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10458476 No.10458476 [Reply] [Original]

What is the science of obesity? Why does the body store fat to excess instead of having some kind of mechanism which downregulates adipose tissue formation beyond a certain point? I was diagnosed with obesity two years ago during a routine doctor visit, and it is a devastating disease. I struggle with my illness every day, and sometimes I fear it will never get better. This is a terrible malady to have.

>> No.10458522
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Unbalanced hormones, excess calories and sedentary lifestyle

>> No.10458532

I'd imagine because it was never necessary to develop since the we haven't really ever had a food surplus until recently, much too recently for evolution to take effect.

>> No.10458533

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Obesity Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Food Like Nigga Close Your Mouth Haha

>> No.10458541
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Don't give up just because you're lazy

>> No.10458548

stop calling it a disease, that will cause a mental block if you ever decide to get in shape. mental block bad when exercising mkay.

>> No.10458581

>Why does the body store fat to excess instead of having some kind of mechanism which downregulates adipose tissue formation beyond a certain point?

For most healthy people it does. There's also the possibility of malnutrition, oddly enough you can get fat from that.

>> No.10458608

the science is you accumulate more chemical potential energy than you expand

you are also likely mentally ill

>> No.10458660

If it has a pathology, it's a disease.

>> No.10458661

To survive the winter
But you also don't survive the winter if your people find you snacking on supplies

>> No.10458662


>> No.10458690

good luck with that mental block faggot

>> No.10458755

>some kind of mechanism which downregulates adipose tissue formation beyond a certain point
Strength training for strong muscles. I did weight training for a year when I was 16. Now I eat like a pig and can't seem to break 200lb.

>> No.10458759

You got it wrong, there is no "fat formation", fat cells expand and that is the danger.

The trick is to make your body into burning fat instead of storaging it.

Ephedrine is amazing and VERY addictive. Once you get thin then you worry about the addiction.

PS: Remember, when you are on ephedrine, if you eat a lot you may explode.

>> No.10458820

we evolved to survive extreme conditions, nothing in our evolutionary history prepared us for McDonalds and office jobs.

>> No.10459710

hes larping guys no MAN on earth actually believes obesity is a disease.

>> No.10459789

It does have a regulation mechanism (for example I can't become morbidly obese no matter how much I eat). The downside is that I can't build muscle.

>> No.10459794

Strength training doesn't work I've done it for years and can't build muscle

>> No.10459864


> cant force himself to put the fork down
> what is the equation behind my own inability to stop eating?
> what is the secret behind all of this?
> what could the universe mean with this?

>> No.10459881

So you're saying fat people have infinite potential... infinite...

>> No.10460598

why do even want to build muscle? it's the neural coordination and heart ventricle size/thickness that really matters

>> No.10460956


/fit/ fag here.

If you eat more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. If you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight. If this wasn't true, the human body would literally violate the laws of physics.

You could write a book on all the factors that determine how many calories you burn. But there's no such thing as a person who can't burn body fat when subjected to a caloric deficit. Such a condition would literally be fatal in a matter of hours.

>> No.10461829

Obesity absolutely IS a disease, and a major public health crisis in the US. At this point, with its prevalence and sudden increase after the 1980's, it's silly to treat it like a matter of individual "decisions." This is basic epidemiology.

>> No.10461835

> If you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight.

Sometimes. Fat people are more prone to developing lymphatic channel blockage, which means that fluids cannot drain. They can ingest nothing but water and still increase in mass as a result of the body's failure to properly expel waste materials.

>> No.10461838

>nigga thinks you can't decide to be fat or not
how bout you ask a fit freak that

>> No.10461875

There's no such thing as an individual "you" in epidemiology. There are curves and Gaussian distributions. Let's say we have a curve showing "capacity for self-regulation of weight" and put the left tail at 0 (no self-control) and right tail at 100 (total self-control). I'm betting the curve hasn't actually changed that much over time, but the number of fatties HAS changed. In other words, something is happening such that people at level-X self-control in 1980 are now as fat in 2019 as people at level X minus Y self-control were in 1980.

Figuring out THAT part is what epidemiology is supposed to help do.

