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File: 3.60 MB, 3840x3840, 1549998978806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10414125 No.10414125 [Reply] [Original]

vaporware edition

previous: >>10406842

>> No.10414137

one week to DM-1!

>> No.10414139

>one week
less than 6 days

>> No.10414158

damn month transitions

>> No.10414162
File: 566 KB, 2444x3000, BlueOrigin_NewGlenn_alternate1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Controversial opinions?

I hope New Glenn is enormously successful and continues the cucking of business from European, Russian and Chinese launchers. I also hope Rocketlab and Virgin Orbit do the same for smallsat launches.

>> No.10414208

>Controversial opinions
idk how controversial this is but every single (((asteroid mining company))) that exists today and has ever existed in the past before fizzling out are all scams and will amount to less than nothing.

>> No.10414215

Didn't planetary resources or whatever they were called go bankrupt a few months ago?

>> No.10414218

It'll likely cuck Arianespace pretty hard in the GTO market; can't see it doing much else though because Russia and China don't really do commercial launches to GTO anyway. Europe might get cucked in GTO, but they've got Vega and Euro-Soyuz to cater to other markets. Russia's main moneymaker is launching medium sized satellites on the Soyuz, NG isn't really in the same ballpark so I'll doubt it'll have much affect. China's main customers are domestic companies and the government, barely any international commercial launches. NG will probably take a decent chunk of the GTO market (depending on prices) and steal heavy class C military payloads from ULA.

>> No.10414233

Russia's bread and butter was GTO launches on Proton/Zenit but those are mostly gone now. New Glenn is poised to take many of these LEO constellations away from other customers, whereas SpaceX basically can't due to developing a competing constellation.

>> No.10414319
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anyone here into ksp?

>> No.10414375


>> No.10414382

Your mostly right about constellations but Soyuz and VirginOrbit are also launching the first wave of OneWeb satellites; OneWeb decided to buy a batch of 30 Soyuz launches (instead of a F9) because the CEO has a massive, autistic grudge against Musk due to a business deal gone wrong.

>> No.10414395
File: 161 KB, 1200x987, The+two+nonironic+comment+on+centralist+posts+that+add+nothin_2d2637_6953014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but I keep that shit to myself, also
>air intakes on Eve
pic related

>> No.10414397

>because the CEO has a massive, autistic grudge against Musk due to a business deal gone wrong.

>> No.10414407


>> No.10414410

you know how Elon sometimes has retarded babyrage moments
it's like that, but instead of getting butthurt about dudes in caves it's about an actual meaningful business decision worth billions of dollars

>> No.10414425
File: 3.22 MB, 2314x3472, VS09-liftoff_HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Oneweb, the first launch is 3 days from now.

>> No.10414428

The OneWeb CEO came to Musk with the idea of building a constellation, there were creative differences between the two which lead to a big falling out. It also didn't help that he wanted to make Elon bankroll the entire thing... now the CEO has to launch his constellation on faulty Soyuz rockets and using two launch providers who've never gone to orbit...
t.Greg Wyler

>> No.10414429 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10414474

I believe you misunderstand me, having babyrage over dumb shit like Elon is much more acceptable than having babyrage in a business decision

>> No.10414483

>not planting that flag 1m up hill

>> No.10414488

This is unironically going to buttfuck everybody sideways. BO is very focused on reusability and builds everything around reusability. At the same time, it will be the most capable rocket there is. So the odds will probably become the cheapest and best rocket on the market at the same time. This can be pretty much as revolutionary as BFR could be, except its not that ambitious/more realistic, plus has the world's richest man behind it.

>> No.10414577

>not planting the flag where you landed

>> No.10414578

They had to sell some shit, but they're still clinging to life
Deep space industries is where it's at

>> No.10414597
File: 135 KB, 261x455, 1550446504564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If spacex's engine dev team doesn't work on nuclear thermal rockets next, I'll lose all respect for them. NASA got $100 million in finding this year to reopen testing centers for just those sorts of engines.

>> No.10414642

nuclear thermal rockets could be useful but they're gonna be extremely expensive and thus not a very good fit for the private launch industry.

I think the logical next step for SpaceX will be to continue upgrading Raptor into even better performing versions and to start development of either a larger methalox FFSC engine or a hydrolox FFSC engine.

