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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 623 KB, 480x600, ImpracticalHopefulArmedcrab.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10482539 No.10482539 [Reply] [Original]

Has the "out of Africa" thesis been overturned? Are we all Asians?

>> No.10482556 [DELETED] 

If everyone: whites, niggers, spicks and chinks were all beautiful I think nobody would give a shit about race anymore. If you had a big black goddes or a cute jap gf not even your redneck granps would give a shit

>> No.10482597

i ain't from africa, im from crenshaw mafia.

>> No.10482616

>blacks left africa hairless
>overwhelming majority of humans are hairless

>> No.10482622

Your ancestors were black.
You are black.

>> No.10482625

>as the "out of Africa" thesis been overturned? Are we all Asians?

Homo sapiens originate from Africa.



>> No.10482629
File: 43 KB, 666x666, 1497247521138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans are a hybrid race of different homo species. The proportion of these species decide what race you are

Homo Sapiens + Homo Neanderthalis
>East Asians
Homo Sapiens + Homo Neanderthalis + Homo Denisovan
>South East Asians
Homo Sapiens + Denisovan + Erectus
Pure Homo Sapiens
>Native Americans
Homo Sapiens + Denisovan
These are the most genetically diverse 80% of Homo genes are in Africans while the rest of the human species only share the other 20% unique homo genes. We aren't sure but we expect at least 8 additional homo species to be mixed within different African populations. The genetic difference between 2 africans is higher than between every other 2 humans. We know that at least one of them is homo habilis.

So to answer your question is the "out of Africa" overturned. The answer is both Yes and No. Homo Sapiens which is a homo species that is present in all modern humans did originate in Africa. But the other homo species with which we're hybrids (except aboriginals) didn't originate in Africa. Neanderthals were European. Denisovan were asian. And these also gave these races their specific features. Denisovans had very flat faces with flat wide noses as seen in all asian races. Neanderthals had light colored hair, eyes and white skin as seen in Caucasians and (less so) in East Asians

If you want to know how your ancestor looked like on the homo sapiens side look at aboriginals in Australia as they are the closest to the ancestors that raped your neanderthal ancestors to create the modern you.

>> No.10482632
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>We aren't sure but we expect at least 8 additional homo species to be mixed within different African populations
What reason is there to assume 100% pure Homo Sapien left Africa?

>> No.10482637

Literally everything you said is wrong.

>> No.10482639

He’s lying. It’s a copy-pasta from /pol/ to give racetardism a veneer of authenticity


>> No.10482641
File: 150 KB, 1400x1050, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is common knowledge and I absolutely hate /pol/. If anything /pol/ is the one claiming otherwise.

>> No.10482644

“Common knowledge”
Looks like common knowledge is wrong. Aboriginals have both Neanderthal and denisovan DNA

>> No.10482645
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>> No.10482646

We're not sure 100% pure Homo Sapiens left africa but there are 100% pure homo sapiens found in both Africa and Australia which are the 2 only places they are found thus far.

>> No.10482649

Nope. Only Africans didn’t interbred with other homo species. Australians have Neanderthal and denisova DNA.

>> No.10482652


Is this bait? Where’s the evidence that SE Asians, and only SE Asians, have the DNA of homo erectus?

>> No.10482655

Africans have the highest diversity of genetics due to being interbred with at least 8 other homo species most of which are unknown to us

"Archaic African hominids" are used as a blanket term here for them. Some Swedish Aryan is more related to an Indian sweatshop worker than one African is to another African at the other side of its country. Africans have the biggest genetic diversity.

100% pure homo sapiens do occur in the australian population just like they occur in the African population as well which makes us figure that 100% pure homo sapiens went to australia first after which erectus, denisovan and neanderthal populations interbred with them afterwards.

>> No.10482663

>100% pure homo sapiens do occur in the australian population

They occur in the caucasoid and Asian populations, too. Not every caucasoid has Neanderthal DNA, but Australians do have it. Brainlet.

>> No.10482668

>They occur in the caucasoid and Asian populations
No they don't........ The term Caucasoid means by definition an admixture of homo sapiens + neanderthal DNA. East Asians always have denisovan DNA otherwise they'd not be Asians but australoids instead

>> No.10482674

“No they don't........ The term Caucasoid means by definition an admixture of homo sapiens + neanderthal DNA. ”

In what dictionary? The term “caucasoid” existed before any knowledge of sapiens interbreeding with Neanderthals existed, so that’s just a bold-faced lie. You’re retarded.

