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10444912 No.10444912 [Reply] [Original]

Ketamine just got approved by the FDA for depression. It costs something like 500 dollars per dose.
What's the actual science on NMDA antagonists? Apparently they cause Olney's lesions in rats, but I haven't seen any conclusive primate studies.

>> No.10444918

Johnson and Johnson, damn son. Retrophin owns the other isomer variation.

>> No.10445296

It causes that when given consistently and often, if taken sparsely then it doesn't do any harm.

Whether taking it routinely for depression makes it deleterious i don't know but probably still a good trade off if it stops you killing yourself.

>> No.10445299

>taking horse tranquilliser

>> No.10445308

>$500 per dose

Typical health insurance scam.

>> No.10446165

It's supposedly orders of magnitude more effective than SSRI's

>> No.10446207

>it's supposedly orders of magnitude better than sun exposure
Nobody gives a fuck

>> No.10446234

They should start prescribing gym memberships for $500

>> No.10446332

lmao what retard would pay that much for the ridiculous doses they give you, i could buy 1 gram on the darknet for 20$ and make my own spray that could last for months

>> No.10446353

>Olney's lesions in rats
Firstly, I believe Olney's lesions was a study done on dextromethorphan (DXM) effects, though I could be wrong.

Secondly, I believe that hypothesis was rebuked because the dosage per weight that was given to test subjects was significantly higher than what a human would ever take recreationally.

I used to robotrip as a teen and I did it pretty often for a period of time and there haven't been any noticeable effects and I am studying STEM now... Of course that's anecdotal evidence and for all I know, if I got a scan done my brain might look like Swiss cheese. On the other hand, I don't think using Ketamine or any dissociative as an antidepressant is a good idea.

>> No.10446508

Serious abuse makes your brain atrophy, reduces the number of extant connections per neuron and severely disables formation of new synapses. (Compare this to NMDA agonists, often used as treatment for Alzheimer's). This is pretty much the opposite effect of what you want to achieve in depressed patients, as their illness often has the same effect on the brain as prolonged ketamine (ab)use. Data collected from recreational ketamine users.

I would assume ketamine for depression is like benzodiazepines for anxiety - you use it for a short amount of time when things seem their darkest. This is most likely never to be approved as a long-term treatment, shouldn't be, at least.

>> No.10446553

>I would assume ketamine for depression is like benzodiazepines for anxiety - you use it for a short amount of time when things seem their darkest. This is most likely never to be approved as a long-term treatment, shouldn't be, at least.

Basically this. The current manifestation of Ketamine treatments results in short lived results and require ongoing treatments. Maybe used in conjunction with behavioral therapy or some shit it could be useful? I don't know. You can buy a whole vial from India for $20 and just do it yourself. This $500 pharma shit is complete nonsense

>> No.10446604

US medical prices are set by monkeys at a banana auction

>> No.10447151

stfu up dude, you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.10447172

>It costs something like 500 dollars per dose.
I mean I'll sell you a vial for 400 bucks.

>> No.10447583 [DELETED] 

Yeah you're right, I haven't actually seen monkeys holding a banana auction. Oh wait, there's congress

>> No.10447586

Yes you're right, I haven't actually seen monkeys holding a banana auction. Oh wait, there's congress.

>> No.10447652 [DELETED] 


>> No.10447902

Your ketamine is not safe for consumption,
in the same way that amphetamine stimulants are not safe to consume unless they come from official medical doctors .

>> No.10448010

>Selling horse tranquilizers to mental illness patients for 500$ a piece


>> No.10448034

(((official medical doctors)))
reminder that dark web drugs (at least perscription ones) are usually made by the exact same (chinese) labs that make the (((official))) drugs.

>> No.10448041

*Insert witty response about building muscle here*

>> No.10448044

Just build muscle

>> No.10448075

Too bad you have to have used at least two different SSRIs over two years before you can even be considered for this. And then, it can only be administered in a treatment facility.

>Could help millions!

Don't kill yourself, anon, there's help! Just give us two years, thousands of dollars, and check into rehab for six months. That'll make you feel better. Or...there's this gun right here.

>> No.10448090
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You realize a physician can prescribe the racemic off label for a tenth the cost?
Even a compound pharmacy should be able to make a spray of the original for not much extra.
Sorry you're a brainlet and don't understand how drugs work. The reason it's $500 is because insurance companies are the one's who will be dishing out the money. Blame the insurance companies for being retarded for not allowing more off-label treatment, not the pharmaceutical company taking advantage of the retarded situation.

>> No.10449257


You think you are so damn smart and you can only find ketamine at 500 dollars a pop

what a joke

>> No.10449280


>> No.10449291

Even in medicine, even legitimately prescribed it's a fraction of the cost.
t. physician

>> No.10449921

OP here. I never said I was going to get it at that price, I was just bringing it up.
I was more concerned about the possibility that it could put holes in my brain.
DXM is actually the only one that hasn't been shown to cause Olney's lesions, IIRC. Most of the work was done with PCP.

>> No.10450112

>$500 per dose
Lol what

Back inna day a pot dealer I was hanging around with traded an ounce of shitty weed and ten 500mg vicodin for a full vial of Ket. He cooked it up into a powder and I was ripping lines of the stuff all night. It made everyone else sick and panicky but man I was ALIVE LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER.

Long story short -
I probably snorted "$10,000" worth of ketamine and likely skirted the edge of LD50 that night.

Five hundred fucking dollars, rofl, who believes this shit?

>> No.10450652

>500mg vicodin
Nigga tf

>> No.10450675

>Americans literally give addictive narcotics to the most desperate people in society
>"it's just free market bro"

You literally can't make this up. I can't wait for heroin to come in a Bayer-branded single-use syringe.

>> No.10450685
File: 69 KB, 675x900, bayer heroin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't wait for heroin to come in a Bayer-branded single-use syringe.

>> No.10450696

he's an idiot.
it's 500 mg of acetaminophen combined with 5, 7.5, 10 mg or similar of the opiate in a single pill.

>> No.10450885

$500 WWHAT! Who has the lic to flees the sick?

>> No.10450894
File: 92 KB, 638x1000, 1544070197072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't understand psychopharmacology or addiction liability, the post