>> No.10462110

It basically is. treating it as such actually makes treatment of obesity better.

>> No.10462113

>instead of having some kind of mechanism which downregulates adipose tissue formation beyond a certain point?

Because that would mean your body automatically turns fat into diarrhea and would require constant food all the time instead of being able to draw upon your fat stores when food isn't available.

>> No.10462340

how's this for a mechanism: stop eating so much and stop eating sugar in particular

>> No.10463873

Story Time, I used to weigh 240lbs about 4 years ago, but I lost 75lbs over the course of 2 years. How I did it was first cutting out all the soda and sugary drinks I was drinking and switched to strictly water for hydration. I lost 20 lbs in 2 weeks that way. Next I cut out nearly all my fast food intake, switching to fruits and vegetables instead with the occasional meat meal, fast food or not. I was down 50lbs after the first year because of that and moderate exercise(I'd bike probably 3-5 miles a day average) I started eating fast food again after that, but much smaller portions, as well as regular meals being generally smaller, and still minimal soda and Gatorade.
TL:DR drinking any amount of soda more than 1 can a day and eating fast food daily WILL keep you fat.

>> No.10463904

The day you are unable to bike every day is the day you will relapse.

>> No.10463960

Guess what I absolutely have not been able to do for the past 6 months because winters are a bitch in Michigan's Upper Peninsula? That's right, biking! Guess how much weight I've put on this winter? None. Its because I hardly eat fast food anymore, and the only soda I drink is 1 energy drink per day. Its all about self control, calories in, calories out. When spring comes and I start biking again I'm going to have to start eating more food to keep up with the amount of calories I expend during a day. Typically my weight fluctuates up and down about 2 lbs per week. I hardly ever see it above 168 and only a few times below 164

>> No.10463983

Do you fear you'll get fat again in the future? I lost weight (around 21 kg) in the past and looked like chad but put all the weight back on and more.

>> No.10464004

It's not all about self control. Just like quitting heroine is not just about self control.

>> No.10464009

Not particularly, I don't think the biking contributed much to the weight loss because I was doing it already before I started eating better. I am now very well in control of my eating habits and my weight is consistently between 164 and 168 lbs. I have always been overweight since the third grade(Thanks, Haldol!) and never really lost it until I decided enough was enough after high school. I think overall diet control is more important for losing weight than exercise because even with minimal exercise and the right eating habit I did lose 80lbs over 2 years. I didn't do strength training, just bicycling as much as I could, I'd push myself to try to get to the top of the hill no matter how tired my legs felt, and my city has a lot of hills.

>> No.10464021

Stopping use of narcotics is not the same as regulating caloric intake.

>> No.10464025

It is.

>> No.10464038

It absolutely is not. Provide a source or GTFO.

>> No.10464109

Your body fights back to regain the lost weight. It's very hard to manage and is the cause of so many relapses. A strong biological urges to overeat is basically addiction.



>> No.10464118

How do people not exercise everyday? I can't go more than a few days without working out before I start going nuts

>> No.10464124

>I can't go more than a few days without ______ before I start going nuts
It's called an addiction, anon

>> No.10464143

But lots of exercise is good for you and makes you look sexy as fuck

>> No.10464177

Ok granted you have a point there, but it can also be summed up as people who have poor enough impulse control to get overweight int the first place also do not have the self control to maintain weight loss. That study shows that less than 20% of individuals are able to sustain a 10% weight loss after a year, and I think that's because they get it in their mind after they lose the weight "Yay! I lost x Lbs! I did so good! Now I can go back to eating hamburgers and cake for lunch!" So they put the pounds back on. The People who succeed at keeping the weight of on the other hand have the mindset of "Jeez that was a lot of hard work exercising and dieting this last year, but look at all this weight I lost! I better make sure to keep up with my healthy eating habits lest I put that weight back on." Again, I did not change my diet much other than drinking water instead of soda(I was drinking 8 cans of mtn dew a day on average) and eating home cooked meals of lean meat and vegetables. The biking I was already doing because poorfag just out of high school with no car.

>> No.10464217

>for you
No, not everybody can build muscle

>> No.10464228

I'm a big guy

>> No.10464246

Regardless of building muscle exercise is still good for you. It keeps your heart and lungs healthy, and regulates hormones and energy.

