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File: 108 KB, 1280x720, Ufolutki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10412790 No.10412790[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

this triggers the skeptitards

>> No.10412796

it just means it's unidentified
it doesn't mean it's from outer space or another planet or another galaxy or another universe or a parallel reality or whatever

>> No.10412805


>> No.10413656

>probably isn't an alien craft
>video is unverified
This triggers the brainlet.

>> No.10413683

I don't see what the big deal here is. We've known about aliens for a long time. Ever heard of the Wow signal?


>> No.10413704

Wow signal was confirmed to come from two comets retard.
Go back to /x/.

>> No.10413925

Literally nothing. It's the flare from the engine of a distant airliner:


>> No.10413947

god damnit. i was hoping it was a secret prototype of a ultra-maneuverable military fighter drone. :-(

>> No.10413963

Let me guess, the radar detections observed by naval ship, two different planes was swamp gas

>> No.10413967

it’s metabunk, sort of cultish group of people who are religious about dismissing any claims of drones,uncassified planes

>> No.10413972

toldma what
you toldma nothing
it's just "some random thing that we don't know what it is"
for all you know it's just a russian plane that we couldn't get a good shot of

>> No.10413977

Probably a govt-funded spook DESU

>> No.10413984

Better paranormal threads on this board.

>> No.10413985

I liked how they weren’t able to dismiss Nimitz incident and started autistically to attack first the pilot and then whole crew of Princeton who detected objects on their radar


>> No.10413998

Also note how metabunk never discusses what was obvious case of secret plane being observed


>> No.10414039

>Let me guess, the radar detections observed by naval ship, two different planes was swamp gas
What radar detections are you talking about?

>> No.10414055

Nice whataboutism

>> No.10414068


According to the Times, in 2004 two F/A-18F (twin seater) Super Hornets from the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz were flying 100 miles off the coast of San Diego when a nearby U.S. Navy guided missile cruiser, the USS Princeton, contacted them and asked what weapons they were carrying. The Super Hornets replied they were carrying dummy AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles that could not be fired.
“Well, we’ve got a real-world vector for you,” replied the USS Princeton’s radio operator. According to the Times:
For two weeks, the operator said, the Princeton had been tracking mysterious aircraft. The objects appeared suddenly at 80,000 feet, and then hurtled toward the sea, eventually stopping at 20,000 feet and hovering. Then they either dropped out of radar range or shot straight back up.

>While Princeton was communicating with Cheeks, they were also attempting to hand off their AAV contact to the Air Wing’s E-2C Hawkeye, also airborne at the time. The crew from VAW-117 had been providing intercept control for FASTEAGLE flight during their training. Princeton now wanted the E-2 to guide the Super Hornets to an intercept with the AAV contact, currently hovering over their favorite spot, but now about 20,000 feet over the ocean.

The AAV returns had not been strong enough to show up on the E-2’s broad sweep, but once they focused their radar on the coordinates Princeton directed them towards, they managed a faint contact. The radar returns from the contact weren’t enough to generate a target track however, so Princeton cut the E-2 from control and contacted FASTEAGLE directly.

>> No.10414081

The picture in the OP is not from the Nimitz incident, it's from the GIMBAL video. Two completely different things. If you are going to pontificate about something you should at least know the basic facts.

>> No.10414267

Kek, burgers.

>> No.10414374

they are unidentified and also move in a way that is unattainable for humanmade crafts. You forgot about that part.

>> No.10414386

the humanmade crafts that YOU know about. there's probably some anon on here who works for SkunkWorks and he's probably itching to post the blueprints for some beastly drone that would blow your mind, but he can't since he'd be fired and sued

>> No.10414412

No advanced civilization would come to a planet which has media like CNN

>> No.10414414

good post

>> No.10414463
File: 29 KB, 600x610, Wow, it's fucking nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the first, also,


>> No.10415707


>> No.10415759
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You also forgot how they spanked f-18 super hornets and baffled a nimitz carriers radar, which is more sensitive than your moms clit.

