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10448264 No.10448264 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, what's your earliest memory? I don't think I was even conscious before 4 years old. I literally don't remember anything prior to that age. All it seems to me, is consciousness spontaneously kicked in. That's why I'm so solipsistic, it feels as if I was dragged into this world, not emerged from it.

>> No.10448270

I remember when I was 3 I went up to my mom on the phone and she fucking yelled at me so I turned around and went back to watching TV
also everything was blurry as fuck so I probably had shitty eyesight since birth

>> No.10448302

I remember going to daycare (when I was like 3) and, looking at a poster with letters during naptime. I couldn't read then, but the memory was vivid enough for me to recall it when I could read. It said "hppy birthday". I have other memories of day care, we would usually just watch Dora and other kid's shows. I don't know if provided enrihment or made me into the autist I am today. Around that time or earlier I also have memories of watching Baby Einstein cassette tapes.Shit was aesthetic AF to 3 year old me. Not sure if it made me smarter, but it doesn't seem completely unreasonable.
I also have a few of those "I''m going to commit this moment to memory for no particular reason" memories from when I was 7-9
pretty good thread btw.

>> No.10448838

Not sure. I think looking through the windows as Hurricane Hugo plundered.

>> No.10449802

like 3 or 4, i think i remember watching some documentary where they guess at why that is....
don't worry OP, its normal
and even if you are "solipsistic" (had to look that up) then i suggest you don't take it too seriously and just try to enjoy life

>> No.10449805

>like 3 or 4, i think i remember watching some documentary where they guess at why that is....

sorry, the memory was just of being in a car, i saw the documentary later on in life. didn't mean to be confusing

>> No.10449807

Flipping over in the womb, some time between eight and nine months, prove me wrong

>> No.10449814

I remember my second birthday. I think.

>> No.10449815

>I remember going to daycare (when I was like 3) and, looking at a poster with letters during naptime. I couldn't read then, but the memory was vivid enough for me to recall it when I could read.

I don't want to piss on your fun reminiscence, but I find this hard to believe. It implies an eidetic memory, which is essentially unheard of. It seems more likely that you remembered the general scene and your brain kind of filled in that detail. Or is there some way to independently verify what the poster said?

>> No.10449835

not that anon, but i had eidetic memory as a kid. managed to lose it when i hit my teenage years though, so its not that crazy for someone to have. sucks too cause i remember being able to know all the lyrics to songs after one listen which is something i wish i could still do.

adding: i'm not autistic or have any other mental thingy, i could just sort of remember anything i wanted to

>> No.10449928

My earliest memory was when I was 4 years old...except I was watching myself from above in 3rd person view.

>> No.10449936

I have a memory of me sitting in a chair with other kids and looking at my friend's face , that's it .

>> No.10449948

I woke up in my crib at 3 years old. I knew then it was my very first memory. I remember waking up and thinking to myself "this is my first memory" or something like that. I swear

>> No.10450066

>I don't think I was even conscious before 4 years old.
The part of your brain responsible for memories wasn't fully developed yet.
We just have amnesia.

>> No.10450080

I remember playing with blocks and a tickle me elmo when I was 2 years old. I couldn't really talk at that time, just a few words I think, and I remember hearing adults talk and not understanding them, but still knowing what they were doing.

>> No.10450088

i actually have a distinct memory of being 3 years old at my uncles wedding, i can recall in pictures now however.

>> No.10450131

Sitting in high chair at table at burger joint in now demolished and overwritten mall. Mother and father present, brother absent so I was less than or equal to 3 years old.

>> No.10450167

I could list about a billion memories from when i was 4 and younger
Am i alone in this?
Maybe not a billion but an easy 100
Some of them vivid too, including feelings and shit
I even remember saying my first words
Very vividly

>> No.10450846

I can't remember anything unless it's been a traumatic experience

>> No.10450882

Being taught to write my name

>> No.10450887

some stuff from when I was 3 or 4

>> No.10450900

I was 3 years old and in daycare. We were outside and the daycare lady said "the clouds are moving quickly" and I said "no, they're moving slowly!". She just repeated in a matter-of-fact tone that "the clouds are moving quickly.". I gave up.

