and implies future accomplishment you need to ensure that you understand Pournelle's law. There are almost no women in the post-college work force who are necessary or who contribute anything. Women are born careerists. Women get the gold star for meaningless reports but don't ask them what it means. If you set some idiotic requirement, all the women will follow it to the letter, and the guy you actually want to hire will demand to know why he has to do this.

>> No.10494702

>history of scientific advancements
Women were historically excluded from education and opportunities. Women were treated like breeders and slaves, and if they tried to escape that life they were punished (in burnings, honor killings, forced prostitution, etc, depending on the culture). Women were the property of the dad or the husband. Judging the entire sex by historical advancements is unfair

>> No.10494709

>Women have almost 5 point higher IQ average than men.
its the other way around

>> No.10494713

this is what near-dropouts tell themselves to be able to show their underachieving faces at the uni each day
>my grades are lower but i really understand the material on a deeper level!

>> No.10494714

>Women were historically excluded from education and opportunities.
didn't stop Marie Curie from being the first person, not just woman, to ever get 2 Nobel Prizes

>> No.10494716

Hory shit what country is it and where can i apply for my visa?

>> No.10494730

Eastern Europe?

>> No.10494733

How us it any different then the men who do that?

>> No.10494735

That doesn't really negate it though. Oprah being rich doesn't negate the sheer fucked up upbringing she had. Hell she's lucky to have even finished high school with all that trauma she got.

>> No.10494753


Hey faggot, nice ad hominem instead of an actual argument, as we all know leftist cucks are incapable of serious debate. I already have a degree so I didn't drop out brainlet, but if you think I'm just going to sit there and grind out every single Bullshit assignment like the goyim slave like you and the whores you're dead wrong. I still graduated with a 3.1 gpa, and have already worked a good job cause I know how to interview and actually understand material instead of just chimp-like regurgitation that women and moron söyboys like you spit out.

The best part is that white Knights like you have a bunch of female friends but they never fuck you they just see you as a dog, I can't tell you how many of those sluts I've unironically fucked. Just know I'm your physical and intellectual superior

>> No.10494767

Outliers are inherently not the norm
>baseless claim that there are no women who are necessary or contribute
your claim of "wildly out of proportion" is skewed by confirmation bias, there's plenty of fucking retards on the male side who do the degree cause it sounds "smart", engineering in particular is basically bait for anyone who made the cut regardless of interest due to how society warps people's view of it, and ignores the fact that males still make the vast majority of most stem degrees whether or not a skew is there
>women are better at tedious tasks
>i.e. they're better at the vast majority of jobs
>using history as a basis
>when history was explicitly sexist and had an extreme degree of social influence
>also using a subjective evaluation of your anecdotal set of classmates

>> No.10494770

>other way around
No actually, pretty much every modern study has shown women higher but males with more variance

>> No.10494772

>know how to interview
not a measure of competence at your work and is a measure of your ability to communicate with your interviewer
>actually understand material
Then why did you only get a 3.1 GPa, is it because you're sloppy and your understanding leaves you with getting the wrong answer anyway?

>> No.10494782

he's talking about a hypothetical scenario
there is no country with widespread women's rights for the last 100 years
it's basically a reverse of male-dominated society with some weird tidbits thrown in like the military/police argument and bachelor degree tinder dating

>> No.10494807


The 3.1 GPA is because I straight up did not do homework assignments unless necessary. I aced all the actual tests and group projects. But when some faggot professor puts homework at 10-15% then those points are lost but don't indicate a lack of understanding but rather a disregard for time wasting bullshit. The hw is always made so it takes hours, and if you're taking 5 classes and some have labs, you will be working like a monkey constantly, which I refuse to do.

> unironically using the word sexist
Women have had literally thousands of years to contribute to scientific advancement, and have done less than 1% whereas men have done everything else. Shut the fuck up with your feminist bullshit, there were men who were oppressed too, galileo being one of many examples, yet still made breakthroughs.

> claiming that using history as a basis is invalid
Man you are one dumb whore or white knight kill yourself, what the fuck else is there to use to determine present patterns than the past?

> women are better at tedious tasks so the vast majority of jobs
That doesn't counter my argument, cause regardless of how many dumb sluts you put behind a desk doing paperwork the major scientific advancements are still going to be made by men cause women are incapable of the level of understanding that men are. This is a fact and my evidence strongly supports my argument, you have no evidence and all you've done is try to negate (and fail) my claims while providing zero evidence that women are equally as intellectually capable as men. The reason you will never win this argument is because you are wrong.

