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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 263 KB, 1900x1266, giza-plateau-pyramids.ngsversion.1485215491918.adapt.1900.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10436905 No.10436905[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It really shits me off. It is human history and we deserve to know what the fuck is up with the pyramid. They are our ancestors and they left us the pyramid as knowledge.
What do we do know for sure about the Great Pyramid, anons? Because it sure as shit wasnt built for some pharoah cunt 4500 years ago. It's much older than that.
>hurr durr /x/ is that way, muh science is immune to agenda and hiding facts

>> No.10436909

>scientistsare all lying because I say so

>> No.10436923


>> No.10436959

What makes you think its older that that

>> No.10436965

Yakub said so.

>> No.10436973

The fictional Islamic yakub

>> No.10436980


>> No.10436987

/his/ is that way, pardner

>> No.10436994

>What do we do know for sure about the Great Pyramid, anons?
Heighest stucture on earth till the Lincoln Cathedral was built in 1311
Most massive structure on Earth till the Hoover Dam was built in 1936.

It is almost perfectly aligned with the geographical center of landmass.
No meridian passes through more landmass and similarly no circle of latitude passes through more landmass.
It is not the only one of its kind. Tibet and central america is home to many pyramids.
It has hollow realms that have amazing acoustics and there are tunnels underneath it running towards the Sphinx.
The inside is not decorated, nor has any mummy been found in the pyramid.
The individual blocks weigh up to 70 tons. Most of them are limestone but the inner part is often Granite.

We would have massive difficulties building the pyramid today with our technology.
Yet were supposed to believe the egyptians did it with bronze tools and in 10 years. Lmfao.


Personally I

>> No.10436997

Am crazy

>> No.10437000

>Personally I
did anon just get assasinated?

>> No.10437009


>> No.10437012


>> No.10437014


>> No.10437025

>Personally I

>> No.10437471

Probably just run out his internet-allowance at the institution.

>> No.10437491

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>> No.10437546

So how would anyone debunk the statements this guy has made in his video? What would be the logical approach here? Admit that it can't have been bronze, an extremely soft material? I wouldn't even know where to start.

>> No.10437547

We have no experience in building pyramids and much less any technology designed specifically for the purpose of building pyramids. Of course it's a challenge, with no knowledge and no tools

>> No.10437553

The guy in charge of it, Zahi Hawass, wasn't trying to learn anything about it.
He was just stealing people's discoveries and using the site for the scientific-tourism bucks.

>> No.10437555

because of ancient aliens

>> No.10437564

you're fancy.

>> No.10437567

sci is very narrow minded and keep strictly to the mainstream narrative. everything else is x or whatever

>> No.10437572

>sci is incredulous

>> No.10437576

quite the opposite. there is 0 scepticism when it comes to anything mainstream

>> No.10437584

The board literally swallows anything as soon as something has a paper and few retards citing said paper. Which is pretty natural, given how they are desperate to have their works published so they need to pretend of published papers to reflect reality.

>> No.10437589

So there's no holonomy, either?

>> No.10438032

If only half the posters put this much effort into shitposting

>> No.10438514

>I'm too dumb to figure out how to move a heavy stone block therefore an entire civilisation of people, famed for its mathematicians, architects and engineers could not possibly have done it.

>> No.10438527

How did they do it then, wizard. Why does all the dating for parts of the pyramid (not pottery mover inside or boats outside) return dates of 10,000BC or earlier? Egyptian authorities are incredibly anal about letting anyone study the pyramids in detail or explore new areas. Its almost like they've built a bullshit story around a couple of clay "khufu" seals and further exploration of the pyramid would cause the whole lie to collapse.

>> No.10438539

The core unstated belief that all these conspiracy theorists about ancient structures have in common is "all ancient people were drooling retards". It's the ego of modern people to think that people before the industrial revolution were all fucking idiots would couldn't wipe their own ass.

The ultimate redpill that dispels all these delusions is just understanding that there were extremely smart, extremely talented people with access to all the basic tools (wench, pully, lever, wheel) even as far back as Egypt and Rome.
Everything that modern mad can do with our impressive motors and mechanisms, they could also be reproduced with muscle power with a suitable setup. Those amazing power tools we have, you could reproduce the same thing with just muscle power tools.

It's really aggravating to me how people will routinely undervalue the skills and knowledge of the ancient Egyptians, Aztecs, Romans, Chinese, etc and then will go on to use their underestimation as "proof" of some lost technology/conspiracy/ancient aliens

>> No.10438546

If I cut up a 10,000 year old rock out of the Earth right now and used it to make a stone hut today, carbon dating would say that the rocks making up my 0 day old rock hut are 10,000 years old

>> No.10438566

Anyone who thinks the great pyramid was build by Egyptians is a grade A moron. 10 minutes of research tells you they've been there over 12000 years.

>> No.10438570
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>he thinks they carbon date the rocks

>> No.10438578
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>they did it with muscle power, basic tools, big brains, and a "suitable setup"
Wow I cant wait for your paper to be published.

>> No.10438580

if the result they got from the dating was 10,000 BC they're obviously doing it wrong, I'm not sure specifically how they fucked it up. I was just giving one specific example where carbon dating isn't going to tell you how old a structure is.

>> No.10438582

There are already plenty of papers that explain how the pyramids were made with smarts, tools, and muscle power. Many, many of them. There are even several different methods they could have used to build the pyramids with just basic tools and muscle power.

