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10447088 No.10447088 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/,

Writefag here, working on a hard science fiction story and would like some input.

The main plot in my story is that space terrorists steal a bunch of uranium and are trying to casaba howitzers and EMP devices to force Earth's shady one world government to negotiate. Democratically seceding is impossible, and even if they did the Earth could just embargo nitrogen and phosphates. In-universe, there are O'Neil cylinders at the Earth-Moon Lagrange points, with a single outpost bunch orbiting around Mars. Asteroids are towed into orbit for mining, and for the most part, technology has barely advanced and in some cases regressed since the 21st century. Anyway,

1) If fusion reactors are a mature technology, does that mean pure fusion warheads would be a thing? Sounds like it makes sense, but I'm not a nuclear physicist. Any big differences between the two in terms of X-ray vs gamma ray vs neutron output? Goes to follow that pure fusion casaba howitzers would be a thing too, right? What about EMP effects?

2) O'Neil cylinder mass production in a world with minimal automation. I'm thinking something along the lines of a giant pipe making machine grafted onto 16 Psyche, constantly extruding pipes or even smaller (kek) sections, which are then cut to size or welded together. Something tells me that the square-cube law would get in the way of that.

If anyone has criticism or suggestions or thinks that I'm a retard, I'd be happy to hear it.

>> No.10447107

The setting itself seems promising. Keep it up!

As for your points.
My nuclear physics is lacking, but I don't think pure fusion warheads are possible.Fusion reactors require loads of confinement to keep the plasma close and hot, if confinement fails then the plasma expands cools and isn't all that dangerous. I think it's not unreasonable that fission assisted fusion bombs would still be a thing in the future. I don't know much about the EMP effects other than the range of an EMP is greater than the deadly range from a nuclear bomb.

For a extrusion machine big enough to make parts for O'Neil's, I'd guess that the extruded parts would be relatively short compared to the diameter just due to the sheer size of things.It might be better to roll press flat plates and bend them circumferentially into shape. Although the idea of O'Neil's being "shat" out is funny to me.

It's hard to gauge the contents of your story from what little you have presented, but it seems alright. You obviously have put some thought into things at least. Although the "Evil Earth Government oppressing the peoples eventually leading to a war of Earthly aggression" trope seems abit overused to me, but hey maybe you're doing something weird or cool with that.

Best of luck to you!

>> No.10447177
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Thanks. If you have any questions about the setting or story I'd be happy to answer.

>> No.10447189

Sure, I'll bite.

What caused the movement to space?

How did this "shadowy one world government" rise to power?

You mentioned bringing back asteroids to Earth for mining, is permanent manned space habitation limited to the Earth and Moon or is there other colonies further out?

What are your biggest sources of inspiration and how did they play a role in your writing?

>> No.10447204

>2) O'Neil cylinder mass production in a world with minimal automation. I'm thinking something along the lines of a giant pipe making machine grafted onto 16 Psyche, constantly extruding pipes or even smaller (kek) sections, which are then cut to size or welded together. Something tells me that the square-cube law would get in the way of that.
Check out John Ringo's Troy Rising. The plot itself is mediocre, but the space engineering is fun. And as long as everything is manufactured in space, square-cube law doesn't apply. You can make things as long as you like, what may fuck it up is vibration and bending (think about a very long sheet of metal that will just turn on itself).

>> No.10447213
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The whole 'Earth colonizes space, treats them like shit, hilarity ensues' is as old as science fiction itself, but what I'm creating does remind me of the old rocketpunk stuff you'd read in 50s pulp magazines, and I think that's pretty cool although it's not intentional. There are a few thing's that I'm lampshading and subverting. Like muh flashy space battles. There's space battleship, but only one was built and it's in a museum because the idea is silly.

Plot wise, the two MCs are a team of agents working for the Bureau of Colonial Security, which is exactly what it sounds like. Big themes are nationalism vs globalism, whether the ends justify the means and some other stuff that I forget because I'm about to go to sleep.

