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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 124 KB, 1200x1200, yuta-rover-rolling-1546879144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10432548 No.10432548 [Reply] [Original]

Impressive Disprey Edition


>> No.10432552

I hate communists

>> No.10432553

I hate you

>> No.10432555

are you a communist

>> No.10432557


>> No.10432561
File: 266 KB, 1239x874, cz-4_cbers1_foto10_high.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you?

>> No.10432563

I'm glad to hear you're not a communist, anon
keep up the good work

>> No.10432584

Impossible to fake that photo.

>> No.10432585
File: 231 KB, 1001x1147, 1527039750342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there may be actual sci-fi like resources in space to harvest

>> No.10432590

holy shit, Sinistar will become real

>> No.10432596
File: 29 KB, 285x357, 1487987128829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a single nugget can be used create solar system holocausting amounts of antimatter
>there's probably hundreds, if not thousands of nuggets across the solar system

>> No.10432606
File: 3.44 MB, 3200x1800, screenshot1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help :(

>> No.10432607

fuck off, go back to /vg/

>> No.10432613

Is that a real photo from the moon?

>> No.10432617


it's banned on /vg/

>> No.10432618

then fuck off

>> No.10432623
File: 40 KB, 727x663, not even a whisper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10432627

If you're the Chinese government then I believe you.

>> No.10432628

You need a really big rocket, bigger than one that gets you off Kerbin. I'd recommend getting one of the blimp mods and making a ship that can rise above the thickest part of the atmosphere before ditching those parts and riding up/horizontal on a couple big SRBs. I built one this way and have gotten off Eve with it, just need to allot enough fuel. If your AP is high enough you can squeak out an orbit with any remaining RCS fuel, in a pinch.>>10432617
>it's banned on /vg/
Isn't that because the general got too cancerous and did nothing but shit on the developers 24/7 to the point that nobody could discuss playing the game?

>> No.10432633

>Isn't that because the general got too cancerous and did nothing but shit on the developers 24/7 to the point that nobody could discuss playing the game?
No, it's because the janny got butthurt at people for ban evading.

>> No.10432634

Well, people shouldn't ban evade.

>> No.10432637

>bunch of cancerous tripfagging retards ban evade constantly while shitposting
>moderation team bans the whole fucking general because they were the whole general
fuck off, go talk about your gay space game somewhere else

>> No.10432638

if you can get matter to absolute zero and halt its time you can then reverse its time and thus it's now antimatter. you can do it easy with singular protons and neutrons but atoms with a bunch of electron shells around them are difficult with the current cooling technology.

guh... diving through that report looks like a nightmare...

>> No.10432639

>because they were the whole general
unironically wrong

>> No.10432640

it's a really fucking short paper dude also you're a schizo

>> No.10432651

The Soviet Luna sample return missions only ever returned 170g of moon at a time. Technology has greatly advanced since then.

A gram of moon rock has a value of $50,000.

So is it feasible to get a lander to the moon, and return enough moon rocket to cover the costs plus a small profit? Using either a F9 or FH.

>> No.10432654

You can find "moon rocks" in Antarctica.

>> No.10432660

Different scientific and collectible value though.

Fresh moon uncontaminated.

>> No.10432662

They're all from Antarctica.

>> No.10432671

Not even kidding, the moment we have both a private vehicle that can return tens of tons of material from the moon and enough equipment to quarry the moon, the fastest way to make a quick buck is going to be selling genuine moon rock countertops and tiles to rich fucks.

>> No.10432676

Gram sized samples would sell to universities and rich twats. Especially from parts of the moon we haven't already returned samples from. 2kg, a large potato sized rock, would fetch one hundred million dollars.

>> No.10432683

yeah after reading some of that paper if you believe that crap you're the schizo not me.

>> No.10432686
File: 77 KB, 674x1000, MV5BMTYyMzEzNjI4M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODgxOTgyNzM@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,674,1000_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone see pic related yet?

>> No.10432687

You're not thinking big enough. How many BFRs do you think could 100 feet of countertop sold to a sheik buy?

>> No.10432690

wow I mutilated that.
>How many BFRs do you think you could buy after selling 100 feet of countertop to a sheik?

>> No.10432691

When is Dragon docking?

>> No.10432693

You would need something bigger than a FH to do that.

Apollo 11 returned only 22 kg.

>> No.10432694
File: 77 KB, 920x1349, shiny 1950s rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like, say, this motherfucker?

>> No.10432695
File: 619 KB, 500x570, 38a42bd9e95c881ac78d980d7bbc44e32e9e7553_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As soon as Miss Kobayashi realizes she is gay for dragon.

>> No.10432703

I wonder, why not make a proper second stage for those payloads that wont work with Starship? The damn thing would certainly be large and powerful enough to allow for re-entry and landing hardware to be installed (inflatable heat shield behind the payload area) without severely compromising its performance. It'd open up superheavy lifting that previously would only be possible with something like the Saturn V or SLS.

Fairing though would be a huge issue, literally and figuratively. There'd have to be a way to retrieve the fairing, or otherwise protect the halves from saltwater exposure after splashdown, and that'd be a mass penalty all on its own.

>> No.10432711

reminder that the price stems from scarcity
you'll probably get far less due to the price dropping through the floor
maybe 20 million for that, or even less

>> No.10432728

Assuming the estimate of 50k per gram is accurate, if a single Starship could carry a single ton back to earth, that ton should be valued at around $45,359,250,000, I can't find a specific price for a BFR all I can find is no more than 5 billion and no less than 2 billion. Assuming the higher you could buy 9 new BFRs, assuming the lower you could buy 22, all for a single ton of lunar rock.

