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10440745 No.10440745 [Reply] [Original]

I think I finally understand why we don't see alien civilization is space and what the great filter is.
It's simple, they've realized that existence is a meaningless venture and doesn't lead anywhere regardless of how advanced their civilization gets, so they simply just self-terminate.

What's the point of existing anyway? It doesn't lead anywhere, it doesn't really do anything. We just progress technologically and our species ends up where ultimately? A super intelligent AI species that can traverse the cosmos and conquer all galaxies until the heat death of the universe? Then what? We escape to a parallel reality and continue doing the same thing? To what end?

Reality is meaningless and the only rational course of action is to go extinct.

>> No.10440753

>Reality is meaningless and the only rational course of action is to go extinct

>> No.10440764
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>space aliens are Doomer faggots

Nice projection there, Junior.

>> No.10440769
File: 25 KB, 640x342, Dz0Hd9cWoAA3jN1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>existence is a meaningless venture

>> No.10440773

It's not the destination, it's the journey, and I'm not some weak faggot like OP who gets tired after 4 hours of hiking.

>> No.10440779


You guys seem really triggered. Why do you feel such a great attachment to reality?

>> No.10440787

looks like someone can't get laid lol

>> No.10440792

not one of those posts has any angry emotional tone to it, wtf is the matter with you

>> No.10440807
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>I have no counterargument
>I'll just call them "triggered" in a mass reply

>> No.10440830

Advanced aliens wouldnt care about that they would do literally anything they wanted.

>> No.10440841

that is why we need the Lord to give us the ultimate purpose of cherishing His creation - us

>> No.10440851

Look who's having an existential crisis

>> No.10440857

>What's the point of existing anyway?
Sometimes it's fun.

>> No.10441101
File: 130 KB, 1080x1350, 50693391_2315247448690538_4799940185685495591_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The great filter is perhaps just low probability. If complex life requires a planet with a strong enough magnetic field (we can't confirm that though), then Fermi Paradox got a good cut: you need your planet to get hit by a big enough object (mars size) in the correct moment (quite late in your planet history) for the internal and external metal cores to be composed and move properly to generate the field. Add this to the proper rotational speed and perhaps the need of a huge moon proportional to your size, and we are in for an Universe full of simple and retarded life and just few civilizations very far from each other, procrastrinating all day in vietnamese tapestry forums talking why life is meaningless and where the fuck the other at.

>> No.10441167

What about achieving infinite pleasure?

>> No.10441192
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no bro it's aliens terraformed this planet with a ice age and we are idiot slaves that are taught that we are free. have a nice day and enjoy life.

>> No.10441198

Okay so sure there's no "point" to existing but there's also no point to not existing. This is a garbage argument

>> No.10441205
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>It's simple, they've realized that existence is a meaningless venture and doesn't lead anywhere regardless of how advanced their civilization gets, so they simply just self-terminate.
This is retarded if you understand anything about how natural selection works. Even if some of them self-terminate due to your aforementioned reasons, this would only work if every single one of them self-terminate. If there are any at all that don't self-terminate for any reason, they will continue to survive and reproduce, and they will inherit the earth.

>> No.10441206

you know, I've been wrestling with whether I should kill myself or not for several months... but this settles it. thanks, OP!

>> No.10441211
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>What's the point of existing anyway?
To turn all of the baryonic matter in our forward light cone into hedonium, and feel nothing but intense orgasmic euphoria for the rest of eternity.


>> No.10441215
File: 1.68 MB, 1843x3969, heat death survival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A super intelligent AI species that can traverse the cosmos and conquer all galaxies until the heat death of the universe? Then what?
Pic related

>> No.10441367


>> No.10441962


>Implying our light cone actually exists

Do people seriously think we aren't in a simulation, in the current year?

>> No.10442150

Why do Scifag find it so hard to buy into the idea that we're simply FIRST?? I dunno bout you tho, but frankly I would prefer for aliens not to exist. Nothing as cosy as the human race independently exploring and colonizing with universe without any normie aliens shitting things up

>> No.10442726

your overthinking it. its much more likely that this galaxy is very young in its life supporting stage and we are the first sentient species ever. We will be the promethian legends later species discover when they look at the solar system millions of years from now. they will speculate that our tech was more advanced than it really was, just as we do with ancient tribes here on earth.

