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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.44 MB, 1312x612, 340343483084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10442098 No.10442098 [Reply] [Original]

UHHHH... guys???

What's the scientific explanation for this. It can't be a mere coincidence.

>> No.10442100

ayy lmaos

>> No.10442101

Three thing's that vaguely line up will look like three other things that vaguely line up...


>> No.10442102

No. I want a serious response. How can this information be reconciled? Just because 'aliens' doesn't fit your pre-concieved view of the universe doesn't mean it's not a possibility.

>> No.10442106

They line up with even spacings, and they're all huge, dominating features built back in ancient times.

>> No.10442110

Sure it could be coincidence. It also happens to be a coincidence that your inner ear looks like a conch shell - that doesn't mean we evolved from shellfish.

>> No.10442113

it's fucking not

been saying the same shit over and over again but you fags just had to be """scientific""" and ask for muh official sources or recognition

listen the fuck up there were ~3-5 eras before us. The most recent one was wiped out by a flood and was technologically advanced. Pyramids were built in that era and are infrastructures to generate electricity, all built sustainably with natural materials with no additional fuel sourced required. The designs of the pyramids have heavily emphasis on mathematical + cosmological refinement, something that current generation of humans will never appreciate.

>> No.10442120
File: 42 KB, 750x750, 1545145725474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>ancient architect for my king
>need to build some pyramids
>see some pretty stars in the sky
>decide to build my pyramids following the pattern of those stars
That's it.

>> No.10442122

>listen the fuck up there were ~3-5 eras before us. The most recent one was wiped out by a flood and was technologically advanced. Pyramids were built in that era and are infrastructures to generate electricity, all built sustainably with natural materials with no additional fuel sourced required. The designs of the pyramids have heavily emphasis on mathematical + cosmological refinement, something that current generation of humans will never appreciate.
Source please?

>> No.10442126

Aliens are very real but not like how movies tend to portray them - they were with us since the very beginning. Man was genetically engineered, we did not naturally evolve from literal monkeys

That means all those supposedly classified UFO videos on youtube are very real, and they're being released slowly to the public to get them comfortable with the idea of aliens existing. Even alex jones is a form of controlled opposition to make folks adjust. Notice also the surge in transhumanist shills where people are encouraged to think prosthetics and implants are cool. 4th industrial revolution will prep the world for mark of the beast

>> No.10442131


Proof or GTFO.

>> No.10442132


>> No.10442139

many myths and legends worldwide speak of a great flood. In this case you can start with the creation legend of hopi tribes and gnostic teachings

>Hopi tribe legends - End of the Third World
>Gnostic beliefs - root races and eras

It's like a parabola - initial existence on earth was more ethereal and spiritual. We're currently at the bottom trough of the parabola where knowledge of the physical is growing but spiritually famished. The next era would see advanced knowledge of physics along with growing interest in the spiritual/immaterial.

>> No.10442141

There is also a myth that the universe was created by a plate of spaghetti, myths aren't sources.

So, source please?

>> No.10442145

it's an insight derived by a collection of many many dots. Which dot do you want and, even if a dot was given it would still be useless as a dot on its on bears no weight

You need a collection of it to see a trend

>> No.10442147

define 'source'? CNN articles? Quote from a president?

>> No.10442149
File: 42 KB, 600x703, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>king doesn't get it
>ask what it means
>get exiled

>> No.10442154

Then you should be able to provide evidence that these dots mean anything.

An article from a historian, archaeologist, or equivalent discipline that was posted in a peer reviewed journal.

>> No.10442166

OP if genuinely interested we can start with:

- hindu kailasa temple (or just about any ancient hindu stone temples)
- yonaguni monument
- gobekli tepe
- baltic sea anomaly
- bosnia pyramids
- dropa stones
- yang shan quarry

>> No.10442170

>peer reviewed
is academia not heavily politicised nowadays? Who funds them?

btw also look into Walter Russell and his books

>> No.10442175

>is academia not heavily politicised nowadays? Who funds them?
Unfounded accusation of conspiracy to sidestep the issue.

>Walter Russel
So not a historian? I took a quick look at what work he has published and I couldn't find anything referencing aliens, the flood, nor advanced ancient civilizations. If there's a spesific work of his that explains these things, then please at least provide a title.

So, again, source please?

>> No.10442178

>how could more than one civilization come up with the idea of arranging things in a line?
I swear you faggots are getting more delusional every time.