>> No.10432739

Each batch requires a FH and a lander. So you still have the same scarcity. The supply won't increase until someone can fly regularly to the moon and back. On something like the SpaceX Starship.

>> No.10432742

that price is for the entire development program, not the BFR itself
the BFR itself+booster would cost 200 million tops to manufacture, and you reuse them

>> No.10432744

Assuming this, then you could build more than 225 BFRs. That's a shitload of BFRs.

>> No.10432745

Then gentlemen, we've figured out how to pay for that Mars Colony fleet Elon has talked about. Probably a fair chunk of the colony's hardware, too.

>> No.10432753

Travel to the moon will never be routine when you need 10+ refueling flights to get there.

>> No.10432757

why not

>> No.10432759

Oh so long as you dedicate the money only to the project a fleet of 20+ BFRs will only shave five billion off that 45Bn, forty billion dollars should be more than enough for a private entity which has been as efficient as SpaceX to completely fund and develop the rest of the endeavor. That's two years of NASA's current budget given to a team which doesn't have to worry about constantly changing objectives, politicking, interference from bureaucrats, or constantly changing leadership.

>> No.10432762

why do you think 10+ refueling flights could be routine?
airplanes, cars, ships, trains don't do that shit

>> No.10432765

I saw it at Sundance. It has some amazing never before seen 70mm footage and I think all footage is from the mission. Makes me kind of wish I was alive during that time.

>> No.10432768

that's not an answer. Routine ≠ necessary vehicle activities. With your stupid logic if they fly 10 times to the moon each day, so 100 flights each day including the fuelers, it still wouldn't be "routine"

>> No.10432777

no, it would be like driving 100 miles but needing to refuel every ten

bfr is not a good architecture for the moon
deal with it

>> No.10432783

Any news on Ripley?

>> No.10432787

It may not be ideal for the moon, but just a single flight there and back carrying a few tons of extraordinarily valuable lunar material would not only pay for all of the inefficient refueling, but could pay for a hundreds strong fleet of rockets on top of a program to develop a moon specialized heavy payload rocket. If it only costs 5 billion to develop a rocket as large the BFRship, then you could develop 9 entirely new BFRship sized rockets with the money made from selling off a single ton of lunar material, or you could just shave off 5 billion to pay for one moon specialized rocket, and spend the other tens of billions building huge infrastructure in space, or putting together a fleet of mars optimized rockets or moon optimized rockets to accomplish huge moon or mars projects. If you wanted to be less ambitious, a Starship could still carry several small robot lunar landers from countries who want to do some basic moon studies and dump them off as it passes by the Moon, you could probably make several billion in that way, and BFRships will be mostly reusable so you won't be having to constantly build new ones to replace previous ones launched.

>> No.10432788

Still good, peak g-load was something like 4.5g (press conference brought it up).

>> No.10432792

No, you're a moron. If you start bringing tons of moon rocks back their value will evaporate. Did you fail economics class in high school?

>> No.10432797

Seven damn hours more. Why did I mix up time zones and woke up this damn early.

>> No.10432798

Stop replying to him, it's the same dickhead who shits up every single SpaceX thread.

>> No.10432800

Paranoid much?

>> No.10432802

I'm thinking more along the lines of one ton, sold off over the course of say 5-10 years, even if it only retains 25% of it's value that would still be 11.5 billion dollars, enough to fund multiple BFR sized development projects or build a fleet of BFR sized rockets. Obviously you're right, it would be stupid to just sell off the whole cargo in a single day. That doesn't mean selling lunar material is a stupid idea in general though, or renting space for lunar lander robots to carry scientific equipment from various countries to the lunar surface.

>> No.10432810
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>> No.10432811

you forgot the tings

>> No.10432822

decrease in value =! complete removal of all value
come on shilfriend, you can do better than that

>> No.10432826

Plus, once its price drops people will be more willing to do different kinds of experiments with lunar samples. Especially destructive experiments.

>> No.10432831

or like another anon said earlier, vanity projects

>> No.10432834

>decrease in value =! complete removal of all value
You'll never get $10 billion from selling moon rocks, retard.
Go shill somewhere else.

>> No.10432844

Let's assume you're correct just for the sake of argument, and the moon rock will only fetch a measly 5 billion. That's still enough to build 25 BFRs, or fund another BFR scale development project. Probably more because the achievement of bringing the material back will in and of itself probably court new investment, and because the more rockets you build the less costly it gets to build more as you learn how to do it more efficiently. Hardly what I'd call a bad idea, although frankly I think you're being a bit over-pessimistic and you haven't provided any accreditation or shown any reason why anyone should assume you're on point as to how dramatically the value of lunar material would plummet. I grant that it will inevitably lose value as more is made available, but creating artificial scarcity by limiting who you sell the material to, how much you sell over a period of time can mitigate that effect. Not to mention the other things you could do with a rocket that can take 100,000kg of payload to the moon.

>> No.10432856

Considering a ton of gold goes for about $64.3 million, a ton of lunar granite, basalt, or various other forms of rock that don't even need refining coming in above that mark is an absolute win if your rocket has the capacity to move a lot of it at once.

>> No.10432857

Retard alert! Many come from the mojave desert as well.

>> No.10432869

Wikipedia page says 1100 UTC, which would be 0600 EST.

