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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10461427 No.10461427[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I know correlation is not causation. But I can't be the only one that notices that people who post anime images always type in a very feminine way. Could it be people who are gay or transexual?
Has anyone done a study on this?

>> No.10461502

Everybody on this site is gay
Everybody on this site also likes anime

>> No.10461536

You're genuine

>> No.10462249

>a study on the homosexuality of anime posters

>> No.10462320

it is an affected behavior. Vague notions of cuteness are conflated with desirability as the posters project their own aesthetic shallowness on some imagined anonymous audience, and in their minds the projections validate them in ways their unfulfilling lives never could.

They are weak men in male spaces and profoundly insecure for it. They seek to differentiate themselves, and the only means available to them is to project some kind of cuteness or femininity in some vain attempt to appeal to the male sexualities around them and establish value by the only means available to them. They value being valued, and they can only be valued as whores, so they come to love themselves as whores. This is the essence of trannyist agp psycopathology which is precisely what you're hitting on.

>> No.10462518

You hit the nail on the head

>> No.10462763

I also notice that people who have anime avatars in games or on forums will invariably act like bullies given the chance. Some of the meanest people I've run into online had smug anime profile pics.

>> No.10462777

How is it possible for you to get bullied by one of those?

>> No.10462782
File: 215 KB, 500x816, so-azusa-what-do-you-thinkof-the-op-think-he-3945153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP posts anime

>> No.10462785
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>> No.10462790

gtfo if you don't like anime, pleb

>> No.10462798
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>> No.10462804
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Theres no such thing as typing in a feminine way, this is you forcing your delusional bullshit about how you see gender that you cant even state, you just make a vague claim, youre just an idiot

>> No.10462820

you know what i like about this theory is that you can tell it was driven by the writers pure bias in disapproval and discontent at anime posters to the point that it allows the reader to conclude this will really only apply to the writers delusion or a very small segment of the population. Like literally dude, way to cringly over-theorize

>> No.10462848
File: 184 KB, 1280x720, rebel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't like anime girls, you're unironically a faggot.

>> No.10462849

If they ever have mod powers in a chat room or game server they tend to power trip. If they don't have power over you anime posters will try to manipulate others to 'hurt' people they don't like. It seems anime attracts the worst kind of people...

>> No.10462852

gtfo if you don't like anime, pleb

>> No.10462856
File: 78 KB, 640x635, 1542751334834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you like anime girls, you're unironically a virgin

>> No.10462860
File: 287 KB, 500x281, KarenLaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you weren't so based for posting the fat jihad executioner, I would be mildly upset. He makes great content.

>> No.10462869
File: 797 KB, 1500x1147, Konachan.com%20-%20248001%20sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say moe animes turns you gay/into a tranny. Notice an increase in faggotry since anime has gone mainstream.

>> No.10462879

4chan has always been gay as fuck.
Also you can't be "turned" gay

>> No.10462885

You type in a distinctly feminine manner yourself, faggot.
I believe it's more so the fact that enjoyment of anime mandates a below average IQ, a feature common to faggots and females.

>> No.10462978

yes you can
people can only be predisposed genetically to becoming gay but it's their upbringing that turns them

>> No.10462989

i wish i was a girl

>> No.10462990

>it's their upbringing that turns them
If that were true, there would be no homosexuals in religious families or backwards repressed countries

>> No.10462996

Fuck off >>>/lgbt/

>> No.10463000


>> No.10463008


It applies to people acting overly friendly and saccharine in general, both RL and online. Just my personal observation though.

>> No.10463011

>their upbringing "turns" them gay

>> No.10463023
File: 128 KB, 567x800, Bundesarchiv_Bild_102-15282A,_Ernst_Röhm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: This man was a homosexual.

>> No.10463024

Which other topic has 11 boards, retard?

>> No.10463031

>they find out what gays are from media
>they hate their parents
>they become gay

>> No.10463041

This is incredibly retarded. Knowing about homosexuality will not turn you into a homosexual since it's been observed for millenia.

