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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 208 KB, 327x316, haha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10468355 No.10468355 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>major in physics
>get job as electrical engineer at small company
>all the EE majors there are retarded
>management is impressed that I'm a much faster learner than the other electrical engineers
>current electrical engineering manager is retiring soon
>I'm getting promoted to EE manager even though I've worked for less time than the other electrical engineers

Life is good.

>> No.10468361

>all engineers are retarded

>> No.10468365
File: 30 KB, 800x522, reee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me as an EE

>> No.10468370

>falling for the management meme

>> No.10468371

go get em tiger, rawr

>> No.10468388

Congratulations. You're going to be a terrible manager. I can tell because you came here to brag about it. Bitch be humble.

>> No.10468393

>EE manager
So you basically won't be doing any STEM work anymore. >>>/biz/ is that way

>> No.10468401

Being the smartest person in a company full of idiots also makes you an idiot. Then again you chose management so that pretty much says everything.

>> No.10468406
File: 11 KB, 229x221, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all these salty poorfags

>> No.10468408

But I'm not poor. You should probably go to /biz/

>> No.10468414
File: 37 KB, 678x1024, this will help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you should takes some drugs for your autism

>> No.10468415

>implying I make less than management at some EE trash place.
TOP KEK. Also, another sign that you're going to be a terrible fucking manager. Pull your head out of your god damn ass and learn some leadership skills. Obviously you have none.

>> No.10468419

That was the best reply you could come up with? Yeah you're best suited to be a management pleb

>> No.10468424
File: 140 KB, 580x510, dood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the OP troll, but holy shit how fucking autistic are you to keep taking this engineer-tier bait?

>> No.10468425

That's not a surprise. Physics majors usually have IQs that are at least 15 or 20 points higher than what electrical engineering majors have.

>> No.10468429

Eh I'm bored so what

>> No.10468433

Thats what you're going to look like after I beat your ass and get fired over you being such a shitty fucking manager.

>> No.10468439
File: 14 KB, 364x322, jej (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all these assblasted engineers

>> No.10468447
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, pajeet patel at your service.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. pic related

>> No.10468452

I'm engineering your certain death

>> No.10468461

i honestly can't tell if you're actually mad or if you keep going at it, just because its the only meaningful human interaction that you've had in the last month.

>> No.10468462


>> No.10468475

i honestly can't tell if you're actually mad or if you keep going at it, just because its the only meaningful human interaction that you've had in the last month.

>> No.10468476


>> No.10468477

>mfw i honestly can't tell if you're actually mad or if you keep going at it, just because its the only meaningful human interaction that you've had in the last month.

>> No.10468479

i honestly can't tell if you're actually mad or if you keep going at it, just because its the only meaningful human interaction that you've had in the last month.

>> No.10468486

its sad that you considered this meaningful

>> No.10468489


>> No.10468492
File: 33 KB, 280x210, you should read this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10468494

nah it was a great comeback. your image is weak

>> No.10468498

you're just dumb. really, really dumb.

>> No.10468499

says the manager

>> No.10468500


>> No.10468505

Dawg I'm the OP and you're arguing with someone else.

>> No.10468506

>still believing im a manager
where are you anyway? i've been stealing all of your (You)s

>> No.10468509


>where are you anyway?
>i've been stealing all of your (You)s
that's one way of looking at it

>> No.10468510


>> No.10468511

oh there you are. great thread tbqh. for real though, why are /sci/tards so vulnerable to baits? this board is too inept at bullying weak posts.

>> No.10468513


>> No.10468514

I can’t even imagine how smug I’d be if I had managed to bait this many idiots fucking wow lol

>> No.10468517

>mfw someone baited inf times more people with imaginary numbers why no believe in math bait

>> No.10468518

i just reply because i'm bored. i don't mind being baited. baiting is easy. now trolling, that's a real man's game

>> No.10468520

you have sadly low standards for what warrants smugness

>> No.10468519

Eric this is an encrypted message. {>€£><.|~{}}. I love you.

>> No.10468521

kek, that was pretty good

>> No.10468523

>this board is too inept at bullying weak posts
there is not enough mob mentality here, which in general is a good thing, but the lack of willingness to shame terrible posts is what keeps the quality so low.

>> No.10468529

For me it's just the fact that the board is so slow. There's not much to reply to when there are no new threads, so I get tempted to reply to the shitty ones cause I keep seeing them every time I refresh the board. /sci/ is easy as fuck to bait, very hard to troll without getting into /pol/ shit

>> No.10468533
File: 165 KB, 1080x1080, 24A36BDB-5F24-4371-A793-227A6C67C136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for ousting yourself. Now even I am a bit smug too.

Even if retards are told to the finest detail what is wrong in their thinking and thought process getting there nothing changes with them compared to before the thread was started. The quality is low because the ratio of inaccessible threads to dumb-question threads strongly favors the latter.

This too

>> No.10468539

have you tried other boards? topic-wise, /sci/ is what corresponds to my main interests, but every board that i've looked at on and off has had better people in general. as in they were much less awkward, more self-aware, and not nearly as susceptible to baits. even /mu/ has a better population.