>East Asians always have denisovan DNA otherwise they'd not be Asians but australoids instead

Sorry but no one defines the imaginary, nonexistent races like that. Race isn’t real btw

>> No.10482676

every human has the dna of homo erectus as they came before us. people like to think the homo species are completely distinct from eachother but in reality the modern human is just a mash of previous species. these threads are also wrought with misinformation like
i assume this person is the same as the one i just linked
the term caucasoid means by definition from the caucasus mountains.

>> No.10482684

>every human has the dna of homo erectus as they came before us.

Erectus existed for over a million years. The ones that speciated into Neanderthals and sapiens were not the ones that said species later coexisted with.

>> No.10482690
File: 18 KB, 300x619, 9af0db07-b992-4e5a-9342-9ebbf681a9a8[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even sure what you're trying to say but erectus was both in africa and was out of it to 450k years ago m8
i am aware they aren't the direct predecessors to specific later species but they sure as shit contributed dna

>> No.10482697

I don’t like the classification of “Homo erectus”. There’s too much shit in it.

>> No.10482705

>100% pure Homo Sapien
L0Lno as if

>> No.10482735

No, homo sapiens is Africans having fucked Neanderthals.

>> No.10482741

Carbon dating is part of the Deception. Carbon has 6 neutrons, 6 protons and 6 Electrons. Dont believe in the deception

>> No.10482907

>What are isotopes

The difference in neutron count in certain unstable carbons like Carbon-12 is exactly how we do carbon dating.

>> No.10482931

The vast majority of carbon is not isotopes. My point still stands. The Beast of Revelation uses chemistry to disprove creation

>> No.10482939

Thanks, Beast! I’m glad he’s helped us disprove an old fairy tale.

>> No.10482957

How can the beat of revelation disprove something if that something is true?

You can only disprove something if it is false.

>> No.10482963

That is only a theory.

>> No.10482965

>only a theory

>> No.10482967

>Looks in the mirror
>See black skin
>"My ancestors being black is just a theory we wuz kangz you know?!"

>> No.10482970

>trusting mirrors

>> No.10482974

>Looks in the mirror
>See ubermensch
>Watch my ancestors on the telly
>See Untermensch

Question: How are we the same species?

>> No.10482976

Your ancestors were fish. You are a fish.

>> No.10482977
File: 50 KB, 599x478, 1506193127151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only thing you're seeing in the mirror, retard.

>> No.10482982

I know anon.
I think its kind of hot that you keep my picture in your folder!

>> No.10483000

Hasn't been overturned, all evidence points to out of Africa so far but it's still possible it's incorrect.

I'm not sure why out of Africa has so much controversy around it, it seems people have so much vested value in proving it wrong. Seems like people hold some part of their identity in when and where humans migrated.

>> No.10483004

Her ass needs to be colonized

>> No.10483005
File: 492 KB, 1024x824, 6z7fxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about middle easterners? Persians, Semites and Egyptians? What's the story behind that...

I know Semite means "highly honored", "elevated", could this be the way they saw themselves compared to other races? i.e. think of how we named our species homo sapiens= smart man. It is often said about the African bush tribes that they lack "the sacred spark"...

Did the Semites think highly of themselves because of the races around them?

>> No.10483011

All non-Africans carry neanderthal DNA.

>> No.10483034
File: 202 KB, 900x1960, 1490932259426.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semites thought highly of themselves since they were the cradle of civilization (Sumeria) and to this day still have the highest IQ out of all demographics


>> No.10483369

Stormfags want to disprove we are descendents of black people.

>> No.10483373

studip faggot

>> No.10483377

all start from the Sicily, everything is a bad copy. Sicily is the home of the civilization.

>> No.10483887

“ It is often said about the African bush tribes that they lack "the sacred spark"...”

Now you’re wrapping racism in magic.

>> No.10484238


>> No.10484246

That webm makes me want to study into Africa theory if you get what Im saying

>> No.10484354

> non-systematic nomenclature has meaning
Leave my board and never come back

>> No.10486004

Um, America?

>> No.10486376


>> No.10487846

There's no real proof to suggest that we did. Our races and their races had a common ancestor. Probably some shade of generic brown. But most probably not as black as niggerblack you see these days. They had the same amount of evolutionary time to refine that blackness as whities had to refine their whiteness.

>> No.10487902

Out-of-Africa theory is strongly supported by mitochondrial DNA but could ostensibly be overturned in the future.

This is a hugely reductionist and incorrect description of how early hominids intermixed. Virtually all human beings have neanderthal DNA, and the phenotypic differences between a caucasian and an asian have way more to do with climate adaptation than interbreeding with neanderthals.

