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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10484651 No.10484651 [Reply] [Original]

9th grade

10th grade
>algebra 1

11th grade
>algebra 2 + geometry

and you graduate after 11th

>> No.10484687
File: 561 KB, 798x774, 1552767798700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ye, but I got a lot of free college credits from 12 grade

>> No.10484696

the college system has to change

>> No.10484697

Can't tell if bait or OP is just really bad at math.

>> No.10484699

Highschool should become a specialty school. You start a career in your interest and get education like that. Some people don't need algebra or geometry.

>> No.10484702

what did i do wrong you whore

>> No.10484704

6th grade pre-algebra
7th grade algebra
8th grade geometry
9th grade algebra 2
10th grade precalc
11th grade calculus
12th grade diff eq's + linear algebra

Learning calculus in a high school setting is infinitely better than college courses

>> No.10484706

>Expecting 14/15 year olds to properly pick what career they want.
This is dumb.

>> No.10484707


>> No.10484708

Did your schools never do a career day? Honestly it's best for people to choose at a young age.

>> No.10484709

6th grade pre-algebra
7th grade algebra
8th grade geometry

9th grade algebra 2
10th grade precalc
11th grade calculus

fuck 12th grade

>> No.10484711

fuck 12th grade. Kids should gradute early fucking whore

>> No.10484713

>expecting 14/15 year olds to know what they even like

>> No.10484714

>Honestly it's best for people to choose at a young age.
If you are being charitable young people are idealistic.
If you are being honest young people are dumb as rocks with little to no long term thinking ability and absolutely no knowledge of the real world.

>> No.10484715

>not forcing 14/15 year olds to be something they don't want to be.

>> No.10484717

>Not having an narrowing interest by that age.
Oh no no no

>> No.10484719

Don't get angry because you couldn't into calculus like the rest of us. This is the math and science board. If you don't want to go to school >>>/diy/ is that way.

>> No.10484784

>creating calculus vs learning it

>> No.10484790

Are you retarded?

>> No.10484793

>Not having various interests and being a one-dimensional being

Just because the job market demands specialists these days it doesn't mean we're born that way. Most brilliant people from Ancient Greece, Rome and the Renaissance were generalists. At 15 I wasn't even that sure I preferred sciences over humanities.

>> No.10484795

no you're

>> No.10484797
File: 119 KB, 1216x970, sci education reform.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10484802

>single variable calculus in 7th grade
every time

>> No.10484820

You can tell a brainlet wrote this bc they put QM after stat mech and particle concurrent with QM

>> No.10484826


>> No.10484833

>particle concurrent with QM
That's not how high school works
>bc they put QM after stat mech
That's normal. Most Chem programs do that.

>> No.10484838

you missed philosophy and analisys, cuck. why do you want so much algebra? are you gay or what? only degenerates give algebra lectures

>> No.10484839

High schoolers already regard calculus as the pinnacle of difficult math. Expecting them to be able to handle it at 7th grade is delusional, but I guess the idea is to basically grind out all the students and only the talented ones will barely struggle through.

>> No.10484869
File: 274 KB, 898x374, CS viewpoints.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>High schoolers already regard calculus as the pinnacle of difficult math
And? They're wrong.

>> No.10484882

Math is fucking impossible to teach because if ONE teacher screws up along this 12+ year chain, some fundamentals are missed and the next courses seem impossible and discouraging. I only ever learned Algebra II (had a shitty teacher) when I started Calculus (had a good teacher) and realized fuck I need this/this is useful here.

>> No.10484883

They are wrong, but that shows the level of ability you can actually expect from a high schooler.

>> No.10484921

Calculus/analysis is the pinnacle of math, you dumb algebrashits

>> No.10484993

I think the German system is like this;career-oriented

>> No.10485001


>> No.10485037

I can't imagine being this stupid.

>> No.10485044

Just replace teachers with khan academy lol

>> No.10485181

Can someone please explain WTF is happening in this picture?
Are those cats dead?

>> No.10485683

pre-high school
>pre-alg, alg1, geometry, alg2
>pre-calc at your local high school

9th grade
>BC calc
>Bio (AP ideally)

10th grade
>chem (AP ideally)

11th grade
>AP Physics C (calc based, no pussy shit)

12th grade
>calc based prob and stat
>You pick science
>English (calc based)

Ultimate track. You finish all your math requirements even before going to university.

>> No.10485699

thats cuz chem people dont actually understand stat mech

>> No.10485700


9th grade
> pizza

10th grade

11th grade
> pizza

and you die from diabetes and a stroke after 11th

>> No.10485704

That's why the fundamentals of calculus (which is what motivates most HS math) should be taught at the front of and during the course of other math coursework. It allows for a huge number of actually fucking interesting problems to be looked at, at least non-rigorously if a teacher somewhere in that chain fucks up, and then you might actually come up with a reason why you should fill that gap in your knowledge since there's a real motivation behind it.

>> No.10485707

holy shit hes really gone and done it this time

>> No.10485732

A fix we can actually apply for our brainlet schooling system for math
9th grade
> geometry + geometric calculus
> physics with conservation, experimentation, and approximate (discrete) calculus

10th grade:
> algebra II and trig, example problems to learn properties of functions use computing the delta-epsilon definition
> chemistry with statistics and primer on ergodicity

11th grade
>calculus + transforms
>biology + biophysics and ODE

12th grade (for people who want to go towards STEM)
>linear algebra
>Comp Sci + Computational Physics (project based)
>intro to design/engineering