>> No.10432878
File: 35 KB, 300x270, 1482670346859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's not being overly pessimistic, he's an unironic genuine paid shill that has been pissing up any thread tangentially related to SpaceX for months now

Features include: Calling everyone that positively regards musk a "Muskrat", insisting on everything Musk does being a "pipe dream", praising SLS and New Glenn as the only legitimate rockets being developed, and that Starship/BFR will never ever be made
bonus clips include: Starhopper is purely for PR and investors because musk is definiately totally on the ropes, and "ha ha investigation on Tesla means musk is about to be arrested and spacex closed down forever and ever muskrats BTFO"
it's quite annoying after the 30th fucking time, but he keeps going, like the little drooling spastic that could

>> No.10432883

I really want to see what the Cosmonaut on the station thinks of the capsule. I'm pretty sure almost no active international astronauts or cosmonauts have seen the work-in-progress Dragon 2 or CST-100.

>> No.10432888

The Tesla thing is especially weird, because Musk could easily step down to just being a design lead with an ass-load of shares if push came to shove. Now that production is steady, the company will probably weather its financial obligations just fine even without him on the board.

>> No.10432902

Musk is the Brand still. Which is a double edged sword, as he delayed model x production for his questionable design choices, and his tweets.

>> No.10432909

Then the best thing Tesla can do is to start having someone else do more visible PR events.
>I still want Musk to stay there just so he can ensure cold gas thrusters are kept as one of the high-end options for the Roadster

>> No.10432915

>an infohazard scp that isn't dogshit
Whoever "wrote" this did a good job

>> No.10432916

Earth flat

>> No.10432918
File: 15 KB, 220x183, 1551501918681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to see them play catch with Earth-kun.

>> No.10432932

see >>10432800

>> No.10432935

it's not paranoia if you're here EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THREAD

>> No.10432943

I'm not even the person you think I am, so yeah I'd say it is in fact paranoia on your part.
Pretty pathetic really.

>> No.10432946

also, lurk more and learn how to use 4chan properly before posting next time

>> No.10432948
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>> No.10432951

Kill yourself

>> No.10432955

They all sign it, musk signs it, and auction it off.

>> No.10432957
File: 204 KB, 1200x1200, 0003ML0000125000E1_DXXX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there going to be live coverage of the dragon 2 docking?

>> No.10432960

Definitely on NASA TV

>> No.10432961
File: 498 KB, 2560x1440, Nasa-Shuttle-Earth-Orbit-1440x2560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10432962


>> No.10432967

You first

>> No.10432973

It's unfortunate they had to do them, but the Shuttle backflips were really fucking kino.

>> No.10432993

What time? I might still be awake, depending. That'd be cool to watch live.

>> No.10432996

Sometime around 6 AM eastern, 11 AM UTC/GMT, 3AM for the West Coast Crew

>> No.10433007

Fuck, will be out by then, I'll have to catch the replay. Thanks for informing me anon.

>> No.10433016

The hatch opening is the fun bit, that’s 5hr after docking

>> No.10433021

Well hell, maybe I will be awake for it then. Thanks twice anon.

>> No.10433038

I’m seeing it tomorrow with a cute girl...

>> No.10433044

make sure you suck her benis at the end of it

>> No.10433053

They cost that much because of the rarity discovered here, the expense and unlikelihood of new retrieval, and the value to science. Now that the science has gotten so many answers, more material would be used to refine answers. New material won't be considered so valuable if it retrieval becomes an option.

>> No.10433056

Sure, but as long as the marginal value is good, it will still be profitable.

After that point, you then enter price ranges where fads take hold (like the idea of selling countertops and tile made entirely of lunar rock). That will keep things going for a lot longer at an inflated price that may still be very attractive to a wide range of consumers.

>> No.10433066

no thanks

>> No.10433263

Stream starts in 40 mins for docking

>> No.10433290

came up with an idea for a fairings recovery . basically take the same system they have now with a guided parachutes.
but either a
have quadcopter that can deploy from the corners to allow for better steering.

or b develop a specialised quad copter netting system that flies out to catch the fairings mid air whiles it being slowed down by parachute and fly it to a regular drone ship nearby.

>> No.10433311

also the dragon can carry a total.of 7 people in max config.
my question whats preventing that config from going up to say 20 or 30 people with a longer dragon capsule. the falcon 9 can lift 20 to 30 people with average weight of 180 lbs into space very easily.

>> No.10433313

T. Dodd

>> No.10433315

after the 100th moon rock prices would start to collapse since its just a useless rock. the question would be does regolith have an real uses on earth other than some rich fuck using it as an ornament to talk about during parties.

>> No.10433323

Well it wouldn't be a dragon any more if you built it bigger it would be a new capsule entirely, in addition there's no project at the moment that demands 20-30 people.

>> No.10433324

i think asteroid kitchen slabs would be interesting you know theyd do it too.
"which planetary system did you get this wonderful slab hun" marcia said as she dined on crab Europa grown crabs

>> No.10433328

link faggot

>> No.10433330


>> No.10433331

am i suppose to know what that means dodd what

>> No.10433334

That's a filthy rehost of the NASA stream, get it from the source here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21X5lGlDOfg

>> No.10433335

>marcia said as she dined on crab Europa grown crabs

>> No.10433336

There are a lot more than 100 rich fucks, they would also kill to have decorative features such as tiles, pavers, benchtops, feature walls and shit like that from moon products.

>> No.10433342

So the stream is going to be two hours of the capsule doing 1mm/s for two hours while talking heads babble about how great the diversity at NASA is?