>> No.10438588

They dated the organic material between the stone blocks. Every non-egyptologist who dates it comes back with similar age- 12,000+ years. You've genuinely been duped.
Please see also water erosion on the sphinx

>> No.10438592

"non-egyptologist" sound like a no-true-scottsmanism. You'll just label anybody who gets the correct results as an Egyptology so you can ignore their results and continue your delusions.

>> No.10438593

So which is it? Do they have papers explaining how it was done or just theories?
Please link to studies not commissioned and approved by agenda-driven Egyptian government.
We're no closer to knowing how they were built because they refuse to let people study it. Ever wonder why? Anyone who stays from the weak "Khufu" doctrine is declared a fringe theorist.

>> No.10438615

It was Herodotus who claimed that the great pyramid was built by slaves during the reign of a tyrannical ruler named Khufu. Previous and subsequent historians were told by the priests "We don't know who built it. It was built before the flood"

>> No.10438661

They built ramps and placed 25 x 2.5 tonne stones every hour, 12 hours a day, over 20 years, and then never built any pyramids the same, or any other pyramids with upwards sloping internal paths, or pyramids with 8 sides. Also metal handles inside and no hieroglyphic records of how it was built. Oh but we found this clay seal that says Khufu. Super convenient. Was definitely the Egyptians who built it. Dont ask questions.

>> No.10438684

It is a cartouche. It was proven to be a 20th century forgery in 2013.

>> No.10438708

all these conspiracy people really don't understand the power of slave labor and throwing human lives at something until it's completed. ex: great wall of china. literally buried the bodies in the wall. are you all that dense you cant comprehend how much could get done if you didn't give a shit about a person and made them work all day every day on one project?

>> No.10438728

So your argument that it can't be manmade is because we know of two many ways that it could be man made? You think it's impossible to make because it's too easy to make? This is some next level cognitive dissonance.

You should also keep in mind that you aren't going to be able to find evidence for something just because it happened. The pyramids were build a long time ago, and a lot of the evidence for how it was built simply does not exist any more. If you want to find an a perfect proof of every single step in the construction, it will never happen unless we invent time machines.

>> No.10438747

It is absolutely manmade. This isnt an "ayy lmao" thread. It was built by our ancestors before the flood. Don't fall for the "he doesnt believe it was Egyptians so he must believe its aliens" meme.

>> No.10438763

Antediluvians? Is this some noahs arc religious thing then? Or Atlantis?

Could you please summarize what you think is behind the pyramids? No youtube links, please.

>> No.10438785

I honestly dont know. I suspect if we were allowed to properly study them we would find out. I want to know. The explanations provided are insufficient. Human kind deserves to know. 1 country shouldn't be able to gatekeep the truth about our origins.

What I am certain of is that they and the sphinx were there before the flood, when the area was lush and fertile, before it was a sandfilled shithole, and they were not built 4-5 thousand years ago.

>> No.10438799

Archaeology is inherently destructive. Investigating is always going to damage the artifacts no matter how careful you are. Preventing the excavation and study of ancient historically significant sites is typical of modern archaeological methods in order to preserve structures and artifacts. Rather than being a conspiracy, isn't preventing excessive investigation of the Egyptian ruins the correct choice? In the near future we might be able to progress with non-invasive methods of research and it would then make more sense to open up study on things like the pyramids to the global community.

>> No.10438959

>It is almost perfectly aligned with the geographical center of landmass.
>No meridian passes through more landmass and similarly no circle of latitude passes through more landmass.
Wrong, that's in Turkey.

>It is not the only one of its kind. Tibet and central america is home to many pyramids.
Because a pyramid is one of the simplest structures that can be built.

>It has hollow realms that have amazing acoustics and there are tunnels underneath it running towards the Sphinx.
Tunnels in general have amazing acoustics and the part about there are no tunnels from the pyramid to the Sphinx.

>The inside is not decorated, nor has any mummy been found in the pyramid.
Pyramid interiors were not decorated until later in Egyptian civilization. The mummy was probably stolen by looters thousands of years ago.

>We would have massive difficulties building the pyramid today with our technology.
No, we would have massive difficulties funding the material and labor for such a frivolous pursuit.

>Yet were supposed to believe the egyptians did it with bronze tools and in 10 years.
Yeah, which is completely doable if you have an entire civilization devoted to the whims of one megalomaniac.


>> No.10439685


>> No.10439706
File: 61 KB, 511x386, image-07-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood why people are so simple minded and desperate to cling to false assumptions.
The only things that point to Khufu building the great pyramid is that Herodotus reported it. It was previously and subsequently refuted by other historians. The priests told them that they did not know who built it. It was built before the flood.
The cartouche inside the great pyramid in the space above the kings chamber has been proven to be a forgery. Probably by Col. Richard Howard-Vyse which has always been suspected. The current accepted explanation of the great pyramid origin is a fantasy based in falsehood and forgery.

