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10422111 No.10422111 [Reply] [Original]

How do we combat the psychological effects of post scarcity, or if you rather, super high population density? Im sure many of you are familliar with behavioral sink and the mouse utopia experiment. It seems that overcrowding leads to degeneracy. How can we fix it? What is responsible for it? Can science save us now?

>> No.10422113

Just kill the low IQ population members and gene edit all future offspring to weed them out.

>> No.10422119
File: 2.19 MB, 2964x1896, wojakbrainbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Execute anyone who tests below 100 IQ immediately, that would solve 80% of societal problems right there. Everyone left would be way more tolerable and rational to deal with.

>> No.10422131

Im not asking how to fix overpopulation. Im only asking how to fight the negative psychological impacts of it.

>> No.10422137

thats why we're being depopulated anon, and it's not through a formal iq test - people are willingly doing it to themselves

what if someone told you that almost every mass produced food that comes in bags from the supermarket are poison? Water, seafood, possibly even air...

georgia guidestones should be treated more seriously

>> No.10422139
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>Mental illnesses are heritable
>Low IQ is heritable
>Mental illness and low IQ are correlated and causal of crime
>Remove low-functioning mentally ill and low IQ members of society and the remainder will be easier to deal with using current and future social and medical intervention because you don't have to worry about them taking a shit in their hands and chasing you with it or raping you because Cro-Magnon brain says so

>> No.10422140

Are you schizophrenic or just meming? What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.10422142

I know a schizo who thinks his coffee is poisoned by the government but drinks it anyway

I do not know the reasoning behind that, chances are there's none

>> No.10422144

He's probably against 5G because he doesn't understand the concepts of energy and correlation

>> No.10422153

Ok, so, Im talking about a specific behavior in mammals that occurs across the entire spectrum of intelligence. Mice, dogs and humans all express a feature known as behavioral sink, which is, in short, degeneracy spurred on by overcrowding. It has little to do with intelligence and more to do with some kind of internal mechanism in the mammal. Although I totally support killing stupid people, it will never fix behavioral sink.

>> No.10422162
File: 68 KB, 640x360, trepanation meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it will never fix behavioral sink.
Prove it. I know of no experiment where they attempted to gauge the presence/non-presence of behavioral sinks with respect to intelligence.

Meanwhile, we have plenty of low IQ criminals sitting in jail and functionally retarded in mental hospitals being babied through existence while they try not to kill others or eat their own shit. Erasing them and their kind would only prevent that sort of degeneracy from existing and spreading.

>> No.10422167

you ask for a solution to a symptom when plans have already been made to treat the cause. Do you really think chemical farming will produce nutritious food good for the body in the long run? What about the modified chickens that look prematurely born and shitting out eggs 14 hours a day? Same goes for the meat industry

What about water? Electronics?

>> No.10422176

>Nutritious food good for the body in the long run
Humans have longer health expectancies worldwide compared to, say, even 2000 BC. Many things we're doing seem to be much better than ever before.

>> No.10422184

Well, I think the persistance of the feature across multiple species proves the non-relation. No matter how smart the species is, it can still experience this. Furthermore, the sink effects the various levels of the social heiarchy differently, and since there will always be heiarchy even without stupid people, we would probably continue to see the same archetypes expressed by this phenomenon.

Treating overpopulation would alleviate some of the pressure, but is there a way that we could cull this biological psychological phenomenon altogether? Im really not interested in the conspiracy atm.

>> No.10422191

Would it still be true 50 years from now? what about the generation after? These stuffs take time, but once it's obvious it'll already be too late
Not to mention:
>autism increasing at unprecedented rate
>avg sperm count / fertility reducing
>blurring and confusion of sexuality encouraged

>> No.10422193

it doesn't need a fix. degeneracy is good. everything is working.

>> No.10422198

Won't ever happen, there will always be competition for resources.
>Solving a problem that doesn't exist

>> No.10422200
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>persistance of the feature across multiple species proves the non-relation
No, the only animals of which I am aware this was proven in are mice and rats. If everything between rats, mice, and humans was just a matter of scale, we'd have cures for Alzheimers and cancer by now, as well as ways to teach humans more efficiently. The behavioral sink experiments also had no control group. As far as I can tell, most humans do not reside in physically overcrowded quarters with no fresh air or natural light for their entire lives.

