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10484725 No.10484725 [Reply] [Original]

Somebody give me the basic gestalt on /nofap/. I heard this was the board to go to for concrete answers.

>> No.10484740

(not so) quick rundown

There's one study conducted in china that shows increased T from abstaining for porn and masturbation for 7 days, which has benefits that start to decline after that week is over.

then you have the hype: everyone going around and telling us all that we shouldn't do it because it takes our nutrients and energy away.
Then they cite intelligent people who did less of the masturbation that the average joe throughout history.

then the "Save western civilization" retards who say you should lift weights and get a trad wife or whatever... which is a pipe dream, or the self improvement gurus who say it will improve your attractiveness to women.

So my take away on the idea space on the current topic is this:
1. nutrients can be replenished fast (if you have the food available), 2.there is no biological grounds for having negative health impacts from doing frequently, and finally, 3. women don't care if you jerk off or not. They care if you have a symmetric face, body, good genes, hygiene, directive in life, and aren't completely retarded.

Just don't do it in excess.. assess how it affects you right afterwards... make sure it isn't psychologically distracting you from life (you shouldn't be thinking about porn while you are working).
Don't do it to the point of exhaustion, and don't be messy- clean your peen

>> No.10484748


>> No.10484782

see >>10484740

>> No.10484788

>assess how it affects you right afterwards
how should it? is there a standard for that?

>> No.10484804

Modernity has made people lost identity and morals and stability. Therfore a bunch of low iq teen boys think not jerking off will somehow change everything.
Why, if ya stop jerking your bologna pony, then a wife, job, friends, and people who like you will just falll out of the sky dont ya know.

Its all bro science junk garbage.

Secularized asceticism, but even worse because the religious ascetics did it for divine reward or to ease suffering.

These faggots do it because they have no self control.

To deny oneself pleasure is to deny oneself life

>> No.10484810

Self control is good

>> No.10484821

Not that anon but sometimes instead of the normal afterglow some people experience extreme tiredness and other symptoms that would be considered negative or time-wasting and should be avoided. The entire point is that you do it because it feels good and it feels good because you should do it and by that I mean sex and reproduction in the grand scheme of evolution. If you are so into it that you are rubbing yourself raw or you swing so hard from the high of peak to a point so low you need a nap then you should probably abstain.

>> No.10485180

noporn > nofap
Still, it's good for teaching yourself some discipline.

>> No.10485292

Your testicles make sperm without a moment of respite. Non stop.

Old sperm is not useful - most of its is damaged and has no ability to reach the egg or if ever will result in retarded kid.

You can not masturbate all you want but after two weeks you will have erotic dreams and wake up to see yoy have soiled your bed in what is called night pollution. Your organism will flush old sperm from the system itself.

So abstaining from masturbation for longer time not only changes nothing especially, it actually increases risks of prostate or testicular cancers. Or other shit.

Masturbation is both like test-firing your cannon and cleaning it. Also throwing away old and damaged amunition so fresh stock is always on hand.

Also nofaps are bullshit.

Still, being fixated on porn is not healthy and one week is in no way a extreme value.

>> No.10485313

>women don't care if you jerk off or not. They care if you have a symmetric face, body, good genes, hygiene, directive in life, and aren't completely retarded.
mostly they care that you are manly and have nice shoes, for some reason.

>> No.10485458

You've come up with a defense of masturbating once a fortnight, not jerking yourself to a screen daily.

>> No.10485478

>You can not masturbate all you want but after two weeks you will have erotic dreams and wake up to see yoy have soiled your bed in what is called night pollution. Your organism will flush old sperm from the system itself.

not true at all

I'm at 4 weeks no-orgasms. I remember having one sex dream in that time period but never had a wet dream. So don't pretend like it is some kind of bilogical law that it will happen.

I also didn't watch any porn in that time - so maybe that's a factor as well.

The only benefit I can see so far, is that I seem to be less tired.

>> No.10486600

>The only benefit I can see so far, is that I seem to be less tired.
There are a lot of factors that can make you feel less tired, you have no way whatsoever of knowing it's a benefit of not faping.

>> No.10486610


>> No.10486674
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The notable results of masturbation are a reduction of libido, reinforcement of repressive Oedipal complexes and a temporary aesthetic release from suffering.

The libido would otherwise manifest as aggression. i.e it makes one more likely to act without provocation. That aggression will initially invest in acquiring spirit and intuition through higher functions, without which it would manifest as carnal agitation of the animal body.

