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10427259 No.10427259[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why are right wingers/conservatives/religious people so fucking retarded when it comes to science? do they just not get it?

>> No.10427273

I wouldn't say this is solely a right winger trait, many politically inclined people like to pick and choose which scientific facts support their cause and will outright deny some science if it doesn't. Politics is a mind control game about lying to people to let them believe in you. If we're talking about real manipulators and sociopaths politics is the best environment for them.

>> No.10427299

>"biological gender is not a thing"

>> No.10427306

My dad heard black science guy say something along the lines of "we don't understand gravity" in my dad's words, and "it's a theory." My dad took that as we literally don't know how gravity works at all and made a "theory" that gravity is the density of gas in the atmosphere. Ignoring the stupidity of that statement in general, I asked him how would that apply to planetary bodies/stars having gravity, since our current understanding is that they bend spacetime. His response "we technically don't know, it's just theory." He's a Donald Trump lover and Christian who doesn't follow every aspect of the bible. Yee Yee Bubba!

>> No.10427308

*passes laws that prevent teaching of evolution in high school bio*

>> No.10427309

Honestly, he is more scientifically inclined than you are.

>> No.10427311

I agree with you, I've never seen a man more factual and scientific. He breathes facts and knowledge.

>> No.10427316

"men are women are equal"

>> No.10427322

>being this preoccupied with "facts"
I don't think you understand what science is.

>> No.10427327

it is a theory tho, thats the whole point of the philosphy of science, you can simply only explain how, not why

>> No.10427333

The basic idea of conservatism is that you already know how everything works and you want to preserve that order.

>> No.10427341
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>Yee Yee Bubba!
>you share a board with the person that posted this

>> No.10427349

Yes, because my sarcastic mockery of my dad was meant to be interpreted as my actual understanding of science.
Yeah, it is just a theory. I wasn't trying to come off as one of those people that think every modern scientific theory is correct no matter what, we don't know everything about gravity, mostly about what actually causes it. My point is that my dad found out that "theories" exist and he told me he believes all scientists have it wrong and they're "making a miscalculation" and that gravity on Earth is actually caused by the density of gases in the atmosphere. That theory has not been tested as far as I know and he did nothing to come up with that theory except some ideas of physics thrown around in his head and a verbal explanation that doesn't actually explain how it works. It's just as bad as Newtonian mechanics, except it hasn't been tested or shown to work. I also questioned his "theory" and asked him how he explains gases themselves being affected by gravity, his response is "we don't really know do we?"

>> No.10427355


>> No.10427359

I live in a very redneck region of the US and I've grown accustomed to using it as a joke. People here use it unironically of course. Let me bless you with another phrase I've heard. "Let's go mud boggin' with the four wheelers boys!"

>> No.10427362

Forgot to mention one of the people didn't have a four wheeler so they modified a lawn mower to do it instead.

>> No.10427373

When will liberals stop denying science, stop denying nuclear energy, stop denying GMOs, stop denying the bell curve, stop believing in alternative medicine????

>> No.10427379

The far left reject evolution in their own way: they don't believe in genetic differences, because their anti-hierarchy theories don't hold up when some people are just built to succeed more than others (within a given system).

>> No.10427387

they way you go about mocking your dad(in a sarcastic way) does reveal, partly at-least, your understanding of science.

as for the story you told, i simply dont buy it, the nature of the theory he ascertained necessitates that there is some perceived corollary between density gases and gravity. There is zero reason this would cross his mind if there was no substantive relationship that would cause this thought, no matter how wrong, crazy it would be. most likely you are leaving information out of the story, or you are lying to create a false narrative about how you are a lone high IQ soul in a stupid society

>> No.10427406

*passes laws that prevent evolutionarily efficient social orders that are conscious of the fact there are lower races of humans*

>> No.10427412


>> No.10427414
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upboated ;)

>> No.10427460

because science and the bible don't mix

>> No.10427544

You can't separate gender from sex?

>> No.10427559

When will right-wing nazis stop denying the Holocaust, stop denying racism, stop denying the gender wage gap, stop denying the gender spectrum, stop denying white privilege, ... ?
I could go on for hours.