>> No.10415767
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They made a documentary on the events that occurred that day.

>> No.10415836

How do you think these ayylmaos manage to make something the size of a f18 go from zero to 20%C without heating the fuck up or imploding from the G force?

>> No.10415951


I have no clue. Shits mind bottling.

>> No.10415959

Nothing activates my skeptical almonds like the sight of "triggers" and other buzzwords, since in the long run it doesn't matter whether the troll in question is one by nature or by art.

>> No.10415962

This "comet" theory was immediately debunked
1) Comets don't do that
2) The guy was some sort of comet-mad crackpot

>> No.10415967

Mirage Men triggers believers

>> No.10416082

The government spent 22 million dollars trying to research and investigate the nimitz incident.

>> No.10416270

Read Cixin Liu, three body problem. I don't remember if it's this one or the second one in the trilogy. However, there's a similar thing in his books, which he also describes how it would be able to perform these jumps and ridiculous acceleration.

>> No.10416279

Omegalul, that barely covers the daily McDonalds run during lunch break for all the burger researchers

>> No.10416755
File: 54 KB, 850x400, 25A032CD-120D-42FA-897F-F8C7F798AB3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Multiple trained Air Force pilots are mistaken, but I, a random anon on a Mongolian cheese squeezing blog, have found the truth with my superior google-fu.
>Its just another aircraft, that they were unaware the location of, due to reasons.
>It was simply traveling 7,000 mph, which is why the multiple different radar observers confirmed this to be its velocity.
You do understand that pretty much everything you read on the internet is because some 3 letter agency deemed it acceptable for you to do so, right? The internet is heavily censored, even in the US. They just want you to think its the end all be all of truth, but its just the “truth” they want you to see.

>> No.10416776

are you talking about that droplet ship? It was achieved with the technology based on advanced strong interaction physics.

btw they are high quality books, one of the best sci-fi ever

>> No.10416789

If anyone here had an answer to that they would either be a billionaire inventor and we would all be traveling the galaxy, or they would have committed suicide by shooting themselves in the head... twice. What a stupid fucking question.

>> No.10416797

>We couldn’t identify it so its fucking nothing
Even if its not aliens, it was picked up on more than one radar station traveling 7,000+ mph. How is that “fucking nothing”? Are you literally retarded or just pretending to be?

>> No.10416840

he is not retarded. He's just programmed to automatically reject anything that doesn't fit the paradigm.

we have many credible accounts about ufos but these people gonna mock them mindlessly.

>> No.10416844

Why they no censor you then

>> No.10416917

Because you have been programmed to dismiss me as crazy, there is no need. I am not a “credible source”, so I wont convince any substantial number of people. The people who I do convince will themselves be dismissed as crazy. If a credible source were to tell you this, they would be censored, and memory holed immediately. Operation Mockingbird was a CIA operation in the 70s where the US government had planted and coerced journalists into writing, or reporting things that were confirmed to be altered versions of the facts. Some would call it propaganda, but the reality is that its closer to brainwashing. “Conspiracy theorist” is a thought terminating cliche by design. Guess who invented the term?

>> No.10416932

Beware what you post, the deep state will find you and you will be sold into the pizza cannibalism ring and eaten by democrats. Trust me, I know, the democrats ate me.

>> No.10416956

They wont, which is exactly my point. Im nobody, and you clearly arent taking me seriously because of it. Operation Mockingbird confirms the CIA has been controlling your access to information since the 1950s. They have admitted to it. You think that they would just stop because the internet came around? Is it that you think they wouldnt be capable? Or do you think that when the internet came around they just had a change of heart and decided the common citizen deserved to know the truth about everything?

>> No.10416981

>humans can withstand those g-forces and turns

>> No.10417000

Nigger, many types of rocks couldn’t withstand the g-forces observed. There is clearly some sort of technology for nullifying the g-forces on board.