>> No.10439722

At first I wanted to give you in-depth explanation of why you are wrong, but then I noticed your "arguments" are straight up lies and youre hoping someone will waste time trying to refute them. You are just a stupid troll and I wont waste my time. Your life must be very sad.

t. Archaeologist

>> No.10439741
File: 65 KB, 668x500, 27kr94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Case in point. Everything I said is easily verifiable. The so called "experts". Just do not want to know. It is amusing. Back at the beginning of the 20th century a prestigious publication declared that there was nothing more to learn in physics. We had all the knowledge to be learned. That's what people like you remind me of. Dullards full of hubris. "Move along", you say. "Nothing more to be seen here"

>> No.10439753

>We would have massive difficulties building the pyramid today with our technology.
Have you ever considered that maybe blacks are just plain superior to whites?

>> No.10439803

>I never understood why people are so simple minded and desperate to cling to false assumptions.
Says the guy who just spouted a bunch of lies and non-sequiturs...

>The only things that point to Khufu building the great pyramid is that Herodotus reported it.
And carbon dating of the masonry. And the style of the pyramid. And the techniques used to build it. And the papyrus documents ordering materials for its construction. All dated to Khufu's reign.

>It was previously and subsequently refuted by other historians.

>The cartouche inside the great pyramid in the space above the kings chamber has been proven to be a forgery.

How pathetic that you did not even attempt to justify a single thing I refuted in the post you're replying to and instead moved on to more lies.

>> No.10439828


>> No.10439831


>> No.10439835

Did it work?

>> No.10439837

they are actually landing platforms for spacefaring vessels, built by a superior alien race posing as ancient gods

>> No.10439840
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>> No.10439841

You are funny, your argument is tantamount to "Liar, liar, pants on fire". The only 'fact' in your diatribe is that the masonry was "carbon dated". Mmmmmm, no. That shows the extent of your "education". However the paint of the cartouche was carbon dated in 2013 and was found to be recent. Do your own research, if you are interested, which you are not, and probably not capable.

>> No.10439842

>What do we do know for sure about the Great Pyramid, anons? Because it sure as shit wasnt built for some pharoah cunt 4500 years ago. It's much older than that.

Prove it. Find a dating method that gives consistent ages older than the current estimated age of the pyramids and publish your results in a peer-reviewed journal

>> No.10439856

>It is almost perfectly aligned with the geographical center of landmass.

Not true. This requires using wrong calculations.

>No meridian passes through more landmass and similarly no circle of latitude passes through more landmass.

Literally things we made up.

>It is not the only one of its kind. Tibet and central america is home to many pyramids.\

Pyramids are extremely stable and simple to construct. Wow. They exist in multiple places.

>It has hollow realms that have amazing acoustics and there are tunnels underneath it running towards the Sphinx.

Who cares? Tunnels under a building. Ooooo

>The inside is not decorated, nor has any mummy been found in the pyramid.

That’s just a lie. The interior has paint and hieroglyphics.

>The individual blocks weigh up to 70 tons. Most of them are limestone but the inner part is often Granite.

Again, who cares?

>We would have massive difficulties building the pyramid today with our technology.
Yet were supposed to believe the egyptians did it with bronze tools and in 10 years. Lmfao.

Another lie. The construction of the pyramids is well understood now.

>> No.10439860

>We would have massive difficulties building the pyramid today with our technology.
C`mon, I work in large construction projects of buildings. With modern machinery and talent, this could be done under a year and a half. But no one is going to waste money building a pile of rocks that has no real use in our modern time.
Architecturally it`s garbage tier. There is nothing special about pyramidal shaped buildings or monuments or whatever.
If these Egyptian builders had built something like the Burj Khalifa, now that would have been impressive.

>> No.10439861

What retard thinks you carbon date fucking rocks? They were never alive lmao

>> No.10440076

>You are funny, your argument is tantamount to "Liar, liar, pants on fire".
Only if you ignore the claims I directly refuted and focus solely on the ones that are so vague as to be unfalsifiable. If you won't tell me who these "historians" are or how it was proven the cartouche was faked then these claims can be dismissed as easily as they were made.

>The only 'fact' in your diatribe is that the masonry was "carbon dated". Mmmmmm, no. That shows the extent of your "education".
So it wasn't carbon dated? Please say no so that I can catch you in yet another lie. This is fun.

>However the paint of the cartouche was carbon dated in 2013 and was found to be recent.
Mmmmmm, no. This shows the extent of your "education."

You completely ignored this entire post >>1043895 and the corroborating evidence dating the pyramid (the contemporary style, building techniques, and the papyrus scrolls ordering the materials). And you failed to provide any evidence of your claims when asked. You are nothing but a liar.

>> No.10440089

The Egyptians used a type of mortar that required the roasting ofgypsum. They used woodto fuel the fire the gypsum was roasted in, and the ash remains in the mortar. So yes, the pyramids contain material that was once living. You would know this if you did basic research before spouting nonsense.

>> No.10440188


>> No.10440246

>who cares if it's 70 tons
Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.10440299

70 tons isn't that much lmao

>> No.10440303

Lmao you owned me bro
You have to go back.

>> No.10440308

You really are funny. So your argument is solely based on insults. OK you faggoty cuntlipped mongoloid piece of shit. You really should do something about that case of syphilis that you picked up at the truck stop. It really is affecting your brain. No more swallowing anonymous trucker cock for you.

>> No.10440324

3/10 troll

>> No.10440327

Fuck off you goo gobbling motherfucker. Get a fucking job and quick sucking on your mommas teats.

>> No.10440338


>> No.10440447

I bet you are the type of queer fuck who likes to sniff poppers stick meth up his ass while being fisted. Am I right, you dog fellating incest baby?