Philosophy and spirituality put a lot of emphasis on 'will' and 'desire' because they are the core components for not just spiritual practice but for 'human practice' itself. Through orgasm we reinforce what is usually a very well maintained Oedipal cell, and a continuous cycle of 'futile' libido.

The temporary aesthetic release from suffering will content and drive the ego into further futile striving and suffering. The largest loss here is from this is the opportunity at denial of the will-to-life.

>> No.10486864

Put on a trip so I can filter your dumbass

>> No.10487192


yet more willpower than you will ever have

>> No.10487199


>> No.10487224

Fapping is a divine act that brings you closer to God.
Sex is a satanic act that destroys you.
People who masturbate a lot and don't have sex, attract Satan who wants to corrupt them and puts in their minds silly ideas like /nofap/.

>> No.10487500

hail eris

>> No.10487508
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There's a lot of bad opinions in this thread, mostly, i suspect from people who cannot nofap.

To summarize, as far as I know there is no scientific consensus on the use of porn, (or fapping). But there is a very good argument that being exposed to extremely atractive prospective mates (porn, or a qt3.14) was a rather rare experience for our ancestors. For millions of years.
We exist in a tiny sliver of a couple of generations that have access to porn, cigarettes, junk food, entertainment, etc..
Most of which will destroy your body if consumed indiscriminately.
I would posit that regular consumption of porn represents an over-stimulation to several mental, psychological etc.. mechanisms.
Getting such a strong neurochemical blast (as one does when fapping to pron) is not normal.

I don't pretend to know what is good or not, but you should consider how this behavior could affect your brain's reward system, and thus other aspects of your life.


>> No.10487514

Have talked to women who think that men jacking off too much is the cause of them having trouble finding a good man

Explain that huh?!

>> No.10488001

Excessive porn use fucks up reward mechanisms in your brain. Just try nofap for a couple months. What do you have to lose? At worst it's a good exercise in stoicism.

t. Quit porn, fapping and videogames 5 years ago.

>> No.10488010
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This is a good thread.
Much better than the (initial) replies here.


>> No.10489579

Also if you feel guilt afterwards, it could be a side-effect of some fucked up parenting or religion or something, but regardless, if it makes you feel bad, cut it out. Also if you want to avoid being desensitized to hotness. That is, you don't want to be that guy who looks at a photo of Keira Knightley and says "omg flat 3/10 would not bang" because then you are never going to get laid or be satisfied in any reasonable relationship.

But keep fapping. Do it for your prostate.

>> No.10489584

Why haven't you quit 4chan?

>> No.10489599

/nofap/ is 10000% bullshit. There is zero scientific evidence for it and if anything evidence to the contrary.

That said I understand why people came up with this idea. I also occurred to me. But it is a correlation rather than a causation.

Man who fap a lot are usually recluse/hermits who have a lot of time by themselves. This cause depression and it also gives them lots of opportunity to fap a lot. So then they think that fapping is what is causing the depression.
Then for some reason they stop being a recluse for a week (vacation maybe) and they don't fap for that week because they are around people and don't have space/time and also they feel less depressed. So again they think that fapping causes depression.

Actually it's being a recluse/hermit that causes the depression.

>> No.10489607

No, your body will break down old sperm and reclaim the proteins and nutrients.

>> No.10489769
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>> No.10489795

From pure experience, excessive amounts of porn or anything that stimulates you sexually just makes you more and more depraved, little by little.

>> No.10490298

This should be a copypasta for the weekly nofap thread on /sci/.

>> No.10491929

>night pollution
Always heard it called wet dreams
regardless I've never had one

>> No.10492505

is there a difference to using porn vs jacking off to hot co-workers/friends? If anything, jacking off to hot friends is much more delicious. I only jack off to porn when I don't want to feel guilty about doing it, especially when that hot friend is married.

>> No.10492564
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>> No.10493024

Very cultlike attitude, no real scientific evidence, just try it and if it works for you keep doing it.

>> No.10493624

>women don't care if
Stopped reading there, why would you care about what women think?

>> No.10494224

It's sure as hell true for me. If I stop fapping for a week suddenly every woman looks 4x more enticing than they would otherwise and days where time is spent in the vicinity of a particularly attractive woman will often induce a wet dream that night.

