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File: 451 KB, 447x596, lsd-in-the-bag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10451404 No.10451404[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how many of you microdose on lsd?

>> No.10451420


>> No.10451423

I prefer mushrooms to LSD, though that being said I've never tried LSD. I'm more trusting of the naturally growing substance with thousands of years of documented ritual use than something invented in a laboratory.

>> No.10451452

Microdosing is an absolute meme.

Just do a big dose every weekend or every month to keep your brain on edge and creative during work. Works a lot better for your productivity than meme-dosing.

>> No.10451475

I just take a double of whisky in the morning and another at lunch.

>> No.10451595

Second this, I always have my best insights in work, life, and creative pursuits in the week following a psychedelic/dissociative trip

>> No.10451657

Psychedelics being good for creativity is a meme. Wow alex grey posters, like the godhead dude!

>> No.10451684

very little past anecdotal evidence, it probably does work and I've tried that and a handful of other nootropics but the best thing I've ever done for my brain is exercise, have a good diet and consistent sleep.

>> No.10451705

Low IQ people end up like that when exposed to psychedelics. Many people are too stupid to understand the changes happening inside their head and start believing in bullshit spiritualism.

>> No.10451730

You're fucking retarded, there's science evidence behind psychedelics. I doubt you even know how they even make you trip

>> No.10451749

that is like saying speed doesn't enhance concentration

>> No.10451785

>I prefer mushrooms to LSD, though that being said I've never tried LSD.
Then don't say you prefer shrooms to LSD brainlet.

Waiting 6 months between each trip is a useful rule of thumb.

Fun fact:
Medieval peasants sometimes had hallucination because of Lysergic acid present in their rye culture via ergot fungus.

>> No.10451913

This. I like psychedelics but anyone taking the experience at face value and spiritually profound beyond just a good insight into qualia is a moron not taking into account the neurology going on.

>> No.10451919

Nobody talked about spirituality here in the thread.

We talked about the creativity inducing effects. Not even related to hallucinations but to your brain forcing to use neural pathways it normally doesn't take causing your brain to feel "refreshed" for a week or so after a trip session.

This is also why it seems to cause a cure for depression. In depressed brains the neural activity is very shallow and rigid. LSD/psylocybin forces their brains to fire in those directions sometimes causing the depression to be immediately and permanently cured.

I know this because it happened with my myself. I'm not the hippie type of guy either. It's pure science.

>> No.10451978

We're talking about spiritual interpretations you mushroom brain, maybe your destroyed ego can no longer comprehend other people with their own conversations really exist.

>> No.10452185

op here and no that was never the case you fuck

spirituality is a meme

>> No.10452220

Perhaps it is you misunderstanding Reality is the trip

>> No.10452238

>not microdosing alcohol everyday

>> No.10452310

>microdosing alchohol

>> No.10452325

I'm on day 2 of microdosing and if anything, it's given me a slightly clearer mind and a feeling of content. Could be placebo though but I intend to do a full 30 day run to see if it's as beneficial as many claim

a friend had an extra tab and just gave it to me so no skin off my nose

>> No.10452415

How do you intend to microdose without any control over the dosage you mongoloid.

>> No.10452443

You know you have clinical schizophrenia when you do that. If I were a shareholder for a company and anyone openly admitted to micro-doseing LSD, I would have him removed on the grounds on mental illness.

>> No.10452446

Did you know ergot smells like fish. Makes you wonder about the biblical miracle of bread and fish. Fishy smelling bread?

>> No.10452459

harsh claims and lacking research

>> No.10452507

Worst meme on this board after the "can't build muscle" autist

>> No.10452510

It's not a meme, I haven't put on a pound of muscle despite years of training. I am trying to find a fix. I can't even get a gun to put a bullet up my brain.

>> No.10452512

Crusty old person detected. It's hard to unlearn predjudice at your age huh.

Pretty sure this is the same crossboard poster shitting up multiple threads on multiple boards. I yearn for the time when trolls were amusing. Now spending time with one in a thread is like having a nugget of shit stuck just under your nose and your hands are tied behind your back.

Shrooms were the first step in me recovering from depression but they weren't enough on their own. I did a fair bit of experimentation and kava kava and/or saffron polished things up for the most part.

>> No.10453009
File: 1.26 MB, 320x179, 1501233781830.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every successful cartoonist does psychedelics. even adventure time hints at dmt in multiple episodes

>> No.10453520
File: 135 KB, 378x396, 1550358604781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fill graduated eyedropper bottle with 80ml of distilled water
>add 20ml vodka
>drop tab in
>let sit for 24 hours with occasional gentle shake
>take 10ml of solution per dosage

no u

>> No.10453524

The only thing that comes.on perforated paper is gonna be an RC.

>> No.10453525

You legitimately don't have clinical schizophrenia.

>> No.10453775

Can someone comment on this?

>> No.10453825


>> No.10453956

it's called volumetric dosing

>> No.10453984

2 days ago I had really weird trip. It was a bad trip, after I went for a walk on comeup, I came back home, tried to listen to some cheerful music and put on TV series, but after a while I started wondering why I took this and I forgot and thought it makes me feel bad. Then I lay for like an hour thinking and staring at my room in very weird state. I thought that I went crazy and had like suicidal fog, idk how to explain it. Then a friend started writing to me and I told him and he kind of pulled me out of this, and I did some things on PC, and then it started to be OK again. But when I went to sleep I had like 2D "epileptic flahses" in my brain with various trippy gifs. Usually I have fractals, or images that multiply to infinity and things like that when I'm going to sleep but this time it was really a whole lot of trippy gifs flashing in my brain.

>> No.10454015

the real question is how are you feeling atm, any better? or worse intellectual benefits?

>> No.10454023

Indifferent than previously. I mean I have 'serotonin hangover' and feel quity shitty, but I usually do after acid. But I didn't have suicidal thoughts before for a long time, and still don't. And I didn't really have them on trip, it was just a bad hopeless feeling and I kept thinking that I have schizophrenia or I'm crazy and that I don't belong etc.

>> No.10454099

Microdosing is bliss. puts you in a state of perfect relaxation and happiness for 10 hours then it quietly fades over the next 10 hours. At the same time it makes your brain capable of going 100% in whatever direction you point it for the same duration.

anyone else get the experience that it separates mind from body in some weird way. I'll touch my pecs or something and feels completely different and more numb than when sober. Everything your body does is effortless, relaxed and takes no energy or brainpower. The number one thought when microdosing IME is "i am so comfortable and relaxed holy shit"

Also, microdosing has absolutely nothing to do with spirituality and it has absolutely nothing to do with hallucinating or tripping. Microdosing is like being in elementary school when it's the last day before summer vacation and finally the day is over. You put that feeling in a pill and there you have microdosing.

>> No.10454190

I wouldn't use adventure time as an example for anything if you want to be taken seriously.