>> No.10433348

now that you mention I have seen these items before. I was surprised at the anti-Musk vitriol on a science board, good to know it's just one persistent person

t. /sci/ noob

>> No.10433350


>> No.10433353

he sold out of $500 recreational flamethrowers, I'm 100% sure that the team will come up with something marketable to do with moon rocks. Quartz synthesize from moon dust as the new standard for whether or not a man really loves his future wife, perhaps?

>> No.10433362

youre going to need specialized craft to craft those items. id think spacex would think it beneath them for such tasks. plus who otger than billionaires would pay for kitchen slab worth several million dollars.
there needs to be way to mass ship several tonnes of material from the moon to earth.
one could make the containers on the moon and have them drop down into earth orbit and splash down

>> No.10433365

That will probably become the norm even without Musk
it's becoming common knowledge that the diamond jews are lying about their rarity, as well as synthetic diamonds improving drastically in quality, size and ease of manufacture making having a diamond less special

>> No.10433367
File: 1.39 MB, 1389x769, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone post your pc battlestations

pic related is mine

>> No.10433368
File: 1.53 MB, 3072x2048, battlestation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10433371

That's a garish keyboard

>> No.10433372

there are no diamonds on the moon though.......are there?

>> No.10433373

hahah this looks a lot like my best friend's room

>> No.10433377

Doesn‘t moon rock have asbestos like qualities? Probably not a great idea to build homes out of it.

>> No.10433378

The moon is not geologically active, so if there are, they're near the core and would be an absolute bitch to dig out

>> No.10433382

Only regolith

Sell it in sealed glass.

>> No.10433388

That's the moon dust due it's very small particle size, moon rocks will be fine.

>> No.10433393
File: 1.42 MB, 1280x720, 2019-03-03_17-05-13.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there is the Dragon!

>> No.10433397

this a live shot from the station?

>> No.10433400

Aye, from the NASA TV stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21X5lGlDOfg

>> No.10433402 [DELETED] 

What's that shot now from below somewhere?

>> No.10433407

This is gonna take atleast a few more hour before Dragon gets close to ISS right

>> No.10433408

All the synthetic diamond producers are getting bought up by the diamond mafia

>> No.10433410

So many bad pixels on that camera.

>> No.10433415

sub 2 hours now

>> No.10433416

Is it my end that the Stream dies off constantly or Nasa cant into Streaming

>> No.10433423
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>> No.10433430
File: 102 KB, 1024x830, D0r_hS0XQAMoquw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he gonna show up for another akward press conference and cant put together a full sentence again?

>> No.10433434

how many pigs did you fuck today anon?

>> No.10433435

Elon-kun's stutter is cute.

>> No.10433437

Are they using COTS camera or are they radiation hardened>
No problems on my end except the quality looking like ass.

>> No.10433438

I dunno. But that camera's likely been up there for well over a decade now. I would not be surprised that even with radiation hardening it's burned out the pixels. Having periods where its pointed directly at the sun wouldn't help things either.

>> No.10433452
File: 62 KB, 623x713, 1490308528230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"reporters" wasting precious conference time asking elon for generic spacex information or dumbshit feelgood quotes that he's already given a million times before

How do these fuckers remember to breathe

>> No.10433454

That trajectory view is pretty damn cool

>> No.10433456

>When some soiboy YouTuber who gets all his space info from his soi discord channel does a better job than "professional" journalists

>> No.10433462
File: 118 KB, 250x300, Kobayashi_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh neat, dragon pov

>> No.10433470
File: 48 KB, 1434x801, Hud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We video games now

>> No.10433471
File: 8 KB, 166x152, 1272669821443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon is going to pop this docking adapter's cherry...

>> No.10433475

Hot shit docking is underway

>> No.10433476


>> No.10433477

Ten minutes until waypoint one, just about perfect for the Blue Danube until the next event.

>> No.10433479

How much freetime do crew on iss get?

>> No.10433480

Probably thirty minutes or more, they're doing a bunch of maneuver before actually docking.

>> No.10433481
File: 29 KB, 703x234, NASA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a non Youtube stream
Shit is crashing every 30 second

>> No.10433483
File: 2.15 MB, 718x404, astronauts hard at work.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10433485
File: 692 KB, 1000x1000, 1504393849649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go! I love you!

>> No.10433487

Less than 30 minutes to docking at current range and range rate.

>> No.10433488
File: 99 KB, 422x309, 1551048879698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you~

>> No.10433489
File: 120 KB, 1287x731, dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pew pew pew

>> No.10433491

$50,000 well spent.

>> No.10433493

Stream refresh

>> No.10433497

damn, sounds like a good business to be in if true. Customers with billions of dollars and an interest in buying up your whole supply, which you can produce at will?

>> No.10433499

>That wiring

What the actual fuck

>> No.10433500

could we just send a couple of housecats up? much fewer kg to orbit

>> No.10433501

You can refuel BFR oxygen on the Moon even if there is no methane (which we d not know yet). That alone would be able to cut the number of refueling flights significantly.

More generally, there is no way around the need for multiple refueling flights. It is not a matter of choosing an architecture, this is how spaceflight is done.

>> No.10433506

Again this retard.

>> No.10433507

the ISS is old as fuck, and cannot receive upgrades due to it's nature
this is why Trump wants to sell it and build a new one
nobody actually does science on the ISS anymore, for they're all too busy doing maintenance to keep the rust bucket from falling apart and killing them

>> No.10433509

and yet you give it a (You)

>> No.10433514


>> No.10433515

dat out of focus

>> No.10433520

They should have installed more cameras on the ISS

>> No.10433527
File: 188 KB, 1920x1080, ISS laptop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10433529

That adapter is well used already. It literally docks with anything.