>> No.10440883


>> No.10441570

Theres just no way that bronze and copper tools could have completed this task in the span of 10-20 years. The necessary manpower is beyond absurd.

>> No.10441640

>Theres just no way that bronze and copper tools could have completed this task in the span of 10-20 years.
Yes, they needed iron tools to quarry the granite. Everything else was done with copper, wood, and rope.

>> No.10441646
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Pyramids were made to channel cosmic 5G rays away from the population; since Earth has no magnetic field due to being flat, the ancients needed to protect themselves from radiation once they were dropped off by the progenitor race.

>> No.10441698

Over the course of 20 years they would have needed to move 12 blocks into place every hour day and night. This only accounts for the placement so add into the time to cut out the blocks and it just doesn't make sense.

Also where are all the tools that would have been needed to do this immense task.

>> No.10441750

>Over the course of 20 years they would have needed to move 12 blocks into place every hour day and night.
OK, and?

>Also where are all the tools that would have been needed to do this immense task.
There's plenty of masonry tools such as copper chisels, saws, and drills, that have survived that were used on granite. Diorite carving stones are a dime a dozen in the old quarries. Iron tools are much harder to find because iron was much rare than copper and also more susceptible to rust and would either be reused by later kingdoms or simply rust away. However iron was only needed to for some initial chiseling of holes to drive wedges into, which would separate the largest pieces. The rest of the cutting was done by copper saws and drills (using sand as the cutting agent) and diorite scooping techniques. We know all this because the quarries are still there today with half finished stones that were abandoned because of cracking.

>> No.10441764

So were all the stones cut before they began assembling the pyramid? They must have been in order to have the time necessary to haul several ton blocks and stack them in the estimated 20 year timeline.

Even if you can account for how they would cut the blocks and move them theres still no explanation or evidence of how they got the blocks up the pyramid to stack.

>> No.10441794

>So were all the stones cut before they began assembling the pyramid?
Yes, of course. So what? The only parts of the pyramid that were finely cut were some of the interior structures made of granite such as the King's Chamber, and the outer layer made of high quality polished limestone. The vast majority was the core made from rough cut, low quality limestone.

>Even if you can account for how they would cut the blocks and move them theres still no explanation or evidence of how they got the blocks up the pyramid to stack.
Sure there is, there's a spiral ramp inside the pyramid that was used for limestone blocks. The large granite blocks were probably moved with some combination of external ramps and wooden scaffolding with ropes and levers.

>> No.10442263

After reading all these posts, it looks like you have been truly blown the fuck off OP. All of the evidence is against you. You may now hightail it back to /x/, your nonsense beliefs have been defeated with the power of scientific evidence. The Pharaohs of old may now rest in peace once again.

>> No.10442276

>the power of scientific evidence
>not realising 'science' is just as corrupted
who do you think funds the researchers? intellectual rigor isnt the most important in academia.

blindly believing in a "scientific" authority to tell them what is true or not, in itself, is unscientific

>> No.10442278
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brah, youre fucking illiterate read his comment again

>> No.10442280

To answer OP, they're a form of infrastructure that generates electricity without producing environmental pollution. Tesla's wardenclyffe tower was constructed in a similar manner but the plan was scrapped when he chose the wrong sponsor. There's currently one built in Texas


>> No.10442286

civilizations of that era seems to know how to make concrete that solidifies into stone. if you look at the construction of incan walls there will be some parts of the blocks where it looks like nipples protruding out. The nipples suggest that the stones were originally pliable and the nipples are the result of a construction joint. The same thing could be happening with the pyramid and the external blocks could've been casted to create an air-tight seal and insulate the pyramid interior

>> No.10442294

Yeah. I get some random rangebans often when I dont even post at all for a long time, something is shitbroken on this site. I wont produce myself writing an answer if all I get is "youve been banned" message.
Do you get off to being an asshole? I dont want to discuss you, because you lack lowest knowledge and spout stream of lies, I do not know where did you even get those lies, but they are straight untrue. Everyone who knows something about history sees that in an instant and when someone refutes your claims you just change the lie to walk around it. Just read some science first and you will understand why no one wants to talk with you when you scream about carbon dating rocks or shit like "pyramid being in the center of earth", "we couldnt build them today".

Also, yeah, no one really knows how pyramids were build. Not because it was impossible, but because we have absolutely no sources about the process. We have many theories how they could be build, but no proof that any of that methods was actually used. Thats the reason of all schizoid screaming about it: you dont understand scientists. When we say "we do not know" we meam "we do not have solid information on how this happened" not "it was impossible".

>> No.10442303
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>that feel when you start as a cynic, then you become a skeptic, finally you investigate
>all modern attempts to reproduce egyptian achievements on a miniature scale fail miserably
>the devil is in the details - there are plenty of unbelievable technical solutions in the architecture of the pyramids which are much more interesting than the first most popular facts stated by conspiracy theories
>gobekli tepe is over 10 000 years old
>official theories about the pyramid's construction change the moment someone puts theory into practice - always ends up with impossible logistics or way too slow pace
>implying pyramids are not mysterious to say the least
>implying the pi

>> No.10442313
File: 6 KB, 263x191, RobertSchock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geology Red pill

>> No.10442563

You`re Stupid

>> No.10442567
File: 260 KB, 1600x900, 1551877222976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You`re wrong, aliens did it.