>> No.10414649

Except from the fact that it won't be that cheap due to the massive, Saturn V-sized, expendable, hydrogen upper-stage and that it'll only fly 12 times a year max.


>> No.10414672

Provide a source on that right now. Last I heard they were only investigating exhaust capture. Pronto. Get on it.

>> No.10414673

The second stage will be 20 million dollars approx. So all they need to do is keep refurbishing cost below 30 million dollars and they will be the cheapest option on the market.

>> No.10414686

"and $100 million to nuclear thermal propulsion research, including planning for a flight demonstration mission by 2024."

>> No.10414694

>and to start development of either a larger methalox FFSC engine or a hydrolox FFSC engine.
Why would they do that?

>> No.10414708

Source? Oh wait...nobody even knows what NGs prices are, also it's quite hard to know the construction costs of a rocket that hasn't been built yet.

>> No.10414714

Building bigger is counterintuitive considering they need a engine small enough to throttle low and hover.

>> No.10414715

It makes no sense at all unless your engines are unreliable or extremely expensive. It makes more sense to optimize for twr.

>> No.10414723

Absolute mad lads, they actually did it! So basically that's all the bill says, other thing is that the bill says is that not leas than $70 million will be for the design of a flight demo unit. There's nothing about opening a test facility. This is great news. This is the sort of tech NASA should be developing. It's too risky(monetarily) for SpaceX or other private companies to pursue. Once NASA develops it, they can always transition it over to private companies. To give you an idea of how risky it is, the NRC has never approved a mobile civilian reactor.

>> No.10414728

oh wait within 180 days, the house and senate have to come up with a multi year funding plan. But money's on the table right now. How do we prevent the normies from flipping out and cancelling it?

>> No.10414732

>How do we prevent the normies from flipping out and cancelling it?
you can't

>> No.10414736

>100m for nuclear propulsion

So that buys them what? Half a dozen meetings and some paperwork? Lel

>> No.10414751

Fire up those hydrazin thrusters cause you won't with an attitude like that. We should target the IFL science normies who are in the middle.
Designing, developing, and testing the Kilopower reactor was done for less than $20 million

>> No.10414759
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>> No.10414772

Who is that?

>> No.10414775

Nuclear obviously wouldn’t work well for reentry, so if they pursue nuclear it would probably be for permanent ships in space

>> No.10414789

Supposedly part of the BFC (Big Falcon Crawler)

This is just speculation btw

>> No.10414799
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>> No.10414803

holes? a smooth collar? hmm. Vent ports? what is that for?

>> No.10414811
File: 3.67 MB, 3434x4579, IMG_0113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The inaugural flight of SpaceX's Starship Hopper, circa March, 2019 (colourised)

>> No.10414813
File: 205 KB, 563x319, 1509527964165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those normies don't matter
it's the unthinking unwashed masses that matter
the 51% hordes that still fucking think nuclear is oceans of glowing green goo that explode if you look at them funny

>> No.10414825

As soon as democrats take back power they will cancel anything with nuclear in the name.

>> No.10414826

nuclear power plants are generally in D states no?

>> No.10414837

this shit is bipartisan ignorance, for the first time in forever, it's not just the dems being twats

big coal flooded the airwaves with propaganda several decades ago, and continued ignorance on the subject has kept the momentum going to today
if people were willing to learn things about anything, we would not be in this mess

>> No.10414841

Only if they can beat Ariana prices by enough to matter, and maintain a decent launch rate
So far BO hasn’t launched anything yet

>> No.10414859
File: 189 KB, 680x382, map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the 2016 election map over operating power plants, make of this what you will.

>> No.10414862

>this shit is bipartisan ignorance
no, not really

Greenpeace, Union of Concerned Scientists are about as far as you can get from being Republican interests.

>> No.10414865

Both r and d are against nuclear

>> No.10414871
File: 25 KB, 572x344, k07gvymyck2_y_vlteqskg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop this retarded meme.

>> No.10414906


Lel what a joke

>> No.10414910

"I passed two of these crawler tracks around Sarita headed south to Space X ."

>> No.10414970

>le 53% face

>> No.10414996
File: 129 KB, 960x720, Injector+Types.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Budding rocket engineer here, what do you think is a good performing yet simple injector for a bipropellant engine?

I'm designing an engine and I want to make sure that I'm using an injector desgin that, while simple to make, is reliable and has decent performance. Resistance to combustion instabilities is desirable. Throttleablity isn't needed but desirable.