>> No.10442179

If you wish to focus on the present and not dwell on the past, alex jones explains very well what's happening with the 4thIR

https://youtu.be/Mo7EoL9OAxY [4:10 - 4:50]

>accompanying pasta for after you finish the linked video:
all ypu need to kbow is that smart contracts and storing value on the blockchain will shift society into a cashless one, creating a fuckload of big data. You think shits creepy now? Just wait another 10 years when everythings logged on chain and kids born '05 slowly turns working age with their google accounts holding their entire youtube and google search/play history since they first held an iphone. The surveillance will all be normal to them, making this generation the perfect breed for them to shape society as they see fit

>> No.10442184

/sci/ this raises an interesting question, can we harness the brainpower of these fucking schizoposters to do useful task? I mean look this one's almost doing linear regression

>> No.10442188

plenty of starting points were provided for the curious. You're asking for an authoritative source to broadcast if something is true or not, but this is a form of personal insight derived from multiple sources of esoteric, unofficial information

It is up to those interested to look into it themselves and determine if the meme is worth passing on

>> No.10442194


>> No.10442202

doesn't this have the same problem as quantum computing? even if you can use their power, you'll need much more for fault correction.

>> No.10442234
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It's an invitation.

>> No.10442270

>MUM! MUM! They do not believe blindly my theories! Tell them to believe me!
I am the first interested in those things but I need some proof other than myths.

>> No.10442283

Building pyramids in a line isn't too unreasonable as you'd figure they wouldn't just randomly place those about. But are you really surprised that out of all the stars in the sky we couldn't find 3 reasonably bright ones that form a line? How the fuck is it a surprise to you that in the random field of stars that exist above your head every night you couldn't find any given simple shape after only minutes of searching?

>> No.10442322

Nobody gives a shit what you believe, m8.

>> No.10442323

understand that, just like genes, memes survived for a reason and we ought to treat them more seriously.

There has been no attempt to downplay the importance of objective proof to validify an assumption. However to see the wealth of dots available and still not be suspicious of the current official narrative is in itself unrigorous and unscientific

>> No.10442335

and this is the crux of the issue - anons like >>10442270 form beliefs based on objective, quantifiable information that came from an authoritative source. Anything from outside of this realm is considered unscientific and illegitimate.

However we should remember that the true spirit of science isn't prejudicial, is always curious, always self criticising and has no dogma

On their own, obscure and esoteric information has no weight but if you collect a big bunch of them and many coincidences occur, you could be looking a hint of the truth

>> No.10442343

to validify if the insight has any legitimacy, you can then start to look at existing scientific theories or 'proof'. What is being censored and what is being oppressed? You can start to look at where the world is heading towards and what the agenda is. Eventually, something will click

All of this is impossible to do and sounds batshit insane if a person needs 'proof' before he allows himself to be interested in something

>> No.10442349
File: 327 KB, 500x387, pat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats, you solved it.. need to have a chat upstairs

>> No.10442365

People see the constellation.
People think constellation important(gods or whatev).
People build things to look like the constellation.

There, explained it for you

>> No.10442586

you're right maybe it isn't a coincidence, but you know they have the same night sky so maybe they just decided to mimic the constellation

>> No.10442597

Spacing between the Xi'an and Teotihuacan Pyramids is similar, but not similar to Orion's Belt or The Great Pyramids.

>> No.10442611

Thanks for the late night reading topics Anon!
Man it annoys me how people are so convinced the yonaguni monument is manmade when it so easily plausible that's entirely natural

>> No.10442613


>to the ancient Greeks, Orion was a great hunter. He was the son of Neptune (god of the sea). But the same stars were considered to depict Osiris by the Egyptians. Each different culture developed their own interpretation.

>A more practical use for constellations was agriculture. Before there were proper calendars people had no way of determining when to sow, or harvest except by the stars. Constellations made the patterns of the stars easy to remember. The ancient peoples knew for example that when the constellation Orion started to be fully visible winter was coming soon. Or they could look at the Summer Triangle to know when Summer or Spring were coming as well. The stars allowed farmers to plan ahead and form agriculture, and constellations made it easier to recognize and interpret the patterns in the sky.

tldr: muh astrology

>> No.10442631
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"Middle one's for me, rights for the hoe, lefts for the side-hoe. Can't have them finding each other out, can I?"

>> No.10442644

It's nothing more than the natural progression of
largescale architecture occuring in several different locations.

The great pyramid and colosseum are of comparable size but pyramids were a stepping stone that got us to the colosseum.

