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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10452760 No.10452760 [Reply] [Original]

What is your academic discipline?

>> No.10452762


>> No.10452765

Computer Science and Mathematics double major.

>> No.10452789

huge meme career

>> No.10452797


>> No.10452806


>> No.10452875

>Computer "Science"
I'm so sorry

>> No.10452920

Mat sci

>> No.10452932

bet you took the easiest math track

>> No.10452959

PhD in ECE

>> No.10452981

not him, but is it really such a bad thing if he likes it?

>> No.10453077


>> No.10453083

Biochemistry and computer science

>> No.10453086

is it true what they say about cs being a gigantic meme

>> No.10453087
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These two, combined.

>> No.10453089
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>> No.10453094

CS is a total waste of effort. Unless you're looking to be tech support for verizon or t-moble.

>> No.10453104

I may want to go with math, but I don't know anymore. I don't even like numbers. I don't know what to do. Fuck all this office faggot nonsense.

>> No.10453111

AI in the near future will obliterate math majors :)

>> No.10453112

isn't computer science basically computer programming/software engineering, that stuff can usually get you a decent job. problem is alot of people are doing it which makes it competitive

>> No.10453118

its literally the stem equivalent of a liberal arts

>> No.10453119

Go into the trades.

>> No.10453120

but that would be pretty far in the future, remember that ai will still be somewhat limited by us for some time
i could see it replacing many jobs like accountants and economist. you know, people who work under certain guidelines/rules

>> No.10453122

>a lot of people

You really don't understand what a lot entails, you have millions of pajeets with H1Bs and chinks who actually have more experience than you flooding the market for much less money than what you think you will be getting after you finish the degree.

>> No.10453124

Quantum cloud computing + AR will juggernaut it to first place in record time :)

>> No.10453127
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Ever seen the film Outsourced?

>> No.10453134

Always an option. Maybe I'll become a PMC.

>> No.10453137

Math and economics

>> No.10453189

ever seen the tv show? its good, got cancelled season 1 though. 7.5 on imdb

>> No.10453200

we'll see, was looking stuff up about it and noticed ibm apparently launched a commercially available quantum computer. IBM Q System One, but it may be mostly for publicity/testing. Atleast it seems quantum computing is getting plenty of attention

>> No.10453212

i wouldn't say its that bad, i've known multiple people who found jobs. there are lots of jobs if you are willing to move to where they're at. I live in austin, texas and this place has been going through a boom with startups

>> No.10453220

do you own guns or is austin bad for that

>> No.10453247

no, i don't own a gun and i'm not sure how people would act. still got plenty of regular texans who wouldn't mind but then you've got the super liberal people who will actively be a dick too.

>> No.10453299

buy a gun. don't even think about it, just do it

>> No.10453342

the thing is my family actually has lots of guns, i was just going to wait until i started hunting to ask for one, most of them were inherited. plus they are rifle/shotguns, it wouldn't be like i'd be having them in public.
If any arguments happened it probably wouldn't get past the fact that I hunted anyways.
Adding again- most people are just your average texan who doesn't really care

>> No.10453477

materials science

>> No.10453479

philosophy wasn't an option in the poll!

>> No.10453480

Even without philosomeme, it was a shit poll. Fuck off, NSA, we don't want any.

>> No.10453481

Computer science and biochemistry. Jfl at the cucks in the thread hating CS. Good job options, high salaries, intellectually challenging, what more can one ask for?

>> No.10453486


>> No.10453490
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>what more can one ask for?
the ability to commit acts of violence only possible with access to explosives and high caliber weapons

>> No.10453651


>> No.10453661

Electronic & computer engineering

The most difficult undergrad major

>> No.10453664


>> No.10453665
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>Fucked up and put zero thought before picking a degree
>End up with a degree that basically qualifies me as a lab tech if I finish my honours year well
What are my options? Do I just have to network the fuck out of this year; do heaps of unpaid internships and then up on a 50k a year job after all this effort?

Serious question.

>> No.10453687

lmao did you study physics?

>> No.10453700

No; I basically did a human biology degree (Physiology; Anat, etc). The degree was basically all theory with a few practical classes thrown in here and there for funsies. I came out of it with zero skills.

>> No.10453720
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Botany. :(

>> No.10453723

Disgusting meme degree. Why not just go for math?

>> No.10453792

What a fucking meme. Drop the math right now, and thank me later.

>> No.10453876

Bad and uneducated poll.
No vote for science and engineering, for example mine is Material Sciences Engineer, covers both.

>> No.10453896

biological and biomedical science

>> No.10453934

Applied Mathematics & Statistics. Don't bully me please.

>> No.10453940

Computer Science in a top 3% Uni, my friend who was doing Engineering switched over to software-engineering (ie his parents memed him into going into engineering because CS was like 5-10 ATAR points lower for entry)
People dont understand how far you can go with CS and how interesting it is !

>> No.10453961
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Finance + software dev
I chose these as it seemed the easiest path to an 80k paycheck down the road, which is all I really aspire to. Graduate in spring and still haven't opened a book to study once, 3.5 GPA.

>> No.10453980

>Computer Science in a top 3% Uni,
lmfao. this cope. funny shit bruh.
>this is the absolute best school in the zip code.