>> No.10415018

holy shit are they bringing the crawler back? that looks like one of the crawler transporters from pad 39

>> No.10415022

Well then, probably best to keep quiet about it. Also clang. Did you know that if the ion thrusters in spengies consume uranium as reaction mass, it should be expelled at percentages of the speed of light in order to create the required thrust?
Nope, both the house and the senate supported the funding bill by a wide majority
do CFD. Good luck

>> No.10415032

it seems to be a generic minding operations track unit for big diggers and stuff. The original crawler(s?) are actually being fitted out for SLS right now

>> No.10415036

you're right, it's much too small to be part of a pad 39 crawler transporter
isn't SLS only going to use one of the crawler transporters and the other will be a museum piece?

>> No.10415045

Yeah, & they’re still considering spending another ~billion on a 2nd transporter unit. It’s crazy https://spacenews.com/nasa-seeking-proposals-for-second-mobile-launch-platform/

>> No.10415047

that's not a request for a crawler transporter, it's a request for a strongback and umbilicals

>> No.10415052

also apparently they cancelled the request

>> No.10415059

>march is literally a week away

>> No.10415079

Ah yeah I forgot about that development

>> No.10415086

I wonder of it's still being considered for use with Omega

>> No.10415109
File: 110 KB, 1080x1049, 0F2484E4-9A43-47AB-851F-355420CC0C00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that the man who will take us to mars is also a 2008-era memer?

>> No.10415112

all rockets need a launch platform
2008 was a good vintage of memer, vastly superior to anything produced nowadays

>> No.10415129

because you fell for the professionally prepared optics stunt

>> No.10415131

Ah yes, stankmemes.com is for optics

>> No.10415148

>do CFD. Good luck
I honestly didn't do well in the CFD class, but thanks. I'll give it a shot.

>> No.10415178
File: 81 KB, 960x720, 52807426_806674563028038_1632771885324304384_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's with facebook and absolutely shit image resolution?

>> No.10415195
File: 264 KB, 1174x238, HURRY UP YOU FUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slightly worrying that curiosity almost got completely bricked and they don't know the specific reason

>> No.10415207
File: 189 KB, 1200x1027, D0NgydWXgAAAVe9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B1048 is offloaded

>> No.10415260

Damn that's a spicy boi after that re entry. These boosters are going to be black as fuck when they start hitting 5-6 uses.

>> No.10415285

Will it go out in a blaze of glory or pull off a miracle and do a soft water landing?

Can't wait for June (April, Elon time).

>> No.10415331

It looks like the crawlers for a mondo 'mobile' crane.

>> No.10415336

of course it is

>> No.10415337

I guess they hoist it up and drive over to the launch site?

>> No.10415345

they can't drive with anything on the hoist

>> No.10415350

larger cranes can't move while hoisting? huh, didn't know that

>> No.10415353

there's usually a weight limit

>> No.10415464

Really wish we could have gotten a closer look at the grid fins that underwent the type of reentry that would have definitely melted the old aluminum ones.

>> No.10415472

Appear to be plug welds, just more weld surface area to attach the plate. Must be load bearing

>> No.10415533
File: 115 KB, 682x1024, 1550984148555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any other manned moon missions scheduled before this meme mission ?

>> No.10415543


>> No.10415549

EM2 is scheduled for 2022 currently

>> No.10415567

still think he should chose Werner Herzog as one of the artists.

>> No.10415610

>implying his autism isn't pure and genuine

>> No.10415615

I bet you think his hair is real too

>> No.10415635

>you are now imaging Elon as if he pulled a Bezos and is completely bald

>> No.10415743

>Controversial opinions?
SLS, Orion, and other awful spaceflight options are necessary as a backup in case SpaceX fails (or gets delayed for a long time) for whatever reason. It's not good to have all of your eggs in one basket, so I hope SLS/Orion continues and succeeds. The same goes for other programs like Blue Origin's and China's. The more players we have that are trying, the better.

>> No.10415764

I don't think that's unpopular, just that SLS doesn't really belong in the bunch. BO has manned plans, ULA has a lot of stuff in the pipeline, there's plenty of backup stuff to go around. I don't think a billion-a-launch SLS is a justifiable part of all that.

