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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10476911 No.10476911 [Reply] [Original]

why fuck is every CAD exercise made by some pajeet you can barely understanddd reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.10476913

Pajeets have already saturated the fuck out of engineering.

>> No.10476921

>american finding out he's not in the center of the universe

>> No.10476924

Why aren't you using your European creative heritage and make your own CAD exercise then? hmmmmmm?

>> No.10476935

Hi Pajit, have you done good shitting today?

>> No.10477008

Why are people so mean to pajeets? I'm white as fuck, to the point I was basically bullied for it as a kid, but based of meritocracy I can't understand hating pajeets

>> No.10477067

they shit in the streets lmao

>> No.10477210
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>> No.10477225

/sci/ is cancer

>> No.10477235


Worst is that pajeets have only sensible tutorials on engineering on YouTube, same goes for FEA, look at ABAQUS or Hypermesh videos. They also have a lot of stuff about gauges, measurements, stack-up...

This is from one side good for me, on the other I realized that I do pajeet job and I'm basically like one (I'm slav slaving in german company btw)

>> No.10477248

93% open dedication free. The rest 7% are muslims which we are cleaning up.
Your media is shit.

>> No.10477251

Easy. Shit tier CS code monkeys are outfoxed millions of smarter, pajeets who will work for less. Makes your meme degree worth less. You get mad that you will never be zuccerberg and take it out on PJs

Also yeah when you look something up on YouTube its a 240p whiteboard video thats barely intelligible.

>> No.10477258
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>population is over a billion
>there are "only" 90 million street shitters in your country

>> No.10477263


>> No.10477275

This. It's not that they are disgusting street shitters. It's that you can't look up any engineering or CAD reference on youtube without getting 500 pajeet videos made with some garbage 10fps recorder and shitty music.

>> No.10477290


I think I prefer allinoneindia96 Catia videos to the more basic stuff that Wolfgang Walden. Btw, Germans are continental pajeets - also thick accents and cancer.

>> No.10477291


*that Wolfgang Walden has

>> No.10477296

the funny thing is, that the shit they post can vary crazily
sometimes you find real gems that explain shit that's not explained anywhere else on the entire internet as if they have some secret knowledge
and sometimes its just 100x the same shit

>> No.10478232
File: 171 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2019-03-18-13-00-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy when they're arguing with each other