>> No.10453983

Its funny because im only somewhat upset but before I started going on here and seeing university and degree threads I was really positive and happy to be doing a degree and studying. No matter how far I come as a person there will always be someone LARPing on the net as more intelligent and arbitrarily superior
This place is actually garbage for your mind, you only know when you leave and leave this place behind

>> No.10454009

Assuming you majored in biology or chemistry and live in the US, go into medicine. If you’re high IQ you can become a specialist and make $$$. You could also go to grad school but careers in science pay horribly

>> No.10454103
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Civil engineering

>> No.10454259


>> No.10454264

>double major.
Brainlet spotted.

>> No.10454275

>complains about the poll being bad
>doesn't get that the 4 options are from the acronym
nigga you just want to bitch

>> No.10454276

you going to med school i take it?

>> No.10454278

I knew a few people who defaulted to finance, its not too bad

>> No.10454282

Some of us don't like being around other people....>>10454264

>> No.10454342

Any idea on salaries?

>> No.10454363

Bioinformatics is science right

>> No.10454372

im cs student nigga

>> No.10454378


>> No.10454396

Non-adversarial Bayesian inversion.

>> No.10454419
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>> No.10454940

nah, sorry. didn't feel it appropriate to ask.
i assume enough to be worth it but expect lots of hours in the beginning because you are new and have to do grunt work. this is normal for most fields though.

>> No.10454981

Pharmaceutical Science

>> No.10454996

What's the difference between technology and engineering? Did they just need both to make the acronym work nicely?

>> No.10455020

nah im too dumb for that, going to a second rate arts university in my country, considering postgrad medicine though

>> No.10455048


>> No.10455158
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>have bachelors in economics
>have a lot of experience in accounting
>mfw people who majored in CS come to me to get them out of trouble with the IRS because they fucked up and owe a shit ton of money

Actually about to start a masters in CS though.

>> No.10455246

>studied accounting before switching majors
I'm not spitting bs, i am very confident that ai could replace accounting and that it would be better. tax accounting that you mentioned is usually filled with malpractice which is why they have strict codes of conduct. ever heard of GAAP? yet many individuals still commit crimes, ie fraud

>> No.10455289


you should be happy they ended on stem

>> No.10455456

What's with all of the animosity among majors attempting to seem more intelligent. Believing intelligence to be a desirable trait implies lack thereof

>> No.10455475

majored in biochem and physics, minor in philosophy.

medical student now, interest in cog-neuro residency.

did research in cosmology, machine learning, and now starting bioinformatics.

i am also a tutor, since i was 15. so you can say i love all the disciplines.

favorite is physics though.

>> No.10455492

What is university level philosophy even like? Like what's the advantage over searching for pdf files in google and learning everything yourself

>> No.10455501

>What is university level philosophy even like? Like what's the advantage over searching for pdf files in google and learning everything yourself

It's quite difficult, in fact. You have to write a ton of papers in which you must explicitly state what it is you're talking about. It isn't like an essay in a writing course.

Not to mention the texts they have you read are quite dense and often take multiple readings and discussions to fully ascertain the meaning of.

Also, logic was required for my minor and that was probably one of the toughest courses I had ever taken.

>> No.10455613


>> No.10455649

physics and philosophy, the intellectual's choice of degree

also I don't have to do labs like a KEK

>> No.10455883
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>> No.10456415

Sounds pretty worthless. Could you go to grad school in a slightly different area? Or wouldn't you be able to get into med school with that degree? How good were your grades?

>> No.10456435
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You forgot something! :)

>> No.10456440
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I don't want to discourage your enthusiasm but Jacob Barnett leaned all of these topics at the age of 12.

>> No.10456459

Oh, I think you mean science, technology, engineering, agriculture, and mathematics :^)

>> No.10456474
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you are literally me

>> No.10456650


>> No.10458846

Science 41 40%
Technology 8 8%
Engineering 34 33%
Mathematics 20 19%
>there is also a pie graph and a map for those interested

>> No.10458914

The student body is but it's a math+programming degree that encompasses all lower level math+physics as well as some higher math.

>> No.10458984

it usually doesn't

>> No.10459024

whats wrong with cs

>> No.10459029

PhD of immunology and pathology

>> No.10459039
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>> No.10459042


>> No.10459066
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It's a meme degree that it's only useful for code monkeying. It's also stupidly easy to self teach it

>> No.10459120
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Wildlife Biology. I get to give haircuts to bats, its kinda fun.

>> No.10459775

Bah bruv I live in Vic

>> No.10459804

What's not a meme career then?

>> No.10459823
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Electrical engineering.
Though thinking it now I have no idea why I did that. I have never liked physics and least of all electrical.
Would kinda want to do something physical. Maybe physical therapist or something like that. Idk.

>> No.10459853
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>> No.10460163

wtf, what for? that's neat

>> No.10460498

Cs major, focus ai systems, subfocus cybersecurity

>> No.10460503

Alright, code a a double linked list with two termiating points a headder and a foot within an hour please

>> No.10460512

General Biology. Need to get my masters soon as Im coasting on job experience right now.

>> No.10460524

>he thinks you can't self study linked lists in a few minutes
CS majors everybody

>> No.10460977
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>you wouldn't give these bats a haircut

>> No.10460986


>> No.10461312

I fuck your mother while i read a topology book