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File: 55 KB, 975x585, Atmospheric-CO2-levels-in-April-hit-highest-average-ever-recorded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10442930 No.10442930 [Reply] [Original]

CO2 itself is toxic and could to lead to the accelerated disintegration of societies in the coming decades.

>Unhealthy blood CO2 concentrations causing stress on the autonomic nervous system have been measured from people in common office environments where reduced thinking ability and health symptoms have been observed at levels of CO2 above 600 ppm for relatively short-term exposures. Although humans and animals are able to deal with elevated levels of CO2 in the short-term due to various compensation mechanisms in the body, the persistent effects of these mechanisms may have severe consequences in a perpetual environment of elevated CO2. These include threats to life such as kidney failure, bone atrophy and loss of brain function.

Flynn effect reversing
>The Flynn effect – named after the work of Kiwi intelligence researcher James Flynn – observed rapid rises in intelligence quotient at a rate of about 3 IQ points per decade in the 20th century, but new research suggests these heady boom days are long gone.
>An analysis of some 730,000 IQ test results by researchers from the Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research in Norway reveals the Flynn effect hit its peak for people born during the mid-1970s, and has significantly declined ever since.

NOTE: This reversal started BEFORE the internet and cell phones.
This hasn't been linked to any specific cause.


>> No.10442935


>Climate change only slides into decidedly negative impact territory if it reaches 5-6C, which is at the high end of the IPCC’s projections for this century. Moderate warming of 2-3C may even be beneficial by increasing rainfall and intensifying the carbon fertilization effect, as well as opening up the Arctic to shipping and resource extraction (Our Future Earth by Curt Stager is an interesting counterargument to the current binary of climate change doomerism vs. politicized AGW denial). It will be truly catastrophic only if it goes above 7C, at which point “zones of uninhabitability” will start to spread across the world; above 11C, many equatorial and mid-latitude regions will become uninhabitable. But these are extreme scenarios, if not absolutely impossible ones.

>> No.10442939
File: 17 KB, 500x464, intelligence explosion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superintelligent AI is an even bigger existential threat to civilization.

>> No.10442994

So make a thread for it. Thanks for the bumb though.

>> No.10442997

My point isn't about climate change though. It's about the change in atmospheric gas concentration and the physiological effects on humans.

>> No.10443006

(Sponsored by the beef industry. Beef. It's what's for dinner.)

>> No.10443030

Ocean acidification is another problem of CO2 concentration autonomous from climate change.

>> No.10443043
File: 271 KB, 1219x504, vostok-ice-core-250000[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CO2 lags behind temperature according to your precious vostok icecore samples. Now fuck off you pseud.

>> No.10443055

> your precious
>t. retard who doesn't understand that this thread isn't about climate change

>> No.10443070

Fusion when?
Tell me about carbon capture.
How do we change the habits of an entire global society?

>> No.10443083

>Tell me about carbon capture.
We're not gonna capture the 30 billion tonnes we're pumping out annually. Science isn't magic.

>> No.10443088

Why wouldn't they lag? What is your point?

>> No.10443104
File: 63 KB, 412x438, 1551729141876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. retard who doesn't understand that this thread isn't about climate change

>no it's about CO2 scaring which is why you're pissed that a graph was posted showing CO2 declining.
>waah this Co2 is so bad even though lifeforms other than selfish humans thrive on it.

Now once again go fuck off. Plant some trees or some shit if you're scared of the big bad CO2 boogeyman.

>> No.10443108

You know you're human and not a plant, right?

>> No.10443112

CO2 has been below 300 ppm for the entirely of human evolution. It's now, at 410 pm, well off the scale of the graph you posted, which ends well before the modern day.
You calling anything a retard is the most laughable thing I've seen in a long time.

>> No.10443113
File: 7 KB, 224x217, 1344162763612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work in local city hall
>part of my job is to measure indoor climate in our buildings
>government safety regulations state that the CO2 levels should stay under 1000 ppm with 2000 ppm as the legal limit
>mfw the outdoor levels are almost at 500 already

>> No.10443114

sometimes temperature lags CO2,
other times it's the opposite

>> No.10443116

True. We must change. Even still, we will have to use the mechanisms of nature to restore balance faster than it would be restored naturally. Maybe some giant lungs strategically placed around the world? What do our current carbon capture systems look like? What might some future ones entail?

>> No.10443128

>government safety regulations state that the CO2 levels should stay under 1000 ppm with 2000 ppm as the legal limit
Clarification: 1000 ppm is the recommended level for workplaces because it is based on a 8 hour exposure. Having anything close to that outside, at constant exposure, would be awful. But we're getting there.

>> No.10443133

>1000 ppm is the recommended level
I think the recommended level would be that of the outside.

>> No.10443138

and what do plants produce?