Besides, lopping off the lower end of the IQ curves would reduce the population significantly, so you wouldn't have to worry about your purported effect for another 1000 years or so, given the lower reproduction rate of higher IQ individuals. Plus, with all those great minds and fewer wastes of resources and space, we'd have ample ability to figure out solutions.

>> No.10422201

There probably will never be a natural cure

Competition is an inherent part of human nature, to make large amount of people each with different personalities live together without expecting any form of conflict would mean that they are either enlightened or artificially sedated

>> No.10422204

Except the large group of 100+ IQ individuals who lost loved ones to this dumbass idea.
>xD just kill half the population what could go wrong

>> No.10422207

I wonder
Is behavioral sink all just an inflation of competition?

>> No.10422214

Seems to have been true for slightly under a century.
As for your other allegations, people figured out cures to plague, tuberculosis, flus, smallpox, as well as hundreds to thousands of other diseases. Before even the ones I listed alone claimed millions of lives premature through adult alike. Even as we speak medical science is attempting to solve the problems you listed. And if you think there's a conspiracy at hand behind this, the masses would notice if there was a group that was significantly more fertile/healthy than them. It might take 50-100 years more, but humans have a tendency to murder each other once they feel wronged enough.

>> No.10422225

Why wouldnt the cause of behavioural sink be precisely of competition?

>put unlimited resources in one spot
>more people rats gather in that spot, not enough space
>strong rat angry, make space for himself around food source and kills some rats in the process
>but he cant kill enough so eventually population reaches critical mass where there are many strong rats fighting one another

In this case although resources are limited, space and access to resource isn't

>> No.10422238

Love is irrationality that only low IQ people experience

>> No.10422239

>science is trying to fix
trying =/= coming to reality
just because something is branded as a conspiracy doesn't mean it's always invalid. With a little intuition, any half brained person that bothered to look into it can easily piece it together but folks won't because they need "scientific" recognition and "proof", not realising that academia is funded by and survives on political interests

>> No.10422247

Be careful of yourself, anon.

>> No.10422255

Well, there are other aspects of the phonomenon that affect only females. And, what about the gay males? Is that also due to competition? I supposed I could see how it might be, maybe.. But then what about "the beautiful ones"?

>> No.10422266

>How can we fix it?

Spread the population out.

>> No.10422272

What is your real question? We were talking about preventing the behavioural sink but you seem to want to focus on the effects instead and treat it case by case

wouldn't that be inefficient? Why bother fixing broken ceramics when you can prevent it from happening in the first place?

>> No.10422292

Well, you were saying that it seemed apparent that sink was caused by competition, and I was just giving some examples of aspects of it which might not be explained solely by competution.
My question is, while living in an overcrowded society, how do we combat or lessen the effects of this phenomenon?

>> No.10422318

if overcrowding is a constant then we're left with the option of treating the effects on a case by case basis

but that is such an unlikely scenario that there's no point talking about it. The realistic answer will always be either giving the population an option to spread out or depopulation

>> No.10422322

to add, all your examples were still indirectly caused by competition. The desire for power is the root of cause. It makes the population compete, and the others (i.e "beautiful ones") are collateral damage

That's why it probably isn't efficient to try to fix the issues on a case by case basis. Dont cut a tree from the outer branches, just start at the trunk itself

>> No.10423188

So, what youre saying is.. Its hopeless.

>> No.10423223

Trepanation isn't a meme. We still perform a modern variant of it in medicine.

>> No.10423387

wouldnt depopulation be a solution? People think of it as evil but it's the most humane option out of it all

As opposed to raising population to unsustainable levels and causing suffering of billions, why not depopulate but make it so subtle that people are willingly doing it to themselves? Ignorance is bliss, thus reduces suffering

This is much better than in the movies where a single villain forcibly kills half the population. At least in this case hints were left for those who bother to look to save themselves

>> No.10423753

Here is the problem with modern civilization.

All high-IQ jobs are in cities, the best jobs for the cleverest people are in the most expensive cities.

High-IQ people go to the cities, leaving rural zones impoverished shitholes.

In the cities it's incredibly hard to raise children, fertility rate is even lower. Thus, the most intelligent are least likely to reproduce in these IQ-shredders we've created, while Retardia and Dumbfuckus III are having 6 kids on welfare.

>> No.10423776

>How do we combat the psychological effects of post scarcity
Let's cross that bridge when we get to it homeboy.