>> No.10415780

considering the sheer volume of corruption that comprises SLS, it would be better we not go to space at all than let it and the hand rubbing parasites running it continue

>> No.10415805
File: 223 KB, 485x349, orbital express satellites.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see new details about the Space Development Agency (SDA) got released. The SDA is the new agency that will develop equipment and capabilities for the US Space Force.
>SDA will be established next month (either in Wash DC or Huntsville)
>$150 million budget (not new money, but money taken from other military sources)
>the leader will be a guy from DARPA who has experience in creating new space systems for the military and NASA (e.g. Orbital Express (pic related))

I'm cautiously optimistic about the SDA since it's supposed to be a lean organization that rapidly procures new equipment for the military. Right now it can take a long time for current programs to get equipment into the hands of the military, so if the SDA succeeds in it's mission, then we will see alot of changes in space sooner rather than later.

>> No.10415813

Aside from brand new programs, I know that the group behind creating the SDA has also looked into taking some existing space programs (taking them away from other agencies) to try and deploy them faster, including DARPA Blackjack and the Space Sensor Layer. Blackjack would use about 20 satellites from a company like OneWeb or SpaceX to test experimental payloads for a LEO megaconstellation for the military. A commercial provider like OneWeb or SpaceX would then get a contract to build the megaconstellation. The Space Sensor Layer is similar to Blackjack, but focused on detecting missile and rocket launches.


>> No.10415831
File: 18 KB, 375x215, i dont want to feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Map is superbly outdated. Trojan plant in Washington was decommissioned in 1992. There is *one* nuclear plant left in Cali, Diablo
Canyon, that will shutdown in 2025.

Disappointing numbers lads.

>> No.10415892

I left aerospace engineering for computer engineering and I regret my decision. I'm graduating in one year. What kind of jobs can I expect to get in the aero sector as a comp E grad? I have a year of research so far in machine learning with a paper under my name. Is there any hope or should I just go and get my masters in aero engineering instead?

>> No.10415902

Do your own research faggot, make some calls

>> No.10415906

Obviously I will not rely on 4chan to make these decisions for me exclusively, but there's always a chance that someone with experience in this area will chime in.

>> No.10415932

>US military imperialism world police bullshit now extends to space

Fuck this gay earth, fortunately 150m will only buy them a few toilet seats from their contractors

>> No.10415947

This thing is combining all the fators that make the other launchers succesful

* it has dual launch like Ariane 5
* it lands its booster like Falcon 9
* it shamelessly is lobbying for government money like ULA

All in all 10/10 rocket, will probably be a huge success.

For real ultra-cheap space access you need to go HTHL spaceplane though, Bezos will probably realize and hopefully pour billions into a Skylon-like project.

>> No.10415971

National security has been one of the primary drivers of spaceflight since spaceflight has existed. If anything this may spur investment and innovation across the spaceflight industry in multiple countries.

>> No.10415988

The salt of all the SpaceX fanboys when it flies while BFR has its 30th redesign will be so, so delicious.

>> No.10416012

I don't think people really care how or what people rage over these days. At the end of the day, space X is apparently the hottest thing in space and Donald Trump is 45th president of the United States of America

Sometimes being a cry baby really does get you what you want

>> No.10416022

I'm not so sure. New Glenn is supposed to be somewhere in the neighborhood of Falcon Heavy and Delta IV for launch capacity.
BFR is supposed to be 4-5x that capacity.

>> No.10416025

Falcon Heavy is a complete misdesign and because of that it is unwanted. New Glenn is a perfect design for an orbital launcher and will bankrupt SpaceX.

>> No.10416043

BFR's main thing is rapid reusability, it's supposed to be able to launch 100+ tons anywhere because the booster can be reused to launch several refuelling tankers a day. New Glenn on the otherhand is apparently designed for only 12 launches every year, meaning it's the definition of un-rapid reusability and limits the types of payloads they can launch. The NG booster itself is apparently good for 25 reuses, meaning on paper one booster can do 2 years worth of launches; this raises the question, what will Blue Origin's Florida workforce do in the meantime if they only have to build a booster once every 2 years?

>> No.10416054

The Falcon Heavy has actually found itself a nice niche, as the king of GEO missions. The vast majority of it's launch contracts are for GEO missions, including two Airforce missions. It's become an Atlas 551 killer, disrupting the latter's monopoly on GEO launches by offering similar performance for a much cheaper price ($90 vs $150 million).

