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10435777 No.10435777 [Reply] [Original]

Is Psychology a science or is it just a bunch of whiny babies and pseudo intellectual doctors? I'm referring to only psychological or personality disorders, not those patients with actual electro-chemical imbalances.

Pic related
> GIF [girl I fuck] of almost 3 years
> She recently switched from Comp Sci to Psychology
> Starts diagnosing everyone she disagrees with, including me, my mother, and uncle with psychological disorders
> Says I'm a narcissist, this offends me and we argue a bit
> Some time passes
> She continually throws subliminal messages, such as sending me videos of doctors talking about narcissism/BPD and such
> Asks me if I know anyone who exhibits this behavior
> Tell her to fuck off basically

>> No.10435781

>Is Psychology a science
No because psychologists do not use the scientific method.

>> No.10435784

Awesome blog post.

>> No.10435786

in principle one might be able to do psychology objectively. in practice, the closest they've come is IQ tests, which are basically like "this anagram is only solvable by people with >105 IQ. and that will never change in your life:
> rainblet
> if you get this anagram wrong you must be a black person, kek

the DSM-V is a case study in pseudoscience.

never trust psychiatrists.
t. physicist

>> No.10435789
File: 186 KB, 850x1275, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>23 years since the birth of the greatest man on earth
>not being a narcissist

>> No.10435802

Could you elaborate? I focus in molecular biology and surgery, this shit is all so tiresome.

> Physicians prescribing powerful drugs for common issues
> Parents Chemically babysitting their children
> People treating you like a test subject instead of an objective organism because they read some liberal Psych professors dissertation.

Those are called trips, friend.

That's a damn good point anon.


>> No.10435809

Are you the really smart yukari poster?

>> No.10435823

No, I'm better!

>> No.10435828

I can tell you don't perform the scientific method yourself because you think you're a test subject when that's not at all what you are. molecular biology and surgery? premed shitter.
why would you want to even fuck with a psychology major, just drop her, not worth the time.

>> No.10435829

that is 1st year psychology student syndrome, they all get it. It's based on a need to feel superior and that you understand things more deeply than you did/ than those around you. A bit like the mindset of a cult, but not quite as extreme. It will pass in time. Those aren't subliminal messages she's sending, they're passive-aggressive. She should learn to take accountability for her own behavior and set boundaries on what she will not tolerate and learn to communicate that assertively, rather than trying to manipulate your behavior.
>>10435786 this guy fucks

>> No.10435889
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You're misunderstanding, anon. I think she's using me as a test subject for her theories on psychological disorders. She constantly picks my brain as if I don't realize that's exactly what she's doing so she can match traits to her psychology book and classify me, and this irritates me. I don't think people can be put in a box like this. Brain scans and endocrine tests are another thing, those disorders caused by such imbalances actually has a foundation. I cold be wrong, maybe I am a narcissist and this isn't all about me. (X) Doubt

> why would you even want to fuck

Because I like to fuck, she's very sexy.

> 1st year psychology student syndrome
Right, I acknowledged this. I also had a similar superiority complex my first year in medicine.
> She should learn to take accountability for her own behavior and set boundaries on what she will not tolerate and learn to communicate that assertively, rather than trying to manipulate your behavior.
Yeah I've been telling her this for a while now. It's a vicious cycle...

> She deploys pass agress tactics
> I'm indifferent
> This reaffirms her suspicions that I'm mental
> Eventually she texts me some blatantly offensive accusation
> I respond by telling her exactly what >>10435829
> She gets upset
> Agrees with me
> Questions why she didn't 'win' argument
> Rinse and repeat

"Womens Studies" fellas

>> No.10435897

samefagging makes me sick

>> No.10435907

She realizes that "first year Psych student" is a walking stereotype, right?

>> No.10435915

>Because I like to fuck, she's very sexy.
Then just fuck her. You're not getting anywhere closer to that with your " I feel deeply offended never talk to me or my son again" bullshit

>> No.10435916
File: 83 KB, 630x850, come on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accusing me of being this bad at samefagging

>> No.10435929


Well fuck me for trying. I'm just so fucking lonely anon, why do you think I'm here? Nobody understands me other than you guys, and you're not even real.

Sorry, I'm new here.

Psychology as a discipline is a meme, that's the point of this thread.