>> No.10442573

>t. Archaeologist
Discussion aside, it amazes me what variety of people you find in here.

>> No.10442591

>When we say "we do not know" we meam "we do not have solid information on how this happened" not "it was impossible".
Pretty hilarious reading this. On one hand you admit that you don't know how it was done, yet on the other you have the audacity to claim that it was possible. If you have no solid evidence that any of your proposed methods actually work, and theres metric tons of evidence that support the claim that they don't, then you're in no position to claim possibility. I am not even part of this conversation and I even I think you're laughable.

>> No.10442606

>We would have massive difficulties building the pyramid today with our technology.
No, we would not.
We have these things called "cranes". They're specifically made for tasks like this.

>> No.10442614

What a dense motherfucker you are. It is possible and there are hundreds of ways you can do it. You have a fucking NATION at your disposal, and that nation has nothing to do anyway when their fields are covered in water as Nil floods them two times a year. They were no slaves, they were paid for the work and were provided food and BEER when they worked, we have excavated whole fucking builder camps around the pyramids. Also that nation believes you are god incarnate and that pyramid is required for you to walk into heaven after death, like a fucking set of stairs.
"We do not know how they did it" means "We cannot say for sure which method they used". Not "We cannot imagine the method". Because theres no solid enough proof, no remains of the proccess.

Building giant shit from stone is very fucking easy when you know your mathemathics. There are hundreds of examples in whole world, almost every organised ancient culture did it. Why do you even care about pyramids especially, when Greeks made a fucking Parthenon using exactly the same lvl of technology?

Do you understand? Probably not. Thats sad, but well, thats how the world is.

>> No.10442696
File: 25 KB, 580x529, images (47).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Building giant shit from stone is very fucking easy when you know your mathemathics

>laser precision cuts on 70ton blocks of rock

>you have a fucking nation of dumb niggers to do it

>> No.10442702

>couldn’t have been bronze
Why not? Antler is used for making stone tools. Bronze makes a fine chisel, or wedge, or saw. You use sand as an abrasive. It’s all well documented, easily reproduced, and can be literally seen in the archeology. It’s only a mystery to those who learn history through youtube instead of reading a fucking book. People like you make me very angry.

>> No.10442714

how do you do these nice letters anyway, even google failed me

>> No.10442925

That "nation of dumb niggers" (white, by the way) made a fucking prototype of working steam engine which they used to open giant golden doors to their temple in Thebes. If someone here is a dumb nigger, its you.

>laser cuts
Your brain is laser cut. You do not even need metal tools to cut stone. All you need is sand, water and a fucking rope. Google it.

Actually, I would not be suprised if whole pyramid building started as just a way to give something to do to populace when Nil flooded.

>My pharaoh, people are bored! They get drunk and knife themselves in taverns, they attack women on the streets, and worst of all, theyre thinking! Soon they may think of changing you to someone else, or worse, of democracy!
>Oh fuck.hieroglyph
>I have an idea.ptah
>"Listen to me, my people! You need to build me a giant fucking pile of rocks, so I can, uhh, well, so I can enter heaven after death! It must be tall as fuck!
>Yeah, that will make them busy for 20 years.hieroglyph

>> No.10442956

>sand, water and a rope

Kys immediately

>> No.10442975

Oh, because youre dumb? No, I savour your ignorance. Its like a well made wine. Guess what, when we dig our trenches, first we fucking use mathematics to make sure theyre perfectly rectangular. We do not use computers for that. No laser super advanced shit. No star wars.

We fucking use two sticks and a rope.

Its absolutely amazing how ignorant a pampered city dweller can be. Yes, I am talking about you, ignoramus. Go get your starbucks coffee.

>> No.10443003
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It doesn't really matter what any science turns up about the pyramids. If you believe that aliens or Atlanteans or whatever built them, then it wasn't facts or logic that lead you to that conclusion and it won't be facts or logic that dispel you of it.
Here's some common ones though, if you want me to link things about specific ones then just ask.
>What are the pyramids for? How do we know?
They're big tombs. We knows because a) they usually contain bodies and b) the writing on the walls of the interior tell us. Pyramids are an evolved form of an earlier Egyptian practice of mastaba building, which were large tombs made from mud bricks. The shift from bricks to stones is what allowed larger structures to be built.
>How did the Egyptians cut and smooth the large limestone with copper tools?
Copper picks can cut large blocks, its just a time consuming process. The Egyptians probably had people on site dedicated to sharpening and making new tools, but we don't have archaeological evidence for this. Egyptian copper was also contaminated with arsenic, which made the picks stronger.
>How did the Egyptians cut and smooth the large granite blocks with copper tools?
Copper can't cut granite and we don't have evidence that proves how they did this. However, the leading theory is that large copper bars were rubbed against the surface of the granite in a sawing motion and sand was placed between the bar and the stone. The silica crystals in the sand get embedded in the copper and cut through the stone, albeit slowly. People have recreated this successfully, but we there's still no evidence for its use.
>How did Egyptians move the heavy stones?
The inner limestone was quarried locally and pulled on sleds from the quarry to the build. Water was poured on the sand in front of the sled to decrease friction. For non local quarries, they had to be hauled the whole route, which took several days and usually several trips. The blocks were too large to be floated downriver.

