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10477406 No.10477406 [Reply] [Original]

So I am making a presentation about human cloning, but I need some help.
I want to know if anyone can find some good scientific perspective of cloning humans and why it would be actually useful.

Also if you have some other opinions about it I would like to hear them.

>> No.10477430
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Infinite supply of waifu sex slaves genetically engineered perfectly to your tastes that are in the juridical gray area due to the fact that they aren't wholly human since we don't exactly know what consciousness is and it's consciousness that defines us as human in the legal sense.

Some faggot will tell you that muh feels vs reels and you're literally Hitler for wanting that

>> No.10477444

Why making clones? I guess if you want a non-incestous twin sibling-son you could use human cloning. Our methods did advance over the years but there was never a real need for clones.

>> No.10477449

You clone yourself and raise your own little self with all the knowledge of yourself you've gotten over the time. Shit, that sounds pretty rad actually. Make it happen.

>> No.10477458

A clone isn't you, you only share the genes. It's like having a twin.

>> No.10477461

>you wouldn't want to rise 100% genetic copy of yourself even if it's just a twin

>> No.10477469

I would wait 10-20 years until artifical wombs are capable of giving birth to human embryos. I would also edit my embryo's genetic codes to augment his health and intelligence. If that's given I would like to have my super mini-me.

>> No.10477476 [DELETED] 
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>not winning the genetic lottery to begin with requiring no interventions whatsoever
>having the decade long edge over the frail subhuman fags that need advancements in gene editing to have their own mini-me™
Anon, I feel bad for you.

>> No.10477478

>not winning the genetic lottery to begin with requiring no interventions whatsoever
>not having the decade long edge over the frail subhuman fags that need advancements in gene editing just to have their own barely passable version of mini-me™
Anon, I feel bad for you

>> No.10477484

My health, intelligence and height are above average but I wish to add XNA to my clone-son so that he can grow beyond human capability.

>> No.10477500

Well, my whole existence is the work of the finest artist in the existence that gave birth to me and who am I to alter something that's perfect begin with.

>> No.10477520

Do you still need sleep? Do you have a eidetic memory? Are you immune to cancer, alzheimer or age? Could you survive unsupported in vaccum?
No? Then you are not perfect. I shall name my clone-son Cell.

>> No.10477540
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>lusting over potential possibilities XX to XXX years away in order to artificially create your idealized meme version of you, dreaming about that potential that will never be realized
>grasping the power of now, realizing that you are ideal self at this very moment, manifesting destiny and reaching stars while understanding that the shell you inhabit is a means of transportation, mere vehicle
I don't know, you tell me whether I am perfect or not.

>> No.10477814

It makes me feel better that the perfect human being spends his time shitposting on 4chan as well.

>> No.10477871
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Now that I made it I occasionally visit places where I've used to spend hours doing seemingly nothing. It helps me to stay humble and not forget where I am coming from.

You see, you're the 4th poster in here. What we argued was lost in translation, it wasn't whether we both live to see the technological advancements that the future holds, but rather whether we will be able to afford it and truthfully there is only one of us who would be able to do so. Which should've been obvious from the answers alone. So keep pushing my man. You're going to make it too.

>> No.10477946
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Clone your body ever twenty years.
Strip the clone of body parts so that you achieve immortality.

Note: doing this is literally killing your identical twin every 20 years.

>> No.10479698

>tfw just just preforming a head transplant.
Also don't forget to harvest embryonic stems cell for hypothalamus injections.

>> No.10479708

it would be useful for nature vs nurture studies