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10444229 No.10444229 [Reply] [Original]

Did you regret working hard and studying Stem thereby ruining your social life during college for to be successful later in?

>> No.10444236

>thinking you missed out on anything by “ruining” your college social life

can confirm that it was all fruitless distractions

>> No.10444250
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>he cant balance school work and a social life


>> No.10444306

missing out on " *nigger music playing loudly in a cramped house * "
You didn't miss out on anything. Getting a non-retarded gf and having 2 or 3 close friends is more than enough.

>> No.10444487

Never had a social life so win win for me

>> No.10444536

No, because my social life was already ruined by that time.

Being a loser with good grades > being a loser who stays all day home

>> No.10444538

lmao no
what the fuck do you think college social life is
people who unironically miss that phase of their life are pathetic, unless they spent it working hard and learning constantly

>> No.10445274

>Getting a non-retarded gf and having 2 or 3 close friends is more than enough.
What if you didn't even manage that and have lost over four years whatever small ability to have normal interpersonal relations you had

>> No.10445287

in college i studied more than my friends, had to skip a few frat parties and whatnot, but other than that i did all the frat boy stuff, t. physics phd

>> No.10445302

what happened that lead to you posting here?

>> No.10445366

> miss social life of high school
> learn programming, reverse engineering, all alone 4ever
> study the class from behind, never interact with anyone, just the class weirdo
> they laughed at my acne

Come college time, acne cleared up, social life, women and aced two majors, comp sci and sociology. Who needs to study when you can chill and bang?

> success, business owner
Now the roasties, the same roasties who laughed, want my dick. I laugh at them now, uselesa hags

>> No.10445600

How does working hard and studying not make you successful later in life?

>> No.10446029
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At the expense of your youth, you have wild house parties out of college

>> No.10446043

Since graduating last year, I've kept in contact with 1 person. No social life + flawless grades is the better pay off

>> No.10446079

>tfw no social life in elementary school
>tfw no social life throughout highschool
I don't think college is going to make a difference. I can't for the life of me build meaningful relationships with anyone, male or female. It sucks.

>> No.10446088

I can't for the life of me build muscle, and I think that's much worse.

>> No.10446089

Same + can't build muscle either
It's been a week I haven't opened my shutters and seen the light of day. For some reason electrical light does not disturb my focus as much as sun light

>> No.10446092

lmao somebody beat me to it again

>> No.10446093

Study, and you will regret it; don’t study, you will also regret it; study or don’t study, you will regret it either way. Decide to major in math, you will regret it; major in CS, you will regret that too; major in math or CS, you will regret both. Take /sci/'s advice, you will regret it; ignore /sci/'s advice, you will also regret it… Hang yourself, you will regret it; do not hang yourself, and you will regret that too; hang yourself or don’t hang yourself, you’ll regret it either way; whether you hang yourself or do not hang yourself, you will regret both.

>> No.10446100
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All we can do is feel

>> No.10446106

I have so many regrets I can't keep count, I just don't care anymore. Just go with the flow now.

>> No.10446118

uh, "working hard". you must be a brainlet, all of the fields are easy as fuck to learn.

>> No.10446175

>straight a electrical engineering student
>met straight A business student girl sophmore year
>tfw we study together keep each other on track, and workout together
>cuddle and watch anime in free time
I wouldnt trade this for any party in the world. If you do it right stem can be very comfy.

>> No.10446180

>we study together keep each other on track, and workout together
Can she build muscle? I can't and I'm a guy
I don't know why I can't build muscle when most women can

>> No.10446194

bretty accurate desu

>> No.10446229

You can build muscle, you just have to be patient.

Try to do as many pushups as you can, call the number M. Follow this set up every other day:
M (max out)

Increase each set by one every third day of training. The fact that you will be able to do more push-ups means that you are building muscle. Add protein and enough sleep and in time your progress will show in the mirror too, not only on the floor.

If M<15, tell me and I will provide a different set-up.

>> No.10446243

>The fact that you will be able to do more push-ups
This is exactly where it fails, regardless of whether it is push-ups or something else.
Right now M is about 30 and I have never been able to make it increase.
For example if I follow this set-up I'll fail to complete the sets after a very short while. This has happened to me for every exercise ever. I can't up the load because I can't build muscle at all.

>> No.10446256

Purely psychosomatic, you're like a teenage girl who will never drive because she's convinced herself she's physically incapable

>> No.10446268

No, I have already been at it for years (though not push-ups, but the concept is similar)

>> No.10446291

Thing is, after you've built your first few pounds of muscle above baseline, the growth slows and its becomes increasingly difficult to increase muscle mass.

