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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10426702 No.10426702[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are any of you here religious? If so, what religion?

>> No.10426706

I am Christian. However I do still belive in science

>> No.10426707

Pantheism, panentheism and deism all are intriguing.

>> No.10426716

How do you get past the logical inconsistencies? I myself do find pagan worship interesting, but thats it.

>> No.10426720

I'm atheist, but in the past I would maybe have called myself a Christian atheist, but I don't anymore because I think it gives undue legitimacy to the various Churches that I believe are doing more harm than good.

>> No.10426721

Please give me and example of an inconsistency.

>> No.10426722


>> No.10426724

I agree most churches do more harm than good.

>> No.10426729


>> No.10426740


>> No.10426742


>> No.10426752
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>> No.10426761

How to not dwelwe into nihilism? What's a good philosophy for atheists? Stoicism?

>> No.10426771

>there are this many religious people here
I thought this was a science and math board. What the fuck are you retards doing here.

>> No.10426777

Striving for a chosen goal punctuated with regulated hedonism.

>> No.10426791

Agnostic, and anti all organized religions and new age mystical shit.

>> No.10426806

Why can't you be religious and /sci/?

>> No.10426807

islam. i like to believe that life has purpose

>> No.10426809

le atheist

>> No.10426812

You are it "culturally", liberal or conservative Muslim?

>> No.10426838

im jewish

>> No.10426843
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[math]%Implying I feel literally any guilt for destroying this thread.[/math]

>> No.10426862

I am Christian and I belive in creationism. Yet I am also not an idiot and believe In science. Its measurable, predictable and repeatable. It must be true

>> No.10426865

We are discussing how religion and science can mesh together.

>> No.10426866

there are times where i am conservative, there are times where i am liberal.

>> No.10426873
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>> No.10426874

Think I'm a theist but i think what i hate most about Abrahamic religions especially Christianity is the cherry picking

>> No.10426875

>new age mystical shit

Genuine mysticism and the 'new age' are basically in opposition to each other.

>> No.10426889

The cherry picking is horrible in christianity. And I makes me mad. When someone says alcohol is bad. Christians aren't supposed to drink. The bible says yes you can but getting drunk is a sin. However true christianity is practiced only by a few. It has been so stretched and distorted now its terrible. I get funny looks by Christian's when I say I belive in natural selection and science/physics.

>> No.10426938

I'm Christian.
I find it strange that people can carry light up bricks that talk to them, rocket around in metal cocoons powered by the liquified remains of dead animals, and accept that fractal wood just grows from wet dirt while simultaneously saying that the idea of a God is preposterous.

Nigger we have a docile 2000lbs lifeform that that has 2 stomachs, and somehow converts grass into baby cow growth juice and you're drawing the line at sky man?

>> No.10426939

I loved that hahahahahahaha

>> No.10426940

Sky man is possible, but I worry more about sky snakes

>> No.10426941

Some alcohol is good and is encouraged.
I believe that the verse says something to the effect of "wine gladdens a man's heart", but drunkenness is directly labeled as bad, and that's without even mentioning what happens in the old testament when Abraham gets black out drunk. His daughters rape him on one occasion and his son either castrates him or buttfucks him in another, the Hebrew isn't clear.

>> No.10426952

Sounds hot, I bet we're misinterpreting it and it's actually encouraging us to get drunk because then you get raped, which is fun!

>> No.10427046

Most plebeian scientists are atheists but the best know that atheism is not strange enough to be the real deal.
>The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you

>> No.10427049

Imagine Muslim

>> No.10427052

>the smartest people in the world don't agree with what my daddy says
>must be that me and my daddy are even smarter than them
Sometimes I envy your naivety.

>> No.10427066


>> No.10427352


>> No.10427364

>I am Christian and I belive in creationism. Yet I am also not an idiot

>> No.10427369

I was a christian, then I became athiest, now I worship the Sun. But I do find value in religious teachings. But my personal true god is the sun. It gives us life.

>> No.10427410

Why do you need to worship it though

>> No.10427416

i am an optimistic nhilist

>> No.10427420
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Taoism is really cool. Especially because all of its somewhat extreme claims are explained in some physics concepts. Pic related

>> No.10427446

Orthodox Christian .You may not get accurate results though Mr data miner OP because atheists won't post in this thread .

>> No.10427478


>> No.10427501

Not science or math

>> No.10427505

Choosing to focus on a goal with as much effort as possible. A combination of asceticism and ambition.

>> No.10427507


>> No.10427509


>> No.10427510


>> No.10427513
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>> No.10427517
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I want to be zoroastrian but haven't gotten around to reading the gathas.

>> No.10427531

Not really religious but I do believe in some of thr moral teachings of the religion I was bought up into (Hinduism)

>> No.10427564

>I made a witty answer to an argument nobody made

>> No.10427573

Catholic here and really interested in quantum mechanics

>> No.10427574

Islam is nothing but a made up tool by mohammed to become a tyrant.