Keep in mind that I'm no teenager – I'm in my 30s now – and still this happens every time I abstain. Needless to say I don't abstain if I don't have to if only for peace of mind. It sucks to constantly get turned on at the wrong times and have to clean up messes in the middle of the night.

>> No.10494303
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>anri will never do porn again
I want off this timeline

>> No.10494746

>what is called night pollution
...by redditards, but it's known medically as "nocturnal emission".

>> No.10494763

Best thing in this thread.

>> No.10494835
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>They care if you have a symmetric face
ah yes, women love that failed abortion look.

>> No.10494906
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> I heard this was the board to go to for concrete answers.
Can't tell if bait or retarded /pol/cuck

>> No.10494919

> Have talked to women
You sure did, champ

>> No.10495635

If not a troll, keep in mind that this site is full of porn shills
Its basically financed by porn sites so any1 with good arguments against porn propably doesnt post here.
Why would they share their knowledge anyway?

>> No.10495675

At what should stop doing it anons? I'm 21 and i feel like it's a teenager thing that i have to stop myself from doing it. or does it has nothing to with age?

>> No.10495678

Thank you, Dr. Anon.

>> No.10495689

You'll get too much sperm in your balls.

>> No.10495690


>> No.10495811

There are enough studies on why nofap is a good thing. But other anons said though that a natural process can (but does not have to or necessarily have to) happen in which old sperm is flushed from your system. This does not necessarily have to include wet or erotic dreams as well.

I think the greatest mistake though that many people make is that absolute sexual abstinence isn't really the big goal of NoFap. The goal of NoFap is to get people off from masturbating to pornography. There are indeed studies that prove that pornography can have similar effects like when you're addicted to any kind of drug. When watching porn daily or very often, at some point your dopamine levels will not release as much dopamine as they did from the start. This results in looking for more "hardcore" porn until you reach the point of absolute (as I would call it) degenerancy. It also, and we need to admit that as well, includes the objectification of woman and man.

Stop watching porn. Do not masturbate daily, but only masturbate in regular intervals. Personally I masturbate only once in 2 months.

>> No.10495842

One notices again how some Anons act up as experts and doctors, but actually have no idea of the topic. It's best to keep your mouth shut if you have no idea.

>Your organism will flush old sperm from the system itself. So abstaining from masturbation for longer time not only changes nothing especially, it actually increases risks of prostate or testicular cancers. Or other shit.

What an absolute BS and nonsense. Dumbest thing I read here today. No, the system will not flush old sperm, and especially not necessarily and only if we indeed consider wet dreams as something daily.

What the body actually does for most of the old sperm is that it will re-absorb the old sperm. Any sperm cells that are not ejaculated die, and their contents are recycled and re-absorbed by the body. Just like billions of other cells in your body every day. Your body is continually under renovation, as billions of cells divide and billions more die. There is nothing special about sperm cells in that regard.

The very state of some faggots here in /sci/ trying to be 'experts' but only realizing once again that none of you actually got a clue what they talk about. No, idiots. Reading one study or one article about the topic does NOT make you an expert.

>> No.10495876

I could probably cut out porn without much issue (easy enough to get the job with mental imagery) but I'd still have to wank at least 1-2 times per week. If I didn't I'd be constantly distracted by women in my day-to-day when I'd really rather be focused on other things.

>> No.10495896

I see what you mean. In that case (at least, I recommend) it requires willpower and in fact your situation is even a good anchor to toughen and master focus and concentration. All the benefits of NoFap are not always some shit anons tell for hype. It is because of distractions or the like, one is usually necessitated (if you are serious) to increase your concentration on work, study, etc., which of course improves your cognitive abilities. But this is very individual for everyone. Everybody has their own individual limit. And the goal is to go to the limit, so that you can develop further afterwards. In principle it's the same as with training your muscles.

>> No.10496750

The real answer is you have no choice in the matter, abstain and your body will punish you for it according to the genes you have inherited. And just like trying to find a magic diet, there is no one diet that Homo sapiens thrive on. We adapt and move on or we die.

>> No.10496880

remember to always use a women or a toy since using your hand can tear your dick muscles

>> No.10496934

I jerk of daily. Is that too much?
I don't talk about these things with people.

>> No.10496966


>> No.10496988

Does jacking of to instagram selfies count as porn. Is noporn just jacking off using you imagination?