>> No.10435970
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>I'm so lonely I'm arguing with this girl I've been casually fucking for three years
No, I really don't understand you. I don't think we are very similar. I don't think we came to 4chan for the same reasons. I don't think that if I knew you I'd want to talk to you a whole lot. Here, stop talking to this girl if she pisses you off and you think she's such an asshole. Just block her on your phone, you don't even have to break up with her because y'all are just fwb. But I think you will keep talking to her because you're some normalfag who wound up here through reddit or something. I also think it's funny that you're so quick to dismiss the intricacies of the brain with chemical imbalances. You are a navel-gazing pseudo-intellectual. You also use NPC memes. Actually, this girl is probably right, anyone who'd think that most people are soulless automatons probably does have some sort of mental disorder. You should get some blood work done to make sure your brain is chemically balanced.

>fucking a girl who went three whole years in compsci

>> No.10436029

>actual electro-chemical imbalances
>Brain scans and endocrine tests are another thing

Modern theory has actually pretty much abandoned all notions of imbalances, not that it's any better than anything that came before or what we will have in the future. It's all just big tool of social control. The big scientific basis has been just around the corner for the last two centuries. Neuropathology or imagining didn't bring it, nor will association analysis or epigenetics.

t. shrink

As for your issues, maybe just keep being indifferent when she calls you a narcissistic etc.

t. shrink

>> No.10436042

>offended when someone calls you a name
narcissist detected

>> No.10436079

If you don't understand me why are you making claims with such certainty?
> You are a pseudo intellectual
> you're some normalfag who wound up here through reddit or something
Oh right... Because these are blanket terms for actual normalfags to use. Nice bait retard, try being less contradictory next time.
> the human brain is more intricate than chemicals
> go get a brain scan
Come on dude, stick with your guns.

Who's modern theory? Yours? You're only proving that shrinks and other psychologists are the true pseudo-intellectuals. Are you saying imaging and chemical imbalances aren't relevant? Because we can't have a real discussion if that's what you believe.

This was difficult to read by the way.

Yeah, everyone who gets offended by being misrepresented is a narcissist. Can I get my pills please?

>> No.10436108

>> the human brain is more intricate than chemicals
>> go get a brain scan
>Come on dude, stick with your guns.
yeah I was mocking you but due to your narcissism I don't think you'll be able to admit you were wrong.

>> No.10436158

look at this fucking post. what an absolute faggot.
>Nobody understands me other than you guys
did somebody tell you /sci/ was the high IQ board?

>> No.10436181

>all that narcisstic injury

>> No.10436191

Psychology is pesudoscience..
Jung And Freud are huge niggerfaggots

Just pass the message over to her and dick her down.

>> No.10436194
File: 52 KB, 349x642, Qj4Vf5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off retard

What a comprehensive analysis, I will take this into serious consideration.
> did somebody tell you /sci/ was the high IQ board?

:,( Why is everyone being so mean to me

>> No.10436198
File: 197 KB, 800x1285, Phineas Gage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean... I can't categorize people into four categories?
> Those who like mouths
> Those who like butts
> Those who like penises/vaginas
> And those who are attracted to their moms

I forgot to post pic related - Google "Phineas Gage" and call me in the morning.

Twist: She's black

>> No.10436200

>No because psychologists do not use the scientific method.
This, except some do, the few who do are the only ones we should pay any mind to but we fuck up by giving degrees out for money instead of proving actual worth to a field

>> No.10436208

Criminal psychology seems to be the only valuable area for research, in my opinion.

t. Student who took Psych 101 with a Hostage-Negotiator

>> No.10436212
File: 54 KB, 477x322, really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

epic imgur filename bro, I'm glad high IQ people like yourself are here. Fuck psychology and fuck reading!

>> No.10436235

Wow, all that off a filename. What would we do without chaps like you who hold the entire integrity of the internet in their reactions folder.
> Fuck psychology and fuck reading!
Yeah bro, we do drugs and listen to audiobooks here in 2019.

>> No.10436251

>newfag waddles in talking about his annoying gf and how he's an epic med student about to BTFO all psychologists
>he unironically fell for the high IQ board meme

>> No.10436258

Take the OSHO pill



>> No.10436267

>post vlog by a man who tried to posion a midewest american town
what's next man, a speech by L Ron Hubbard?

>> No.10436291

It's okay to be a narcissist.