>> No.10494817

>refuse to work
t. lazy fag
>objecting to the use of the word sexist to describe history
t. person introducing nothing to refute the fact that history is known to be extremely sexist
>still thinks history is valid in spite of no evidence that it is in any way related to the present on this topic
t. retarded assumption that history = truth
>women are incapable of the level of understanding that men are
t. still no evidence and merely claiming you have evidence

>> No.10494829

This retarded thread again. Classwork grades don't account for your capability, only test scores do. And boys perform much better on tests than girls.

>> No.10494832


> refuse to work
I work for money, which I have a lot of. I don't work like a dumb rodent to add .3 points to my gpa, whore.
> muh sexism
And how did women end up oh so horribly oppressed? Their brains are bodies are designed by nature to be submissive. Fact.
> assuming that history=truth is wrong
Just lmao, you're really reaching now you ugly tard. It's literally facts that you don't like so you say it's all wrong. And it's funny how you're so selective, you choose to believe that women have been historically oppressed, but other historical facts you won't agree with? It's also funny how marie curie managed to make discoveries while so "oppressed", how do you explain that? She was one of the few brilliant women to ever exist, and you are just another dumb whore.
> no evidence
My evidence is history, and even the present panel of the greatest scientists of modern times are overwhelmingly men. You would think after a century of equality, it would be 50/50 of the greatest scientists being women, but it isnt, and it is obvious as to why that is.

>> No.10494834


This. Although I'm sure some dumb white knight söyboy will reply talking about how sexism is the reason that women have lower test scores in modern times.

>> No.10494839

the only studies that have differing variance between the genders are studies done on adolescents.
grown males have the same variance as females, but 5 iq higher average

>> No.10494910

> will women can handle
Considering that you can't handle english, then yes, probably

>> No.10494927

They score better on standardized tests in many places.

>> No.10494931

Women are only good at regurgitating info told to them in lecture, ask them to apply what they learned or ask a conceptual question and they would fail, the problem is American education plays to short-term memorization where professors I shit you not will give "reviews" for the test and those reviews will be 100% identical to the actual test but with the numbers changed a bit.

>> No.10494979

are you also hard?

>> No.10495056

Women are good at sitting inside all day doing pointless busywork, aka half of the college experience.

Men actually want to do shit and explore and push limits which university life rarely does.

>> No.10495114
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i think he's talking about sweden

>> No.10495129

I’m pretty sure women are 60 percent of college students in the US too

>> No.10495134

This is true. Men have higher scores in both exams and in standardized tests, but women have higher grades because of the mindless busy work.

>> No.10495140

Fuck man, who cares? idk why you guys treat this like the apocalypse. As far as I'm concerned, more pussy in your classes is only a good thing

>> No.10495155


>> No.10495189

But isn't it worth it to get a 3.5 and have maximum employment opportunities out of school? Would easily be obtainable if you did just a little bit of homework instead of all of it.

>> No.10495191

I wish it was just the women, just the blacks, just the "whatever group" but the truth is most of the students are like this right now.

>> No.10495194

Yeah it's like that almost everywhere in the world, education really is a factory, were just more aware of it these days.

>> No.10495272

It makes sense that there is an over-representation of memorizing and cramming for a test then conceptual understanding as a trend in current post-secondary education in the states when you consider how strongly forced diversity quotas and what type of students are admitted in despite their aptitude clearly showing that they are not ready for college.

>> No.10495320


The guy sounds like an absolute misogynist, but what he says holds some truth. I followed a similar approach through college (focus on understanding the theory and its applications, not on repeating homework exercises like an automaton), and it may not lead to a stellar GPA, but when it comes to dealing with new problems or research projects you're way better prepared. For some reason, women are way more inclined to the automaton approach than the understanding approach (they want to be given recipes on how to solve problems, not the theoretical basis that explains why they can be solved that way), and they are way less likely to defy authority (i.e. skip assignments, skip lectures, solve problems with a method that hasn't been explained in class, etc.). That at least has been my personal experience through college.

These traits are not necessarily bad, but I think they're detrimental when it comes to science and engineering. In these fields, you're supposed to explore, experiment and challenge the established theories and methods if you think you have found something better.

>> No.10495321

Unfortunately it has nothing to do with forced diversity quotas famalam. I go to a university with very low diversity (mostly white) and most of my classmates avoid actually learning the concepts and critical thinking.

>> No.10495325

American or European uni?

>> No.10495582
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>> No.10495608

my experience is that women study relentlessly. they put in all the hours and have a good skill in solving exams. but there is mostly not much real understanding.