>CO2 has been below 300 ppm for the entirely of human evolution. It's now, at 410 pm,
And as far as I'm concerned it's gonna balance out again. Like it always has. Correlation=/=Causation, people are getting dumber for far more reasons other than a measurement of C02 in a specific part of the world.
>You calling anything a retard
Which I never did, learn to read.

>> No.10443140

This is so completely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.
The biggest immediate threats are food and water security, adverse weather dangers, war and immigration.
When you have the US, China and India and the whole southern hemisphere losing 10% to 20% of agricultural yields ON AVERAGE, shit is going to hit the fan.
Realistically there will be war, very likely WWIII and nobody is safe. If you live in a greening country you have the rest of the world eying your food. Good luck saying no to the US and China.
Best case scenario, agriculture is revolutionized, food is rationed out, and we somehow make it through. Worst case scenario, we die. And this is our lives not our children or grandchildren.
Everybody is too fucking scared to acknowledge the dangers in our immediate future. We deserve this.

>> No.10443143

Recommended maximum* obvs

>> No.10443153

Nothing can be done

>> No.10443163

You said it used to be much higher.
I pointed out that yes, but not during any relevant time in history. What's the issue?

>t. retard
>"You calling anything a retard"
>Which I never did, learn to read.
You... you sure about that one?

>people are getting dumber for far more reasons
Well, we don't actually know why. You're almost certainly right that there are multiple issues. But higher CO2 concentrations do appear to cause some cognitive defects on short exposures.

>> No.10443181
File: 104 KB, 1191x670, 01b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. retard
>You... you sure about that one?

Who are you quoting? Do you even know what a "quote" is?

>But higher CO2 concentrations do appear to cause some cognitive defects on short exposures.

Did you also know that mustard gas concentrations also appear to cause some cognitive defects in short term exposures as well?

>> No.10443186
File: 82 KB, 238x335, 1548560517895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10443581

>and what do plants produce
Oxygen? What is your point? And you didn't answer my question. Do you know that you're a human?

>> No.10443697


Why don't you add co2 scrubbers to your air handling units?

>> No.10443704

so should I just kill myself and be done with it? If the planet is simply going to bake itself to death in the next couple decades what's the point?

>> No.10443708

>Oxygen? What is your point?
>Do you know that you're a human?

So as long as I produce CO2 then a plant will produce oxygen for me to breathe. Also, yes I am a human.

>> No.10443710

>cutting down rainforests in record numbers
>producing as much co2 as two super volcanoes
Durr dah plants will make it all better :}

>> No.10443724

>So as long as I produce CO2 then a plant will produce oxygen for me to breathe.
No one is telling you not to breathe out CO2. Nothing you've said points to any kind of relevant conclusion.

>Also, yes I am a human.
So then you should care about what happens to humans and not just pants, correct?

>> No.10443753

There has been more trees and grass in North America then when it was colonized. Trees do what again?

>Durr dah plants will make it all better :}
They literally do. You know what's really stupid though?

>Don't plant trees, instead take away their food supply

You're not very environmentally friendly.


>Nothing you've said points to any kind of relevant conclusion.
the point is that without CO2 there is no Oxygen. Because what else will the majority of life on the planet eat?

>So then you should care about what happens to humans and not just pants, correct?

Yeah, which is why I produce CO2 for the trees to then convert into Oxygen and Nitrogen. Humans need oxygen and Nitrogen you know. I am doing my other humans a favor by planting trees and producing CO2 for them to grow from.

>> No.10443894

>the point is that without CO2 there is no Oxygen.
Why would there be no CO2?

Imagine a morbidly obese man being told to go on a diet and he refuses because he doesn't want to starve to death.

>> No.10443933
File: 5 KB, 304x166, fatman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would there be no CO2?
I never said there wouldn't be any.

>it's the fat man false equivalency anon

I'm not having this conversation with you again. A planet doesn't look for restaurants.

>> No.10443938

>I never said there wouldn't be any.
You said "without CO2 there is no oxygen." So what is the point of talking about what would happen without CO2?

>I'm not having this conversation with you again.
Because you have no argument.

>> No.10443959

Rainforests literally don't matter

>> No.10443993

Why are you people talking about plants in a thread about the physiological effects of CO2 on humans?

>> No.10444076

>Being this insufferably Australian

I'm glad your shithole will die first of thirst.

>> No.10444111

>An analysis of some 730,000 IQ test results by researchers from the Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research in Norway reveals the Flynn effect hit its peak for people born during the mid-1970s, and has significantly declined ever since.
But that's because of low IQ africans and indians breeding like rabbits, not because of CO2

>> No.10444116

CO2 increases food crop yields you absolute mongrel

>> No.10444129
File: 520 KB, 888x894, 1550849806179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a quick reminder for brainlets in this thread, 1000 ppm is 0.1% concentration, so going from 400 to 600 would mean a 0.02% increase in CO2 concentration, let that sink in

>> No.10444131

Its not much tbqh (in global history). We've had CO2 level well into 3000s for most of earths organic history. Its only been under 1000s for the last few million years.