25 years later I still maintain that the clouds were in fact moving slowly. Fuck that bitch.

>> No.10450904

climbing out of my crib at 3

>> No.10450915

3 1/2
The night the police came to take me away.

>> No.10450919
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>> No.10450935

I'm not joking.
My mom shot my brother and I was placed in foster care.
So, umm? Fuck you?

>> No.10450938
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>> No.10450944

I can't tell if you're attempting to troll or just generally stupid and overestimate your intelligence.

>> No.10450950

sorry i didn't know i was on the /sci/ board

>> No.10451080

I understand where you're coming from, memory is notoriously unreliable.
It's not as if I could remember *everything* when I was young, just that, and I only remembered it well enough to recall and read it once I learned to read.

>> No.10451142

I wonder why brains are like this
Why is memory so low on the priority to get when you're growing?

>> No.10451170

Earliest I got was somewhere around 2, I was in my Aunt's house and my parents were attempting to give me an inhaler, which I recall hating because of the sounds it made, and feelings I'd get afterwards in my lungs. I remember the colors of the inhaler and the pattern that was on it, as well as the layout of the room I was in. I also vaguely recall my parents getting upset that I was fighting it so much, but they eventually got me to take it by pinning me down.

>> No.10451198

I remember my parents taking my newborn sister home from hospital. That was around the age of 3, and I do remember saying something like "I hate her" to my parents.

>> No.10452004

go away, we don't want your life story

>> No.10453611

One of my earliest 3 or 4 memories is of a dream I had at around 3 years, 9 or 10 months. Dating based on where my family lived at the time and the birth of a sibling.

>> No.10453615

unironically when the jews chopped off my foreskin
one day im gonna have my revenge

>> No.10453670

It's just the order and the way our neurons get coated with mielin. The brain "gets mature" on an almost fixed proportion and rate, from top to bottom and front to back

>> No.10453684

I remember being super loopy on anesthetic once after an incident. I was literally tripping. I vaguely remember seeing my parents both in my face, but both of them had twice as many face parts (four eyes, two mouths, two pairs of glasses), apart from my mother, who just had a hive of eyes on her upper head. That was fun, and it makes me wish I could hallucinate again.

Also, this was in Seoul, Korea or something like that.

>> No.10455028

Putting a footprint in wet cement in our backyard when my father and uncle were laying some pavement. I must've been between the ages of 1 and 2.

>> No.10455074

On a business trip to NYC with my parents when I was 2 or 3. I specifically remember going to the central library, being on the subway, and at the top of the twin towers

>> No.10455099

Getting my diaper changed when I was two, then a big gap to four when I was playing with a toy gun.

>> No.10455335

I have a weird memory of me remembering a memory of me remembering my time in the uterus.

Other than that being washed in the sink.
Cant have been fucking old for that.

>> No.10455382

My earliest memory is of the time when my parents brought my new-born brother to my grandparents’ house, where I was, when I had just turned 3. I was very ecstatic about it.

>> No.10455398

I must've been 1, but I punched a vacuum cleaner then sucked on some rubber bit on it.

>> No.10455444
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I'm scared Sci,

At what age is the cut off point for self awareness to not be a brainlet?

Does late age development of constructing long term memories reduce IQ?

>> No.10455454


>> No.10455461

Shiet idk, I don't remember much from my youth. Take that, everyone who ever doubted me.

>> No.10456841

>what's your earliest memory?
My dad had built a fort on top of our shed for me when I was a kid.
My earliest clear memory was climbing up it, I couldn't have been older than 3 at the time.
My parents are generally surprised I can remember it.
I have a few really foggy recollections younger than that but hard to put in words.

>> No.10456854

My earliest memory is lying in my crib at age 3, iirc I managed to escape it that night, would explain why it sticks out

>> No.10456863

I asked my mom why my dick was erect when she was giving me a bath.

>> No.10456865

Being brought home from the hospital, and being given my first teddy by our neighbors.

>> No.10456889

>i'm not autistic or have any other mental thingy
Has this been confirmed by a psychiatrist?