>> No.10495611

Sure am looking forward to women paying my neetbucks

>> No.10495613

You're right about this. I can't count the number of times I've been in study groups and suggested the answer to a problem, only to be met with a "no, that's wrong" from some woman. Once you actually explain how you got there step by step they agree with you. Their only rationale for disagreeing in the first place is *insert authority figure here* says otherwise, but they cannot find any holes in your logic.

Women are very hard workers and can memorize vast swaths of textbook information but very, very few of them know how to think. I wouldn't be surprised at all if this was behind the discrepancy, their capacity for memorizing the answer to a question without actually knowing how to get there is beyond compare.

>> No.10495643

>tfw the military is paying you 400k over 4 years to get your degree for free, plus living stipend
thanks, "ladies", hope spending 50 hours a week and 10 extra stuck in traffic making powerpoints for your jewish millionaire boss while your body falls apart feels better than being a comfy stay at home mom who owns a jogging stroller.

>> No.10495671

Poland here, we are already going this route. Like 2/3 of people at my Uni were women and when TV talks about young generation scientists it's women 3/4 of the time.

>> No.10495677

>just looking at the history of scientific advancements and realizing that 99% of them have been accomplished by men

You realize women have (about) equal opportunities in scientific fields for like half a century at most right?

>> No.10495705


Women are biologically predisposed to not taking risks.
This means they will avoid any and every kind of risk of being WRONG. Which results in them being unable to truly learn or understand a subject, because for that you need to be able to make mistakes and learn from them.
Their biological nature is also why 100% of all female scientists never develop anything new, but instead rely on "safe" research such as conducting studies that are 100% guaranteeed to give a result.
They are complete cowards and if you had ever dealt with them in the real world you would know that.

>> No.10495712

I was in a medical record review with a bunch of first years recently and it was painful to sit through. The teacher would ask a question and the room would just be silent, except for this one dude who would always at least hazard a guess. He was wrong about 1/3 of the time but he was at least speaking up. Entire seminar ended up being just a conversation between the instructor and him. The rest of the class was almost entirely women and gay men, they were absolutely *terrified* of answering and getting it wrong. So they just stayed silent instead.

Meanwhile this one guy answered EVERY SINGLE one of the instructor's questions despite only answering correctly 2/3rds of the time. He wasn't afraid or ashamed when the instructor contradicted one of his answers either, seemed grateful to be learning.

>> No.10495722


They will rather have you castrated and killed before they will let you have any of their money.

>> No.10495728

imagine a world where women do all the work and men stay at home.

>> No.10495732
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>> No.10495735

Wrong, women are such banal bootlickers they will fund yangbux in their entirety and be begging for more. They'll gladly go 150k in debt for the opportunity to make 35k a year because some gay television show written by jews told them to, that's how retarded most w*men are.

>> No.10495740


A world that could never exist. Any civilization that is run by women will fail, there's a reason that every great power in any continent in any time period ever has been patriarchal. Cause it puts everyone in their proper place; men to work and fight, women to breed and nurture. The fact that leftists will argue against straight up biology is sad. The worst part is that all of us are college educated in STEM and we can clearly see this, yet the vapid whores and white knight pussies at reddit would mentally shut down at the presentation of obvious biological and historical data proving their communist twisted world views wrong. Imagine for a moment, our military and scientific communities all being women; we would be overrun by the Russians or Chinese in an instant.

> inb4 incel lol
Not only am I not a virgin, I have a girlfriend at this moment, which doesn't even matter to the argument at all if I have had sex or not. The best part is that despite all the muh women power bs that feminists will tell you, every man who's ever gotten laid can tell you that no matter how uppity a woman is she loves being dominated and controlled by her man, especially in bed. All that fake equality bullshit goes right out the window once intimacy and the truth get involved, their facades collapse and you see the real woman inside who just wants to be socially active and raise healthy children as nature intended.

>> No.10495762

Actually women are simply the better gender. Less aggressive. More focussed. Work with eachother better. Better at memorizing. More obedient. More agreeable. They are the ideal scientist whether you like it or not incels.

>> No.10495776


> Less aggressive. More focussed. Work with eachother better. Better at memorizing. More obedient. More agreeable.

That does not describe the characteristics of a great scientist at all. Those are the characteristics of a SLAVE. and miss me with that incel bs, I've lost count of the thots I've fucked at this point. You got laid once by some girl who gave you a pity fuck, you're still ugly and moronic

>> No.10495779

hmm i shoudl speak to a girl

>> No.10495780

Their maternal instincts do not allow it

>> No.10495933

American of course

>> No.10495947
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>Work with eachother better.
Ohohohoho all-female work environments are easily the most dysfunctional of any you will encounter my friend

>> No.10496028

school is an engineered environment, that environment is better suited to women.
boy's are not broken girls, and shouldn't be treated as such.