>> No.10436296

Shut up retard >>>/x/

>> No.10436297

>> Physicians prescribing powerful drugs for common issues
>> Parents Chemically babysitting their children
That's just burger pharma lobby, it doesn't exist in other countries.

>> No.10436302

Except the part where you're a narcissist...
>.t no clue neet
I am taking psych courses and the VERY FIRST thing taught is research and scientific methodology.

>> No.10436303

actually it is; all health humans have narcissistic traits to some degree as it's a spectrum. you get called a narcissist once you reach a critical mass but some self-centeredness is healthy and needed to compete and thrive in the world. Especially for a med student, such as OP

>> No.10436304

>constantly re-directing to how this is all about someone else
You're literally proving the chicks point.

>> No.10436320

You don't seem to be working off of biased data at all.
Hostage negotiation seems cool though, where can I learn more about it?

>> No.10436325

ITT: Seething narcissists who can't take a clue

>> No.10436347

if she fucked a narcissist shes probably one too

>> No.10436395
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>> No.10436420
File: 78 KB, 600x450, 67b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blog on 4chan
>unironically use the npc meme
>write her long messages chiding her for "deeply offending" you like a complete faggot
>i-im redpilled, s-she's just a girl i fuck
>wonder "is psychology for whiny babies?" while whining like a baby on 4chan because the girl (whose carousel you're a part of) clowns on you

>implying you don't have a narcisstic personality trait
she's got you spot on faggot. that's why she's laughing at you
the only mistake she's making is that psychologists don't consider the trait a "disorder" if it's not ruining your life or making you do bad things.

>> No.10436570

Hahahaha what the fuck the girl was right you are narcissist as fuck. I guess you also feel that you can achieve everything you think of and just don't get interested enough to do so...

Fuck man, if you needed /sci/ to back you up it's a red flag of your narcissism, you come here expecting us that you were right, and that's a really good sign of narcissism. Fuck off and take a pill, you can be a better person than this.

>> No.10436572

>being this narcissistic=

>> No.10436592

>I am taking psych courses and the VERY FIRST thing taught is research and scientific methodology.
Come back when you learn about reproducibility and scientific modelling

>> No.10436639

there's no pills for narcissism

>> No.10437442

Damn son you guys are so literal here, the only high IQ board on 4chan is [s4s]

I've already been Bagwhan pilled

No it's not, I know a narcissist who lives alone because he drove everyone who loved him away. He's infatuated with guns and is likely homicidal.

> Osho
> Paranormal

You do know this really happened, right?

Okay, I should have mentioned I'm American I suppose.

> you're a narcissist
> I'm taking psych courses
Oh look, another first-year psychology student making diagnoses.

Underrated post, not because he's defending me but because the acknowledgment of a spectrum. The main reason I posted this thread wasn't for relationship advice, but rather to draw attention to the quackery inside Psychology practices. Like I said before, pills for common sadness (classifying someones relatively normal response to death in the family as depression and prescribing antidepressants). If anyone think I need to be medicated for how I post to 4chan, they need to lurk more.

I've literally referred to myself as an NPC via image, apologized for being new, said I'm a lonely fuck for chasing this chick, and asked to be medicated. I don't think you know what a narcissist is. A narcissist would never self-incriminate, or belittle themselves even as a joke.

I've taken a few psychology courses in my years, all of my decent psych professors worked in criminal justice. No, I'm not a CJ major.
> my opinion
> bias
That's what opinions are, Anon.
> data
There isn't any data here, Anon.

When picking your psych professors look at their profile on the school website and read their publications. I'm sure you can find one. If not, watch Mind Hunter on Netflix :^)

We're not so toxic that this could be true

> the only high IQ board on 4chan is [s4s]

>> No.10437462

I thought self identifying as an NPC was the first layer to irony posting using NPC memes.

ITT: People miss the point and get upset that OP gets laid

> confuses narcissism with low self esteem
> prescribes pill
Where exactly did you get your degree, Anon?

He didn't read the thread, only the OP. Obviously.

Thanks for stopping by Anon.

>> No.10437476

It's okay to live alone. I do and it's comfy.

>> No.10437482

great thread op

>> No.10437498

Do you live alone by choice, or are you a homicidal maniac? I also live alone, with my geriatric dog. Super comfy, but I still need to visit my family every other week or partake in some romance to feel human again.