>> No.10416060

>king of GEO missions

SpaceX tards actually believe that.

>> No.10416152


countdown here, it is ~ 4 days 21 hours to launch

>> No.10416165

Just look at the FH's manifest kiddo

>> No.10416174

>HTHL spaceplane
>ultra-cheap space access
Try again, at given vehicle costs for Skylon and zero refurbishment cost it'd get similar $/kg as Falcon Heavy. Reusable TSTO is the future.

>> No.10416175

>SLS, Orion, and other awful spaceflight options are necessary as a backup in case SpaceX fails

Even if SpaceX fails, something like Vulcan + ACES could do all the SLS missions for a mere fraction of the price. SLS is just fundamentall bad, period.

>> No.10416181

wow, a DARPA but for space sounds great

>> No.10416184

You can say whatever about the US military as a whole, but advanced military R&D is unironically beneficial and some of the best spent money, period.

>> No.10416200

Lol no. Just sticking three boosters back together costs millions.

But anyways, SpaceX fanboys are impossible to discuss with, so move on.

>> No.10416203

This. Aerospace has and always will be the leader in technological innovation. Defence/military being the primary beneficiary - adoption by consumers trickles down as a by product of those industries, period.

>> No.10416211

Have you ever thought that you will look like a democrat after the 2016 US presidential election when they eventually make the boosters stick themselves back together mid-air, before landing upright on the same launch platform for refuelling, also done autonomously?

>> No.10416230

Nah man, they are actually going full transformers and make Teslas that turn into heavy lift launchers. Have you ever considered you will look like a 2012 republican when Elon sells Tesla-Falcon-hybrids for 1$ a piece?

>> No.10416234

you dont have to be a SpaceX fanboy to recognize that hydrogen spaceplane is a very questionable idea, to put it lightly

TSTO single stick is where it is

>> No.10416251

Yeah, no. You shouldn't believe the promises of Elon. Transporting and reassembling the rocket, then putting on a launch pad and preparing the launch is something like 20-30 million per launch minimum. Then put refurbishment cost on top and you won't be able to go much lower than 50 million (which, ironically, is exactly where Falcon 9 reusable is at).

A spaceplane on the other hand can go as low as hundreds of thousands per launch.

>> No.10416271

what fuel gets launches into the $1*10^5's? Because my car is $50 a week. Over 40 years that's like an entire launch were looking at that I could have invested in instead

>> No.10416278

>Transporting and reassembling the rocket, then putting on a launch pad and preparing the launch is something like 20-30 million per launch minimum. Then put refurbishment cost on top and you won't be able to go much lower than 50 million

Wow, you are clueless. I dont even know what to say to this bullshit. There is no reason why entire refurbishment process could not be on the order of a few $ million.

>> No.10416283

he does not know of slave labour capabilities

>> No.10416286

it depends on launch rate really, launch enough rockets and the cost will approach the cost of propellant

>> No.10416290

Someone needs to invent something to get rid of all the shit in space before they go putting more shit up there

Like if u agree

>> No.10416291

No it doesn't. "Le econoies of scale will make everything 99% cheaper" is among the most clueless and retarded things Elon keeps saying.

>> No.10416302

This. The underlying reason anyone wants to go into space is to launch satellites and those cost fucking hundreds of millions.

>> No.10416311

Completely wrong you idiot. Economies of scale are proven to work in greatly reducing costs, and in fact this is even more relevant in rocketry where most of the cost goes for paying the standing army of qualified labor. Launch rate is THE crucial metric in determining LV economics.

>> No.10416314

Satellites for mass produced low orbit constellations are down to $ few million already, courtesy of economics of scale.

>> No.10416323

Like Tesla, amirite. Those masses of cheap cars coming off the assembly line is really mind blowing.

>> No.10416324

Yes in fact, rather low production volume of Tesla compared to gas cars is main reason why it is more expensive. Large battery is another.

>> No.10416331

Lol no, mass-producing Teslas made them more expensive, because as a matter of fact economies of scale is actually not applicable everywhere, and there where it is applicable, it absoluetely never gets even close to the 99% bullshit Elon keeps feeding his clueless fanbase with.

>> No.10416334

>mass-producing Teslas made them more expensive
dumbest post in the thread, congratulations

>> No.10416345

And how much longer is that sustainable before the substantial number of orbiters which are not operational start posing a hazard and organisations want to guarantee thier satellites safety?

