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10420594 No.10420594 [Reply] [Original]

Since it's pretty clear for the scientific community that climate change is a very serious issue, what solutions do we have? Are we doomed?

>> No.10420601
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ill do my best

>> No.10420605

>Since it's pretty clear for the scientific community that climate change is a very serious issue

>> No.10420617

Im reading it has been 16Celsius in my area. Which is not true. It was like 10max.

>> No.10420627

Retarded undergraduate contrarians on 4chan are not members of the scientific community. I don't really care though desu, we're clearly not going to do anything to address it and it'll be funny watching you morons scratch your head at why the environment has gone to shit in thirty years time =.

>> No.10420628

i am from croatia and i can confirm that is too hot for this time of the year. it was snowing exactly one year ago...

>> No.10420781

20 degrees in London isn't normal either.

>> No.10420791

It seems like Span has already been desertificated. I mean, they need to import water by sea tanker.

>> No.10420802
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climate change is serious fun

>> No.10420884

Even if we all stopped emitting greenhouse gases right now, the earth would still become warmer since carbon dioxide don't go away for hundred of years.
Geoengineering is unironically our only chance.

>> No.10420891


elaborate please

t, brainlet

>> No.10421878

Nothing can be done, we're fucked. Enjoy the next 10 years, after this it's over.

>> No.10421898

What is that spot of cold near Armenia? Van Lake?

>> No.10421899

escalate situation in india and pakistan, encourage africans to acquire nuclear weapons, develop gene drive for humans

>> No.10421902
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Why contain it?
My country will get pretty comfy after all

>> No.10421904

I've been saying for years that the best solution for most global problems is a nuclear war in India and a forth Kongo war

>> No.10421917

Your country will be invaded by millions of refugees from poor countries you retard.

>> No.10421930

We can't change the climate, but we can adjust to it.
ie. ares where drought is an issue will need a better water management etc.

>> No.10421931

>Are we doomed
Remains to be seen, but what is certain is that the economic cost of dealing with climate change now is magnitudes larger than it would have been if we dealt with it 3 to 4 decades ago.
It will have a lasting impact on our standard of living, for sure.

>> No.10421938

Geo-engineering is a vapourware meme non-solution used to put the problem away for a few more years, basically saying, "eh we'll do some magic and solve it later".
Also because of just simple Thermodynamics it is obvious that any carbon capture is going to cost us magnitudes more than if we had not emitted the CO2 in the first place. So it really doesn't solve the cost issue, which is entirely the whole problem.

>> No.10421945

>Your country will be invaded by millions of refugees from poor countries you retard.
And? There’s such thing as borders and machine guns you cuck.
We are already teaching children in schools how to spot and report suspected refugees.

>> No.10421968

If the Roman empire failed to prevent barbarians from invading, I fail to see how your millennial generation could succeed.

>> No.10421991

We have a pinch more firepower these days.

>> No.10421996

>If the Roman empire failed to prevent barbarians from invading, I fail to see how your millennial generation could succeed.
>Roman Empire had machine guns and APC’s

>> No.10422004

manmade or not, it's getting more extreme, faster and we need to deal with it.

All we can do now is adjust our lifestyles in the following way:

• make machines more energy efficient
• abandon the idea of renewable energy sources like water, wind and whatnot because they cant make up the demand we have now, your not saving the world with that shit
• invest in long term energy research
• cut down energy demand
• cut down leisure travel
• proper wastemanagement everywhere
• stop dreaming of a house with garden and get comfortable sharing habitable space with strangers

>> No.10422007

we are unironically dead within the next 40 years.

>> No.10422008

And you're also morally weaker than the roman empire. The Romans destroyed Carthage, enslaved tons of Gauls and didn't give a fuck about that. I don't think the new generations will find acceptable to shoot on women and children.

>> No.10422017
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Well, start with yourself. If we have any chance of fighting this thing, we are going to have to become better men. Eliminate your own harmful behavior and channel your energy in a positive direction. You can't complain about climate change while sitting in a drive through.
We have the promise of technology, but we also have a population problem, as well as a psycho/sociological one, which is related. To combat this, we must find a way to inspire responsibility in our countries, disperse it through our cultures, and use it to combat the widespread degeneracy of our peers. Don't listen to the people who tell you it's already over. Its not over until we give up. The technological aspect of the solution is weblike and requires many parts in order to succeed, and so it seems anyone who wishes to work towards the solution will have a place. But nothing will change simply by wishing, and so I beg you, please do something good.

>> No.10422019

>• abandon the idea of renewable energy sources like water, wind and whatnot because they cant make up the demand we have now, your not saving the world with that shit
Why do you say such horseshit? Why is your goal? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.10422020

>The Romans destroyed Carthage, enslaved tons of Gauls and didn't give a fuck about that. I don't think the new generations will find acceptable to shoot on women and children.