>> No.10442731

Out atmosphere is such a good shield it's nice to have the magnetosphere but we wouldn't need it.

>> No.10442752

That's not how natural selection works.

>> No.10442753

>reality is meaningless
>still make a thread
>still bother typing in the captcha
>still reply to arguments
>still refreshing the page for replies
you are so fucking stupid it fucking hurts. I would tell you to kill yourself but you wont do it anyway because it is "meaningless", right?

>> No.10442770

I also think about it sometimes, kind of simply the meaning of life has no explanation, or it's probably a thing far beyond our imagination, literally all we do is be born, live the same routine every day and then die, and it makes no sense , at least for me... Life seems to be like a game of sobriety, even though for us humans does not seem, in fact just does not seem like a kind of survival game for us as for the other animals, because we adapt a lot to our life to the point of being much easier to about Live. We don't even think like "I'm going to have to survive today " like the other species...

I don't know if you really understand anything I said but that's at least what I think :')
Sry for my bad english kdwnfkejnfkjwen

>> No.10442781

>t. underage angst
You need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.10442789

go to bed ROKO

>> No.10442820

"meaning" is biological and you don't feel any because you masturbate too much, eat too little red meat, exercize too little and generally fail at anything you attempt

>> No.10442924

>"meaning" is biological and you don't feel any because you masturbate too much, eat too little red meat, exercize too little and generally fail at anything you attempt

what is your opinion on this thread?


>> No.10442942

>the only rational course of action is to go extinct.
>implying anyone cares about your opinion.
You should follow your convictions and kill yourself.

>> No.10443275

Bullshit, without the magnetosphere, every solar flare would not only take atmosphere away with it, but ionizing radiation would be detrimental to life and solar flares aren't the only source of ionizing radiation. Its all over the place.

>> No.10443315

it depends on what's most effective, which I can't tell because I'm not a digital demigod

but I suspect a multi-pronged assault would the the AI's method of choice, I mean why not sow weakness while you also hijack nuclear powers in preparation of your cleansing? And you don't even know what will be the most effective, so if one plan fails you've got backups.

>> No.10443342

Not really. Venus has 0 magnetosphere and the atmosphere is many times thicker than earths.

>> No.10443358

You are all imagining aliens like some retards going back and froth in universe shooting flares everywhere so theyll be seen right?

>> No.10443390

You're projecting your own teenage angst onto aliens that live in different solar systems. People like you think that just because you're miserable, everyone else should be.

>> No.10443447

never thought such shitty answers for relatively interesting question would appear on this board

>> No.10443459

Who cares about the meaning of life when we can have intergalatic wars.

>> No.10443698

>le life is meaningless
Spot the teenager.

>> No.10444367

This is the literally the exact opposite of the truth.

>> No.10445183
File: 92 KB, 1080x1349, 1546272696598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they've realized that existence is a meaningless venture and doesn't lead anywhere regardless of how advanced their civilization gets, so they simply just self-terminate.

What you are essentially arguing is that existence is necessarily meaningless, even if we reach a total utopia. Even if there is an afterlife, and it is infinite paradise of unimaginable pleasure, happiness, and love forever, where we can do whatever we want with whoever we want, for as long as we want (ecstasy and heroin while having orgies with supermodels^120318957632481236053246987016870616621735107846010354 that we are all in mutual polygamous love with), you are saying that this would still be completely pointless.

Well, the best thing you can possibly do with existence is to enjoy it, in the widest sense of the term. This is what they would to in a potential paradise. And I know that I would absolutely love to exist in paradise forever. If you get tired of it, just reincarnate, have a vacation from pleasure and experience sub-optimal conditions. Or just put yourself to an induced dreamless sleep state for a few gazillion eons.

>> No.10445208

Wow, so alien intelligent beings are rick and morty-tier nihilists

>> No.10445213

>It's simple, they've realized that existence is a meaningless venture and doesn't lead anywhere regardless of how advanced their civilization gets, so they simply just self-terminate.

Apparently aliens think like retarded edgy teenagers trying to look deep.
No one cares that life has no “meaning”. Life having “meaning” doesn’t even make sense,

>> No.10445214

Simulation conjecture is disproven, because the calculations involved would lead to infinities.