>> No.10496991
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asking the real questions here

>> No.10497001

that is bad too
this is just my $0.22, though
think about it as hard as you can

>> No.10497008
File: 55 KB, 251x251, 1387997007570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scope instaho
>set in on photo
>stare real hard
>encode image into mind
>immediately close tab, go about your day
>get ornery later

>> No.10497028

Ara araa

>> No.10497686

>being this autistic

>> No.10497778

>Somebody give me the basic gestalt on /nofap/.
It's religiously-motivated pseudoscience.

>> No.10498239

Nice pic OP

>> No.10498437

Most dudes as well.
I'm actually trying to do it once a week as a form of "reward" for doing my tasks and keeping my work on time.

>> No.10498975

I do it daily, it helps me to sleep. I mentioned it to my doc, there is no physiological or psychological issue with jerking of daily.

>> No.10499260
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>imagine being such a poor male specimen that you basically get the flu after each orgasm

>> No.10499301

thanks autist

>> No.10499325

That we know of.
Its possible that masturbating daily is only possible with porn or an equivalent amount of fertile and attractive real mates.
So.. it's really unlikely that our ancestors engaged in daily masturbation, I think it's more likely that they either fucked a lot or didn't. I reckon masturbation wasn't as common as it is right now.

And.. well maybe that fucks up some reward system in your brain?

>> No.10499331

Even becoming aroused is detrimental as it induces hypofrontality so that you cannot sit down and debate whether this opportunity to mate is a good idea, at least what your body thinks is mating. This has an evolutionary basis because if we sat around thinking about the merits of engaging in sex, then, humans may have long ago gone extinct. This isn't an endorsement of it, no the opposite! It is a sign that we need to overcome this innate limitation instead of accepting it, and the only way to succeed is to prevent it from unfolding in the first place.

Sexual arousal induces hypofrontality, impairing working memory and executive performance:
>Pornographic picture processing interferes with working memory performance.

>Sexual Arousal Decreases the Functional Synchronization Between Cortical Areas in Young Men

>The Impact of Sexual Arousal on Sexual Risk-Taking and Decision-Making in Men and Women.

Adverse effects of sexual excess on the brain:

>Brain structure and functional connectivity associated with pornography consumption: the brain on porn.
Shows a loss of gray matter in the right caudate of the striatum from pornography indulgence.

Literally stronger than drug urges:
>Craving Responses to Methamphetamine and Sexual Visual Cues in Individuals With Methamphetamine Use Disorder After Long-Term Drug Rehabilitation.
"that sexual demand might be more robust than drug demand"

>> No.10499356
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Based on the assumption that pornography consumption bears resemblance with reward-seeking behavior, novelty-seeking behavior, and addictive behavior, we hypothesized alterations of the frontostriatal network in frequent users.

In a study conducted at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, Germany, 64 healthy male adults covering a wide range of pornography consumption reported hours of pornography consumption per week. Pornography consumption was associated with neural structure, task-related activation, and functional resting-state connectivity.

We found a significant negative association between reported pornography hours per week and gray matter volume in the right caudate (P<.001, corrected for multiple comparisons) as well as with functional activity during a sexual cue-reactivity paradigm in the left putamen (P<.001). Functional connectivity of the right caudate to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was negatively associated with hours of pornography consumption.

The negative association of self-reported pornography consumption with the right striatum (caudate) volume, left striatum (putamen) activation during cue reactivity, and lower functional connectivity of the right caudate to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex could reflect change in neural plasticity as a consequence of an intense stimulation of the reward system, together with a lower top-down modulation of prefrontal cortical areas. Alternatively, it could be a precondition that makes pornography consumption more rewarding.

>> No.10499519

What constitutes pornography to studies like these anyway? Is it just any kind of porn or generic silicone thot humping or what?

>> No.10499582

Best explanation of it that I've seen is from BAP, who argues that it's a sort of cargo cult that presumes it can get back an older form of masculine vitality from the pre-modern era.

Problem is that it mistakes a symptom for a cause - animals breed once they have conquered space, it's another outlet for that vitality. Before that, they use it for conquering territory for themselves.

In the modern era, there is no space to conquer, everything is entirely owned space, so our brains decide now is the time to breed. Trouble is, the current social setup also discourages the kind of coupling seen in the past, so while sex is freer, very often you have less chance to breed.

For introverted minds, this works poorly, hence masturbation becomes the outlet for that energy.

To put it simply: simply restraining your urges is a temporary, difficult fix. To actually solve it, you need to put your energy towards conquering something.