Perhaps you should try strapping on weights to increase load? You won't be able to do as many push-ups, but a greater weight will stimulate the quick, anaerobic fibers to grow. They are larger, thus your muscles will appear larger too. After that, perhaps you'll be able to go beyond thirty without the weights.

In the end, you should at least keep training to maintain the muscle mass you have, and perhaps you might gain some on the way

>> No.10446298

What kind of workouts have you been doing? And why not push-ups? They are by far my favourite exercise because of it's simplicity, efficiency and great working areas.

>> No.10446308
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>have no social life
>don't study hard either
>now on unemployment

>> No.10446322

I do free weight exercises because I'd rather train for strength than endurance

That's what I try to do on any compound movement, but very quickly I find myself unable to up the load. I just lift for years at the same weight.

>> No.10446362

I'm no personal trainer so I can't really help you out any more than common sense can. Your experience is too different from mine for my personal advice to be of much help.

Check the basic things, like diet (vitamins etc), drug use, lack of sleep, high stress levels, etc. Then, since free weights don't seem to help (I do them too) try something else. Callisthenics, machines, lifting tyres at your local dump?

>> No.10446384

I've already had a personal trainer, at the end when I asked him why I couldn't make progress he seemed to agree that some people can't build muscle at all

I used to train with bodyweight when I was very young and it didn't help either. I don't know why I can't build muscle

>> No.10446420

How often do you have to shave? Slow/poor facial hair growth could mean a lack of testosterone. Your behaviour isn't really affected by low testosterone, but muscle building and (especially) facial hair growth are dose-dependent.

This is a really uncertain measurement since how well you can grow a beard involves things like age and ethnicity (besides a bunch of other genetic factors), but if you have noticed your facial hair growing slower than that of your peers and countrymen, perhaps you should visit a doctor for a proper measurement and potentially treatment.

>> No.10446429

all of your real friends were made during the imprinting period in adolescence, you can’t bond w/people the same way in college especially via frats and networking

>> No.10446433

he's got the tism

>> No.10446443

I rarely shave because I can't be bothered, but I grow facial hair fairly quickly

>> No.10446476

Well then I'm pretty much out of ideas. A small skeletal frame would limit the muscle you can build but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be complaining if that was the reason you had maxed out. Could be issues with intracellular cascades, myosatellite cell counts, metabolic disturbances... Had you been a millionaire you could probably pay for a large number of tests and doctor hours to rule out or determine the biological underpinnings of your problem (even then, it's not likely to be treatable), but no doctor will provide you with these tests for medical reasons. If anything, he might congratulate you, since you probably have a lower risk for cardiac muscle hypertrophy if you were to have high blood pressure.

I once read a study where participants in one group were told to mentally do physical exercises (i.e. imagine themselves doing push-ups or whatever) without actually doing anything physically. They performed better at the end of the study than the control group, on par with the group that actually went through physical training. When all else fails, you can think yourself stronger.

>> No.10446496

So I have no other options than killing myself, but there are no guns allowed in my country. I'd try putting my neck on the train tracks but I fear I'll just bounce off and end up paralyzed instead

>> No.10446503

you stupid nigger

>> No.10446510

Ignore him, I was being serious

>> No.10446511
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3.3gpa and bangin social life squad REPORTING IN

>> No.10446516

dawg this is so upsetting for me

>> No.10446528

You could do ballet. Big muscles in male ballet dancers are off-putting.

Still, try a different routine and mental priming first. Talk to people at the gym, maybe someone will have a better suggestion.

Killing yourself is an option that's always there so don't rush it yet.

>> No.10446530 [DELETED] 

I did a lot of drugs and partied and had friends in Uni. Clocked over 3000 hours in Mario Kart in the last 2 years of my degree.
Graduated with a 2:1 Chemistry.
Now work in pharmaceuticals making over £35k year. Working 14 days a month.
If you work industry and not research you can do very well for yourself.
With my time off work i took up computational genetics as a hobby, and i'm getting close to having work i think i can publish.

>> No.10446551

>Killing yourself is an option that's always there
When you're lucky enough to be American, here there aren't guns and the only surefire way of ending one's life is gunshot to the head, helium is a meme that can fail into becoming a vegetable (well, same for the gunshot but much less likely, and I can also shoot myself off a roof for extra security)

People at my gym are French and therefore dense losers. Heck most of them aren't even in shape because they're on their phone instead of lifting. For some reasons they're not bothered benching 200 lbs after years of training, but I sure am

>> No.10446555

Never had a social life, I have a gf but I want to ditch her because I am not attracted to her.