Part of the lore is that Earth has an quasi-apocalyptic nuclear war, with the Colonies (except for maybe one or two stragglers) immediately declaring neutrality and breaking off. An idea that I had for a prequel/spinoff would be the neutral Colonies being like Casablanca during WWII. Lots of potential there.

>> No.10447225
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>What caused the movement to space?

International dick-waving contest, followed by eccentric billionaires setting up factories, followed by idealists, followed by job opportunities in a world where automation is causing 50% unemployment, followed everything on Earth going to hell in a handbasket. Then After WWIII the government is encouraging migration to ease population pressure (which is a bad idea, but I digress). I read somewhere that Earth itself is running low on phosphates and we might be able to get some from near-earth asteroids. Might want to work that in.

>How did this "shadowy one world government" rise to power?

After WWIII a treaty was signed and from there the UN reformed and began unfucking things. It's not really all that bad; It's a parliamentary democracy and although there is corruption and incompetence and it has all the trouble that a one world democratic government would realistically havy. Of course, Earthers outnumber Spacers. Guess who's getting screwed come election time?

>You mentioned bringing back asteroids to Earth for mining, is permanent manned space habitation limited to the Earth and Moon or is there other colonies further out?

I just gotta finish finalizing a few of the technologies and working out their implications, but so far it looks like outer colonization is heavily limited - both economically and politically. TPTB are genre savy. The closer colonists are to Earth physically, the closer they are mentally and economically. Also easier to keep an eye of them that way. I was thinking of there being a single cylinder pair around Mars used as a way station/fuel depot/outpost.

>What are your biggest sources of inspiration and how did they play a role in your writing?

Gundam (0080, 0083, and Zeta mostly), The Expanse, Heinlein's work especially Starship Troopers, the Troubles, Industrial Society and its' Future, 2001 a Space Odyssey, and real life trends I've noticed

>> No.10447249

Seems promising. A genre savvy oppressive government could shift things up. I like how you're thinking things through such as the cope of colonization.

If you finish it and publish it, then post about it here so I may find it and read it.

>> No.10447252
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Danke. Working title is 'Dark Side' and it's probably going to be a webcomic.

>> No.10447312

Just one more question before going to bed.

What about the A.I. in your setting? Are they capable of true "hard" intelligence or is that impossible? How are they used and treated?

>> No.10447319 [DELETED] 

As generators of the story you ultimately end up subscribing to mortal, seeing as you only believe in binary salvation.
>ternary super ? race condition

>> No.10447322 [DELETED] 

The Burden Of The Energy Extraction Engineers.

>> No.10447331 [DELETED] 

Brotherhood Of Energy's Memetic Flow

>> No.10447356

organic chemistry is rapidly advancing. if we will be space faring it will be with seaweed-carbon enriched living ships that we grow in the ocean and tow into orbit with giant space lifts.

because of the rocket formula and the difficulty of manufacturing manufactoriums in low earth orbit, it's far more cost effective to build electric liftpads with gigaton capacity, and to construct spaceships off of a genetic plan, grow them in aqueous saline solution, the accelerate-lift them into orbit.

gravity assisted propulsion is also the cheapest and therefore most likely, these ships will be incredibly large, slow, semi-autonomous with a core AI piloting them, and carry on board an automated deployment schedule for colonizing earth like planets- crash-melt into the ocean, and start an accelerated evolutionary process (guided by our engineering and mapping of the genome of various species).


outside of reality, you can make your story up however you want of course. but it sounds like you want to write a political thriller with sci setting, in that case may i suggest you don't explain anything? just treat the science as near magic, you can read
>the stars my destination
to see how cyberpunk got started, and how effective storytelling can work by barely explaining to you the mechanics involved, but still be a great story. many other sci fi from the 1950s is completely unreadable and cringe, but gully foyle lives on and this is because alfred bester (the author) did not bother to really explain too much of the scientific advancements that allowed humans to do space travel, it's just given.