I predict that expansion to other planets will drastically change this setup, you'll find the current degeneracy collapsing when people actually have something worth fighting for

>> No.10499632

>>There are enough studies on why nofap is a good thing.
And all of those """studies""" are by the same 4 people

>> No.10499653

The average nofap retard:
- religion and his contrarian parents told him that masturbation is a big no-no even though they did it too
- he's usually a failure so he sometimes spends a considerable amount of time fapping.
- His morals still tell him that what he's doing must be bad
- He joins some echo chamber like the nofap reddit sub where he shares his experience with other retards
- now motivated he tries nofap and it "works", because he also does other things to fix his life
- he will never admit that he was the reason that he was a failure, instead he blames porn
- he now lives with permanent boners and wet dreams every night because he's retarded like that

>> No.10500239

Ok, but how do I get rid of the death-grip sensation?

>> No.10500373

I don't exactly follow this line of thinking but for several years now I've believed that humans are overdue for a new true frontier. When humans go too long without somewhere to put excess energy or some way to release pressure they start getting real weird real quick.

>> No.10500607

I wouldn't claim all the aspects of this are true for everyone, there are parts I can relate to and parts that I can't, so there's likely to be variance, as also seen in some of the other replies.

One thing I have noticed is that after about a week it is fairly common to get a noticeably more viscus emission in my urine, which I take as the system cleaning out old sperm.
It's entirely possible that the effectiveness of this varies from man to man. I also experienced several years in my late 20s where I had nocturnal emission two or three times a week for no apparent reason (I wasn't a particularly masturbater trying to abstain, for example).

As it stands, at this time masturbating once a week pretty much keeps me functioning as I would call normal.

>> No.10500618

There's plenty of things to do,now. People just fail to channel their energy into something productive for whatever reasons.

"We need to go to space" is a pie in the sky. Technology and progress won't fix basic human failings.

>> No.10500624

Please give me more Okita Anri nice picture like OP. Sets I usually fine don't show her as pretty. Either too made up or too nsfw

>> No.10500645

It’s a shitty meme made up by virgins

>> No.10500664

This sounds plausible also from another angle. When you binge on porn, you're driven to seek more and more niche taboo shit to fap to. Perhaps this is an attempt to conquer a frontier within porn.

>> No.10500669

Not a nofappist but I must admit that being pent up feels kind of motivating.

>> No.10500705

Good post for covering the physiological aspect, but there is something to be discussed regarding the psychological effects of receiving the reward of sex without actually getting any sex, and what it might do to your behaviour patterns.

I think this aspect of it is understudied.

>> No.10500804

Take a load at this porn shill

>> No.10500811

> lifting weights and getting a moral wife is a pipe dream

This is the guy who posts about no muscle and no gf

>> No.10500832
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Nofap is a legit solution to some problems that most nofappers probably don't have. The truth is that bad fapping habits may cause some problem like deathgrip or porn induced ED. The obvious solution is to stop touching your dick for a while and work on fixing the issue.
Redditors however decide to stop fapping indefinitely for retarded reasons such as muh T and muh "sexual energy", whatever that may be. It's not only dumb but also utterly unrealistic to never wank again.
Basically if your dick is functioning fine, there's no reason to nofap. Even if there are problems odds are porn is the reason and not fapping itself.

>> No.10500929

Bc of this there is no reason to find a gf
Who is going to fund ur pension?
It is realistic btw for example by having a gf

>> No.10501007

Nope. But nice try.

>> No.10501290

did you read the studies?
they include methodology

>> No.10501298

yeah, whats interesting is how quick some people are to dismiss this idea
are they too invested in their relationship to porn?
are they angry that others try to improve themselves?

>> No.10501316
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>> No.10501317

>The notable results of masturbation are a reduction of libido, reinforcement of repressive Oedipal complexes and a temporary aesthetic release from suffering.

And an increasingly disgusting sock.

>> No.10501320

Compared to the other boards, though...

>> No.10501323

youre not supposed to use the same one

>> No.10501325

care to elaborate on what is wrong with OP?

>> No.10501328

I always felt that nofap should actually be about porn addiction witch is a real problem

>> No.10501340

nofap just attracts attention to the fact that porn consumption is not natural and probably distruptive to the reward mechanisms of the brain.

>> No.10501364


It's bullshit similar to what Kellogg was trying to do. It's basically bad data from brain studies + old myths that encourage suppression of male sexuality

>> No.10501365

Ahh, should have thought of that...