>> No.10433531

Who appreciating the birb concert here?

>> No.10433534

I am :3

>> No.10433535

Is that the price of shooting a gorilla costume into orbit?

>> No.10433537
File: 103 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot from 2019-03-03 18-21-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon incoming

>> No.10433539

More or less.

>> No.10433541

Looks like a scene from 2001 a space odyssey.
Without the cool ring station

>> No.10433542

Very Kubrick-esque

>> No.10433543

Also, *tips fedora* jej

>> No.10433545

Zoom out and open the aperture for fucks sake.

>> No.10433547

Just needs Blue Danube Waltz to play over footage

>> No.10433548

Clearly CG
What the hell

>> No.10433550


>> No.10433551

needs Interstellar docking music. I wish I knew about how to stream

>> No.10433552

I mean the one from 2001. This
This too kek

>> No.10433553

fucking kino view right now

>> No.10433555

This camera though

>> No.10433557
File: 350 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot from 2019-03-03 18-27-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10433559

She's beautiful right now

>> No.10433560
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>> No.10433561


>> No.10433563
File: 22 KB, 831x440, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10433565

Is there ISS porn?

>> No.10433566

You're watching one right now

>> No.10433567
File: 473 KB, 5000x1050, dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better resolution

>> No.10433569

Miring those 3500 white pixels.

>> No.10433570

Fucking widescreen resolution

>> No.10433572

Anne's ready for docking

>> No.10433574
File: 347 KB, 1676x1048, dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10433575

It's actually really creepy that it looks like its super still, despite the fact its travelling at super fast speed

>> No.10433576

Have the draco thrusters stopped firing completely? How is it approaching so smoothly?

>> No.10433577
File: 20 KB, 337x372, 1525939186452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nighttime when docking happens
They're gonna shine some spot lights on it or something, right?

>> No.10433579
File: 250 KB, 1440x900, 1369997797759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stream chat fills with conspiratards

>> No.10433580


>> No.10433581


>> No.10433582
File: 745 KB, 1680x1050, dragon2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10433583

YEAH turn on the lights!

>> No.10433584

that was weird, I thought my stream might be delayed and you heard him real time

>> No.10433585

Mirin your 10 Year old monitor

>> No.10433586

The sun is going to set :(

>> No.10433587

>It looks unreal
Clearly CGI

>> No.10433588

Darkness is comming

>> No.10433591
File: 343 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot from 2019-03-03 18-39-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has been holding at 20m for quite a few minutes

>> No.10433594

Shitty elevator music incoming. SpaceX really should license the music from interstellar.
Number one priority

>> No.10433595

it's like: it's just 20 meters, just go up and dock to her bro, be confident

>> No.10433596
File: 171 KB, 1680x1050, dragon3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr Musk. I dont feel so good...

>> No.10433597

Fucking this

>> No.10433599

First time jitters. Anyhow the girl wants to wait for sunset before docking. Guess she's shy.

>> No.10433601

Damn you Sun

>> No.10433606

Here we go lads

>> No.10433608

Better wait for shitty light conditions. Better not have great pictures

>> No.10433609


>> No.10433611
File: 71 KB, 476x555, 1551007985200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lets wait until the Sun sets so the Video will be as bad as it can get

>> No.10433612

Is oldspace, dare I say it, BTFO?

>> No.10433615

Looks like a huge terminator eye.. very sci-fi.

>> No.10433619


>> No.10433623


>> No.10433624
File: 46 KB, 784x800, spaace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10433625
File: 399 KB, 466x260, America intensifies.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10433628
File: 15 KB, 320x180, fe3f8c5af6a522859d8d0541f16b36e12d3b07d4_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10433629

>ULA still gets contracts despite being drastically more expensive
>SLS is still going ahead despite having few use cases
>Deep Space Gateway is the big future project despite being a waste of ∆v for interplanetary missions it is meant to assist

Nah, I wouldn't say there has been a real paradigm shift yet.

>> No.10433633

is computerized docking standard? or is this a first

>> No.10433635

I hope starships launches as fast as possible so that these idiots get fucked in the ass by reality.

>> No.10433636

It's a first

>> No.10433637

Russians have been doing it for decades, I think it's a first for the US.

>> No.10433638

This is only capabilities that old space once had.
It'll take Starship - something that's completely unparalleled yet - to really BTFO them once and for all.

>> No.10433641

First autonomous docking from american soil.
Progress/Soyuz does that since the 50s

>> No.10433644

>takes the USA 70 years to catch up to the USSR


>> No.10433646

Really? Shuttle didn't do autonomous?
First for USA and its from a a commercial organization nice. Showing the gubment how its done

>> No.10433654

Different experiences leading to different philosophies, after Gemini 8 NASA became set on keeping a man in the loop as it was human intervention that saved that mission.

Shuttle was manual RCS control for docking.

>> No.10433656
File: 88 KB, 278x258, 1551483670345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 Hours to depresurize
Imagine sitting in that Capsule, Knowing you finally here on the ISS after a hour of flying in space but now you have to wait 2 more hour to actually get aboard

>> No.10433660

They have to follow the existing govt set protocols, if there is a private-private docking, they'll figure out how to do it faster

>> No.10433664

Wouldn't DM2 be much faster? Besides they said they're taking air samples etc. DM2 would skip those I guess.