>> No.10447383

Okay, right away. Lagrange points are inductive for hypothesis. You are saying you stole the blue prints. Are these smugglers? I think you need to answer that right away.
Fusion reactors maturing means we are at at least one reactor but that means that the war hasn't started or that the parts are at least assembled but the reaction isn't heady. There are enabled factors in play but there isn't a way to keep information heady in a mathy kind of way that doesn't involve just telling yourself that the physics is plausible. Entirely your thing yes but I'm not available unless I can move and pay for rent or food here at my own home. Continuing.
Okay, the xray has a fusion point that enables more gamma ray radiation but that means that it isn't hitting something too. That isn't a neutron output kind of sourcing mechanism. It's to keep food from being melted into itself, like making a metabolism for robots, a genius move for robots but not for people. The understandable output there would be lasers but there aren't lasers that can penetrate without "austerity" right now so there aren't real capacities that one can encumber themselves to encounter, a la neutron output because who knows what rest weight is but a human and what does light have to do with gamma radiation, so that the output doesn't ever generate heat. I mean hate.

>> No.10447386

That makes it universally a whole and divergent protocol. There are no necessary variables. Just someone to read the shit and say it can make sense, if math worked that way, but it doesn't because where is YOUR space ship and where is YOUR only ticket to the moon, willy wonka? There wouldn't be people that had this kind of technology for food using it on weapons type encryption for the sake of making a few people less sick somewhere else no earth. The divergence is totality there and the racists are back on earth now, this will never make it. IDK what casaba whats it is but whatever. EMP on the other hand would kill the people instead by making the food react to light and it isn't supposed to leave the body because we have no other people around us up there and the air is stagnant without the supply of salts we infuse our brains and oxygen supply to. You are sending people up there to become pirates and take on mars as like a shuttle point. Please no religious dialects. You can't receive copulance if you aren't catholic and I'm protestant. I disagree they should be taught to kill and maim each other and then only require themselves to care if I bring it up because I'm back on earth and they called me. Fuck mars.

>> No.10447415

As for O'neil, I think you're surprised that people would be willing to throw things around in space. Consider that and maybe you'll get a good firefight out of it when you consider that the japanese did this kind of thing in water and skycrapers way back fucking when before the chinese came in and started filtering the wood with wood grain alcohols to make the rice sweet and pungent but then released bugs. That made them need to use Aji-Mirin or something as a way to make information like the way you get food into the place. If the bugs aren't going to invade, don't let the chinese know that someone up there is on to them or they will try to procreate or manipulate that there are eggs in the body too. But not hard shell eggs. Men have to sleep on those. Not. Women lay around and sleep.

Also, I think you're a retard but I'm a sci fi fucking NUT.

>> No.10447418

As for O'neil, I think you're surprised that people would be willing to throw things around in space. Consider that and maybe you'll get a good firefight out of it when you consider that the japanese did this kind of thing in water and skycrapers way back fucking when before the chinese came in and started filtering the wood with wood grain alcohols to make the rice sweet and pungent but then released bugs. That made them need to use Aji-Mirin or something as a way to make information like the way you get food into the place. If the bugs aren't going to invade, don't let the chinese know that someone up there is on to them or they will try to procreate or manipulate that there are eggs in the body too. But not hard shell eggs. Men have to sleep on those. Not. Women lay around and sleep.

Also, I think you're a retard but I'm a sci fi fucking NUT.

>> No.10447496

you can get nitrogen and phosphates from comets and even asteroids.
>>pure fusion warhead
depends on how the fusion works
We can probably get pretty far with the automation tech we have today. Deep learning fucking works and is even being used in commercial robots, but there's a downside the problem of diminishing returns. In order to make a robot that is successful at completing a task 70% of the time able to complete a task 90% of the time you need exponentially more amounts of training data. This is hard to obtain for robots. The robot has to operate in the real world in order ro acquire the data. See the work with roboticists renting airbnbs as an example. It can't be done in the lab or simulation. So while automation is possible, it can only be used for some very limited tasks that you're willing to spend tremendous amounts of money on to accomplish. Read, in order to train robots to do a task, entire warehouses of robots must be run trying to do the task and making expensive mistakes.