>> No.10443014

>The Egyptians probably had people on site dedicated to sharpening and making new tools, but we don't have archaeological evidence for this
So you're saying that aliens gave them those tools?

>> No.10443020

The tools were very simple copper picks, sharpened to a point, along with wooden mallets. Egyptian metallurgy has a good archeological foundation. Copper isn't very strong, but it is possible to chip at limestone with it. No aliens involved.

>> No.10443021
File: 104 KB, 986x554, WaronWhom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why in-deed anons....

>> No.10443041

Why would a super advanced civilization even want to build a stupid ass pyramid? Maybe if it were some kind of library, where they were to transcribe all their knowledge into stone, then it would make sense. But that doesnt seem to be the case...

>> No.10443051


>> No.10443059


>> No.10443062

[math]<br>\text{ }^{\color{#571da2}{\displaystyle\te<wbr>xt{W}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{\color{#462eb9}{\displayst<wbr>yle\text{h}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#3f47c8}{\dis<wbr>playstyle\text{y}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#3f62cf<wbr>}{\displaystyle\text{ }}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#<wbr>437ccc}{\displaystyle\text{i}}}}}}}<wbr>}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\col<wbr>or{#4b90bf}{\displaystyle\text{s}}}<wbr>}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{<wbr>\color{#56a0ae}{\displaystyle\text{<wbr> }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{<wbr>^{^{\color{#62ab99}{\displaystyle\t<wbr>ext{t}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{<wbr>^{^{^{\color{#71b484}{\displaystyle<wbr>\text{h}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{<wbr> }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{<wbr>^{^{^{\color{#82ba70}{\displaystyle<wbr>\text{i}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{<wbr> }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{<wbr>^{^{^{\color{#96bc5f}{\displaystyle<wbr>\text{s}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{<wbr> }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{<wbr>^{^{^{\color{#a9bd52}{\displaystyle<wbr>\text{ }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{<wbr>^{^{\color{#bcbb48}{\displaystyle\t<wbr>ext{o}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{<wbr>\color{#ceb541}{\displaystyle\text{<wbr>n}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\col<wbr>or{#dcab3c}{\displaystyle\text{ }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#<wbr>e39938}{\displaystyle\text{/}}}}}}}<wbr>}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#e68033<wbr>}{\displaystyle\text{s}}}}}}}}}}}}\<wbr>text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#e3632d}{\dis<wbr>playstyle\text{c}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{\color{#de4227}{\displayst<wbr>yle\text{i}}}}}}\text{ }^{\color{#da2121}{\displaystyle\te<wbr>xt{/}}}<br>[/math]

>> No.10443069

Thanks for giving my browser a bottom scroll bar

>> No.10443078

>Why do egyptologists lie about the age and purpose of the great pyramid?
Money from people like you, among others.

>> No.10443243
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>> No.10443254

>I never understood why people are so simple minded and desperate to cling to false assumptions.

>> No.10443264
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>> No.10443268
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>> No.10443285
File: 2.07 MB, 1366x768, ACUEDUCTO_ROMANO_RDJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx for interrupting my filedump with tripe. I appreciate your enthusiasm but let's try to educate rather than mock

for those still questioning the veracity of the claims about suppressed information, this is a Roman aqueduct in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

>> No.10443289

>It’s only a mystery to those who learn history through youtube instead of reading a fucking book. People like you make me very angry.
Tell me, how does the book make a better example when the video footage cleraly shows that the bronze tools do nothing? You seem to have a hatred for actual evidence. A book isn't evidence because it was printed.

>> No.10443295
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>> No.10443299
File: 687 KB, 711x493, RockefellerPublishing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

precisely, thanks anon

>> No.10443328
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>> No.10443336

an interesting hypothesis but there would be no need to build it into a pyramid if a pump like that was their goal

>> No.10443338
File: 72 KB, 590x581, PossibleUsages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10443339

I believe the pump was not their goal, simply one of many mechanisms. the goal is what I am trying to figure out.

>> No.10443346

care to explain the functionality and purpose of the pump!?

>> No.10443355

if I'm right with my conclusion, that it is a pump, my best guess would be for compression of air in such a way as to separate one gas from the others - i.e. a hydrogen purification.

Another guess is simply as a pneumatic pump used to create intense pressures that can then be easily used as pressure tools or even simply for irrigation purposes (high pressure required to transfer water over large distances)

>> No.10443501

egyptians could cut stone just fine dipshit

>> No.10443506

God dammit stop it with the egypt shit we are literally destroying the planet FOCUS

>> No.10443570

>no actual explanation for how they cut granite in the time frame most """"scientists"""" claim
>limestone experiment is literally him using the chisel for 3-5 knocks, utterly failing at showing long one would last prior to requiring readjustments
Very convincing. Look mom, I've posted an approved National Geographics television show. This is totally any different to what's stated in the text books handed out in school!

>> No.10443590

>Big Egypto must be behind this

>> No.10443668

explain Zahi Hawass' deceptive role in Egypt's archaeology program

>> No.10443680

every time you shill, I will expose your contradictions. My argument gets stronger with each kvetch. with that said, please continue

the scrubbing of history is a crucial component to the globalist agenda. the more we can expose their lies the sooner we can talk with clarity about the present

>> No.10443709
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>> No.10444136
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>contributes nothing
>sews doubt
kek, every fucking time

>> No.10444168
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>> No.10444171
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>> No.10444181
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>> No.10444183

Damn,we lost another one.

