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File: 65 KB, 640x648, ea0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10441109 No.10441109 [Reply] [Original]

Genetic engineering is still in its infan-

>> No.10441112

These guys have huge arms, why can't I build those? Is it because of genetic engineering? I told you it was 100% genetics. I hate myself

>> No.10441115


>> No.10441118

I hope you never build a nanogram of muscle, you sparrow's knee cap!

>> No.10441120

You are heartless

>> No.10441233

has anybody besides me actually investigated the gigachad meme? let me outline some findings:
1) the model in question, Ernest Khalimov, is russian
2) the website where his pictures first surfaced, and presumably the only ones known on the english-speaking web, was sleek'n'tears
3) this website no longer exists
4) the meme originated on /pol/ and the original post referenced other memes like the Bogdanovs (which was misspelled with the less prevalent version Bogdanoff) and reptilians
5) all the pictures we know of are shoops, or have a high probability of being shoops (like the OP pic related)
my hypothesis: this is a Russian government meme meant to roil the incels (incels are pro-trump)

>> No.10441243

Based schizophrenic

>> No.10441254

nah, i think it's perfectly plausible. how else can you explain why the model is otherwise unknown and has no internet presence besides these meme pics?

look at the whois for sleekntears.com:

>> No.10441262

>how else can you explain why the model is otherwise unknown and has no internet presence besides these meme pics?
The explaination that he became a meme on 4chan through luck alone makes sense enough. Why do you need an elaborate backstory?

>> No.10441263

las creaturas del balkano . . . .

>> No.10441274

because the guy has no other presence on the internet. even his instagram is gone:
wouldn't you think a model who gets so famous becomes a star on the internet, instead of disappearing into thin air?

i bet you there is a real model who got a photo taken, which was then heavily and expertly shooped to make the gigachad meme images, and the real model doesn't really look like that--the gigachad Ernest Khalimov probably doesn't exist. if he did exist, then he's retarded for not becoming a huge celebrity, and for deleting his presence from the internet entirely

>> No.10441424

Have you not looked at the Wayback Machine of it? It seems to have been a previously used domain for a shop, and then more recently for the model agency, or company you're describing.
For instance, here:
"Ernest Khalimov" is noted in the muses as:
Although, the strength of his features seem almost inhuman. Whereas, the other muses, although "attractive", don't seem abnormal.

>> No.10441427

Also, their company still seems to be active. I searched one of the female muses, "Krista Sudmalis" and found this:
Last post was 13 hours ago:

>> No.10441441
File: 48 KB, 1080x1312, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the newest picture of Ernest Khalimov, it is from 4 days ago.
Source URL:

>> No.10441445

I think, given:
We can safely assume that you aren't as good as investigating as you claim to be, and that you are almost certainly a schizo-crank.
Case closed.

>> No.10441459

I also just found his personal Instagram:
>@instagram -> /berlin.1969/
A VK account for the agency:
>@vk -> /sleekntears
A Facebook for the agency:
>@facebook -> /sleekntears/
A Youtube account for the agency:
There we go, solved.

>> No.10441471 [DELETED] 


>> No.10441473
File: 501 KB, 1027x384, 4QhS2oa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10441482

Some more information, he apparently lives in France. He's also apparently 50 years old.

>> No.10441487

busted. gigachad is shoops. look at how high quality that shoop is

>> No.10441491

Well, he is apparently 50.

>> No.10441494

The 50 guy is her father. She photoshops guys into super jacked squarejawed copies of her father for a living.

>> No.10441499

Someone add it to the wiki

>> No.10441502

Well, that's apparently Ernest, and many of the pictures lead back to the Bazaman profile, but I guess are on private, or whatever.
Also, the birth year matches his "name" in the muses section, and his Instagram username.

>> No.10441503

She turned his denin jacket into a lether one.
I'm impressed

>> No.10441509

There's also a Deviant related to the project:

>> No.10441510

look, the info that was backed up on bazaman.ru came from a 2017 copy from url in pic related, that url is now deleted. the guy's presence from the internet has been deleted

>He's also apparently 50 years old.
the guy looks like that for the last 30 years, and he only gets famous now? how is that plausible?

>> No.10441514

kek. kill yourself my dude.

>> No.10441515
File: 232 KB, 1392x1118, deleted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.10441516

He is a russian model, for a company that only targets russia. I'm surprised we even heard of him.

>> No.10441523

Krista Sudmalis is a "photoartist", and does these surrealist pieces:
So it is likely that he is, at least, partly photoshopped.
Also, his presence isn't "deleted", he even has an Instagram:

>> No.10441532

a private instagram. who knows if it is a real person's instagram? i'd guess it's not "his" real instagram

>> No.10441533

This is the picture used in his "muse" portrait, straight form the source:
There's no conspiracy here you nutcase, just an art project.

>> No.10441541

>A Youtube account for the agency:
>There we go, solved.
i can't find gigachad/Ernest Khalimov in any of those videos.

>> No.10441552

I think they might've migrated to a different Youtube, as there seems to be evidence of prior videos uploaded to the archived website. Although, it seems they changed the videos on the website every couple of months, or so.
From the thumbnails remaining, he's in a couple of them.
Although, as a showed you, they're still uploading recent images of him to their Instagram:
>>10441441 being the most recent.
Perhaps the artist likes to keep the project flowing? And I guess the domain went down because of hosting costs, or no longer saw it is valuable and started concerntrating more on the Instagram.
Or, perhaps they're moving on to different projects? After all, it seems like they'd been doing this since, at least, 2013:
That's from the bottom of the "SLEEK'N'TEARS" album.