>> No.10464268

>But lots of exercise is good for you
But too much exercise is bad for you

>> No.10464273

Being healthy is useless when you can't build muscle, you just get to suffer longer because you die older instead

>> No.10464319

Well then quit shitting up every single thread on /sci/ pissing and moaning about being unable to build muscle and go do something else with your life that you can enjoy. There's a shitload of things to do in this existence, something out there is waiting for you to discover and enjoy it.

>> No.10464326

But I want to build muuuuscle
Everybody can, why not me?! I want to build muscle and nothing else.

>> No.10464330

Okay then tell me every single thing you have done in an attempt to build muscle.

>> No.10464350

Lifting for years following the most popular routines that apparently work for *everyone* without a single exception, (((scientifically))) proven like SS, SL, 531, eating on a surplus which makes me only gain fat, eating enough protein, then eating more than enough when told to eat more, until 3g/kg which I've decided not to cross despite retards telling me to eat even more because I know it won't fix my problem and will get me killed. In short I've done much more than what the average joe does to put on muscle and it doesn't work. Upping frequency, changing to light weight high reps, adding accessories, modifying programs, nothing has worked at all. I have the same muscle mass I had when I started. More than 2 years and I still can't get to 2/3/4 plates on the bench/squat/dl for a 1rm which is supposed to be attained within the year for anyone even doing plenty of mistakes.

>> No.10464402

How frequently do you lift, what weights, how many reps, how often per day? Do you feel physically exhausted after a workout? What is your daily caloric intake and what do you generally eat?

>> No.10464405

It's a disease in the way that it has serious health consequences. It's not in the way that you catch obesity like you catch a cold.

>> No.10464437

Right now I lift every other day. I haven't been able to increase the load at all in months even with deloading. Right now I perform about 5 reps per set. I'm not sure why the numbers matter since I absolutely can't get even one rep more without compromising form, but it's around 170/225/275 lbs for bench/squat/dl and even if it seems low it's the most I can do now because my muscles won't grow. I am physically exhausted after every single session which lasts like 45 min and I have to drink more than 2L to survive each time. I usually eat red meat with pasta. I've tried raising my intake up to 3k kcals a day but I only put on fat. My muscle cells just won't respond to training at all.

>> No.10464490

>2 Part reply incoming
Do you take vitamins at all? Perhaps try using lower weights and trying more reps per set, if you don't have the endurance to do the reps the muscles don't get used for extended periods and don't build. Maybe 1 day a week just go with weights light enough to be a small challenge and see how many reps you can go, the key being is to push the muscle being worked to the point of being feeling tired and keeping it going for as long as possible. And you mention you drink 2L of water, is it possible you're causing an electrolyte imbalance doing that?

>> No.10464501

My main points are check that you're diet to ensure that you're having everything you need vitamin and electrolyte wise, maybe start drinking black coffee to give an energy boost.
But also if you're not gaining anything doing strength training it seems because you do small reps, if you do endurance training instead, and once your endurance is up, you should be able to do the same strength training weights but it will become easier to do more reps, thus building the strength.

>> No.10464521

I don't take any vitamins. I don't know about electrolyte imbalance, I just need to drink a lot during exercises because I'm sweating hard during compound movements. I have tried occasionally to train for endurance but it doesn't seem to be useful

>> No.10464528

I'll finish off with this, if the method you've been using for months has had no results, maybe look into a different method, but stick with the new method for at least half a year before changing again. Try leaner protiens and more vegetables, stir fry can make many-at-tasty meal. Pasta breaks down easily and won't give you long term energy. Fruits and Vegetables are great for vitamins, and give you longer-burning fuel, combine with lean protein sources such as lean beef, chicken, eggs, and you're good to go.

>> No.10464554

Endurance is incredibly useful because it allows for you to last longer during strength training exercise, cardio workouts basically help your body to work more efficiently, and once you have that efficient baseline, you can start your strength training and gradually go up. An example would be jogging, if you can jog 100 yards before getting exhausted, and you keep jogging as far as you can 5/days a week, eventually you'll make it to 110 yds, then 120, 130, 140, and eventually you can go a mile. Then say you strap 5 lbs weights to your feet and hands and you can only jog 100 yards again, and you work your way all the way back up to a mile with the weights. And you keep increasing the weights, like this and eventually you could sprint the mile carrying a 200 pound rucksack. Now obviously that isn't a realistic example, but that is generally how building muscle works.

