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File: 164 KB, 1200x675, Kurzgesagt_–_In_a_Nutshell_(Logo).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10474839 No.10474839 [Reply] [Original]

How do we stop this pseud shit?

>> No.10474857 [DELETED] 

Follow Plato's footsteps by calling out sophists and rhetoricians who use pretty words, but have little knowledge on matters which they attempt to speak of.

>> No.10474858 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 291x344, 1547892371407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a highschool valedictorian. A Cambridge student. Sat over 2300.

I watch all their videos, subscribe to their channel and even donate to them. They are, by far, my favourite popsci youtube channel.

Cry more you neet virgin drumpftard the channels great and then touching on political issues (which they shouldn't have done) a few times doesn't change that.

>> No.10474861

>popular youtubers BAD

>> No.10474874

they literally spout bullshit about "muh consciousness" and advertised a crank theory about addiction that know serious expert believes

>> No.10474889

They also released a video saying they didn’t like their addiction video and deleted it off their channel since they said it wasn’t well researched. They said they were gonna try to do it better in the future

>> No.10474896

Sorry your publicity stunt didn't work, Coffee Break

>> No.10474900

They were already concious that it had false information and only changed it when others caught on, even worse they try patting themselves on the back for doing so. Also just the general brainlet tier videos they make "Hur dur muh emergence , positive nihilism"

>> No.10474950

why are you in cambridge if your sat is over 2300?

>> No.10474962

lmao no. Valedictorians are almost always dumb liberal arts sluts who cheated and used social connections to get to the top

>> No.10474990
File: 545 KB, 970x861, C12FD1FE-6CEB-424E-B42B-098E5975277E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you. I’ve been watching Vsauce for 5+ years and I’m 18 with a 31 composite ACT score. I have Aspergers, ADHD, Tourettes, and OCD. I literally have to take medicine to slow my brain to get sleep. You are nothing you fool

>> No.10475002

I was happy with their presentation on organic foods.

>> No.10475005

So the two choices we're put in front of are that either their entire youtube channel is driven by retarded monkeys without a sliver of competence in their veins and all their videos have thus far been on the same level as they one that was removed, but nobody caught on to it
Or they maliciously produced and released a video well knowing it contained false information, meaning they're greedy bastards that are on someone's paybook to spread bullshit and pass it as pop science

Pick your poison then

>> No.10475020

Ah yes Plato: known brainlet who set human progress back for centuries by being wrong about almost every scientific and mathematical observation he made

>> No.10475038


>> No.10475053

Present a third case that doesn't fall into the two I just proposed

>> No.10475057

They have CERN scientists consulting on videos regularly. There is plenty of actual pseud shit on youtube you could be worrying about.

>> No.10475120

They made a couple videos that weren't up to par and then decided to remove them retrospectively. You know, what actually happened.

You can call them popsci bullshit all you want but they probably have some of the best-researched videos on the platform. Why don't you go out and make something yourself instead of shitting on people that actually put time and effort into making something worthy of presenting?

>> No.10475124

>frog/wojak posters are always shitposters

The eternal constant.

>> No.10475127

"up to par" as in "we're not getting called out on our bullshit so it's fine"?

>> No.10475144

Not all of their videos are at the same tier of popsci nonsense, though. There's no point in shunning them for a handful of shitty videos. We should be more worried about making people question each video they make and not accept anything they say as fact.

>> No.10475170

Don't blame pepe/wojak for the actions of discord trannies and redditors

>> No.10475187

It is their meme. No one legit uses it since 2009.

>> No.10475195

The video in question (the addiction one), was largely written by a separate person (Hari) not affiliated with the channel. They'd already been contemplating removal of said video for two years. Kurzgesagt agreed to an interview about the video and coffebreak (author of the hit piece) was the one that didn't reach out to do it.

If this is your reaction to someone admitting their wrongs then you really don't have a healthy outlook on life.

>> No.10475209

>admitting their wrongs
>after TWO YEARS
"we wanted to remove it two years ago but we didn't" is not an admission of wrongdoing, it's babbling to save your ass

>> No.10475210

Did he run out of scientific topics and is now doing philosophy bullshit?

>> No.10475215

If you think that way then don't watch them, it's really that simple. Maybe learn to think for yourself and reach your own conclusions about what you watch. Two videos don't discount the whole of their content.

>> No.10475218

Who cares about politics, they should be purged after misrepresenting the uncertainty principle so grossly


>> No.10475239

They way they present it here is a perfectly fine layman's explanation. You don't really expect the average youtuber to know about wave mechanics and eigenstates do you?

>> No.10475247

The problem is that it is not a product they're selling, to which one may argue that the price for access to the product is a gate by which the product is not readily available to everyone at all times thus making it fine in that optic.
If it was some youtube red shit, I'd be totally fine with them doing the same shit, and I wouldn't have any quarrel with them, because that'd be youtube's own problem to untangle any which shit is thrown their way because of it.
Instead, youtube is just hosting the material in this case, and they cannot confirm nor deny, and have no incentive to do so, the veracity of the content it is serving, it just doesn't give a shit and it's on the cahnnel's owner to do so, and here lies the entire quarrel I have with them.
Don't put out bullshit you can't verify.
It's a neat parallel with people posting extremely weak cryptographic examples on github, Don't fucking do it, it will eventually end somewhere being used in a real world scenario and potentially endanger the security of systems that may or may not be important to a state or even personal level. It's not only frowned upon, it's actively fought.

>> No.10475258

Except vsauce actually used to be cool (still, popsci, but more advanced)

>> No.10475267

there are limited physics experiments to be done with limited physics knowledge, and even less with household items or easily machined/printed equipment.