>> No.10433666
File: 53 KB, 256x256, Thinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Astronauts eat/shit/sleep while in the Dragon and approaching the ISS? I would asume so since it takes almost a day to get there. After launch

>> No.10433669

What I want to know is will the standard flight profile take that long or was this one extra cautious? Soyuz only takes ~6 hours from pad to dock so it can be done a lot faster.

>> No.10433675

Apparently this was a longer profile to make room for more on-orbit testing, I don't know how long the actual missions will but I doubt it will be as short as Soyuz. Crew Dragon looks pretty comfy and spacious so I doubt the astronauts will be complaining.

>> No.10433677
File: 515 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2019-03-03-19-12-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile... Elon shares his thoughts about space

>> No.10433680

Elons rampant Twitter shitposting brings me great joy

>> No.10433687
File: 52 KB, 595x902, Nico Elon and James.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10433689

For all it issues I still love twitter because of exchanges like this.

>> No.10433690

This is very cringey. But I guess 13 year olds are Elons new target audience.

>> No.10433692
File: 1.62 MB, 1680x1050, MuskShitposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And i captured the exact time of his recent shitpost at the webcast

>> No.10433694


>> No.10433695
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot from 2019-03-03 19-24-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suns's back

>> No.10433697

Imagine having such a narrow view of human behaviour

>> No.10433700

Imagine finding Uranus jokes funny.

>> No.10433701

Praise the sun!

>> No.10433704
File: 11 KB, 235x215, praisingintensifies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10433706

Imagine not finding them funny

>> No.10433707

Now they play a more Deus Ex´ish music.
I will allow it.

>> No.10433709

It's called being an adult.

>> No.10433714

>muh being an adult.
manchild confirmed

>> No.10433715

>acting professional outside of professional settings
You must be fun at a party.
t. 35yo that still laughs at toilet humor

>> No.10433719

Lol, even an electric smart can beat a Porsche on the first few metres. Difference is the Porsche can drive for more than 15 minutes at 200kmh.

>> No.10433720

Better question is
Where is the Russian
Anne and David doing all the work there

>> No.10433727

Grabbing their drills...

>> No.10433730

They shift work so he's probably snoozing.

>> No.10433746
File: 14 KB, 250x219, 1550671969061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Catastrophic Failure Alert

>> No.10433750

Yeah what the fuck was that

>> No.10433751

What happend if someone fart on ISS?

>> No.10433753


Doesn't seem like anything is wrong, Houston hasn't been very chatty either. They specifically mentioned talking to Moscow, what has the Russian been doing?

>> No.10433754

Bogs are clearly up to something

>> No.10433755

Now they playing some real banger shit and not Elevator Music.

>> No.10433756

What happened?

There is probably a best practice of getting in a capsule first out of respect. It's going to happen as no one is going 90+ days without farting.

>> No.10433761

Anne, the female astronaut mentioned something to do with catastrophic failure and talking to Moscow.

>> No.10433770
File: 80 KB, 750x706, IMG_0225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10433771


Dragon destroyed ISS

>> No.10433772

Hope they show the internal view of them getting blown out into space

>> No.10433773

That is no biggie, glad to hear it has nothing to do with Dragon.

>> No.10433781

the moon dust is like dessicated earth, it's very small and very sharp, don't breathe it
it didn't kill the Apollo guys tho

>> No.10433784

>Catastrophic failure
>Go on a lunch break

Astronauts are just in an expensive insane asylum aren't they?

>> No.10433789

>Images Catastrophic failure more important than a lunch.

>> No.10433791

So what are they waiting for right now?

>> No.10433792

If I had a choice between dying while eating lunch or missing a meal. Whelp, start planning my funeral buddy

>> No.10433796

To the space between the Dragon and ISS depresurize so they can open the door

>> No.10433798

the astronaut corps was still run by test pilots back then (it's still run by test pilots) and they insisted they get to fly it in every time

>> No.10433800
File: 40 KB, 199x256, moondust_zoom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moon dust, there's no wind or anything to erode the particles so they're covered with sharp edges, they'd fuck up your lungs so bad

>> No.10433805

Nah, it'd take a lot of work to dig that deep, but it wouldn't get hotter as you go deeper so you can dig that fucking "hole to China", it would just take a long time and you'd have a big pile of gravel outside the drill site.

>> No.10433817

it didn't kill the men of Apollo, and they dragged plenty of it into the LEM with them on their suits

>> No.10433819
File: 255 KB, 1650x1200, gravity-train-concept.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the reduced gravity and sharp particles it would be more stable and easier to shore up than a hole on earth.
I might actually be practical to have a gravity train on the moon eventually.

>> No.10433821

They were also only exposed for ~6 days.

>> No.10433823
File: 91 KB, 764x933, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10433824

Oh man, cats would be so freaked in zero gee, are there any vomit comet videos of cats? There can't be or the Internet would have collapsed already... oh shit, this is gonna be my new YouTube obsession for a while!

>> No.10433829

Hey Russian guy woke up

>> No.10433831

So do they have sex on the ISS or what?

>> No.10433836

Why does the Canadian dude look so familiar

>> No.10433837

Hatched opening got pushed forward. Less then 20 minutes to go

>> No.10433838

There are cameras everywhere and they would probably be fired from one of the best jobs in the world. Not worth it for a little pussy.

>> No.10433841
File: 30 KB, 373x314, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10433843

NSF article


>> No.10433845
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>> No.10433846
File: 28 KB, 346x260, Richard_Garriott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to shit for like 5 days after you reach orbit, according to Richard Garriot, he loves to tell his ISS toilet story. Then you have to take a hell of a dump while figuring out how poop works without gravity.