>> No.10447608

If you have fusion reactors and huge space constructions, you can equally plausibly have the spacers dumping a cubic km of hydrocarbons from the lakes of Titan onto Earth. The resulting explosion and fires would make a really large parking lot.

The known surface hydrocarbon resources on Titan exceed what can be burned on Earth simply because we do not have enough oxygen for that. Read up on Kraken Mare. It is enormous.

>> No.10447837

>Something tells me that the square-cube law would get in the way of that.

Close. When cylinders are too long get spun up they become unstable and want to flip. The best design is that of a torus, well classical donut-shaped. Also, giant culverts are created using big plates fitted together. I'd imagine a similar construction would work for space stations.

>> No.10447871

>become unstable and want to flip
Isn't that when you have an object with 3 axes that want to flip around the middle length axis? An O'Neill cylinder rotate around its longest axis, the other two being of equal length.

>> No.10447887
File: 1.76 MB, 854x480, Dzhanibekov_effect.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd waste a tremendous amount of fuel keeping it stable, if possible. Read up on, "Dzhanibekov Effect," aka, "Tennis Racket Theorem."

>> No.10448062

>Dzhanibekov Effect
I am familiar with that one. You you read it then? From the Wiki:
>the movement of a rigid body with three distinct principal moments of inertia.
And note
>three distinct
A cylinder does NOT have three distinct principal moments of inertia. The tennis racket and the item i your video both do.

>> No.10448070

It applies to cylinders anyway. You need your rotating cylinder to be roughly shorter than it is wide (there is some exact ratio I dont remember) for it to be stable.

>> No.10448077
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Here is how a realistic rotating station would look like. Short fat cylinder.

>> No.10448087

>A cylinder does NOT have three distinct principal moments of inertia.

It does. Everything in existence does. Your knowledge base on this matter is severely lacking.

>> No.10448112

Just from your description alone I can literally guarantee that you are sacrificing depth of character for intricacy of world and plot. Is this a short story or a novel?

>> No.10448114

def test():

>> No.10448126

You need to click the TeX button in the top left, and you can only use math tags IIRC

>> No.10448295

Why are they so dependent on nitrogen and phosphorous?
In a closed system can't you recycle poop?

...unless the spacenoids are trying to grow their population....

>> No.10448326
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If this is hard science fiction, then what does Greg Egan write? Extreme-Hard science-fiction?

>> No.10448328

I did not post that image. Thank you chinese moot.

>> No.10448357

autism fiction

>> No.10448748

Distinct? OK, source that there is instability when two axes have SAME principal moments of inertia?

>> No.10449134
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I guess you haven't had that class in high school yet?

>> No.10449273
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Good afternoon, friends.


A.I. research is banned under the penalty of life imprisonment (with an airlock accident being more than likely during your trip to prison) and computers have regressed back to a roughly 1980s level. Lore wise, AI and computers become incredibly powerful by the mid 21st century, and everything goes horribly wrong; people dying from VR addiction, massive unemployment, mavericks, the works. As space development begins and the world starts to fall apart, Neo luddite movements with everything from smartphone burnings to silicon valley executive burnings sprout and flower. Long story short, reactionary luddism forms the ideological core of 22nd Century society. Cringey, I know. Honestly, I think that if we go full singularity like we probably will IRL, there will be no space colonization because we'll all be in the matrix or dead. I also think The Unibomber might be vindicated and industrial society will collapse. Or maybe in the future we'll all be gay or obese or whatever. Who the hell knows? Will the current trends in society buck, reverse, or mellow out? Only time will tell.