>> No.10441553

>gigafag meme
>sci falling for it

>> No.10441567

The artist also has a Twitter (although inactive) and a seemingly more active VK account:
> /robertfremer/ (from the deviant URL) -> https://twitter.com/robertfremer (follow the VK link) -> @vk d108739139 (the artist)
I'm getting the masculine name is her "nom de plume".

>> No.10441573

They aren't attractive.
They lack the golden ratio.
Triplets and twins have lower IQs because womb resources are limited. Humans evolved to have one offspring and not a giant litter for a reason.

>> No.10441575

Anyway, point being, it is most certainly an art project that has been going for most of this decade and is probably starting to wind down now, and it isn't overly surprising that the domain is down (?) or undergoing a "rework". Nor is it surprising that a Russian model (who is apparently 50) doesn't seem to have an online presence in the Anglosphere, and might use a "stage name" for his modelling.
However, what he can certainly say, is that this isn't some government conspiracy and is just some surrealist art project.
Now, calm down.

>> No.10441588

fine, but we can agree that Ernest Khalimov is more of a "work of art" rather than a real person. no "real person" identity of him exists online and is suspiciously all deleted or vanishing with the vanishing of said art project. a real model probably once posed for a shot that evolved into gigachad, but that real model probably looks so totally different from the gigachad image that the real model doesn't even claim to "be" that person. so in other words ernest khalimov doesn't exist and really the person to identify with that "persona" is Krista Sudmalis

>> No.10441595

Perhaps, I think there are some good candidates for Ernest on the Deviant page.

>> No.10441604
File: 213 KB, 699x395, hasegawa_haruka_moyashimon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In fact, I have a suspicion that it might be this fellow:
And the what she's done is try to increase the symmetry of his face to improve the aesthetic.
He does look an awful lot like "1969".

>> No.10441610

In fact, I'm almost certain that:
Is "1969". This chap is called "Artur Farad".
I think I've IDed "Ernest/1969".

>> No.10441612

wtf gross

>> No.10441613

yep, i think that must be the model upon whom gigachad is based. good work anon. (i didn't have the stomach to watch so much soft-core-man-porn videos in that channel)

>> No.10441616

thanks anon. top quality work, again.

>> No.10441621

The power of autism.

>> No.10441627

>(i didn't have the stomach to watch so much soft-core-man-porn videos in that channel)
I also found this awkward, and just thumbed through them as quickly as I could whilst getting a decent idea of the content within.

>> No.10441629

no dhit fggot, just like spencer egghead

>> No.10441638

I also suspect the "Berlin 1969" might be a Cold War reference, as it is present as the tattoo in the lower abdominal area of "Ernest" in some of the pieces.

>> No.10441688

well being as though i think it’s settled that “gigachad” is a meme created by Krista Sudmalis based on shooping the model Artur Farad, i would find it believable that she in particular is making the Cold War reference, as opposed to that being a cryptic Russian government “signature”

>> No.10441694

She seems like the liberal sort, so I doubt she's a great fan of Putin.

>> No.10441834

so she’s just some relatively average russian woman making super-viral memes that just happen to become big on 4chan?

>> No.10441840

Yup. Just your typical arthoe.

>> No.10441845

goddamn women and their "art". shit is fucking anathema. "gigachad" is a virulent meme that probably did but i hope didn't ruin the entire millenial generation. Sad!

>> No.10441856

It's because of the political state of masculinity.
Think of it like a selection pressure that "favored" memes based around masculinity.
Then, as with all memes, as the idea becomes more and more ingrained the concept becomes more influential with each "pass".
If this meme had occured back in the 1980s, it wouldn't have gotten half of the attention it has in the 2010s. Why? Because we had the likes of Tom Selleck, who were seen as the pinnacle of macho popular culture at the time.

>> No.10441876

Those are not huge arms

>> No.10441912

Those are really scrawny. I'm sure yours are bigger

>> No.10441920
File: 497 KB, 500x375, 1527018616448.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw born too early to reap the benefits of genetic engineering

>> No.10441945

too bad. if you have had quads, i'd given you the secret of building muscle.

>> No.10443093

Hi dipshit. The meme originated on /fit/. I know because I forced it for two weeks when I was bored at work at my old job. The /pol/ post was also me, and I referenced the Bogdanoffs because they were a new meme as well at the time.

Also the infographic was ALSO me. Reddit took credit for all of this on that piece of shit website knowyourmeme, but know that I, anon, created and forced the Gigachad meme. To see it reposted over a year later is my enduring legacy.

>> No.10443869

a lot of arab refugees in europe have chiseled jaws like that.

it's one of the reasons swedish and french women love it when they go balls deep inside of them.

>> No.10443890

did you also create all the fake Ernest Khalimov profiles across the web? why are they all deleted now?

>> No.10443925

No that was his girlfriend who appears in some of the photos. She probably deleted them after everyone called her out as a creepy fraud because she was turning her ugly turkroach boyfriend into a turbo hunk she called her dad.

>> No.10443944

Lmao, explains why it said he was 50.
It also explains why they were deleted, as she's with a different roidrage now.

>> No.10443953
File: 103 KB, 1080x1350, 43597814_302100447291387_4772640301801840491_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, Artur Farad (pic related, the underlying model of gigachad) is apparently a dentist; everyone should be aware (including russian arthoes) that dentists are total pervs and not bf material

isn't it kind of funny that fictional Ernest is totally white though? look at OP's pic. now we know that russian girls prefer whites to browns

>> No.10443957

So long as they're photoshopped to hell.

>> No.10443992

>Genetic engineering is still in its infan-
that's photoshophing engineering

>> No.10445291

bump good meme debunkery