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10492389 No.10492389 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he so based?

>> No.10492391


>> No.10492406

Remember when he actually posted science videos instead of exclusively stretching his opinion pieces to nearly 25 minutes? Not to say I don't agree with a lot of his views, I just miss the cool science shit and am tired of him bagging on the same few things all the time. He does a good enough job debunking the first time around, so why make 2 or 3 more 16 minute videos laughing at x retard except to get that nectary ad revenue? I think his science stuff mostly moved to his patreon, but I'll be fucked sideways before I'll donate money just to see the things I came to him for in the first place.

>> No.10492408
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>t. delusional muskcuck
Does anybody else have a f00tfetish?

>> No.10492422

When he makes a video about an original topic it’s usually pretty good. The reason everyone hates him is because he won’t stop making “debunking” videos on the exact same topics.

>> No.10492446

This. There's only so many 'Anita Sarkeesian is x' where x is stupid, dumb, an idiot, etc videos one can stomach before shit gets old.

>> No.10492469

I don't know or care what thunderfaggot said about space guy. All I know is that 40 minute long videos of him rambling and raving about [thing he doesnt like] is insufferable. Jesus what a faggot he is. Imagine actually enjoying his content l.

>> No.10492478

Thunderf00t is a washed up faggot who failed at academia and has never done anything of merit other than post videos of his own autistic screeching. He is an example of what NOT to become.

>> No.10492480

He doesn’t debunk her either. It’s just cherry picking and straw men

>> No.10492491

Even supposing he did raise cogent arguements against her: you have to be 14 or have the mentality of 14 year old to find that sort of content interesting. It's going after the lowest possible hanging fruit. He wants the "Ben Shapiro trolls libs epic style" audience.

>> No.10492500

“OMG le epic sjws owned” is a phase that some people between 8 and 20 go through that ends with them growing out of it or becoming /pol/tards. It probably started with the atheism content on young YouTube, unfortunately.

>> No.10492533

>atheism content on young YouTube, unfortunately.
It absolutely does. Theamazingatheist, thunderf00t, mistermetokur, all those faggots.

>> No.10492547

Watching a thunderfoot video is like seeing a superpermutation.

>> No.10492569

>>10492533 Only a very few like Potholer54 stuck with strictly religious or science-related topics, and there’s a handful of newer small channels that only do that sort of thing like Professor Stick and Viced Rhino, but the majority of “””content”””creators of that sort cover exclusively social issues and politics. I don’t like using the term but it’s “cringe”. There’s literally hundreds of channels with weird animal avatars or people in suits (Logicked, Bearing, TL;DR, Rags) that do nothing but talk about what some feminist did somewhere for an audience of teenagers. The worst end is probably Black Pidgeon Speaks who openly endorses white genocide conspiracy theories and removing the right to vote from women.

>> No.10493440
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>> No.10494486