Biopunk is interesting, but not really what I'm going for. In-universe, surface to orbit is done with Skylons for people and delicate machinery, and laser launchers for bulk cargo. You mean skyhooks or space elevators, right? Any good stories with organic space technology as a background? I probably should've said before, but Dark Side's setting is a quasi-Utopian 70s-80s retrofuture. I'm going for a scientifically grounded near-future setting where almost all the technology falls under 'things we could do today or even 40 years ago if we had the infrastructure and balls'. I hate technobabble myself, but I like doing my research. Also a major plot point being made impossible by the setting would be unacceptable. You're right about a lot of older sci fi though.
>dinosaurs on Venus

'll definitely give that a read. Thank you.

>> No.10449305

Sounds pretty neat. When I was more active writing a novel I found it was far more entertaining to write the lore than anything else. I ended up with like 200 pages of wikistyle pages of lore before wikis were a thing.

>> No.10449373


Hm. Shit, you're right. When I skimmed over http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/mining.php#bottleneck I must've skipped the part about titan. My bad, will do more research. Still strikes me as harder to get than importing it from Earth though, especially if there isn't much development outside the Earth Sphere.

About fusion, I'm leaning towards hydrogen-boron, being used in NTRs.


Interesting idea. How close would the tanker have to be to Earth in order to do the deed?

>Read up on Kraken Mare. It is enormous
Will do. Thanks.

Duly noted. Does that still apply assuming the cylinders are coupled in pairs?

>> No.10449441
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Webcomic is what I'm aiming for, but there's no reason I can't write short stories set in the 'verse. Anything in particular tip you off? Any tips on how to flesh characters out?



Based. How did the novel turn out?

>> No.10449471

>How did the novel turn out?

I stopped writing on it. Though, I sometimes append info to it. I've been trying to get away from such things. I found that writing was for me akin to reading non-educational stuff and playing video games. None of which have a good end result.

>> No.10449486

>cringey, i know
Not really, dude. I think you did a good job escaping the "future with big dick cool tech and robots" cliché. It gives your setting a touch of authenticity, and not just zeitgeist sci-fi.
I wish you good luck on your project, anon. Whenever it is done, post it on /lit/ and /sci/, I'll be eager to read it

>> No.10449874
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I see.

Thanks. When it's made I'll shill as hard as I can.

Anyway, back to the science: I originally envisioned NTRs using proton-boron fusion instead of uranium, but after doing some research it looks like Fusion NTRs aren't a thing and that if fusion is a thing, the outer solar system WILL be opened up. Is there any sort of fusion? propulsion that isn't much more powerful than a comparable NERVA?

>> No.10449887
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And of course, there's the fact that proton-boron has the highest lawson criterion IIRC.

>> No.10450027


just use chemical rockets around earth with nuclear thermals for deep space

it works, and that means that you won't need any bullshitonium

>> No.10450091

>stolen weapons grade uranium
I'm assuming the space terrorists are dissidents that broke out of the orbiting asteroid mining penal colony and have hijacked the asteroid return to earth operations by trojan horsing them full of warheads to hold the earth hostage when they unexpectedly turn up to be mined. Clearly they had help of a Senator Palpatine type deep state figure who is trying to seize power for himself as you can't construct these weapons without significant resources. Of course during all this there is a sole surviving guard from the penal colony who then attacks the terrorists from within die hard style and saves the day, exposes the evil Senator and is then promoted to captain of the space force, where he spends the next sequels patrolling the asteroid badlands cleaning up the terrorists who went on the run.

>> No.10450717
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>O'Neil cylinder mass production in a world with minimal automation
Here's how I would do it:
>massive inflatable tube that matches the dimensions of the cylinder
>spray-on polymer coating, white for 'land' sections, transparent for the window sections
>affix structural trusses to the coating using bolts, rivets, whatever
>spin it up and start constructing the interior however you please

>> No.10451287
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and then everybody claps.

>> No.10451331
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A place to talk about abandoned sci-fi.