>> No.10417030

>Multiple trained Air Force pilots are mistaken
Which air force pilots are you referring to?

>Its just another aircraft, that they were unaware the location of, due to reasons.
I have no idea what "they" were aware of and neither do you.

>It was simply traveling 7,000 mph, which is why the multiple different radar observers confirmed this to be its velocity.
LOL, what radar observers?

I love it when crackpots just make shit up and destroy their credibility immediately.

>> No.10417035

Wow, you hit pretty much a play by play script of what I mentioned here
Nice work.

>> No.10417042

so then why did James Comey get fired? was it to silence him from releasing the facts about aliens? or was him getting fired just propaganda and he's still in the deep state pizza ring?

>> No.10417044

>Even if its not aliens, it was picked up on more than one radar station traveling 7,000+ mph.

>> No.10417046

Wow you did not provide any evidence of your claims, because you have no idea what you're talking about and you know it. Thanks for destroying your credibility by lying, exactly as I predicted.

>> No.10417053

Maybe I am mistaken as well, but 7,000 mph was reported when the story first broke, I remember hearing this too. It seems that the reports now read “in excess of 2,400 mph”, but this is still insane and its in the official account of the events that happened that day according to the US navy. Either way, there is something fishy here. If you disagree you are willingly blind to the facts.

>> No.10417068

Im not going to pretend to know what the real reason is for anything they do. Its a confirmed fact that the US government has censored and altered the mainstream news media(when it was the only source of information to the average citizens) in the past. To claim that they stopped for whatever reason is extremely naive, especially when you have former directors of the CIA saying shit like William J. Casey did AFTER the CIA officially “stopped” coercing, and planting journalists. Everyone would have called you crazy if you told them what the NSA was doing before Snowden came along.

>> No.10417070

>Maybe I am mistaken as well, but 7,000 mph was reported when the story first broke, I remember hearing this too.
You're confusing this with something else. The image in the OP is from the GIMBAL video, which was released with no analysis or context. We have no idea who, where, or under what circumstances it was taken. This is how the /x/tards operate, they constantly mess up the details and add things that never happened into a story, like a game of telephone, resulting in an innocuous event being transformed into a bunch of sci-fi nonsense.

>> No.10417125

>On the Princeton's radar however, it was noticed that the object now dropped from 28,000 ft to near sea level in less than a second.
>Subsequently, the two fighter jets began a new course to the combat air patrol (CAP) rendezvous point. "Within seconds" the Princeton radioed the jets that the radar target had reappeared 60 miles away at this predetermined rendezvous point.
Yes it’s Wikipedia but its a direct transcript of the official version of the events according to the US Navy.

>> No.10417271

>I'm right and if you disagree, you've been brainwashed
Do you even hear yourself?

>> No.10417280

Nowhere did I say or imply that. Read much?

>> No.10417339

The Nimitz incident is not the same thing as the GIMBAL video, which is where the image in the OP is from, nice try.

>> No.10417403

>A second infrared footage, known as the GIMBAL video, has been released by the Pentagon alongside the 2004 FLIR1 footage. Although the media often present the two videos together to illustrate the 2004 USS Nimitz UFO incident, the GIMBAL video is unrelated, filmed at the East Coast of the United States at an unknown date.
Hmmm, so you are right. Interesting how they like to muddy the waters like that, isnt it?

>> No.10417443

Yes UFO obsessed writers certainly muddy the waters.

>> No.10417449

>What is “poisoning the well”?

>> No.10417454

What you've done throughout this thread.

>> No.10417459

This was my first post.

>> No.10417547

One universe.

>> No.10417640

Building up to a fake alien invasion.

>> No.10417666

>There is clearly some sort of technology for nullifying the g-forces on board.
Either that or they're remotely operated.

>> No.10417673

The source of the video is that dude from blink 182.