KEK.I am a Slav, we destroyed Germany and ethnically cleansed 10 million Germans, nobody gives a rats ass about Middle Eastern or African refugees.

>> No.10422022

>I don't think the new generations will find acceptable to shoot on women and children.
According to polls in my country younger people hate refugees more than older generation

>> No.10422025
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>You can't complain about climate change while sitting in a drive through.
But I am not complaining about it, I praise it

>> No.10422024
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brb buying stocks in Mongolia

>> No.10422029

>Don't listen to the people who tell you it's already over. Its not over until we give up.
It's not just random people, but scientists who say it's basically over. Again, even if we stopped emitting carbon dioxide, which would be incredibly hard and lead to millions of deaths, the earth would still become warmer.

>> No.10422031

Just plant trees and grow algae and wait

>> No.10422035

Shills in full force trying to derail this thread. You fucks are pathetic.

>> No.10422041

You might disagree, but the scientific community overwhelmingly supports the reality of climate change.

>> No.10422042

it's just pol fags being pol fags, once you can spot them you can ignore them easier

>> No.10422043

Its funny that youre concerned with economy in the face of such destruction. You're just wasting your time.

>> No.10422048

They absolutely have valid points. It doesn't matter though. Morale is crucial here, and if people start to give up, it will accelerate our destruction. I know that we dont have a very good solution for carbon, but solutions might lie in the future. We must keep going.

>> No.10422052

this is how earth's story unfolds... we become another venus... tragic

>> No.10422057

>literally fighting off waves of billions of refugees over decades while keeping up morale and not giving in to bleeding heart leftist trying to save every starving nog
Not feasible, and some of those poor countries have access to nukes and won't go down so quietly.

>> No.10422064

Stop what you're doing and fight it. Not with guns, but with positive action.

>> No.10422079
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Honestly I don't get why people are so scared. Once push comes to shove enough people ato once, society will start throwing money at engineering solutions just like in WWII and after Love Canal.

Sure, it's not optimal. But we'll survive. The 2035 deadline assumes we won't be using large-scale sequestration methods. I personally can't wait for Carbon Engineering to start producing fuel once its more economically viable.

>> No.10422262

Past 10/15 or so winters were warm with little snow for the most part, but this one is fairly cold and more importantly - snowy.

>> No.10422271

If people can still make as much children as they want without any accountability, halting global warming is never going to happen. But saying that angers everyone of every political stance.

>> No.10422275

Algae is not good environmentally

>> No.10422309


There's literally no precedent on a worldwide crisis which humanity sucessfully cooperated to beat. Climate change will be the first and potentially the last attempt.

>> No.10422420

>literally fighting off waves of billions of refugees over decades while keeping up morale and not giving in to bleeding heart leftist trying to save every starving nog


>> No.10422655

Yes, because we will ascend to a higher plane of existence.

>> No.10422660
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>> No.10422667

lol wake up kid, they would be just as damaging to the environment if it would be the only source of energy...

the way they are now they are not and will not ever be efficient enough to cover our energy demand. I'm sorry bro.

fusion might be the solution tho

>> No.10422684

Wrong. Nuclear weapons fall under that category and we have (for the most part) been successful in avoiding nuclear annihilation

>> No.10422793

>Been sunny the past few days
>Global warming
>mfw it was not even 12 degrees yesterday in my area like stated

>> No.10422808
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>> No.10422813

Atmospheric engineering is the solution. Pump aerosols up there -> higher albedo -> lower temperature.

We can do this for a fraction of the cost of fossil fuel phaseout.

>> No.10422824

lol trying to stop volcanoes and glaciers from doing their thing is a fools errand

>> No.10422972

The difference is that to prevent nuclear armageddon, you need to not fire a bunch of nukes, with climate change, you need to fundamentally alter our economies and societies on unprecedented scales in unprecedented time periods. Good luck with that.

>> No.10422974
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>> No.10422977

>Atmospheric engineering is the solution.
Studies have shown cognitive defects at CO2 exposures as low as 600ppm. We're at 410 ppm now (up from roughly 250) and rising rapidly. Enjoy your idocracy future prior as civilization collapses around you.

>> No.10422981
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An emerging Political group in England demanding World Governments announce a Climate Emergency.

Inside look:

>> No.10422988
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A few decades ago we had educated and responsible politicians. And so the ozone layer was saved. Also acid rain was stopped. And the cold war was ended.

>> No.10422996

>cold war was ended
You're pretty wrong about this one friend. We're already in phase 2 of the cold war.