>> No.10451797

it's a bunch of nonsense but you probably know this, after all science fiction in general is mostly garbage stories

>> No.10452861
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Hm. Maybe.




I like it. Could probably make the inflat-a-habs out of kevlar or something.


I'm not gonna disagree with you.

>> No.10452888

>A.I. research is banned
Nothing is quite as good for clandestine research like banning a field of study. If you wanted to add a potential complicating element, O'Neill's designs work as far out as four light days from the sun (that's the upper limit on mirror efficiency). Having at least one of those billionaires seeing the writing on the wall and disappearing/getting the fuck out using the outbreak of WWIII as cover to disappear might fit in the story.
The fact that the same station technology in your story would still work (with a little more effort) in the Kuiper belt might be a reason the world government is antsy about things in the outer solar system. One mcguffin for this could be that the government has a robust space-based radio telescope program that someone realizes isn't really looking in the most interesting areas for radio astornomy. (Its real purpose is to try to spot where colonies like this set up shop in the depths of the outer solar system. That doesn't help much, because laser comms completely fuck that plan.)

>> No.10452893

Oh, and to bring it back to AI the handful of colonies that far out may have continued their work and either possess or are close to having a strong general AI.

>> No.10452900

I think O'Neill solved the problem by pairing cylinders mounted to each other in a sort of lattice and counter-rotating them. In other words, you never have just one O'Neill Cylinder: they're always in pairs.

>> No.10452921

You usually have two cylinders with a small hub between them, which can serve as the space dock and zero-g area.

By altering the rotation difference between each cylinder, you can turn the entire station too.

>> No.10452930
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>Having at least one of those billionaires seeing the writing on the wall and disappearing/getting the fuck out using the outbreak of WWIII as cover to disappear might fit in the story.

I can't get the image of mecha Bezos and his army of grey goo attacking the Earth Independence Day-style. Thank you for the kek.

>> No.10452939
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With the limited (yet still substantial) decline in technological ability around Earth/the Inner Solar System OP is running with, one of the potentially ominous things that could get dropped in is space telescopes are spotting some huge rearrangement of objects in the outer solar system but they can't resolve finely enough on it to see exactly _what_ is happening (pic related). The only thing they know for sure is the number of craft capable of making the trip out to the Kuiper belt that existed during the war that are still unaccounted for, their crew/passenger capacities, and population growth models don't line up with industrial activity of that scale.

>> No.10453028
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10/10 epic, better than my original idea. Seriously, you should write that.

>> No.10453035

Take it and run with it. Not all of us are talented with writing, and I am a part of that group.

>> No.10454676

Well thanks for the sequel material, anon

Also, I had a lot of downtime at work today, so here's an ass-pull I came up with. One of the problems I've noticed is that I start off with an idea of what I want and then start trying to justify it to please my autism. Gotta work on that.

>Proton boron fusion using laser pulses is invented
>This is the holy grail, since it's aneutronic and is converted right into electricity
>It's not as good as it's supposed to be, and sustaining the reaction uses up most of the electricity generated
>Lasers release a fuckton of waste heat
>Even if used as a fusion rocket with an LH2 afterburner, it's only barely faster and cost effective than an equivalent NTR
>DT Fusion used for the few interplanetary spaceships and stationary powerplants;
more heavily regulated and expensive
>Ships using DT are nicknamed 'cancer sticks' because heh
>HE3 isn't a thing because holy shit that's expensive

>> No.10454696

>>Even if used as a fusion rocket with an LH2 afterburner, it's only barely faster and cost effective than an equivalent NTR
Do you mean in terms of acceleration or in terms of delta V? Any fusion rocket should automatically be orders of magnitude more efficient than any NTR could possibly be and thus should get shitloads of delta V although not necessarily an appreciable improvement in thrust. High delta V rockets with meh thrust to weight ratios would still be huge for allowing large scale exploration and colonization of the outer solar system, which has implications as to the availability of He3 fuel (it can be obtained from the upper atmospheres of any gas giant, but ideally Uranus as it has the lowest gravity).