I suspect the importance of the hunters belt stretches back to a common myth from before the dispersal of our species. Huge portions of our earliest spiritual beliefs were erased and are suppressed. Commonalities still remain, like astrology. All three of these ancient cultures were big on astrology and astronomy as a coincidence.

>> No.10442651

Holy shit!
They had stars in ancient egypt!

>> No.10442678


If there was an ancient advanced civilisation it would have had to have been prior to the last glaciation. Even so you would assume we would have stumbled upon some evidence by now. I mean we worked out dinosaurs had feathers and uncovered fragments of their eggshells.

>> No.10442698

Maybe it was a logistical problem and the easy way of solving it was to build them in a straight line for example the way their cities were planned.

Could be other reasons why they built them lined up. Maybe a religious beliefs about burials and the correct way of positioning tombstones relative to each other.

>> No.10442701
File: 8 KB, 200x200, ac9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying no ayy lmao

>> No.10442737

But ancient humans were too dumb to think such things. Obviously they had inspiration for the tales given to them by visiting aliens

>> No.10442740

But who put the stars there in such convenient patterns? Hmmmmmm

>> No.10442745

Isnt everything he thinks "pre concieved"?
1/10 for making me reply. Go to reddit with this bait

>> No.10442750

Ancient people could look at stars too? No reason they wouldn't make their buildings as best to resemble them

>> No.10442775

It's not a straight line, they're all slightly bent in the same way, and the biggest pyramid is always at the bottom, where the brighest star is.

>> No.10442791


>> No.10442848


Get btfo

>> No.10442855

Well, the pyramids are the evidence

And it prob happened 12k years ago, most of what they built would have vanished

>> No.10442875

>most of what they built would have vanished
It's not just about what the built, but resources they would have used. If you magiced away all the buildings humanity has ever built from the face of the earth you'd still have strong indicators that an advanced civilization once existed because all the low hanging fruit of resources had been exploited.
Or the anthropogenic traces in sea floor and ice cores that would indicate some ancient industrial civilization's existence.

>> No.10442898

It's almost as if the night sky already existed back then.

>> No.10442904

>The pyramids are advanced tech because they were build by an advanced civilization
>We know that this advanced civilization existed because they pyramids existed

See the problem?

Also 12k years or not, there would be more evidence of this civilization. I know that it's hard for some people to grasp, but our modern civilization requires a HUGE amount of resources and logistics to keep running. If a civilization that's at least as advanced as we are today existed thousands of years ago, then we should easily see evidence of them.

Things such as...
>Processed metals in alloys that don't frequently happen in nature, I'm not talking about the occasional nugget I'm talking about entire structures that were obviously artificial
>Signs of transport systems such as roads or railway tracks. Modern examples are fucking everywhere, yet no signs of ancient ones?

If fossils MILLIONS of years old can survive to the present frequently enough to fill museums, then evidence of advanced civilizations should be so common that their discovery would be boring. This isn't happening, ergo no advanced civilization.

>> No.10442909

>It can't be a mere coincidence.

Prove it.

>> No.10442915

>listen the fuck up there were ~3-5 eras before us. The most recent one was wiped out by a flood and was technologically advanced. Pyramids were built in that era and are infrastructures to generate electricity, all built sustainably with natural materials with no additional fuel sourced required. The designs of the pyramids have heavily emphasis on mathematical + cosmological refinement, something that current generation of humans will never appreciate.

Prove it

>Aliens are very real but not like how movies tend to portray them - they were with us since the very beginning. Man was genetically engineered, we did not naturally evolve from literal monkeys
That means all those supposedly classified UFO videos on youtube are very real, and they're being released slowly to the public to get them comfortable with the idea of aliens existing. Even alex jones is a form of controlled opposition to make folks adjust. Notice also the surge in transhumanist shills where people are encouraged to think prosthetics and implants are cool. 4th industrial revolution will prep the world for mark of the beast

Prove it.

>> No.10442918

Mythology is not empirical evidence. Shithead.

>> No.10442921

>piles of shit resemble something everyone can see

I wonder what else people have made that is similar to something everyone can see.

>> No.10442928
File: 23 KB, 255x383, Space_jam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mythology is absolutely empirical evidence!
I once had a dream where the ghost of Mel Blanc told me that the universe was created when Michael Jordan slammed so hard that the universe was jammed into existence. LOOK! There's even a documentary about it! So it must be true!!!!!