Thanks. Can't really keep it on topic but that's partly my fault.

>> No.10437508

lol imagine being this desperate for pussy. she's probably a fucked up person who has issues with you that she will never bring up directly. if you're sick of a toxic narcissist throwing passive-aggressive shade at you, then fucking cut her out of your life.

>> No.10437529

yeah I'm not sure if I'm willing to go as far as to call you a narcissist, because you sound too pathetic to be one, but you're definitely extremely sensitive to criticism and neurotic to the bone. maybe you have some degree of borderline personality disorder and aspergers. you don't have to justify yourself to this woman. you also don't need to come to /sci/ to get pity points while exaggerating the problem. psychology isn't the issue, this dumbass chick who is a living embodiment of the first year psychology student is the issue, and your reaction is only adding fuel to the fire. to be honest, maybe she just likes trolling you or getting negative attention, and you're an easy target because you want everybody to understand exactly where you're coming from.

>> No.10437534

is there a diagnosis for smug ass bitching?
because that is what she is doing
tell her whats the point of her diagnosis.
you did not want it and do not care about it (other than being a bitch about it on the internet)
it is like going to a fat man and telling him he is fat.
to your main question Id say that the waters of psychology and the models it proposes are even murkier than that of other sciences

>> No.10437557

The best part is how he replies to every single post and "lelel ur just mad i get laid xD"

>> No.10437587
File: 266 KB, 500x375, wormself otherkin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the last time I didn't come here for relationship advice. Everyone is making some very comprehensive analyses on very little context. Pic related is just what sparked my thought train on the subject that Psychology is a meme because like >>10436303 said it's a spectrum. I feel it could be easily replaced by neurologists/endocrinologists and not be missed in the clinical field.

I am very pathetic, thanks for noticing *makes worm noises*

> Everyone who's sensitive to criticism is neurotic, BPD and aspergers

Look boys, another one. /sci/cology degrees for everyone in this thread!

Thanks for addressing the question, I'll have to agree with you there. If STEM degrees were socialized to the point they're free, I don't think Psych Majors should fall under that category.

You consider those posts? ;3

>> No.10437601

Shouldn't have blogged about your relationship then
>the city of OP

>> No.10437611

That's what's generating the most replies, this thread would have been dead if it weren't for all the chads bumping it with their expertise. Consider it funding for the actual research at hand.

>> No.10438279

>autism, the post
I feel sorry for you.

>> No.10438575

I'm sorry that you don't understand much, Anon.

>> No.10438621

there's clearly something wrong with you, even by 4chan's standards.

by the way, you should marry that chick. you two seem perfect for each other.

>> No.10438636

>damnit, I think he's got the tism
>how do I know this? Well it's a guess and he uses big words
>t. every psychologist

>> No.10438740

So long as we're shitting on people - what about them podiatrists and gastroenterologists? How fucked up do you have to be to study feet and caca all day.

>> No.10438761

Blog it pussy

>> No.10438868

not quite 23 years yet. Learn to count.

>> No.10438870

Who are you talking about?

>> No.10439033

imagine being so asshurt that you make a thread about this
this pretty much nails it

>> No.10439616

>Chick calls you a bastard in psych-jargon.
>Continues to see chick cuz sportfuck
>Repeat without Rinse

At least you're not susceptible to infection by her hypocrisy, so I wouldn't worry about it.

In general, there is something to the forensic side of personality disorder diagnostics, but the science of it has a long way to go before they are of remedial or preventative use--except insofar as predictors of recidivism. That the genetic lottery isn't fair when it comes to temperament is obvious enough. Less obvious is that the less fortunate one is in that respect, the more susceptible one is to delusions contradictory to that fact. Rather a lot of extremely nasty people come to this board, and they are not playing. Of course there is a point to morbid curiosity, as one studies poisonous varieties in botany to know what to avoid eating, touching, etc. The trick is keeping that shit on the other side of glass.

>> No.10439626

Psychology is Jewish studies

>> No.10439728

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10439734

>>>10435777 (OP)
>Who are you quoting?

>> No.10440427

Nice, I'm actually a botanist so this analogy entered deep.

>> No.10440441

>being this retarded
Nope, pretty sure I made 23 two weeks ago.

>> No.10440504

Uninformed doesn't equate to retardation, you retard.