>> No.10433850

hatch to the IDA opened

>> No.10433852

the russian is not wearing a track suit.... I'm disappointed

>> No.10433855

Can't squat in zero-gee anyways

>> No.10433858

Russian is so fucking laid back it almost looks like he's bored.

>> No.10433859

Takes a while, it's silicosis, white lung disease. Miners can get it after years of insufficient breathing protection.

>> No.10433861


>> No.10433863

So is the chirping noise actually birbs or is it something else

>> No.10433864


>> No.10433865


What retarded logic. Musk talking to a woman speaking out against the corrupt Russian establishment, kindly speaking her own language as a sign of respect. This makes him an agent of the Russian state how?

>> No.10433866

It's probly picked up from the Commentators location

>> No.10433867

meant to reply to >>10433817

>> No.10433869

Well whatever. Is it birds or something else? because I'm pretty sure I've been hearing them since it was doing the WP1, retreat, hold, etc maneuver which was like.. 4 am eastern. Don't think birds are up yet at that hour, no?

>> No.10433870

it's a danger with any fresh rock dust, no matter where you basalt is from
so selling slabs of moon basalt to rich assholes is still a dank idea

>> No.10433872

Soviet mind contol
I'mm immune because I've been fasting
it is too late for you, тoвapищ

>> No.10433874
File: 207 KB, 1200x900, D0sxScvXcAIMWd1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile in Boca Chica

>> No.10433878

There's a difference between a little fresh rock dust and and millions of tons of it everywhere. Plus moon dust is electrostatic charged (probably from being exposed to sunlight and cosmic radiation) and sticks to fucking everything.

>> No.10433879

yeah but you're not selling moon dust, you're selling moon rock

>> No.10433880


>> No.10433882
File: 2.21 MB, 1334x750, BB67BD5D-89DC-4197-BF85-66E0224A2430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He made it! Based Earth!

>> No.10433883
File: 48 KB, 954x541, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10433885
File: 1018 KB, 2016x1464, 1551509652582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earth-kun isn't floating, wtf.

>> No.10433887

Speculations on what's that thing attached to the right side window? I'm really hoping it's a camera pointing outside.

>> No.10433888

where can I get a flat earth-kun plushie?

>> No.10433889

>hand made in China by children


>> No.10433890

They won't have to do as much of this stuff if a vehicle arrives with live crew. There's no guarantee that the air is good without a crew inside.

>> No.10433891

they should have sensors and stuff for that already this is just the procedure

>> No.10433892

lmao they cant get the masks on

>> No.10433893

If there is an actual emergency requiring the use of air masks this crew is screwed at this rate of putting on the gear.

>> No.10433897

Time for another zero-gee cat video

>> No.10433899

Earth-kun has its own gravity...

>> No.10433906

I think they tethered poor Earth-kun.

>> No.10433908

Think again!

>> No.10433910
File: 139 KB, 1300x913, russia-canada-us-EPECC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we have a Russian and a Canadian checking out an American capsule. Oh hey, thanks Google.

>> No.10433911

Are they having trouble moving the cargo? or is it something else that they're fucking with?

>> No.10433913

Nah they're moving the cargo out.

>> No.10433916
File: 1.72 MB, 720x1280, dragon kite.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now they get to find out: what kind of loot does this dragon drop?

>> No.10433920


>> No.10433924
File: 2.68 MB, 1334x750, 3EA8DD0B-EB5C-43C2-ABDA-6AABC69A085A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10433925

buy a key to SpaceX™ to unlock it and find out!

>> No.10433926
File: 86 KB, 1246x862, IMG_20190303_201834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice me

>> No.10433928

Taking selfies in your soviet era oxygen mask.

>> No.10433929
File: 125 KB, 818x569, Loot-Box-Shot-11-TF2-Mann-Crate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my pic
post yfw for first microtransactions in space

>> No.10433931

It's kind amazing how cautions they're
And frustrating as an observer

>> No.10433933

It ain't cool like the movies. It's a longer version of embarking/disembarking a plane

>> No.10433938

Would of been a great prank if Ripley was a real person and they grabbed one of the crew members while they were in there

>> No.10433943

I wonder what the russian guy think knowing that he will have to fly on Soyuz all the way up until end of ISS lifetime.

>> No.10433948

cosmonauts have one seat per flight on dragon actually

>> No.10433953

he is staying half 3 months at the iss, traveling in the capsule takes only 6h to get there and even less to go back. I wouldnt see it as a big deal.

>> No.10433954

The validation shit is mostly just for this first flight
Imagine if some component failed but didn't register on the ground, and vented noxious colorless gas into the capsule. You'd have no way of knowing. That's worst case though

>> No.10433968

Congratulations america you almost did what Russia has been doing for 60 years.

>> No.10433977


>> No.10433982

This is Test Shot Starfish music right? On MY NasaTV? Cool.
Also, Earth-kun is keeping the stream active by moving around.

>> No.10433986
File: 999 KB, 250x251, 1432547112769.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>catastrophic failure
>there are backups
So just regular failure then.

>> No.10433997
File: 34 KB, 600x450, tire_blowout_32cd32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catastrophic failure just means whatever failed is fucked for good and unrepairable. You can have a tyre catastrophically fail but that doesn't mean the car is fucked.

>> No.10434002

with fancy neon lighting

>> No.10434012

It seems there are only four weightless cat videos. The other one is a NASA flight from the '80s recorded on a potato camcorder.