>> No.10496087


>> No.10496104

If women get better grades in STEM, it's because they tend to be kiss asses who butter up the professor and don't work independently. It's not b/c they're smarter.

>> No.10496120

> better gender
> implying that there are only two genders
Why the transphobia?

>> No.10496181

Its on AVERAGE, lean what that word means you retards.

Women are better on average, but the best men are better than the best women because evolutionary pressure made men much more likely to be outliers since they are inherently more disposable than women.

>> No.10496212

He's not wrong. It's especially true in non-STEM fields.

>> No.10496214
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I thought this was due to the IQ bell curve between men and women. Where women have more smart people on average where men have more extremes, whether its the genius spectrum or retard spectrum. Also heard something about how women are better test takers while men are better in practical work.

>> No.10496221

women still won't do any manual labour jobs. Gotta home that automation completely replaces all of those before men can live the NEET life while women get the white collar and exec jobs they wanted so badly.

>> No.10496222

see >>10494839
men are better test takers, where'd you hear that they weren't?

>> No.10496237

>Women are better on average
no they aren't

>> No.10496476

>Considering you're stupid, then yes, women are probably smart
woah... so this is the power.. of female intellect

>> No.10496568

umm sweeties, women are just better than men at everything
why can't you just accept the fact that it is like it is?

>> No.10496579

The 5 IQ difference is complete bullshit. It's closer to 2 IQ.

>> No.10496872

it's not trans phobia it's transodium

>> No.10496941
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dont know what its like for others, but when i was in college for engineering the women that were there studied fucking all day, while most of us dudes maybe studying 2 hours a day tops. Yes some of them did outperform the men but they really did put a lot more work in. I would be absolutely fucking miserable if i put in that much work but i guess they are more content with wasting their lives away, i really hope women enjoy engineering and its not like this everywhere

>> No.10496980

From my experience it's similar but wouldnt mind to be proven wrong

>> No.10496993


100% this has been my experience as well. Women are some of the most pure NPC's that exist. My dog unironically has more ability to independently come up with solutions than my girlfriend, all she does is regurgitate what she's told. Women are incapable of original thought and independent problem solving, further proven by the fact that men have invented and discovered, well, 99+% of everything ever. Just tell them what they want to hear to get what you want, outside of that they're nigh useless

>> No.10498395
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>Those are the characteristics of a SLAVE.
Owned. haha

>> No.10498404

If they can handle something as tough as childbirth, of course they can handle something as trivial as that.

>> No.10498406
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Engineering student here, I know some chicks that spend ALL day studying, I mean, 60+hs of study on top of 30hs of class per week, and they somehow or another manage to fail exams and even fail subjects (in their defense, it's a tough university), but it's still mindblowing how they put so much effort and get relatively poor results...
Meanwhile I study 10hs a week tops and never failed a test, currently top 3 in my class, lol. I just pay attention and ask a lot of (essential) questions during class. And I'm usually the only person who even dares to ask questions during classes.

>> No.10498594


> That does not describe the characteristics of a great scientist at all. Those are the characteristics of a SLAVE

Science needs a lot of "slaves" to do the grunt work. These characteristics are perfect for the majority of work in science. Innovations propagates hierarchically . We need innovators, but only a few. If there's many innovators, we will struggle with putting the innovations to use.

>> No.10498608


As with everything else, truly creative work is for the few. Even in "creative fields" like music, most people are muscians/technicians, which doesn't need to be creatively demanding at all. For most it isn't. The creatives in music are the writers or musicians that in some way have writing incorporated into their musicianship.

>> No.10498619


Therefore I say, regardless of their aptitude for innovation, women are welcome and needed in science. You "innovators" should be happy that they want to do this. You are left free to be the next Newton :)

>> No.10498624


Or are you angry that they are taking your place in the application hierarchy? Too bad Mr. Innovator.

>> No.10498638


Probably the most accurate posts in this thread (apart from my own posts).

>> No.10498643


Oh yeah, and this >>10495762 too of course.

>> No.10498676

I could swear I had posted here before but I can't find my post so I'll say it again: Women can suck dicks and spread her legs for better grades.

>> No.10498747


Any guy in science that are bitter towards women and their "advantages" are so because they are seeing them as actual competitors. In your mind, this should be a very embarrasing realization. The real chads in science are happy for all sorts of things women bring to the table, including that.