>> No.10455067
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Delta V. I'm just a first year engineering student, so my astrophysics and nuclear science knowledge is pretty limited. That's a good point about He3 and outer system exploration and colonization though - implications of technology and all that. For colonization and resources I'm leaning towards an Earth-centric model for various reasons, with a martian cylinder pair and maybe a few 'oil rigs' in the belt and asteroid belt. Maybe. Plus the idea of 'we have fusion but it kind of sucks' appeals to me. Pleasing the autism and all that.

>> No.10455498

I mean regardless of your power conversion efficiency, a fusion rocket engine is going to have at least several tens of thousands of seconds of Isp, and be at minimum ten times better than the best possible NTRs. That level of efficiency means that pretty much no matter what the other aspects of your engine are, it's going to be better than NTR, unless it has a thrust to weight ratio close to that of an ion engine, in which case it'd still be better for any interplanetary trip beyond a certain distance.

Just make it so that, just like in real life, fusion reactors are fundamentally difficult to construct and must be huge and heavy. The ships powered by them would therefore also be very huge to match. That'd make it so that in your world only a very small handful of fusion propelled ships would ever be built and operated at any one time, and only for niche roles in interplanetary transport. Think of them like the Concorde equivalent of space flight, technically much more capable but not as economical as the much slower option (unless you're going beyond Jupiter in which case it's your only option anyway since NTR doesn't have the delta V to do missions that far out).

>> No.10455547

You're welcome. If you want an idea for what the megaproject an AI/Human symbiotic society might want to construct, I propose an interstellar spacecraft running on a Black Hole generator/drive. Easy to digest background on why rotating black holes are a fantastic power source:
Essentially, this civilization out in the Kuiper Belt is accumulating material to use through some process to create dense form of energy storage possible: a small, artificial, rotating black hole. (You could accomplish this through a few different ways, like an extraordinary mastery of fusion and even matter/antimatter manipulation.) They intend to use it as the heart of a relativistic drive to travel to a nearby naturally occurring rotating black hole they've discovered, which they can use to both generate immense amounts of power (important for computational processes) and to travel much further and faster than is possible with their puny, artificial black hole.

A note to the author: sometimes it's best to not spell this kind of information out explicitly, but to just drop hints about it. Not revealing the entirety of the beast is the secret behind all of the best Horror Film monsters: the audience's imagination is better at filling the gaps than anything you can come up with, and it's more personal to every single viewer/reader (which is impossible for an author to pull off in the first place). So if you want to have detailed explanations behind your world, write them for yourself but only introduce as much material from those notes as is relevant to your story.

>> No.10455723
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That would make sense. You know a lot about this stuff, do you know any good resources? I've been scrolling through projectrho and toughsf on blogspot a lot.


Of course. Aliens blowing up cities and cucking our women is willy wonka shit. Something out there we know nothing about doing... Something, for reasons that we can't comprehend? That's scary.

>> No.10455767

>Something, for reasons that we can't comprehend? That's scary.
Exactly. And this works for a lot of things beyond just horror. Problems arise if you pepper in breadcrumbs without considering where those breadcrumbs are supposed to lead. That path leads to LOST and BSG. Neither had a clear idea about where the story was going to end, so the breadcrumbs built up expectations that could never be met by the writers.

That may be another good thing to keep in mind: even if you don't know how you'll fill the arcs, know the general end-state in your universe when each concludes.

>> No.10457072


True. I have a 2-3 arcs planned out at the moment, but the ending is still up in the air. Gotta work on that before I begin

>> No.10457133

then you have to deal with rotating joints and that is a potential point of wear and failure

best to just spin the whole station

>> No.10457308


why not have the connecting rods use electromagnets? checkmate, atheists.

>> No.10458599


>> No.10458602


I think I have that shaver.