>> No.10444150


>> No.10444164

In other words, humans evolved in and have always lived in a low CO2 atmosphere. Fucking retard. The huge drawdown in CO2 caused by the advent of CO2-eating phytoplankton allowed for the climate necessary for our ancestor mammals to evolve. That same carbon, sequestered at the bottom of the oceans over millions of years, is exactly what is being released when we burn fossil fuels. Except we're releasing it over a few hundred years. Gee, what could go wrong?

>> No.10444175

Earth is a self-regulating system. Large CO2 = huge forest growths = animal evolution takes place on large scale at rapid pace.

If humans don't make it, fuck it.

>> No.10444186

Humans survived Toba so shut up.

>> No.10444198
File: 67 KB, 474x585, 1533663477988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because you have no argument.

There never was an argument.

Sorry I forgot this was a hysteria thread. Continue having your periods, girls.

>> No.10444204

no it isn’t

>> No.10444226

So you admit that these massive CO2 emissions will be awful for humans, thanks.

You'll survive torture so shut up and accept it when someone tortures you. What's your address?

>> No.10444235

>So you admit that these massive CO2 emissions will be awful for humans, thanks.
I didn't. I said earth will take care itself. If humans don't adapt, its a fault of human, not earth's change in climate.

>> No.10444247

>I said earth will take care itself.
Earth isn't alive, so this is meaningless. Humans are what humans are worried about, not "the Earth."

>If humans don't adapt, its a fault of human, not earth's change in climate.
What is causing the change in climate?

>> No.10444275

Earth is a living system. A dead planet is a planet like Mars where there's no life there, no internal energy generation. Its core is dead as well.
Meanwhile Earth hosts an active core, a strong magnetic shield, an array of life forms, array of evolution taking place, a self-regulating ecosystem, and so on.
As far as science understands it, every living being on earth is a product of earth.

>> No.10444299

So you care about whether Earth has life on it or not, but you don't care about humans suffering or not existing? I don't believe you.

>> No.10444309

We're all gonna die because of fucks like you

>> No.10444310

No, I said earth is a self-regulating system and takes care of itself. Humans need human intervention.

>> No.10444318

Where can you live where the CO2 exposures are low?

>> No.10444358


>> No.10444505

Ugh. Suppose these dangers are actually real, and youre not as right as youve assured yourself to be. How will you feel about your reckless behavior then?

>> No.10444529

Which is, again, meaningless. Everything is "self regulating" since everything operates according to a certain behavior. If massive changes are part of "self regulation" then so is everything else.

>> No.10444608

That straight up line on the graph is fake anon. Processing technology is the same as 10 years ago but with bells + whistles.
Well; at least for consumers/slaves.

>> No.10444615

>dihydrogen monoxide poisoning

>> No.10444795
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>> No.10444884

>Flynn effect reversing
Dysgenic immigration.

>> No.10445195
File: 29 KB, 469x469, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plants use co2 as their food, so they will get bigger, so they will produce more oxygen.


>> No.10446000
File: 58 KB, 1024x596, 1526630394301m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only is there no proof that co2 causes global warming but there isn't even a correlation between rise of co2 and warming

>> No.10446513

I've been on /sci/ for the last 10 hours.
It's my first time coming here, and it's fucking shit.
It's the /d/ of blue boards.

>> No.10446617

the oceans are absorbing it so I'(m pretty sure it wont grow this much

>> No.10446656

If you say everything is meaningless, then your own comments are meaningless.

Either show coherent argument or don't post.

>> No.10446701

I didn't say everything is meaningless, you illiterate mongoloid.

>> No.10446739

>Not only is there no proof that co2 causes global warming
The greenhouse effect is directly observed. You just destroyed your credibility by making outrageous counterfactual claims.

>but there isn't even a correlation between rise of co2 and warming
You just showed there is a correlation here >>10443043! And the causation is proven anyway so correlation is irrelevant.

And none of this answers my question, why wouldn't there be lag between the two trends? The only thing the lag shows is that the initial forcing was not CO2 in the past (it was changes in insolation due to Earth's orbital eccentricity). This does not show that the greenhouse effect was not in effect in the past, so it's irrelevant. On the other hand, the current warming trend was initiated by forcing from CO2, which is why we don't see the same lag.

>> No.10446784

OP if global warming causes low I.Q. and hinders brain development in the womb does this explain why people who live in hotter climates have lower average I.Q.?