>> No.10427583

I'm leaning towards a Buddhist philosophy. Not really practicing it, thus a "secular Buddhist", but my mind can connect the dots on the Buddhist theories/axioms with just simple logical reasoning. Whether that is their ontology, or the ethical principles, or the goals or the theories of mind. Seems reasonable enough to me. Haven't found a core flaw in the principles yet that may make me consider that it might be wrong.

>> No.10427584

Well first let's clarify that I understand the universe is expanding. This can be proven time and time again so this means the expansion started from somewhere and something, ie (the big bang) I believe God created the universe with a bang. I know what the bible says God created the universe in 6 days. But I also know that translations aren't perfect plus the definition of a day could and I do believe is different from then to now. We also know thanks to einstein time is relative.

>> No.10427597

I also belive the universe and life is way to complicated to be a random occurrence.

>> No.10427784

I'm Jewish. I believe in Satan.

>> No.10427815

I thought Jews worshiped the trifecta

The almighty shekel, the shekel's wife the Jewish people, and their father Satan

>> No.10427819

Yeah, the tv show big bang theory taught me all science people are hardcore atheists. WTH?

>> No.10428016

Objective morality and a pursuit of well-being.

>> No.10428651

Stoicism requires just as much faith as any religion, bro. It just doesn't have the rich layers as many religions do, as it is a dead tradition. Proper classical stoicism actually requires more faith than the refined and nuanced beliefs of modern forms of religions (less superstitious literalness).

Personally, I take a biological/psychological/social view on things. What is best for humans, and not in some infantile sense like muh pleasure or what have you, I mean overall and throughout generations and society, and ultimately about what humanity is and should be. For this, all religions are interesting but I particularly like the folk/natural/pagan religions of various peoples. I think the routine rituals and connection to the land/group in these are very good for the human psyche and contentment. I've been experimenting with rituals in my daily life, of course this is shallow compared to rituals that fit within a wider social and cultural framework but obviously things I just make up or derive from other frameworks cannot apply to my society broadly. Indian/Dharmic religions may be of interest more on the philosophical end, ultimately they are religions tailored to particular nations so yanking bits and pieces out, and pretending you're a follower is not a good idea but their basis is simply that of Indian philosophy, which is a rich tradition. I support all cultural bases that give health to humanity, religions are very important in these. You ask for a philosophy but you should just study philosophy and anthropology in general and slowly develop one best suited if you have nothing you can easily fall into. Otherwise, I suggest returning to your ethnic (pagan) religion or being Christian/Muslim, these will be the most fitting. Another suggestion might be perennial philosophy and looking into comparative religion.

>> No.10428653

>>10426722 this

>> No.10428656

This is me >>10428651
I'm not the guy who worships the sun but think about what worship is, what it does for your mind. That guy developing the sun as an actual character, and projecting his thoughts and emotions towards it and its results (the solar system, all life), seems like a very healthy thing to cultivate.

>> No.10428686


>> No.10428714

This is an infantile argument. If explaining things badly to make them sound incomprehensible is your best argument you'd be better off saying nothing.

>> No.10428876

Not really religious per se but more of a spiritual appreciation of nature

>> No.10428881

No, I draw the line at "supposedly all powerful god with supposedly human characteristics has an arbitrary set of moral and ethical values (which just so HAPPEN to align with the values of the society around which the religion was founded) which arbitrarily decide whether or not you're going to go to eternal suffering or eternal pleasure after death, completely unprovable in any way shape or form btw"

>> No.10428889

Catholic but the church is fucking cucked right now

>> No.10428901

I draw the line at the universe and life being random occurrences.

>> No.10428920

Given infinity, everything possible will occur at some point or another

>> No.10428923

Even god

>> No.10428925

objectively false.

>> No.10428927
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>This is an infantile argument. If explaining things badly to make them sound incomprehensible is your best argument you'd be better off saying nothing.
That's literally how new atheists attack religion. See >>10419477

>> No.10428929

Stop reading headlines.

>> No.10428940

I go to church anon, I also went to vatican city. I simply disagree with this pope and I know that's blasphemous but hey c'est la vie

>> No.10428947

That's not blasphemy. You just disagree with an elected official. Blasphemy is going against God christ or the holy spirit

>> No.10428968

>I simply disagree with this pope
Over what?

>> No.10428975

Yes, atheist.

>> No.10429001

I'm atheist.

>> No.10429007

Surely conspicuous absence of a board's focus makes it worthy of discussion there?

>> No.10429094

Yes, Muslim. I believe in 1 unique deity creator and Lord of all things, He is not a man nor are we special, we are one of his many creations, He did not take our form nor were we created in His. He was not born nor does He beget. He knows all and gave us intuition and feel about Him. His dominion encompasses all things and because of that we are logically his property, He owns us completely, we are his slaves whether we accept it or not. Those who submit to Allah's will and contain their ego's pride & desires will get their piece of the final garden, paradise. Those who refuse and keep living for the material realm will be dragged on their face to hell.