>> No.10444185
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>> No.10444195
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>> No.10444199

wtf they are pruning my posts

>> No.10444228
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>> No.10444234
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>> No.10444370

>However the paint of the cartouche was carbon dated in 2013 and was found to be recent
This is 100% true. I've met both Dominique and Stefan (who took the sample) and numerous tests from multiple labs confirmed it is a recent addition to the great pyramid. These men and their Egyptian co-conspirators are in big trouble for exposing the biggest lie in human history.

>> No.10444389

The pyramids were built over a more ancient structure as a means of preserving it, similar to other "renovations" they conducted with structures from even earlier civilizations. The sphinx has a library underneath it open your minds do dmt watch joe rogan broo

>> No.10444469

Y’all are fukin dumb. The pyramids are made out of cement and rebar and these giant ass statues are made out of wood. You stupid fucks honestly think this shit was made of of granite and other crazy shit. Think with your brain and use your eyes. It’s just petrified from the flood/mud flood incident.

>> No.10444473

As someone who has made and used dmt multiple times, without the influence of joe rogan, I would like to voice concern over this meme. Dmt users are not these stoner woke af idiots which everyone always makes them out to be. Dmt is extremely interesting and it does not deserve the bad rap.

>> No.10444478

Don't do Joe Rogan, kids

>> No.10444533
File: 22 KB, 596x596, conehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so how thick is the mud layer then? did they chip away at it to form steps, or did the mud form those? and the cracks in between the stones?

>pic related, you

>> No.10444546

Let's see the lab results then. Whatever the Atlantis tards say is worth less than nothing if not backed up with solid evidence.

>> No.10444578

I suppose you want me to believe these are forgeries too? https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/510d47e2-5c89-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99

And Khufu's name and statue in the great pyramid's mortuary temple?

And the Merer papyrus?

>> No.10444587

Oh, and one last thing, some of the graffiti with the cartouches are painted on parts of the stone that are inside the walls. This could only be done by painting the stone before it was put into place by the work gang. Forgery not!

>> No.10444789

>They are our ancestors

>> No.10444940


So is your sole criteria for the truthfulness of a sauce just that it's from a tinfoil channel with no formal background in anything relevant?

>> No.10444958

Slaves are very efficient

>> No.10444959


>> No.10444994


>> No.10445884

not who you're responding to, but really dude? intelligent people look for EVIDENCE because they can make the logical deductions themselves.

Whereas people like you apparently look to authorities to tell you what to believe, and discount 'tinfoil channels' (i.e. anything outside mainstream narrative) simply because you don't see them as voices of authority.

Learn how to think properly you goddamn mongoloid

>> No.10445905

Good thing we have timestamps...your skepticism is appreciated, but misdirected.

See my posts:

It's comedic that folks like you trust Rockefeller publishers more than independent researchers trying to find the truth

Also see

>> No.10445912
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>> No.10445916
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>> No.10445925
File: 40 KB, 480x360, pyramids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mud flood, huh? lol

>> No.10445929
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>> No.10445931
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>> No.10445937
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>> No.10445941
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>> No.10445947

Because both the architecture and mechanisms in these pyramids are highly scientific and require a level of mathematical understanding you clearly don't have

>> No.10445951
File: 51 KB, 590x350, ScienceHeiroglyphs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops, forgot pic

>> No.10445956
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>> No.10445985
File: 64 KB, 540x262, MuhSlaves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes....that still doesn't explain the precise phi ratios demonstrated in my previous posts, or did the slaves simply understand math better than you?
It's almost like you just ignored everything I've posted.....

>> No.10445994
File: 243 KB, 988x398, IMPLOSIONISGRAVITY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those of you shilling in the thread, please explain how this is wrong. I'm genuinely curious

>> No.10446028
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>> No.10446049

>Yet were supposed to believe the egyptians did it with bronze tools and in 10 years
And it may be big, but it is also very simple. It's the architectural equivalent of a pile of rocks

>> No.10446123

this thread makes it apparent that /sci is filled with fakes who would be among the masses that criticise galio for saying earth is a sphere, if they were to be born then. You nutjobs believe in current understanding of science so much that it's no different than a religion, not to mention large portion of high academic research are funded and survives on political interests. Only delusionals would accept the world as they were given and believes smart people with agendas don't exist in the world

True spirit of science has no dogma and is always attempting to synthesize truth from many realms of knowledge. How can you not be excited by these ooga booga shit and attempt to experience or make sense of it is beyond me

please post more

>> No.10446144

it's a troll thread
you're being trolled
quit bumping it

>> No.10446155

>Year and a half
I know a firm that will get it done in 9 months. Best material, very reasonable price. You tell them Sergey sent you and they will give you special deal.

>> No.10446171

The individual blocks weigh 2-3 tonnes each. People would be more inclined to hear you out if you didn't constantly lie to try and push your retarded conspiracy.

>> No.10446223

Have you ever observed a hydrogen atom implode? Have you ever observed such ancient creating gravity? Through what mechanism do you think this 'implosion' occurs? Through what mechanism does it generate gravity? How does this model account for gravitational affects in areas where no hydrogen is present?
You must answer all these questions, plus any additional questions your answers create before the "theory" you have posited can be considered worth investigating.