>> No.10434034

Buddy Earth seems to really like that leg support

>> No.10434043

Other than the cupola, are there any other view ports on the ISS?

>> No.10434045

>Dragon dong

>> No.10434057

They need to bring a laptop in there and watch some movies, this is as close to theater seating as ISS is gonna get.

>> No.10434065

You can clearly see the string just now.

>> No.10434067

Lil Earth is trying to protect its leg rest.

>> No.10434081

Fuck! I feel cheated.

>> No.10434090

If it wasn't for the string, it wouldn't have stayed in camera, and might have gotten stuck in something. Imagine it floating up behind astronauts and doing a perfect SOON meme.

>> No.10434100

I think they turned ventilation on, Earth-kun is having a lot of fun now.

>> No.10434102
File: 318 KB, 1096x823, ROS_Windows_0114_complete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is plenty in Russian segment alone. I can't find similar for American segment.

>> No.10434121
File: 75 KB, 1366x768, i will show you the world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10434143

someone fire the removable foot rest designer and put the window shade designer in charge instead

>> No.10434155

Chances are they've both been laid off

>> No.10434168

rip EELV https://spacenews.com/eelv-is-no-more-it-is-now-national-security-space-launch/

>> No.10434176

>The Secretary of Defense shall pursue a strategy that includes fully or partially reusable launch systems
So it's just a rename

>> No.10434179


>> No.10434216
File: 587 KB, 1200x1542, 1530650812092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess they realized that putting "expendable" in the name was ignoring current capabilities.

>> No.10434229

tour time

>> No.10434232
File: 794 KB, 1334x750, 20190303_104032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i the only one who thought the door infront of the astronauts in dragon was the hatch to the the iss. i didnt know it was this overhead thing.
kinda seems difficult and cramped to maneuver in and out of.

>> No.10434242

Damn, the Russian looks like he's about to snap.

>> No.10434247

this or just have hamz zimmer compose a couple interstellar like trackd for them.
that said british airways licensed "fluer de lis" as their track

>> No.10434264

I would snap too after realising that I have to fly on Soyuz for the rest of eternity while americans will be flying on this

>> No.10434279

what stream are you watching this on?

>> No.10434287

same. It was anticlimactic

>> No.10434302

The official one? A bit earlier, when they were still waiting to open the Dragon hatch, the Canadian had mounted a flashlight on one of the side railings. It took him something like 10 seconds to do it. Later, the Russian had to move it and it took him something like 5 minutes to attach it. After that he struggled to put his gas mask equipment on. And during the welcoming ceremony he was acting like a full blown autist, and struggled to say 3 coherent sentences. I guess he isn't taking the cramped space and micro gravity so well.

>> No.10434310

Think the Russian was on Sleeping scheducle but probly woke up to see the Dragon and later realized he should have just tried to sleep instead.

>> No.10434403

I was waiting for all the hatchlets who didn't know that was the ground hatch. I mean with all those shots of the docked ship, you would expect people to figure out that it was on the tip, not the side.

>> No.10434408

That could be. I woke up at 0600 CT, missed the approach but not the opening. I grabbed for my lappy the moment I woke up.

>> No.10434412

Now that America can get back to the station, we need to increase the permanent ISS crew size to 7 like it was intended to be.

>> No.10434445

That's the plan

>> No.10434517
File: 925 KB, 700x478, Lg4MH3P.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not reporters' jobs to satisfy your autism
You have to go back

>> No.10434536

iss is scheduled to sink into the ocean by 2020 2021. what we need are the bigelow habitats in space asap and have 100 to 10000 yes ten thousand people in space.
people want to know whats the economy for space. its critical mass of population.
if you had say a 10,000 to 1million person orbital station that alone would be generating an economy of supply and return trips. every ceo in the world should be for space colonization like they are for nonsense like trannies

>> No.10434544

i didnt. i also didnt realise the circumference of the hatch was so small. guess cuz i havent seen people go between modules for a while.

>> No.10434554

Why does it need so many different view ports?

>> No.10434565

now the dragon crew is built will musk go on it to the ISS he could literally pay for the trip out of his pocket.

>> No.10434569

>iss is scheduled to sink into the ocean by 2020 2021.
2024 at the earliest, but i wouldnt be surprised to see it survive to 2028, even 2030

>> No.10434581

okay...i would like to see us build bigger and bigger spaceports cuz thats what we do as humans. Eventually there will be a "Trump" of spacestations then others will follow.
but im getting launch costs have to fall into the 10 million range first i wonder if thats just a function of scaling to mass to drive down the price

>> No.10434588

Well so far as I can find the Sundancer and BA330 modules are for all intents and purposes ready to go, and currently going through rounds of life support system testing. Structurally they're ready and there's already contracts ready to put two of them in orbit in 2020, one to attach to the ISS and the other to be prepared in 2021 for a shot to low lunar orbit by 2022. If it works I would expect gateway to fade entirely into irrelevancy as by the time it's first components are even launched there could be a four or five module private space station orbiting the moon, plus each Sundancer and BA330 are spacecraft in and of themeslves with their own propellant supplies for docking and maneuvering and their own power, life support, and heat rejection systems.

>> No.10434792

>nasa confirms dragon will have to be redesigned
>issues with copvs found
>"Composite Overwrapped Pressure Vessels, they also sit in the Dragon system as well, and there are some changes that need to be made to those too, as we discovered in the testing of those systems."

>> No.10434956


>> No.10435089

>B-b-but muh B-b-boeing needs to catch up!

>> No.10435128

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