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10486975 No.10486975[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is homosexuality a mental illness?

>> No.10486989

I dont know i guess a person likes what they like, but good question

>> No.10486993

No but being a tranny is

>> No.10486999

A better question is why is it that nearly every frogposter thread is a useless shitpost? I’ve noticed a strong correlation between the poor quality of a thread and the presence of a pepe in the op

>> No.10487000

Depends on how you define mental illness, i would personally consider the inability to pass on your genes through conventional means an illness

>> No.10487001


>> No.10487004

No more so than any other abstract identification. Like capitalist, scientist or materialist.

>> No.10487014

It can be depending on circumstances. The WHO recognizes ego-dystonic sexual orientation as a disorder.

>> No.10487028

being anything but celibate is a mental illness.

>> No.10487030

Both are mental illnesses

>> No.10487047

By definition, no, as being homosexual is harmless. You’re twenty years out of date.

You’re personally a retard then.

>> No.10487055

Neither are by definition.

>> No.10487089

The definition of mental illness is subjective and should primarily rely on the subject who is tested. A condition that neither inflicts harm on the subject himself nor on his environment may not be defined a mental illness. This has already been defined so in 1890.

>> No.10487098

Wasnt it removed from the list of mental illnesses to appease (((them)))?

>> No.10487110

Yes. Let me explain why.

Homosexuals willingly put their sex organ into a hole full of poo. This is a mental illness. To put something used for reproduction into a pit of decay and disease is a mental illness.

Furthermore putting your dick in a womans poohole also qualifies you as mentally ill.

>> No.10487116
File: 11 KB, 645x773, 1548485522581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't pol. This is the apex forum of our civilization. lol so your brain is formed in the uterus and fragmented by section. When you come alive, your brain compiles sexuality.exe. You just run sexualdesire.exe and that's that. It's supposed to lead to miracleoflife.exe or not depending on sexuality.exe
The only sad part is the criteria of selection for mental illness that retarded OP has.

>> No.10487118
File: 58 KB, 134x159, minushalf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would a person born out of a homosexual act look like?

>> No.10487171

>Doesn’t this fit into my schizoprenic delusions


>> No.10487216

“Homosexuals willingly put their sex organ into a hole full of poo. This is a mental illness. To put something used for reproduction into a pit of decay and disease is a mental illness.
Furthermore putting your dick in a womans poohole also qualifies you as mentally ill.”


>> No.10487232

>By definition, no, as being homosexual is harmless.
Statistically untrue, they have significantly higher rates of disease and suicide compared to the general population. Sure looks like a mental illness to me.

>> No.10487239

>Correlation equates to causation

Brilliant /pol/tard shits on the floor.

>> No.10487261

It's a descriptive claim, not a normative one. It's a fact, nothing more. You can look for reasons why it's the case, but it doesn't change the facts, and people should be treated accordingly.

>> No.10487266

That’s Apu Apustaja not Pepe

>> No.10487267
File: 17 KB, 459x185, correlation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying correlation doesn't correlate with causation
nice fucking platitude anon

>> No.10487275

You realize there's basically no physical manifestation of many mental illnesses? Imagine someone saying the same shit about the symptoms of schizophrenia.
>If symptoms are present, your doctor will perform a complete medical history and physical examination. Although there are no laboratory tests to specifically diagnose schizophrenia, the doctor might use various diagnostic tests — such as MRI or CT scans or blood tests — to rule out physical illness as the cause of your symptoms.

>> No.10487287

It is a mental condition (every proclivity is).
Whether it is an illness or not depends on if it is detrimental.
It might not be detrimental by itself but combined with the existence of STDs, it can be detrimental.
It might not be gayness itself but instead the gay culture that is the problem.
If multiple partners, unprotected sex, or drug use (needles) are correlated with gay culture, you would expect STDs to afflict the practitioners of the culture.

>> No.10487300

It must be causative to qualify as a mental illness. It isn’t, so stop shitting.

Literally irrelevant.

>> No.10487308

>Literally irrelevant.
How do you diagnose schizophrenia? It's entirely correlation based

>> No.10487327

Yes, far more so than autism or arachnophobia .