>> No.10446342

The reasons images like those are posted is because the poster doesn't understand what they mean themselves and expects it to mean something.

>> No.10446392

That's the average weight. Some are 60-80 tonnes you stupid fucking cunt. Did you just Google "how much did pyramid stones weigh" and read the first number in the first result or something?

>> No.10446529

Any hieroglyphics and hieratic in there were either added long after construction or are fakes painted by Raven and Hill at the behest of Vyse. Please also explain why there are misspellings, upside down hieratics, and the cartouche being changed after it was first sketched. There are also eyewitness accounts of forgery.

The mortuary temple was build by the AEs long after.

The Merer papyrus doesnt mention what the order was for. No proof it had any connection to the great pyramid. That is a assumption based on the suspected age of both the papyrus and the Egyptologists' GP timeline.

Also, photos of these markings by the work gang on the stone going into the wall plz

>> No.10446543

Pyramids buried the end of the numbers. Pray with me, brother.

>> No.10446709

fuck yourself

Thanks! I'm pretty much out of material, but I can go into the egyptian symbolism if you like

>> No.10446740

I posted the images, I mean...I can explain phi and its relations to just about every life form

Life is, at its core, a reverse entropy 'machine' or negentropic, meaning it forms continuously higher energy states in opposition to the statistical PROBABILITY (because that's what entropy is based on) that because there are more possible states of disorder, states generally tend to become more disorderly. Basically, life is the only thing we have observed that operates in opposition to entropy

well, if you look into black-budgeted physics programs such as those based on the work of Tesla (I know people who've worked in these fields - they give me pointers but obviously can't share much) it becomes clear that using electrical mechanisms in overlapping phi-ratio frequencies in phi-ratio geometries is the basis for the military 'secrets' of electrical propulsion as well as ESP phenomenon in the brain (because the brain is constructed in this specific phi-ratio manner)

From my research into machine learning, basically every breakthrough in computer programming was reverse-engineered from breakthroughs in biologists studying the brain

>> No.10446761


this is the best explanation I have seen so far. Again, constructive criticism is much appreciated

>> No.10446787



>> No.10446804


>> No.10446818
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I'm the filedump anon, just wanna say I've looked into Tartary and all the mudflood shit, and I really don't think that this is the appropriate avenue for you to share that stuff. I'm fully convinced that we are being lied to, see
I'm just saying that the pyramids have been made to explicitly express the phi ratio for a reason. Look into Zahi Hawass, it's clear we are not supposed to look into the pyramids and their meaning.

>> No.10446914
File: 401 KB, 682x1600, Hathor Temple and Iseum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10447019

>Any hieroglyphics and hieratic in there were either added long after construction or are fakes painted by Raven and Hill at the behest of Vyse.
Impossible, some of the work gang markings and cartouches go inside of the walls, they could only have been painted on before the stones were placed. Also, some of the writing are in parts which are only accessible via robot.

>Please also explain why there are misspellings, upside down hieratics, and the cartouche being changed after it was first sketched.
Please explain why it's impossible for quarry men and work gangs writing free-hand to write in non-standard ways or *gasp* draw contrary to a sketch.

>There are also eyewitness accounts of forgery.
If there are eyewitness telling you that writing inside of the joints between walls was forged then they're lying.

>The mortuary temple was build by the AEs long after.
No it wasn't.

>The Merer papyrus doesnt mention what the order was for.
It says that the stones were taken to Akhet Khufu, which is the Egyptian name for the Giza pyramids.

>Also, photos of these markings by the work gang on the stone going into the wall plz
How about an eyewitness account from Graham Hancock?


And you one again ignored that the mortar was carbon dated and proves the pyramids were built no more than 3000 years ago.

>> No.10447030

what is your goal? prove minor inconsistencies in artwork?

>> No.10447050

His goal is to call the graffiti which show the pyramid was built for Khufu fake, which means the pyramid was not built for Khufu, which means it was older than Khufu, which means it was built by a civilization that should not have had the capacity to build it, which means ayy lmaos or magic or whatever nonsense. Ultimately it's just about being a contrarian to jack up his ego.

>> No.10447054

You're replying to the wrong person.

>> No.10447098

It's most likely a prior civilization that lived during the ice age and got whiped out by it or at least set back significantly. The ancient egyptians found these buildings and settled around it maybe thinking it was made by the gods or whatever.
This would explain why the sphinx head is too small and too smooth. It was carved anew by the egyptians but had another head when made by the previous civ.
Also explains the weathering. It's direction to the constellation of leo. The fact that the great pyramid was never surpassed in height even though officially its supposed to have been built in an early dynasty etc...

Also how likely is it that 20 million square kilometers are now under water what used to be land during the ice age but there's nothing there even if we would look because there were hunter gatherers and the first civilisations started just after the ice age.

Bullshit: the first that were founded on the current day coastline started just after the first ice age. The ones before were founded along a coast that is now submerged.

>> No.10447125

some blocks were granite.
Please carve me a granite block with bronze tools. Preferably one weighing 70 tonnes.
I'll wait.

>> No.10447152

Anyone who has seen the sphinx would have to be daft to not realise it's not the original head

>> No.10447162
File: 135 KB, 465x491, angery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>People like you make me very angry

>> No.10447173

>ayy lmaos or magic is nonsense

>> No.10447270
File: 321 KB, 546x697, backtox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