>> No.10465157

That doesn’t alter the fact that thinking of it as a disease is likely to discourage efforts to lose weight, brainlet. Not every definition is useful.

>> No.10465436

Building muscle is extremely easy; you literally just have to do an anabolic stack or two. You'll gain muscle even if you don't exercise during this process.

It's a disease because it is a pathological condition with adverse consequences to people's health. That's a descriptive judgment, not a moral one.

>> No.10465451
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>What is the science of obesity?
People who eat a lot should also try to burn a lot of calories.

>> No.10466560

Don't give up, OP!

>> No.10466584

C_{55}H_{104}O_6 + 78 \, O_2 \rightarrow 55 \, CO_2 + 52 \, H_2O + [/math] energy

84% of fat is exhaled as [math]CO_2[/math]
16% of fat is exhaled as [math]H_2O[/math]

>> No.10466947

I read that brain scans indicate that the brains of obese people are similar to heroin addicts and alcoholics.
So I think one approach to the obesity epidemic is to treat it the same was as a drug addiction .

>> No.10466966

Fatass here, I've started fasting after 3:00pm every day and counting my calories. Also drinking twice as much water. The first thing I'm noticing is my brainfog is completely gone.

>> No.10467355

>tfw European countries are getting fat now too
It makes me so happy. Proves they’re just behind us, not superior.

>> No.10467793


That's just retaining water because of a physical blockage though, not actually increasing mass. Fitness definition of mass, not scientific. In order to create actual new tissue, be it body fat, muscle, etc. your body MUST have raw material to work with, otherwise it would violate the law of conservation of energy.

When we talk about losing weight, we really mean reducing body fat (while hopefully minimizing muscle loss as well.)

Fluctuating water weight is just statistical noise. Many people who try to lose weight give up after a day or two because of this, but really you need at least a few weeks before you will see any measurable progress.

Again, /fit/ fag here, so that makes me an authority here on fat and weight loss. AMA.

>> No.10467808

soooo literally stop taking drugs?

>> No.10467988

Due to the Black Plague, most people who survived had to stay in and eat nothing, thus holding onto their fat. Ergo, those who were good at it made the cut, so now most of us got the ancestral plus-boy genes.

>> No.10467991

If a fat person ate a little bit of food constantly, like slow enough never to fill up their belly, would they poop constantly?

>> No.10469078

Based curious but stupid poster

>> No.10469227

Good for you. I struggle with obesity mainly because I have short moments of not being completely exhausted when I eat, all other times are pure distilled brainfog and exhaustion.

>> No.10469371

>diagnosed with obesity
Literally had to have a doctor tell you you were fat
Do you see other, non-fat people huffing and puffing on the stairs, complaining about their knees, and being lonely virgins forever? Do you not know what exercise or a healthy diet looks like?

The science of fat is a social one. You're poorly informed, addicted, and your body has been numbed to ita self-imposed discomfort. Also, those around you suspect you will be needy and loud

>> No.10469535

>What is the science of obesity?

At the most fundamental level, obesity is effectively an unintentional side effect that occurs because our fat storage is not built for insular domesticated life. So in order to resolve this you have to practice a lifestyle that prevents the body from over compensating in a environment that requires little dependency on fat.


This is hard because not only is travel becoming increasingly automated, jobs more sedentary but the average diet is overkill in relation to the effort made to aquire the food.

Your ancestors spent hours up to days hunting game for food. Your ancestors worked the land for seasons to yield suitable harvests. You spent minutes at a restaurant to stuff your face.

>> No.10469815

Try starving in the afternoons and drinking more water.

>> No.10470522

>Literally had to have a doctor tell you you were fat

You'd be surprised how common this is. A lot of people consider themselves "a bit chubby" but are taken aback when they actually get on a scale at the doctor's office and are diagnosed as clinically obese.