>> No.10442931

Dubious. Our first cities are almost mere dust at this point. A small-scale organization like Norte Chico that predated the glaciation could go undiscovered or be impossible to discover.

>> No.10442941

False. While some evidence of the predicted "first cities" would be gone simply because they were made out of stone and twigs, something modern like New York City would still have evidence for it's existence thousands of years later due to how massive the city is and the strength of its building materials.

Also, if this supposed advanced civilization existed yet the evidence of them has disappeared by this point, then how do you know that they existed?

>> No.10442944

If our civilization were to be wiped right now, what would remaing after 10k years?

Lots os plastic, for sure, but i am not saying that if there was a civilizition 12k years ago, they would be as advanced as we are now, thats almost certainly not the case

>> No.10442948


>> No.10442952

>They line up with even spacings
No, they don't.
>they're all huge, dominating features built back in ancient times
So? Pyramids are the structurally simplest "huge" buildings one can build, stacking consecutively smaller layers on each other. Put simply, they're the expected monumental buildings of early civilizations.

>> No.10442959

>So? Pyramids are the structurally simplest "huge" buildings one can build, stacking consecutively smaller layers on each other. Put simply, they're the expected monumental buildings of early civilizations.
To add to this. Didn't the ancient Egyptians leave behind drawings detailing how they built it?

>> No.10443016

>ee bought?
>domp it

>> No.10443068

which of these do you think is the hardest to explain without the supernatural? Tell us about it.

>> No.10443077

>a line
they aren't in a straight line. Pay attention.

>> No.10443100

Noticing the transportation networks and mining activities would be trivial, yes. I’m talking about some hypothetical Bronze Age civilization running around a hundred thousand years ago or so.

>> No.10443119

Grasping at straws, I see. I can do so too: the spacing between the pyramids is different in each set. Now go fuck yourself.

>> No.10443120

fucking laughed

at the end of the day I think even /x/posters realise that they subscribe to these alternative theories because it gives them a feeling of having information not understood by others which they would not otherwise have gotten since they don’t have education past high school

>> No.10443125

I think you're misunderstanding, anons aren't alking about "advanced" in the sense of "ancient civilizations literally had modern technology, materials, etc.", that would be retarded. By advanced they are referring to the fact that many civilizations had greater and more sophisticated knowledge of the heavens and celestial ratios than we give them credit for. See: the Mayan's super ultra duper accurate calendars, the many geometric and celestial ratios represented within the pyramids, hell even timbuk-fuckin-tu had calculus (of the "method of exhaustion" type), geometry. It's well known that a lot of Greece's mathematics was falsely credited to it (with the notable exception of the axiomatic system).
In other words, it's perfectly reasonable that the pyramids were able to deliberately reflect all of these cosmological constants without the need to break Occam's Razor and bring in muh ayylienz.
Remember: human brain mass and genotypology has not changed significantly in the past 10,000 years. Super smart people existed in the past, too.

>> No.10443131

Sorry, considering how much woo OP was throwing around with celestial alignments and aliens I just figured that he meant advanced as in equal-to-or-better-than Modern society.

>> No.10443134

>i believe things that are fun to believe, regardless of evidence
t. you

>> No.10443530

>bosnia pyramids
fuck off

>> No.10443594
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clearly they all knew about the movement of the sun and stars and possibly worshipped them.

>> No.10443617
File: 106 KB, 1280x1120, Ancient Aliens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10442098 >>10442349
Ayyncient Ayylians


>> No.10443649

If they wanted to build those pyramids to match the pattern they should have mirrored the pattern. Lmao ancient brainlets.

>> No.10443654

read it again. The point wasnt to take myths as evidence, but as dots

If countless cultures around the world speak of an ancient flood, and there are scientific theories or mysteries that could be explained by the existence of a huge tsunami, then we can increase the probability of it actually occurring

What would that then imply? Why do people believe that ac/dc was a legitinate creation yet refuses to believe in tesla's claim of wireless electricity? It's like we're cherry picking information centered around our bubble

who is being unrigorous or unscientific here?

>> No.10443661

but we are viewing it from our lens. Do you really think a civilization that produces unsustainably and concerned only of the present is 'advanced'?

The pyramids were built from primitive and natural materials yet is able to generate eternal clean energy with no pollution. The sheer simplicity of it makes them far more advanced than what we currently are

>> No.10443671

>read it again. The point wasnt to take myths as evidence, but as dots

A dot is a small coloration, usually two dimensional and spherical.