>> No.10427570

I know this bait but none of that is science. Plus you’re implying I’m “right wing”.

>> No.10427579
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why are left wingers/commies/atheistic people so fucking retarded when it comes to science? do they just not get it?

>> No.10427611

Lefties think men and women are identical psychologically and you can change your gender at will to whatever. Rightards deny climate change so they don't have to regulate corporations. This isn't unique to either wing.

>> No.10427614


>> No.10427733

well, I mean I'm assuming he picked up the idea from a conspiracy theory youtube channel since he watches those. I don't know exactly what he studied or did to get the idea, but it definitely wasn't any mathematics or real physics, and if it was he never showed me the math and it's probably fucking retarded. He doesn't even know what a newton is. He got mad at me for using newtons for force when I explained how Apollo 11 was able to reach escape velocity on the Moon.

>> No.10427858

Lefties believe that their 2% contribution of a trace gas that comprises 0.04% of the atmosphere is the most important threat of our time. They celebrate actors and politicians who fly in private jets to vacation resorts to meaninglessly chat about the ‘problem’. They believe babies are not really babies until they see daylight. Like some kind of Gremlin. Anthropogenic impacts are bad unless they are the right kind of anthropogenic impacts. So covering the land in windmills and solar panels is ‘approved’ anthropogenic impact. Batteries are ‘green’ despite the fact they are simply stored energy. “Consensus” is how they think a hypothesis is turned into a fact. Despite “consensus” being a political construct. And despite the global warming “consensus” having been conducted and popularized by non-scientists. Including a college dropout. So “science” isn’t “science” to a liberal. It’s “Science™“. They’ve shit all over it’s meaning like they shit all over everything else.

>> No.10427888

Lefties literally deny evolution so I wouldn't say your thesis holds up, OP.

>> No.10427902

The two were synonymous until recently, due to (((scientific))) reasons

>> No.10427925

Ozone is 0.000004% volume of the atmosphere and yet protects us from 99% of the sun's ultraviolet radiation.

I mean I know you're baiting but this argument of small percentages is retarded

>> No.10427926

Let me explain the issue here.

Big Science is about 90% left-wing, they're all well-educated academics in major cities. So obviously, their research is consciously or subconsciously skewed leftward.

Big Media is also about 90% left-wing, so the 'science' that gets transmitted to the public is what a leftist would want you to hear: something that confirms their pre-existing beliefs.

How many times have you heard HBD research being brought into the immigration debate, on a mainstream media outlet? 0.

>> No.10428027

Original OP comment, "wingers/conservatives/religious people so fucking retarded when it comes to science? do they just not get it?"

No example of said retardation nor do I have any idea what "it" is.

In conclusion the probability of the post producing thought provoking dialog: 0%

Probability of this post producing a political squable thread in the /sci/ board: 100%

>> No.10428032

>He got mad at me for using newtons for force when I explained how Apollo 11 was able to reach escape velocity on the Moon.
sure he did buddy

>> No.10428440

Even if you separate them, the "science" behind gender identity is constantly applied to completely different ideas when it suites the left politically. "Gender" will polymorph from a neuro-science, to a social-science, to not a science whenever it fits their agenda.

See also: race.

>> No.10428447

in other words, psychology and "i identify as..." are nonscientific. Sad!

but true

>> No.10428525

Psychology is a legitimate science and studying how someone identifies is fine on it's own. Just as you could study different religions, or different cliques, or any other personal identities.

The issue is that gender just being a personal identity is a concept that's completely abandoned the moment it's not convenient.

>> No.10428673

conservatism is literally anti evolution. look at the name. CONSERVE. They don't want to change and evolution demands change.

>> No.10428682

They literally believe the sexes are meaningfully different and that you can carve people into arbitrary racial groups. There is no reasoning with them and they should be stopped by any means.

>> No.10428685

>Christian who doesn't follow every aspect of the bible.
I hate this shit. People claim to follow a religion but they don't even know the contents of the religion