>> No.10487914


Don’t exist. Stop using the term.

>> No.10488539

>being this desperate for (You)s

>> No.10488555

>and the phenotypic differences between a caucasian and an asian have way more to do with climate adaptation than interbreeding with neanderthals.

citation needed. western europe, northeast asia and the huge chunk of eurasia in between have temperate climates

>> No.10488567

Stop lying.

>> No.10488747

Fuck off, idiot

>> No.10489065

But that just begs the question: when did all the other human species leave Africa? Where did THEY come from?

>> No.10489145

Retarded question but why are we the only Homo genus left? How come the Hominidae family (of which Homo is part of) has 4 genera left each with their more than one species (except Homo). Is it just a taxonomical issue?

>> No.10489155
File: 65 KB, 500x375, tumblr_inline_mu5t7esTaw1rhe2o2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not racist against Aboriginies, but I suspect they have heavy archaic homo admixture. The abo skull in this pic doesn't look modern at all.

>> No.10490643

Haven't more recent fossils called it into question? A decade or so ago it was as solid as heliocentric solar system. But I've seen respectable people question it.

>> No.10490817

*insert alt-right hack youtuber here*

>> No.10490826

How has more midnight ass not been posted. Wow what a specimen

>> No.10490890

No one knows. The other Homo species could have gone extinct from disease, violent conflicts, or interbreeding with us.

>> No.10490917
File: 328 KB, 433x540, boner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10490993

australian aborigines aren't pure homo, they have neanderthal

>> No.10491027

cro-magnons = whites. nigs are essentially just archaic homo erectus most have some sort of admixture. whites have no homo erectus dna in their blood; their last common ancestor lived several million years ago

>> No.10491055


>> No.10491243

I was talking about Razib Khan. More paleo-conservative than alt-right.

>> No.10491254

Thats why its a deception. It makes something true seem false by switching up the parametres of proof

>> No.10491306


>> No.10491494
File: 20 KB, 300x512, anunnakifigurine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asians are anunaki

thats why they make best art and have small genitals

>> No.10491511


>> No.10491810

Same shit. A right-wing ideologue weirdo.

>> No.10492617

Why no adjustment for plate tectonics?

>> No.10492684

How can one be so confident yet so wrong?

>> No.10492688
File: 29 KB, 582x528, 1552699786328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that mean we waz all kangs?

>> No.10492766
File: 1.90 MB, 6460x3455, PISA Converted to IQ 2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you want to get political it was Gould who was caught with his hand in the cookie jar falsifying brain size results to make it appear as if the races are equal in total brain mass. Our side has been the side of truth, anon, as much as that is a bitter pill for you to swallow.


Btw this is the Jew York Times so don't give me crap about citing a right-wing source or whatever.

>> No.10492853

Idk how you think that's relevant, or how it justifies throwing all science in the trash and becoming a full blown conspiracy theorist.

>> No.10492856
File: 189 KB, 960x924, Onion Contrast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well fine, I'm not giving you a (you) either you piece of shit.

And I'm not throwing science in the trash, I'm just showing that it isn't the fucking "right-wing ideologue(s)" who are falsifying evidence. We don't require a religion of ideology to ignore the manifest reality of race, the horrible state of Africa and Mexico and so on that these people try and self-escape from by the millions, you do.

>> No.10492859


*religion of equality

>> No.10492869

Now post the best negro you have so we can all laugh at the inferior species.

>> No.10492917

The Abo skull isn't archaic homo at all. This is how many "pure" Homo sapiens skulls looked like prior to soft food and farming.

>> No.10492927

seriously why would a white person fuck this thing

it is so fucking disgusting

>> No.10492928

All fringe ideologues will try to manipulate science. On both sides. Gould got called out rightfully, just like Richard Lynn's manipulation of IQ data. You were literally defending far right-wing ideologues, calling it "our side," and justifying it by saying the far left does it too.

>> No.10493088

Brain volume =/= brain mass
Try again

>> No.10493320

you're 100% homo anon

>> No.10493347

Black skin like that is very attractive. Plus she has a beautiful face and a nice ass. Boobs a bit lacking.

>> No.10493367

>skin like that is very attractive
it makes me wanna puke my guts

her body is okaish, i don't really like that either, but she is way above the average

>> No.10493501

No it won't because the sector is full of africanists.

>> No.10493510

Both humans and niggers share a common African ancestor.

>> No.10494433

>cute jap gf
if only...

>> No.10494963

Every living thing does. Go back to /pol/.

>> No.10494976

Anyine have that picture of aboriginal dentation with added without a western diet?

