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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10473673 No.10473673 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10473679

Nancy Pelosi is spergtarded

>> No.10473685


Still 'shopped. Notice that the image that falls off the screen does not match the rest of the projection.

>> No.10473692
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>common core

>> No.10473702

>"imaginary number"
fucking libtards think of the dumbest shit

>> No.10473705

this. /thread

>> No.10473725
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>Rafael Bombelli first set down the rules for multiplication of imaginary numbers in 1572.

>> No.10473734

This is a new imaginary number

>> No.10473736

Spoiler: the old way is wrong therefore they are "equally correct"

>> No.10473742

I thought anti-common core was just a random right wing meme. Like being against Obamacare. Which all right wing people were in favor of in the last election.

>> No.10473751


>> No.10473759

i drive through those nowheresville places a lot, so i can see just how many trump supporters there are out there

>> No.10473776

Well, 80% of the time, if a nigger did it, it's probably wrong.

>> No.10473779
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>he'd rather have this

>> No.10473805

I have to say that's kind of hot.

>> No.10473816
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conservatives need retards to push their agenda

>> No.10473837
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>> No.10473841
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>> No.10473845

>Common core
Imagine not being a brainlet and having to crawl through basic arithmetic for grade 1 through 7 while some generalist teacher fumbles through a common core guide. Meanwhile in Shanghai, your elementary school teacher is an actual mathematician, and you're already doing trigonometry because you need it for high school entrance exams. If he sees you are an excelling student, you get your pick of top highschools to go to accelerating entrance to university so you can have it all out of the way by age 21.

>> No.10473848

>while some generalist teacher fumbles through a common core guide
and this is a symptom of the problem that common core is actually meant to address.

>> No.10473855


This, I'm never putting my kids in public schools after all the growth stunting shit they actively did to me

>> No.10473865
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>> No.10473868

>this is somehow the fault of the non-Chinese student

>> No.10473889


>> No.10474054

Maybe I didn't get it but how is i - i supposed to be 1?

>> No.10474060

By setting 1 = 0

>> No.10474064

By making up a nue number that runs on nue rulez

>> No.10474071

Is it just me or is this retarded?

>> No.10474072

It's just you

>> No.10474074

Fair enough anon.

>> No.10474076

I'm glad you understand

>> No.10474077

It's alright, I'm an idiot

>> No.10474211

The original was describing PEMDAS vs PE(MD)(AS), a strictly notational difference that never comes up in real mathematics
Name one problem with it

>> No.10474229

It's true.

>> No.10474718

i'm cringing too, because it's accurate
see the NZ shooter's manifesto >>10473841

>see? that useless brainlet had good reason to gun down a heart surgeon and a bunch of children

>> No.10474878

Imaginary numbers are basically just mathemeticians saying this problem is impossible so let's pretend it's not impossible.

>> No.10474912

Reminder: please only leave a comment if you have ANY understanding of math.

>> No.10474919

>hurr only the maths i learned in kindergarten is real!! durr
This is you right now

>> No.10474942

It's just like the construction of the actual complex numbers. Take the ring of polynomials on x over the reals, and then take the quotient ring with respect to "x*x +1" and "x -x -1". With just the quotient with respect to :"x*x +1" you get the complex numbers. Using both equations, you get the trivial ring on a single element.

>> No.10476005

nice samefagging

>> No.10476012
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>> No.10476145


>> No.10476147

lol good bait, you got some autistic mathfags to respond

>> No.10476166

Youre not "woke", youre not cute, ypur not funny. You cant just to pretend to be a leftist and use that as a justification for using racial slurs. As a white person, youre naturally just as racist as any alt-righter or white nationalist, and if you think otherwise, then you're a retard and youre better off heading over to /pol/. White people dont get to say the n word under any circumstances. Pretending to be a leftist and then saying something like that actually makes you worse that self-proclaimed Nazis and Klan member, because at least theyre honest about where they stand.

Now stop pretending to be an "ally" you racist piece of shit.

>> No.10476177
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I now want to see real pictures of teachers teaching college level math to middleschoolers.

>> No.10476208

you say this every day. don't you ever get tired of saying this every day?

>> No.10476214

The words "Nancy" and "Pelosi" appear in this thread. This is how you know this is a transplant from another board that shall not be named onto /sci/ where it absolutely does not belong.

>> No.10476220

/pol/-tards need plausible deniability when the CIA comes for them for advocating violence online so they spread out to other boards but they forget they only know how to shitpost.

>> No.10476221

If you want mathematicians in high schools you better start paying.
Nobody is going to study for ~10 years to become a highschool teacher as is.
Support for teachers who want to publish papers and attend conferences would also help.

>> No.10476225

/pol/ people are the stupidest people alive. i pretend they don't exist