>> No.10446557

I can't even do one push-up. I've atrophied to the point that I float up the shower.

>> No.10446566

Do knee push-ups

>> No.10446577

Err if you're the guy giving advice then sorry I should have been clearer, I'm on your side

>> No.10446585

If you can't think of a sure way to kill yourself you obviously aren't determined enough (there are enough of them, even for someone living in pillow-land). I only help those who come to me with retarded ideas they are certain will work.

>> No.10446590

That was not the guy giving advice. The one giving advice is me, and I am logging off for tonight. May the gains be with you, young padawan.

>> No.10446602

>do very well


>> No.10446609

I also would like not to suffer too much, so options like drinking bleach as some anon suggested some time ago is off the list, there really isn't much left, other than maybe literally getting lost and dying from exposure
(I'm not sure how painful it is, maybe the cold is soothing near the end)
Train tracks only has a 66% success rate (jumping from the dock) or 90% (if the train is met at full speed in the middle of the train tracks), and given the potential injuries sustained it's not worth it I think, just imagine surviving this

>> No.10446613

Okay then, thank you very much for the advice.

>> No.10446621 [DELETED] 

>14 days work a month
>168 hours work a year
That's £208 an hour anon.
272USD an hour.

>> No.10446629

nigga that's not that much. At all. The computational genetics is cool though.

>> No.10446636

Do you consult or what? How did you get the job? What do you think you did differently from your peers?

>> No.10446655 [DELETED] 

Sorry I miscalculated. I missed a decimal. Divide by 10.

I got lucky to be honest.
I got a phone call from a recruitment agency, that got me into the business.
Then as soon after I started I got selected to work on a project.
After working on that for a bit I became valuable enough to pick my own salary.

What I will say though, which has differentiated me from the people I work with and also my friends is two things.
The first is that I'm good at my job.
The second is that I've put my name down for nearly every qualification the company is willing to pay me to do. At least every qualification that is widely recognised.

>> No.10447317

I've never felt myself so well described by a meme as I do with this one. Please tell me the story behind it.

>> No.10447375

When I left high school I spent like 4 years as an isolated NEET alcoholic until I lost my mind and got thrown into the osych ward.

So going to university was only a positive for my social life, not that I have any friends or anything - I fucking hate forming relationships with people.

>> No.10447406

What was rock bottom like? Were you disillusioned or just depressed?

>> No.10447510

I was depressed. Then I degenerated into antisocial tendencies. Then I degenerated into absolute apathy.

I used to not even change my clothes for weeks to the point where the cums stains on my belly and food stains on my shirt developed mould but I would still go and buy junk food or order at a fast food restaurant as people would squirm. I would go days without eating then binge eat and drink until I threw up and passed out. I would fill an ice cream tub with vomit then just dump it in the bin and repeat the process. I would jab needles into myself and sew up parts of my body with dental floss. I even sewed my mouth shut once. I also cut my face open on multiple occasions with a razor blade just for fun. That's what landed me my first involuntary treatment order after getting stitched up at the doctor. I went from being a fitness freak in highschool to morbidly obese with stretch marks on my arms, ass and stomach. My spent about 2 years sleeping on a dirty mattress in the garage because my dad kicked me out of the house because of the smell and weird sleep cycle. I would go out some nights and just break into empty homes, lurk around construction sites for stuff to break and climbed a few construction cranes. At no point was I psychotic, which is the conclusion the "care team" (psychiatrist, multiple psychologists, social worker) came to despite initially being misdiagnosed as an early-stage schizophrenic. In reality I was just purely apathetic because of existential dread and couldn't generate any normal desires or any rationale behind living.

I still cant relate to normal people's emotions or interests but in a weird way it's benefited me because I have no issue becoming completely absorbed in study and I will hopefully be one of a couple people to ever graduate my from my university with a perfect GPA.

>> No.10447531

Thank you for the candid response, sounds like a dark place to be. I'm sure many people facing the same apathy wouldn't make it through, yet alone to achieve academic success. Reminds me of my grandpa, after he hurt his leg his doctor told him he couldn't work, he went from being up early to work daily to laying in bed waiting to die, pissing himself because he didn't feel like it was worth getting up. Within a matter of years he was diagnosed with dementia and passed away.

>> No.10447533

>Implying you can't work hard and have a social life

>> No.10447538
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Had to go through desuarchive to find this image. Used to post on r9k and collated this years ago.

>> No.10447651

How's the 2019 looking? Huge beard?

>> No.10447662

Well groomed for work though still fat.

>> No.10448392