>> No.10495089

Ashkenazi Jews aren't semites

>> No.10495353

>On both sides. Gould got called out rightfully, just like Richard Lynn's manipulation of IQ data.

Except Gould committed academic fraud in the name of anti-racist pseudosceince, Lynn NEVER committed academic fraud, you just disagree with his interpretation. Committing academic fraud is never acceptable,

>You were literally defending far right-wing ideologues, calling it "our side," and justifying it by saying the far left does it too.

What's wrong with defending the far right? You think the far right is evil? They are not the one lying to our faces about genes and humanity. The far right is the side of truth on this one. You are on the side of liars, and as a far left winger, you deserve to be permanently silenced so you stop polluting the discussion on humans, genes and race forever.

>> No.10496015

>They are not the one lying to our faces about genes and humanity. The far right is the side of truth on this one
Drawing wild conclusions from a handful of studies isn't the side of truth

>> No.10496124

Your fish ancestors were not African, you low-IQ negro. There was no Africa in the Silurian.

>> No.10496191

not true

>> No.10496956
File: 125 KB, 640x640, 1543414685915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, it is commonly accepted we all came from african ancestors similar to this one

>> No.10497259
File: 9 KB, 348x145, 1523293817481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. This one.

>> No.10497287
File: 27 KB, 275x275, 30100.original-9321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wild conclusions
>handful of studies
Give a fair and fixed number of studies it would take to convince you. List any parameters you like: sample size, p values, confounding factors to measure. Get it all down on paper and then we'll see if we can oblige. If you're being intellectually honest, that is.

>> No.10497300

out of africa is just propaganda.

>> No.10497304
File: 31 KB, 229x234, 1549714386713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10497321

1) Give me one study that defines race biologically in the absence of social construction.
2) Give me one study that can identify genes that aid in intellectual abilities and that developed solely outside Africa.
3) Tell me why we shouldn't just judge people as individuals. Don't avoid this one.

>and then we'll see if we can oblige
Or maybe I shouldn't summon the /pol/ army...

>> No.10497326

nice larp

>> No.10497337


>> No.10497343 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 611x502, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me one study that defines species biologically in the absence of social construction.

Fuck you nigger lover kike

>> No.10497352

All the top countries are socialist.. hmmm.

>> No.10497354

So National Socialism is good after all.

>> No.10497356

i seriously don't understand who in their right mind, even if he's openly nazi or whatever, who in his right mind wouldnt cum unprotected inside that? who the fuck? i just cant conceive that possibility

>> No.10497359

>when you are so brainwashed you only see what you want to see

>> No.10497366

Are you against environmentalism? ok

>> No.10497373
File: 7 KB, 259x194, aral sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why leftists hate the environment so much?

>> No.10497374

It's so sad to see how desperate you are to try to "convert" people on 4chan

>> No.10497378

>Nature hater detected.

Ok transform the biosphere into a sewer then

>> No.10497382
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>> No.10497534

Nothing proves that /sci/ is just a bunch of pseudo-intellectuals more than unironically believing the out of africa bullshit
Ive not spoken to a single genealogist that even so much as gives that "theory" the time of day
But maybe thats flawed because every genealogist Ive met was racist as all hell.

>> No.10497553

The latest theory is out of australasia due to new oldest artifacts that were found a while back.

>> No.10497561

>Muh personal anecdotes r fact /sci/ is dum

Please demonstrate the “Out of Africa” theory to be untrue

>> No.10497575

heres your concrete proof
not that it hasnt been the most laughable theory ever constructed
>I theorize humans were seeded on this world by ayys
>since you cant disprove it, it must be true
>but unironically accepted as gospel by all pseudo-intellectuals

>> No.10497580

“Scientists have discovered the oldest known modern human fossil outside of Africa”

Your citation admits there are older fossils FROM Africa in the very first sentence.

Are you a bot?

>> No.10497584

I’ll quote the article again to embarrass you further.

“We now have clear fossil evidence that modern humans moved out of Africa earlier than we previously believed," Rolf Quam, study coauthor and anthropology professor at Binghamton University, said in an email. "There have been previous suggestions of a possible earlier migration, relying on both archaeological sites and ancient DNA studies, but now we have an actual human fossil that proves it."

>> No.10497725

the keyword being if here

>> No.10497748

>Dur attraction is objective

Black women are more attractive than white women to me. Let’s get rid of white women.