>> No.10417980
File: 41 KB, 500x626, grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We taxpayers give our military hundreds of billions of dollars. And yet, they can't seem to develop a camera capable of discerning the difference between the Millennium Falcon and a commercial airliner. Any skeptical person who watches this grainy video is going to remain unconvinced.

The only useful thing to come out of this, was the disclosure of recent government funding into UFO research (through AATIP).


>> No.10418218


Well, they were still semi serious about it.

>> No.10418224


They did capture a HD picture of the thing of the nimitz incident. They deliberately low res'd it for the sake "SAFETY"

>> No.10418306

>you have been programmed to dismiss me as crazy
>If a credible source were to tell you this, they would be censored, and memory holed immediately
>US government had planted and coerced journalists into writing, or reporting things that were confirmed to be altered versions of the facts

Basically; if we don't agree with you, it's because the man has programmed us into disagreeing with you; if you cannot present evidence, it's because every credible for your claims is censored by the man; and if there are credible sources against your claims, it's because the man has manufactured them during a global scale cover-up. You needed your life to have a meaning so badly that you've created an imaginary enemy that nobody but you can see. I sincerely hope you can break out of this prison you've built around yourself because life is short and there's no point in wasting it tilting at windmills.

>> No.10418876


Why don't talk about the subject instead of responding to tweakers in this thread?

>> No.10418899


Fucking 'skeptics'. Ironic, how they're the most dogmatic.

Have a look at the wikipedia page for recorded UFO sightings. It's pretty damn obvious that something's been going on and that it's been going on for a while.

How crazy do you have to be to dismiss everything from clay tablets, 500-year old inscriptions to goddamn RADAR SITINGS? If radar is picking something up, moving at vast speeds, if interceptors get scrambled to deal with these things, often disappearing, then something is there.


Read the list from top to bottom and tell me that it's all just swamp gas, lies and the moon. It's completely ridiculous, what you're saying.

What evidence would be required to shift your perspective? You only believe things that the media reports? Tell me more about how the media has never concealed anything from the public, lying by omission.

>> No.10418905


>> No.10418917

This is a dumb thread >>>/x/

>> No.10418986

If there is a conspiracy to cover up the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial technology, its not a vast network involving thousands of spies, soldiers, and journalists. At most it could involve a couple of people or even a half dozen or something. If ot was really something that groundbreaking and earth shattering, then it would be impossible to keep more than a few highly committed people in on the secret. If someone was able to leak hard evidence and confirm the presence of UFOs they would instantly become one of the most famous people in history, which in itself would be a huge incentive..

>> No.10419002

I don’t believe in little green men, but if you read UFO sightings than it becomes obvious some are military craft and some are unexplained and weird.
Perhaps a type of electromagnetic plasma life that lives in atmosphere/space?
What is even more weird is a strange dedicated effort to ridicule any research into the subject.

>> No.10419006

It's actually a pulsar that beamed at us according to the newest theories

>> No.10419074
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>an event happened that I can't explain.

>it must be /x/ with the evidence presented to me.

Going full dark age brainlet.

>> No.10420080

/sci/ please no Peregrine memes.

>> No.10420145


>> No.10420450

The anon you replied to provided evidence of his claims. All I see from you is ad hominem. I think he won this one.

>> No.10420542


Did you mention the guys who filmed this do CGI for a living?

>> No.10420552

Did you forget they released the raw, which you can use to verify for yourself the images you are seeing have not been altered?

>> No.10421324


>> No.10421326
File: 62 KB, 1000x645, 1000x-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a homophones from San Francisco

>> No.10421707
File: 342 KB, 680x505, 3af2060c95e6275a6a47c488aa049427bf58f626625f9ca4fdae3c5d2b78813b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have navy relative. Walking around the radar shits. Finishes a can of pop and tosses it overboard. Some radar tek runs out asking if he saw anything. Nope.tiff How much UFO bullshit is actually boring crap like this that no one will ever know.

>> No.10421852

valuable post

>> No.10421867
File: 471 KB, 1152x1441, 1550389397254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you mean like pic related?