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10455540 No.10455540 [Reply] [Original]

Choose one

>> No.10455550


>> No.10455573
File: 64 KB, 496x345, Albuquerque-business-management-school.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stem degree
choose one

>> No.10455574

>not an incel virgin
pick one

>> No.10455583

All correct

>> No.10455592
File: 148 KB, 675x1200, boys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average men
>academic succes

choose one

>> No.10455595

I mean they have neater handwriting....

>> No.10455611

>reads New York Times
>uniroically post small paragraphs of a non-annotated nytimes option piece to prove a point

>> No.10455630
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>> No.10455640

>calling an anonymous poster online a virgin
imagine being this low iq

>> No.10455727

Yeah amazing that a liberal arts major would have a better GPA than an engineer

>> No.10455732

yeaaah thass rite bro
cuz like, if you like grills, then you're totally gay rite?

>> No.10455739

thanks for your contribution, /r9k/

>> No.10455768

Based and redpilled

>> No.10455773

>hey g-guys look I’m an /sci/ poster
Fuck off fag

>> No.10455858

found OP

>> No.10455860

she’s Asian girl not a dumb whitey

>> No.10455872

Yeah but she’s not a hot asian girl and therefore worthless

>> No.10455875

might be OP too

>> No.10455899

>Women's worth is tied to their attractiveness

>>>b is that way

>> No.10455903

Women can be engineers, but they are usually plain looking, and from eastern europe or southeast asia. All the attractive blonds with absurd tech titles writing JS front ends are meme hires.

>> No.10455904

>implying I said all women
Just asian ones nigger

>> No.10455905

This fucker has no idea about the top-shelf ass in the MIT nuclear engineering school

>> No.10455911


>> No.10455924

Oh I see, you're a racist pussy

>> No.10455925

I can't tell if you're serious and have no way of verifying it to sate my curiosity now

>> No.10455929

He’s not serious

>> No.10455935
File: 52 KB, 924x571, whatamidoing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual women are working on manuscripts at this precise moment, publishing worthwhile contributions in science and engineering
>op spends 8 hours a day on 4chan talking about women in STEM

>> No.10455943

Yeah that's fair, let's expect each individual man to meet the cumulative accomplishments of 50% of the population

>> No.10455967

>actual men are working on groundbreaking research at this exact moment while women are sucking dick for money
See how retarded your shit analogy is?

>> No.10455988

Stop eating the bait you fucking idiots

>> No.10456758

If I get to choose, i think I'll chose a woman, please. Not sure what I'd do with an engineer.

>> No.10456813

choose all three

>> No.10457901

i don't expect you to meet it, but i expect you to at least try, especially if you're going to take the time and shit it away arguing about women in STEM

>unwittingly comparing shitposting on 4chan with sucking dick for money
it wasn't an analogy, it was a statement of fact.
and don't knock dick suckers. they're spending their time making money providing a service, that's infinitely more productive than you faggots.

i made sure my reply didn't bump the thread. did you?

>> No.10458120

Go back to discord tranny, and regardless of if you bump the thread or not you still took op’s bait and he’s probably pretty amused that he got a rise out of you

>> No.10458125

Cus I want a man. mwuah!

>> No.10458140

Engineering is a brainlet career path. It’s perfect for women who have convinced themselves they should go into stem.

>> No.10458147

>i made sure my reply didn’t bump the thread
wow great job moron, except the thread is still on page 1 after 22 hours

>> No.10458162

>muh discord boogeyman
just trying to help the sick.

>bumps the thread while complaining about what page the thread is on
imagine being this new

>> No.10458168

Seething and cope.

>> No.10458176

>implying I was complaining
I’m enjoying seeing post from seething brainlets like you, I’m glad this thread is on page 1 and I’m happy to bump it if it means we’ll have more people in here eating the bait (like you)

>> No.10458214

>I was only pretending to be retarded
and this is what you're reduced to when confronted with an uncomfortable truth.
enjoy what's left of your thread.

>> No.10458227

>I was only pretending to fall for the bait

>> No.10458238

>this is what you’re reduced to when confronted with the uncomfortable truth
You’re just grasping at straws at this point anon, you’re just clearly trying to save face after you went full retard and got genuinely triggered from a shitty bait thread, at no point in my replies to you did I attempt to troll you in any way as op has, I’ve only told you that you are fucking stupid for falling for this bait and you’re not able to see the humor behind this because you’re the one getting fucked with and falling for it so you aren’t able to see why other people would enjoy this thread
Jokes on you pal, not on me

>> No.10458391

>implying I'm not already published
So your argument is invalid, even by your own shitty metrics

>> No.10458547

>retard doesn’t know what an analogy is
That retarded logic you used was an analogy (when you compare two things to each other to prove a point) you idiotically compared op’s shitposting to women working on manuscripts as though thats a representation for anything, for all you know op could have tons of published journals and manuscripts and those genius stem women could be the biggest shitposters on the planet

>> No.10458555

so this is the power of a women's studies degree? heh, gotta admit, I didn't expect any better but I understand the need for educated baristas

>> No.10458556

I've never met a female PE in real life. Been practicing for 8 years now.

>> No.10458565

There were a few girls in my engineering classes (like 15%), and even of those few, half of them decided to go into non-engineer roles once graduated.

Why do Jews lie to women and tell them they have to like engineering. They very clearly don't. They will all swarm medicine/nursing/life sciences though.

>> No.10458579

>Why do Jews lie to women and tell them they have to like engineering.
$$$ the more we compete with ourselves on every level the cheaper labor is, and the more profit for institutions as education becomes a necessity for comfortable living. Women in engineering will just be promoted to management positions which means more qualified men are working lesser positions.

>> No.10459016


>> No.10459043

I'm replying to that anon, but you lack the IQ to read two posts deep. I explained it's about money because I'm not caught like a deer in the headlights (you) as soon as my NPC programming encounters "Jews".

>> No.10459048

thread about women in engineering last three posts buzz words:

>> No.10459057
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You keep get caught up, you're really incapable of critical thinking as soon as you read a no-no word? You have to drop everything and prove you spotted the no-no like a 5-year-old teacher's pet?

>> No.10459092


>> No.10459115 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 598x415, 1529365775597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude I haven't said Jews once besides in quoting the anon I replied to but I'm not even going to bother counting how many times you've screeched Jews in this autistic fit

>> No.10459500
File: 72 KB, 600x900, C8853B94-A5BE-468D-88EA-47A52405FA2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The women in my engineering classes are just as confused as the men but they’re more outwardly neurotic which is why they seem to get it less. Just my theorie.

>> No.10459831

Everyone would be happier if women sat under the tables and did what they're good at.

>> No.10459953

Which is?

>> No.10459957

I'll leave that you your imagination.

>> No.10459988

Asian women in particular, what are they good at

>> No.10460439

I pick the op

>> No.10460443

>so this is the power of a woman’s study degree
Absolute kek

>> No.10460941


>> No.10460962

Fuck you we need more vaginas in STEM, I'm tired of working in a sausage pit.

>> No.10460966

Then get into nursing unless you enjoy carrying dead weight

>> No.10460975

>wanting to bang women you work with
I don’t think you realize how awkward it is having to see someone you were inside of that you’re not in a relationship with on a daily basis and treat them professionally
I like my workplace being a brofest where we don’t have to worry about women getting triggered

>> No.10461395