>> No.10497877

>Has the "out of Africa" thesis been overturned? Are we all Asians?
Yes, and no:
>Europe was the birthplace of mankind, not Africa, scientists find


>> No.10497883

>Homo sapiens originate from Africa.
>all modern humans did originate in Africa.
>all evidence points to out of Africa
>Every living thing does

pls see:
>>Europe was the birthplace of mankind, not Africa, scientists find

>> No.10498014

social democracy is entirely different from socialism. Swedish socialism is just as capitalist as an american democrat, which is to say entirely.

>> No.10498297

Studies would have to
>control for environmental factors such as lead being disproportionately exposed to black people (all American studies can be thrown out right here)
>have consistent testing methods (IQ and Wealth of Nations can be thrown out here)
>give a logically consistent definition race based on genotype and not based on the subjects self reporting

>> No.10498308
File: 93 KB, 394x394, hape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose there will never be a shortage of retards like this who fall for obvious bait

>> No.10498362

>australian aborigines aren't pure homo, they have neanderthal
Firstly, all the early humans were still in the homo group.
Secondly, all the Aboriginal Australian population have Denisovan ancestry as well.
Thirdly, have you actually checked to see if they all have neanderthal ancestry as well? I'm certainly not saying they don't, but can we yet say with certainty it's not a recent addition?

Back in the 20th century, Chinese studies of mitochondrial DNA apparently proved the Out Of Africa hypothesis that they were trying to disprove. However this has ALREADY been partially overturned by studies of nuclear DNA.

We now know that everyone's descended mostly from people who left Africa as modern humans. But we also know there was interbreeding with early humans whose ancestors had left Africa much earlier.

>> No.10498828

Depends on when you draw the line.
If the line is the split between the human and chimpanzee common ancestor, then we are all Mediterraneans. Graecopithecus has been found near Athens, Greece and in the Balkans.
Any further forward than the chimp-homo split and you are looking at lots of outbreeding with settled apes, both hominid and hominin. This is in waves that wash all around the Old World repeatedly and spill over into the Pacific and possibly the Americas. Almost everywhere people go, they find other more primitive people, going all the way back. Geneticists are finding traces of ghost species in people all over the world.

>> No.10498860

>We now know that everyone's descended mostly from people who left Africa as modern humans. But we also know there was interbreeding with early humans whose ancestors had left Africa much earlier.
Excepting that before all of that, the homo-chimp split happened on the north side of the Mediterranean, in Europe.
Even the evolution of anatomically modern humans is more complicated than spreading from the Rift Valley outward.

>> No.10498869

people evolved into modern humans whilst in africa
Any other theory is like denying climate change and being worried about chemtrails

>> No.10498895

This is brietbart tier cherry picking of a study they don't understand. Try citing the actual study and their actual words and you'll see why you're retarded.

>> No.10498903

To think volume is a significant component of intelligence is a seriously disgenious and insulting perspective to brain function complexity. Women skulls tend to be smaller, for instance, while displaying the same cognitive competence as men on average.

Grasping at straws and making a monument to a racist world view isn't science.

>> No.10499151
File: 446 KB, 1262x846, another iq thread2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10499166

>But the other homo species with which we're hybrids (except aboriginals) didn't originate in Africa. Neanderthals were European. Denisovan were asian
All of them originated in africa, and ironically interbreeding between africans ("homo sapiens") and neandertals existed well before the neandertals disappeared

>> No.10499626

If a white person has sex with a black person its statuatory rape.

>> No.10500750

>anything to do with biology is an IQ thread
is this your brain on lefty-pol?

>> No.10500760

did you just think modern humans stayed in africa despite your life and the link you posted? homo sapiens popped up right before this guy left according to the common 200k years ago inception

>> No.10501539


Ireland's IQ isn't higher than Britain

>> No.10502767

Why is Israel so low?

>> No.10502868

Black women look fucking disgusting. Unless you're black, then your attraction is entirely predicated on delusional exoticism.

>> No.10502895
File: 2.05 MB, 640x640, island woman.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok kid. Stick to women who look like roasted turkey at 25. Leaves more Queens for me.

>> No.10502940

I bet you feel real dumb rn

>> No.10502951

The IQ's of Cuba, N. Korea, and Laos aren't shown. The only socialist states with available data are China and Vietnam.

>> No.10502957

Only Ashkenazi's have high IQ's. The other Jewish groups are more like 85-95.

>> No.10503356

the similarity between leftist and christian creationist argumentation tropes will never fail to amaze me.

>> No.10503570

>Semites thought highly of themselves since they were the cradle of civilization (Sumeria)
sumerians weren't semites at all.

>> No.10505143

Who benefits from it?

>> No.10505162

Your ancestors were fish.
You are a fish.