>> No.10463052

it was nearly non-existent for the past 1500 years in Europe
you'd only see people from ruling classes become gay; as in faced with an abundance of resources and too much free time

>> No.10463057

Did someone have to teach you to be straight?

>> No.10463061

being straight is the natural state of all humans
turning gay is a disorder

>> No.10463066

Human is nature, fuck off you misanthropic fag.

>> No.10463084

What did the Romans and Greeks do all the time?
Convince me that they didn't spend all their time fucking boys like you.

>> No.10463086
File: 184 KB, 1750x2500, nightmare-before-christmas-sally-womens-over-the-knee-socks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First there was reddit spacing. Then there was programming socks. And now, after intensive shitposting analysis by an an anonymous user, we bring you: feminine posting. The art of writing and sounding like a girl (male). So come on down, start posting and enjoy yet another made up layer of adversity to throw at others at your flimsiest,quimsical desire.

>> No.10463087

What do girls write like?

>> No.10463101

Like anime posters

>> No.10463104


>> No.10463106

>You type in a distinctly feminine manner yourself
Not the anon you replied to, but that specifically defines typing in a "feminine manner" as opposed to a "masculine manner"?

>> No.10463107

you know of the stories about greek fucking boys or roman emperors being sexually deviant because they were used as slander to show how degenerate those people had become and to justify murder

>> No.10463110

In what way is that feminine?

>> No.10463116

>but WHAT specifically

>> No.10463128
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>> No.10463130

Typing in a kind of seductive or cute way, overly emotional in a comical way. Bad grammar to look young. And so forth. Alot of things come together and eventually I can imagine my cock in the anime posters mouth and it wouldn't look out of place.

>> No.10463136

>I know correlation is not causation. But I can't be the only one that notices that people who post anime images always type in a very feminine way
so find a control variable, and see if things correlate.
my guess is that yes: there probably is a greater chance of someone being a flaming faggot if they post anime images and type in a feminine way.
FUCK sissyposters.

>> No.10463139

>FUCK sissyposters
Yes please :3

>> No.10463144

>Typing in a kind of seductive or cute
What was in >>10462804 's post that was seductive in any way?

>> No.10463153

Poor grammar and a sentence that goes on and on like a girl saying something in one go, seems slightly angry but not that much.

>> No.10463161

>Poor grammar and a sentence that goes on and on
I don't see that as feminine, I just see that as someone who doesn't care about sentence structure.

>> No.10463162

It's the same as girls who don't care about how much their clothes are covering their bodies

>> No.10463167

How does clothing correlate with typing? You seem to be making rather broad assumptions.

>> No.10463177

You type like a girl, faggot.

>> No.10463181

Behavioural correlations.
Nonchalance is very attractive. Especially when accompanied with an anime picture

>> No.10463187

Girls don't watch anime or go on 4chan, let alone post anime pictures on 4chan

>> No.10463193

>Behavioural correlations.
Correlation =/= Causation

>Nonchalance is very attractive.
Nonchalantce also makes one appear friendly.

>Especially when accompanied with an anime picture
That's your only good point so far. By posting an image of an anime girl it does tend to make people see the poster as a girl. Because of that, it is filtering your perception of the poster to the point where you see femininity where there may not be.

>> No.10463194
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>> No.10463199

I'm not a psychologist so I'm grasping at straws but femininity is pretty subjective.

>> No.10463217
File: 38 KB, 474x632, 1537287755075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some fags started posting animes
>more fags followed
Not rocket science.

>> No.10463220

Discord groups, samefagging and other bs. 4chan is really bad now with all the spam.

>> No.10463224

ABSOLUTELY incorrect. I may be a gay Muslim furry immigrant hentai watcher myself, but labeling me as an anime watcher is quite the assumption! I do not watch anime, but rather a subset of anime, so stating that I watch anime is simply illogical. More accurately put, you could say that I, among others on this board, study the aesthetic form of cartoon specimen.

