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10481787 No.10481787 [Reply] [Original]

Is Purchasing Power Parity a good measurement? Or should nominal GDP be all that matters?

>> No.10481805

A good measurement of what? Also,
>nominal anything

>> No.10482197

No, PPP is not a good measurement because the circumstances under which it would be a useful measurement are incredibly rare, it is best used as a theoretical benchmark of comparison for other measurements of wealth.

And no, nominal GDP is absolutely not all that matters, it has many flaws.

I'd say coming up with measurements of wealth, inequality, etc. that are robust and unaffected by varied economic circumstances and conditions is in the top three of things economists spend their time on. Even then, actually estimating them can be difficult cause good macroeconomic data can be a bitch to find. I'm a particular fan of Amartya Sen's ordinal poverty index

>> No.10482202

If discretionary income is a boundary for a factor that has no outcomes, meaning that you no purchasing power unless you reside in a sort of scenario, the only power for the use of the GDP there is the essence of power that people can use money to deride the decision making power. That's not ecological it's a pundit scheme and that means that the user of forebearance holds credulence as forebearance and that there is just probably a mafia afoot and that the form is the sheet for the line they draw. If they can't manage the process of due rightly-ness then they negate forebearance and include a mass of appeal and generate no income. That's a church hiding funding.

Nominal GDP matters all the time. It's literally the graph on the next panel that's still just empty. Stay in school. Fuck girls. Love life. Make fun of sex. Smoke weed. And enjoy yourself as something that has power and not authority. Leave that to men. We suck at life. Women make it good for us. I love pussy. God bless America.

>> No.10482212
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>> No.10482214

Not science, but definitely math. Therefore I am officially petitioning the mods to halve this thread's bump limit.

>> No.10482221

Economics is called the "dismal" science for a reason... because it's not a science, much like psychology.

>> No.10482421


In what situation is it more useful to compare without PPP? According to statistics, North Korea's GDP was roughly $30 Billion in 2018. This is totally unbelievable to anyone with an IQ.

If you don't use PPP, you're a statslet.

>> No.10482505
File: 2.49 MB, 675x900, TRINITY___Where_Beef.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>compare without PPP?

Jamanta means "beast," no kidding. Also, "monster" or "juggernaut," but definitely "beast"

>> No.10483018

PPP while not perfect is a good/decent indicator of the standard of living in a country

>> No.10483019

>comedy central

>> No.10483352
File: 43 KB, 645x729, 1527643574193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comedy central
>muh economy not science gaiz

>> No.10483355

GDP isn't necessarilly connected to consuming goods/services.

>> No.10483360

>didn't even watch it
your loss

>> No.10483367

>decent indicator
soft science confirmed

>> No.10483508

i watched it, it was ok 5/10