>If countless cultures around the world speak of an ancient flood

Some do. Some don’t. Whether or not they speak of one is irrelevant since we know a flood of global proportions could not and did not occur because we’d be able to determine whether or not it occurred with simple mathematics and geology.

>and there are scientific theories or mysteries that could be explained by the existence of a huge tsunami

There are none.

>then we can increase the probability of it actually occurring

That’s not how probability works at all. There is 0% probability of a global flood because there is only so much H2O available. The water level can only rise 75~ meters assuming all ice melts, which it hasn’t anywhere in the time of sapiens.

>What would that then imply?

That water can magically appear from nowhere and then be flung onto the land magically, but this isn’t implied because your premise is false.

>Why do people believe that ac/dc was a legitinate creation yet refuses to believe in tesla's claim of wireless electricity?

Wireless electricity is a current technology that exists. What are you talking about?

>It's like we're cherry picking information centered around our bubble

That’s exactly what you’re doing. I agree.

>who is being unrigorous or unscientific here?


>> No.10443690

>global flood
It doesn't matter what the ancient peoples thought. Lots of ancient beliefs had the concept of vitalism, yet that has been disproven. There is no evidence of a global flood.

If you disagree, then please provide evidence for a global flood. Such as where the source of the water, or marine fossils in places that were dry land at the time they lived.
Citing holy texts isn't enough.

>> No.10443994

>the dot is a small coloration
that's the point, so you grab a bunch of them and figure out the trend

>info on flood/tsunami

>Wireless electricity is a current technology that exists. What are you talking about?
It's nothing like what Tesla had. Wardenclyffe was built on the same principles of which the pyramids were built

-- extras --
>interesting glyphs and anomalies
dendera light
>aircraft/ ufos

>clues of ancient atomic warfare

>info on previous eras of earth
Gnostic beliefs:
Hopi beliefs:


>> No.10444008

there has been no attempt to downplay the importance of objective, quantifiable evidence to support claims. The trouble is that niche areas like these tend not to receive attention due to the associated stigma and agenda. No one sane enough would go against the current lest the want their funding cut. These areas have been intentionally made difficult to do research in

>> No.10444020
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>> No.10444022

It doesn't necessarily point towards aliens, but astonomy has been around for a long time. An inference in the direction of star alignment is plausible, but there is little data to support it. As is, making assumptions would be a game of maybes and what ifs.

This being said, the stars shift their position over time, so we might be able to scrap your theory if we knew where they were 4000 years ago.
>"In Orion, the brightest stars move much more slowly than Barnard's star, as they are on average hundreds of light-years distant from Earth; thered star Betelgeusemoves only 0.026 arc seconds every year, according toHipparcos data. Over 10,000 years that adds up to 0.07 degrees, a fraction of one's little finger held at arm's length, which is about 1 degree."
So maybe not much.

>> No.10444027
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>> No.10444029
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>> No.10444033
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>> No.10444038
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>> No.10444041
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>> No.10444071

>that's the point, so you grab a bunch of them and figure out the trend

No, you get a bunch of dots, like you’d see on a Dalmatian or a piece of paper you poked with a marker.

What you might conclude from supposed trend, if you’re not retarded, is that since humans tend to populate river systems initially, said river breaking its banks in a flood would be a very traumatic experience that, via the fish story method, would get more dramatic each time.


Your citation literally says they’re bullshit if you scroll down. Good God.

>It's nothing like what Tesla had. Wardenclyffe was built on the same principles of which the pyramids were built

Publish a paper in Nature so that we can exploit this magical new technology. I’ll wait.

>> No.10444266

Creative but what is it doing and why?

Prehistoric peoples used to deflesh the corpses of their family members in carved stone tombs. They would then remove the bones and burn them and reuse the tomb. I digress.

These tombs had a door, usually a large boulder, and one window. One that pointed up to the sky presumably for the soul to exit through. These windows were frequently aligned to astronomical features.

Current understanding makes this the more logical explanation of the thin tunnel and its alignment.

The large hall was probably intended to be used for ancestor worship. Whether or not it was practised at that time is irrelevant if they were simply replicating a much more ancient architectural format for tombs.

>> No.10444326

If they were smart, they’d just eat their dead.

>> No.10445072

Well, Orion's Belt is a pretty iconic feature.

>> No.10445088
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We can't explain it, so let's forget about it.