>> No.10468540


>> No.10468542
File: 72 KB, 960x720, 47595F2E-5199-4475-B037-6F7FBDF88096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get my ass


>> No.10468547

yeah man i've been here for 12 years. the best quality content is usually on the super slow boards. the super fast boards are better for funposting but sadly all the newfags from the last few years never make OC and just complain so it's not as fun anymore. /sci/ is somewhere in the middle, a slow board but not slow enough for the quality to rise

>> No.10468548


>> No.10468549

>perro caca con messi
muy basado
>inaccessible threads to dumb-question threads ratio
"science" is too broad of an interest category to accommodate across all the ranges of people that come here. it just can't work in the current form.

>> No.10468556
File: 52 KB, 800x800, AED7D500-71C5-4234-AC94-0D8D7FA54FDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10468557
File: 124 KB, 500x375, perro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh, ok maybe /mu/ is worse, but i haven't been there in a very long time

>> No.10468558
File: 6 KB, 225x225, t408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10468559

didn't even notice it the first time

>> No.10468570

would IDs help here? i think it actually helps reduce some shitposting. flags i also like, but that might not be the best for a science board.

>> No.10468571

no. always no

>> No.10468589
File: 61 KB, 768x432, poch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slow board but not slow enough for the quality to rise
so the worst of both worlds? no funposting coupled with shit quality

>> No.10468592

>mfw the jannie hasnt banned me yet
>mfw the jannie is a fag

>> No.10468595

basically. combine that with absolutely no OC and only like 3 memes which are all shit except 300k starting. oh and all the conspiracyfags and anti-science retards. there are some decent threads though. honestly the best threads are the career threads when it doesn't turn into major wars

>> No.10468598

You’re already being a cocky idiot. You’re Gana make a great manager

>> No.10468599


>> No.10468607

>no funposting
>terrible memes
this always disappointed me the most. the lack of humor depressing. i don't expect to find or learn anything interesting here, that's just a nice bonus if it somehow happens.

>> No.10468614

>is depressing
the slightest bit of banter causes massive butthurt in general, with people foaming at the mouth over the dumbest bullshit some anon said. oh and people tripping over themselves to say someone else is wrong about something. i get that many here are obsessed with intelligence, but this just reeks of crippling insecurity.

>> No.10468616

>mfw this place is the best for shitposting

>> No.10468617

most of the people on /sci/ are NEETs and undergrad plebs who don't know shit. combine that with the fact that their supposed intelligence is their only redeeming quality. now you have a recipe for people taking themselves way too seriously. besides, there isn't really much to banter about other than "my major is better than yours"

shitposting is only a subset of funposting, and the worst part at that

>> No.10468620

This is why we can't have "my job is better than yours" discussions.

>> No.10468628

>supposed intelligence is their only redeeming quality
yep, this place has been dunning-krugered to hell
shitposting is just not that entertaining when this many can't tell what an obvious shitpost looks like.

>> No.10468630

>shitposting is just not that entertaining when this many can't tell what an obvious shitpost looks like.
as i mentioned earlier i can tell when it's a shitpost but i reply anyway cause the board is so slow and there's nothing else going on

>> No.10468755

>brags about engineers being idiots when they already are
>brags about becoming a manager with a physics degree
holy brainlets batman

>> No.10468895


>> No.10469130
File: 274 KB, 1024x576, ufiv97pqxq101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>upper management

>> No.10469139

this is what everyone said, companies prefer physicists han engineers, engineers are too bounded and not flexible enough

>> No.10469737

Physicists also have significantly higher IQs than engineers, especially electrical engineers.

>> No.10470117

same, this board is shit and I'm a math student

>> No.10470140

Wow, you're just now realizing the average person is inept? Get used to the real world, now you're king of the lazy and ineffectual

>> No.10470153

>have physical degree
>can't figure out stress in bolt
>get fired first day
>become an hero

>> No.10470168

>>have physical degree
well yeah because he has a physical degree, not a degree in physics

Engicucks proving once more their stupidity

>> No.10470185

>imagine having a digital degree
>you don't have to imagine pajeet

>> No.10470186

Dude, the material in a sophomore level statics textbooks is not hard. You could have picked a better example like heat transfer; that being said, there’s nothing stopping someone from just picking it up given then have enough background and mathematical maturity once they already have the job.

>> No.10470990

so do philosophy majors. your point?

>> No.10472115
File: 1001 KB, 640x480, 1501374465025.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be me
>have mandatory army service in country
>instead accept an offering from the air force to study electrical engineering but I must join the air force after.
>no education fees
>start studying, put in zero effort literally, do nothing at home for 2 years, fail all subjects, not get a diploma.
>but because of the contract, still have to join the air force regardless.
>do electrical engineering and mechanical work on fighter jets
>get offered comfy electrical engineering jobs after service, just because of my experience in the army, they don't even ask for a diploma.
>I lie about having one regardless, nobody cares or asks me to present it
>10 years go by, already have a rich working history with no qualifications or diploma, only experience which is the only thing that matters as nobody proceeds not giving a shit about any papers I might or might not have.