>> No.10463226

Both of these statements are either bait or retarded

>> No.10463229


>> No.10463231
File: 86 KB, 392x350, 1504396032376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people posting anime
>on an anime imageboard
who would'a thunk it?

>> No.10463238
File: 176 KB, 529x410, 1547100973650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10463257

No rational human would believe that a bias against weeaboo bullshit isn't the correct way to view this behaviour.

>> No.10463263

It is completely possible to enjoy anime without being a weeb bitch. End all of your obsessions; they are for the weakwilled.

>> No.10463273
File: 32 KB, 341x455, 1491698565942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah u gae

>> No.10463300

My god, I hope I am being baited, if not, this site has really gone downhill.

>> No.10463311

Is it a coincidence that most posts accompanied by anime girls are about people being quirky or slutty or vulnerable? Acting like whores in general?

>> No.10463330

No, rather, it is your cognitive bias, the badder-meinhof effect expounds on this.
I pose a question to (You) in return
Why is it that temporarily embarrassed mathematicians and scientists do not even exhibit the most basic aspects of critical thinking nor display behaviour that would be conducive towards any given hypothesis?

>> No.10463337

towards solving/proving*

>> No.10463347
File: 16 KB, 292x357, 1550613588663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh? i think you can are reading too much into things

>> No.10463371

I absolutely detest and fully place the blame on /nu-pol/ as being the sole reason for the downfall of this website.Politics is not inevitable, it seeps into every topic, every discussion, every debate, I'm sick of it all.

>> No.10463372

What's wrong with my behaviour?
Am I pissing off other people with this hypothesis?

>> No.10463378
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>> No.10463390

Reddit loves anime

>> No.10463396

No, reddit hates anime.
reddit=(you) btw.

>> No.10463397


>> No.10463415 [DELETED] 

Anime is no longer your sekrit club, it's extremely mainstream, especially on reddit

>> No.10463417


>> No.10463421

Anime is no longer your sekrit club, it's extremely mainstream, especially on reddit. It's cool to like anime now

>> No.10463422

Your hypothesis is stupid and a waste of time, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth testing it out.

Your reasoning and justification is disgusting and would be thrown out and soundly beaten even by the most mediocre of high school debate clubs

Worst of all, you insert your personal opinions and biases.

>> No.10463429
File: 501 KB, 720x890, lrp7ij5drkh01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But I can't be the only one that notices that people who post anime images always type in a very feminine way

I used to think this as well until I realized that It can be simply used to upset jimmies. It's more so based on the type of anime image you use.

>Theres no such thing as typing in a feminine way
>books with female characters cannot be portrayed properly
Lol. Men are more to the point and women are excessively worried about being self-reflective, offending people and often find subtle (or non-subtle) ways of inserting emotion into their type. Also women, no matter how professional the paper always try their best to insert some kind of emote/emoji just because that's what they basically roll with. Emotions.

And all on an anonymous image board. Gibe attention pls.

At least you tried to be /old/.

>> No.10463445

My personal opinion matters. I have experience with creating trannies online.

>> No.10463459

Maybe you misunderstand

Let me summarizes what I said-
Nobody gives a shit.

That is all.

>> No.10463496

how the would you know
fucking redditors

>> No.10463505


>> No.10463508

>t. reddit

>> No.10463514


>> No.10463521 [DELETED] 

Just go on reddit and you'll see anime related post everywhere. Here, straight from the front page: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/b0md3v/this_is_the_most_beautiful_art_ive_ever_seen/

>> No.10463523

It's like being in middle school
>ur gay because u do this
Bet you guys watch Jojo and don't even say no homo after the ED rolls

>> No.10463524


>> No.10463526

Just go on reddit and you'll see anime related posts everywhere. Here, straight from the front page: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/b0md3v/this_is_the_most_beautiful_art_ive_ever_seen/

>> No.10463529

Reddit is one of the most populated websites on the internet. You would be hard pressed to find someone who hasn't visited Reddit at least once. Just like it would be difficult to find a guy in your hometown who didn't visit your mom's bedroom.