>> No.10446134
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this thread makes it apparent that /sci is filled with fakes who would be among the masses that criticise galio for saying earth is a sphere, if they were to be born then. You believe in current understanding of science so much that it's no different than a religion, not to mention large portion of high academic research are funded and survives on political interests. Only delusionals would accept the world as they were given and believes smart people with agendas don't exist in the world

True spirit of science has no dogma and is always attempting to synthesize truth from many realms of knowledge. How can you not be excited by these ooga booga shit and attempt to experience or make sense of it is beyond me

>> No.10446141

when will you understand that basing your beliefs 100% on authoritative recognition is not a good way to learn esoteric knowledge?

>> No.10446150
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>> No.10446157

>what it is doing
you could just do a simple google search and find your answer. In short it is generating electricity


>> No.10446172
File: 165 KB, 1000x432, 1550785563316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>However to see the wealth of dots available and still not be suspicious of the current official narrative is in itself unrigorous and unscientific
>my evidence is to babble about "dots" and everyone is stupid and unscientific for not believing incredibly nuanced and frankly retarded opinion with avsolutely zero support except for my own contained thoughts

>> No.10446179

I think they're looking for peer-reviewed studies or other scientific paper that would validate your claims. Is there anything that even suggests its physically possible of generating electricity? Don't respond unless you can explain the science behind it.

>> No.10446181

It's blaringly obvious you've never gone to school

>> No.10446184

no one ever said to 100%believe in it but it could be good to be at least suspicious of the official narrative. No suspicion = no beginning

>> No.10446195

If we weren't suspicious we wouldn't have bothered asking you to provide an iota of support for the claim you made. Which you still failed to provide. Why would we waste our time to continue suspicion when you've just so clearly proven that you don't have a leg to stand on? Any other ridiculous claims while you're at it?

>> No.10446198
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>> No.10446214

>inb4 the pyramid isn't a literal tube and doesn't vibrate

the paper is a conceptual model of how pyramids work. Accoustics and vibration plays a huge role and is evident in the design of the internal 'hallways'
see >>10444033

>> No.10446379

I've even seen stupid fucking 4channers say Neanderthals were genius and lost because hordes of humans attacked and Denisovans were literally giants that snacked on humans but Jesus is real in this theory. Why the fuck should we even entertain your Schizo sources and reaches and not all the other ones here.

>> No.10446393

Lmao, so it all just leads to shilling ooga booga my race is better than yours.

>> No.10446428

is that all you get out of that image?

Sufficient starting points have already been provided for the curious so I'll stop bumping thread

>> No.10446473

The image is all over the place but the gist that I took was smart people believe in God. The real weird thing is that part V is about European Supremacy/Pride when in reality part V is a much less complicated topic and race theory is an easier pill to swallow but you and the people who made that are too fucking stupid to realize that.

>> No.10446485
File: 35 KB, 600x600, Naamloos-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's very unshellfish of you.

>> No.10446492

They had to come up with putting things in a line, AND stacking rocks so the pile gets smaller at the top.


>> No.10446498

>always at the bottom

What if you turned the picture the other way down?

>> No.10446505

>This being said, the stars shift their position over time

Pyramids were not built to match the stars, the stars have shifted to match the pyramids.

>> No.10446515

If you knew how to generate electricity, that would be a retardedly inefficient and expensive way to go about it.

>> No.10446519

I don't feel that any of those images line up with the stars and especially not the Chinese and Mexican ones considering the distance between the top pyramid and the middle pyramid.

>> No.10446554

I don't even care about who and when. However I find the how and why very intriguing.

What I find very interesting is how the pyramids are constructed. It is so weird that all these blocks are irregularly jagged and not really uniform, yet all these blocks fit perfectly. They must have had some insanely efficient building techniques.

Then there is the why, when you consider all the different ratios occurring, then alot of those are based on mathematical constants. To me it feels like the great pyramid is kind of a golden disc, like the one we send out with voyager. There is just so much in its architecture that screams "look at me, I can do math". I find that very impressive and when I think of it, if I wanted to send a message to the people on earth in the future, then building a massive architecturally interesting building is the way to go, I believe.

>> No.10446677

Any two points are a straight line.
The third is built either in the middle as a fuck you, or at the end as a fuck you.

Other than than it was probably just laziness. Why use effort looking for an area of land suitable enough for such a construction when you have available land already. Why wouldn't you just stick it next to the others?

>> No.10446957

The lower structure in the Mexico image is not even a pyramid.

>> No.10446960
File: 4 KB, 297x170, ceiling cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ceiling Cat has really let himself go.