>> No.10445216

>Bullshit, without the magnetosphere, every solar flare would not only take atmosphere away with it,

False. Venus has a much more massive atmosphere while having little to no magnetic field.

>> No.10445219

>eat too little red meat

Please tell the class how eating dead bodies produced by murder gives life meaning

>> No.10445223

anyone who thinks we're in a simulation doesn't understand mathematics

>> No.10445231

I'm going to tell you exactly why we don't see aliens, of spacecrafts, or any of that stuff.
It's going to make you uncomfortable to hear and you aren't going to like it but the truth is what it is and you have to hear it.


There are about 40 billion Earth-sized planets orbiting the habitable zone of their sun like or red-dwarf stars in the milky way alone. It is obvious to anyone with even just a semester of probability theory that many of them have life, and many of those with life have multi-cellular intelligent life. The reason we don't see space shit is simply because
>there is no such thing as artificial super intelligence, it can simply never exist, we will never get it and general intelligence requires biological wetware to exist, biological lifeforms are not Turing machines and there is no "isomorphism" between computational mediums so there will never be a "super intelligent machine race traveling the stars"
>biological life can never travel the stars simply because we're not fit to

The laws of physics and the universe determine all life to be stuck on their planet for their whole existence.

Get over it and give up your pathetic childhood fantasies of being a space man. Work on making this planet inhabitable indefinitely.

>> No.10445242


Simply false. You’re also claiming to have supernatural knowledge. Prove it.

>There are about 40 billion Earth-sized planets orbiting the habitable zone of their sun like or red-dwarf stars in the milky way alone. It is obvious to anyone with even just a semester of probability theory that many of them have life, and many of those with life have multi-cellular intelligent life.

The probability of a world hosting life is unknown and always will be until we have a large sample size of life-bearing worlds.

>>there is no such thing as artificial super intelligence, it can simply never exist,

Prove it

>we will never get it and general intelligence requires biological wetware to exist

Prove it

>biological lifeforms are not Turing machines


>and there is no "isomorphism" between computational mediums so there will never be a "super intelligent machine race traveling the stars"

Prove it

>biological life can never travel the stars simply because we're not fit to

Prove it

>The laws of physics and the universe determine all life to be stuck on their planet for their whole existence.

Objectively false. Humans have already left earth, so now prove the ISS is not real.

>Get over it and give up your pathetic childhood fantasies of being a space man.

Prove it’s not possible to be a “space man”.

>Work on making this planet inhabitable indefinitely.

Not necessary, since we can just leave.

>> No.10445246

>whole race deciding to self-extinguish
>technological advances make doomsday weapons easier and easier to manufacture, pushing civilizations toward either extinction or hyper-restrictive panopticon police states
This version is plausible.

>> No.10445253

You are pathetic. You're going to have to come to terms with reality eventually though, it's going to be okay.

>> No.10445257

>You are pathetic. You're going to have to come to terms with reality eventually though, it's going to be okay.

Troll can’t meet his burden of proof so he tries for ad hominems and trying to look cool and aloof. Delete your post. It’s embarassing you.

>> No.10445337
File: 153 KB, 1150x482, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fucking state of the mathematics on this board is obscene.

>> No.10445507

can you explain how physics precludes space faring civs without leaving out huge empty voids in your reasoning? Why could superintelligences not exist (including bioengineered superintelligences)? What precludes biological creatures from travelling through space? Your post just uses teenage cynicism in place of an argument.

>> No.10446653

Quantum Immortality is the dumbest shit. Eventually everything is going to die from old age.

>> No.10447793

Counterargument to what, faggot

>> No.10447799

Plenty of people have thought exactly that throughout human history yet only a small percentage self terminate due to this knowledge. It's also tainted knowledge. Which would you rather do? Enjoy your limited time of existence or spend it agonizing over the meaninglessness of it all? The majority choose to enjoy it, billions of years of natural selection pushes us to continue on. It's an unlikely great filter, more likely is some time of antimatter bomb or fully automated SLAMs being used.

>> No.10447800

Earth is flat

>> No.10447801


>> No.10447814

Now that's a proper use of an "lol."

>> No.10447823

>killing yourself

>> No.10447827

>Earth is *locally flat

>> No.10449080

>no counterargument
You need to mane an argument first. That's how this works. Please learn how to play argument-counterargument before posting again. Thank you.