>> No.10463537


>> No.10463539

i unironically cant use reddit because the interface is too fucking confusing
its beyond me how people navigate that site
I guess 15 years on the simple 4chan UI has spoiled me

>> No.10463540

you talk like a fucking redditor

>> No.10463547
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this is based on the dull level of consciousness that youre allowed to interpret, opinion discarded

im not so sure however that you can avoid situations as a man or female where youre forced to "get to the point" or "be excessively reflective". Men and women may take on these qualities, but I tend to view the qualities themselves as taking on no gender specifically, especially when they're so cross-applicable. I don't believe that men are just simply always in a "get to the point" state of mind. What about being a lawyer ?

>> No.10463549

Are you ok?

>> No.10463554
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>> No.10463575

but you see this is kind of dumb, to say that men are not overly emotional, cute, seductive, think about War or Feuds, oh ya thats real feminine. To type overly "emotional" isnt necessarily feminine. I'm not sure how writing an argument is seductive, that sounds sort of funny. Cute writing, whats that ? Comical writing I can see, but I don't really see gender in being funny.

>> No.10463603

>There are still immature incels that believe website loyalty is a thing

Pffhahaha so what, you talk about EVERYTHING on 4chan? Every little topic you want to discuss, you insist on having it full of people shitposting and trolling you? How embarrassing. I think the reality is that most of you would get blown the fuck out on a science subreddit. You'd try to act smart and then some autistic but non-virgin poster would write out some huge wall of text explaining how you're wrong, and you can't do anything but rage since the only way you can respond to being wrong is shitflinging.

>> No.10463665

Acting stupid is feminine

>> No.10463683

Why? There are more stupid men than women.

>> No.10463707

Yes but purposely acting ditzy is feminine. It makes people want to fuck women harder. Anime posters use it to great effect

>> No.10463743

I ignore all anime posters on 4chan and any comments with anime avatars outside 4chan.

>> No.10463751

That's transphobic

>> No.10463796


>> No.10463802

this sounds more like your transposed delusional hang ups about females

>> No.10463810

Everyone agrees with me even the anime posters just watch

>> No.10463851
File: 93 KB, 817x663, 6c916cbb6a1f78b7c57b8541d5c5355047a8babd_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to be a fucking animal if stupid women turn you on. literally a fucking ape. No, Ditzy women don't make me want to fuck them harder. They remind me why the human race is a failure. And you remind me why the human race is filled with a bunch of filthy fucking apes. I want to avoid stupid people, I want to avoid procreating and fucking stupid females so I can better the human race. You revealed your mind state and level of consciousness as one who actually desires to bring down development of the human race by finding it desirable to fuck ditzy women harder. This is your fucking degenerate preference, not mine.

>> No.10463874
File: 39 KB, 861x485, Blushing blond anime girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Airheads are really popular and always called waifus by anime posters

>> No.10463908

really, I tend to interpret anime posting in most cases as adding value to a message in a sense that its more noticeable.

Can profound attachment be made with these images ? I think that's true. I'm not sure people interpret anime girls to be airheads 100% of the time however. I think it's more reasonable people attach their own personal values in whatever they see as desirable qualities in a female (to anime girls).

>> No.10463973

everyone else does the same with anime posters to make them more desirable for marriage

>> No.10464093

Wtf is this thread, even?
Is this some next-level sissyposting on /sci/?

>> No.10464103

>waifu = cute girl
How to spot a redditor.

>> No.10464279

what is sissyposting?

>> No.10464298

>type in a very feminine way.

First prove that’s even a thing.

>> No.10464307

Name for cover up german-finnish operation, sissi von strannhaus der reich liebe.

>> No.10464339

Fuck off /g/