>> No.10475295

I'm pretty sure anyone in the real world that needs scientific information will get it from, you know, scientific papers (which they include as their sources by the way).

As for your github argument, if I wanna make a shitty cypher, it's not my responsibility if some dipshit decides to use it in production code.

Your idea that people must always publish graduate-level explanations of their ideas lest someone who actually needs good cryptography/scientific research will get it from randoms on the internet is mind bogglingly delusional.

>> No.10475328

It could be a perfectly fine lay explanation of how it doesn't work. And if you can't tell how it actually works w/o introducing Fourier transform pairs, just leave it at that

Most of their audience gets the impression that particles have well-defined locations at all times, and the "uncertainty" refers to our ignorance, which is criminal. Besides, there are interaction-free observations, e.g. Elitzur–Vaidman bomb tester

>> No.10475493

>31 composite ACT
Fucking dumbass

>> No.10475681
File: 215 KB, 720x461, Screenshot_20190317-154546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

>> No.10475684
File: 42 KB, 540x500, 11249603-DCB8-4B27-B4E5-88C13D7F6094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you get, retard?

>> No.10475702


>> No.10475707

Its better to not explain it at all because its too complex than explaining it wrong.

>> No.10475810

>dude fuck people who try to explain complex topics to laymen

>> No.10475820


>> No.10475824

You either get a subject in its detailed entirety or you don't deserve to gave any knowledge of it.

>> No.10475835

Just start the rumor that the channel is owned by jews

>implying that's not the case

>> No.10475901

Imagine being this arrogant

>> No.10476035

hes right though you fucking idiot
ever hear of dunning kruger

>> No.10476430

lol, they'd known about it and been writing the script for the removal video for two years. They just had a hard time coming to terms with it, since a lot of people liked the video and addicts reached out to them saying it helped them.

>> No.10476736


>> No.10476739
File: 68 KB, 400x534, TIMESAND___Joshua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do we stop

>> No.10476759

No one is claiming to be an expert on these topics just from watching these videos.

>> No.10476780

You absolutely have an untreated mental illness - likely several - and I'm not referring to your low intelligence.

>> No.10476797

>31 on the ACT
>out of 36
Are you a retard or what?

>> No.10476804

I unironically got 35 myself

>> No.10476806

Just slowly read what you wrote and realize the immense stupidity of what you’re saying.

>> No.10476808

Fuck off retard

>> No.10476866

better reply nigger

>> No.10476876

why not just take the (((SAT))), many schools don't consider the ACT.

>> No.10476967

Take A Levels.

>> No.10476974

Make your own content that's better. Put up or shut up.

>> No.10478264

>you cant complain about a shitty haircut until you open your own salon
>cant complain about waiters forgetting your order until you get a michelin star
>cant complain about censorship in the news until you start a multibillion dollar news company

They make bad content, its justification enough to complain about it.
Even if he made better content its not like that would stop them from making videos.
How little fucking thought did you put into that comment, seriously?

>> No.10478268


>> No.10478275

and they did that because some poltard was planning a hit piece on them

>> No.10478416

Its not a hit piece if they were detailing actual fuck ups

>> No.10478419

>tried to watch others youtube science channels to pass time
>it's a guy talking to the camera
i will stick with kurzgesagt in my breaks, tank you

>> No.10478433

Never trust something that is advertised as being something backed by scientists of a pretigious group. Also, what CERN scientists have to do with all their shit that has nothing to do with physics?

>> No.10478440

No, it is time to push the agenda.

>> No.10478446

Back to 9gag.

>> No.10478455

What agenda does kurzgesagt push?

>> No.10478456

>OH NO, HOOMANS reeeeeeeee

>> No.10478458

Watch their video on UBI and figure it out.

>> No.10478470

Nice non-answer

>> No.10478472

>trying to be "funny"
just like the channels you like

>> No.10478496

>video on consciousness

Pure brainletism

There are no rational reasons for consciousness to evolve. An animal should be able to do everything it does "in the dark", being an observer of those things is completely unneeded. There should be no evolutionary pressure for consciousness, so either it is a fluke of nature or reality is here for us to observe and experience intentionally.

>> No.10478498


>> No.10478503
File: 17 KB, 600x400, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What channels do I like? The only one here who watches science-for-children-tier shit is you. I don't need a video full of colorful moving stuff that tries to reassure I'm paying attention every five seconds because I am a braindead millenial who can't focus. In fact, I don't need a video, because i can actually fucking READ books and articles.

>> No.10478643

do you lack a brain or are you just blind and deaf?

>> No.10478712

Can you even answer a simple question? What agenda does kurzgesagt push?

>> No.10478723

The agenda of eating your curious arsehole.

>> No.10478728

Confirmed for having no argument

>> No.10478743

thats a different person, shit dick

>> No.10478929

Ya, I have to agree. These channels are too broad to actually teach anything meaningful.

>> No.10481418

popsci is still a good thing, because it makes people aware of the fact that the field is vaguely interesting and has things going for it in a controlled manner.

Compare this to chemistry, a field where popsci can be boiled down to "have you seen breaking bad bro, let's cook haha". At the very least popsci conveys what is interesting about the "real" field to some limited extent.

>> No.10481974

>popsci is still a good thing, because it makes people aware of the fact that the field is vaguely interesting and has things going for it in a controlled manner.
This. I don't understand this whole "popular science isn't a substitute for a degree, so we should get rid of it all". Is it just circle-jerk elitism?

>Compare this to chemistry, a field where popsci can be boiled down to "have you seen breaking bad bro, let's cook haha"
"Things I won't work with" and NileRed are good.