>> No.10416348

>A spaceplane on the other hand can go as low as hundreds of thousands per launch





>Launch SSTO spaceplanes
>Close to zero payload
>Massive refurbishment costs because lol Hydrogen dissolving your components

>Launch TSTO spaceplanes
>Why even bother because you have the exact same issues as a TSTO reusable rocket except you also carry a bunch of plane dead weight and rip your payload

>> No.10416355

It is sustainable indefinitely because these are satellites that have redundant systems for deorbiting themselves, and also are generally part of low orbit constellations so they will fall back to Earth on their own due to atmospheric drag in less than a century.

>> No.10416356

It's literally you idiot. Mass-producing them led to bottlenecks in battery supply, which drastically increased the prices. Plus, all the factories that were supposed to produce them cheaply didn't work out and the production ended up being less efficient than beforehand.

The hydrogen is going to burn up within minutes you mongrel.

>> No.10416357

>The hydrogen is going to burn up within minutes you mongrel.
What has that to do with hydrogen corrosion you moron?

>> No.10416358

>The hydrogen is going to burn up within minutes you mongrel

As if this is even relevant to the problem at all

>> No.10416359

>a hydrogen tank that will hold no hydrogen for most of the time will experience a lot of corrosion

You are just repeating some bullshit you read in any SpaceX safe space as to why le hydrogen is evil and le methan is good.

>> No.10416360

>Mass-producing them led to bottlenecks in battery supply, which drastically increased the prices

No such thing happened at all, yes there were issues with supplying battery packs but the cost was not significantly affected and price of batteries is steadily dropping for years, with some fluctuations.

>> No.10416363

It is the engine and plumbing corrosion, not the tank, that is the issue, lol

>> No.10416364

Ok so you have no idea what you are talking about and just deflect with some random tangent. Good to know.

>> No.10416365

Earth is

>> No.10416366

>price of batteries is steadily dropping for years
and economies of scale are the main reason why

>> No.10416372

The corrosion on the engine is literally irrelevant, you are so clueless it's incredible.

>> No.10416375

>Hydrogen corrosion is like not even a problem bro, you can just reuse the vehicle as often as you want for the cost of fuel lmao

>> No.10416376

hydrogen is especially corrosive when at high pressure you dumb fuck

>> No.10416377

Sigh, can we please have one single thread without this shit flinging retard?

>> No.10416380

Your engine will break and dozens other parts before CORROSION does anything to it you fucking idiot.

In fact, because hydrogen burns 100% clean hydrogen engines are the ones with the longest life span.

Go take your corrosion bullshit back to your SpaceX safe spaces.

>> No.10416382

>In fact, because hydrogen burns 100% clean hydrogen engines are the ones with the longest life span.


>> No.10416383

>Shits on SpaceX
>The only other company developing reusability is also using Methane engines on reusable stages and Hydrogen on expendables

Yeah must totally be a SpaceX safe space thing.

>> No.10416386

New Shepard isn't methane you shit stain.

>> No.10416391

>Durr what is NG
>Durr what is BE-4

>> No.10416421

Methane also burns clean.

>> No.10416429

wut? is a photoshop, right?

>> No.10416437

Hydrogen burns very clean and it doesn't corrode. However, the problem with hydrogen is that it likes to find holes in stuff, so that means if there's the tiniest defect in your plumbing you'll quickly know about it and even if there's no defects, it'll still boil off by escaping through the tank walls eventually.

>> No.10416526

I want my NTR SSTO rocket now.....

>> No.10416541

It does corrode, hydrogen embrittlement is a big problem in the engine and one reason why SSME refurbishment was so costly.

>> No.10416546

Your right, soz

>> No.10416556

An HTHL SSTO doesn't have to be hydrogen necessarily. In fact, as they probably are going to be rather small, hydrogen is a bad choice, despite the higher specific impulse. The difficulty of HTHL SSTOs is reaching at least Mach 10 in airbreathing mode, once you do that the rest is pretty straightforward and "easy".

>> No.10416563

>none of my friends care about DM-1 or space in general
I just want to have a launch party...

>> No.10416571
File: 3.78 MB, 4148x3111, IMG_4657 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This morning they are using the welding machine. - NSF

>> No.10416578
File: 1.25 MB, 1700x705, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will ride eternal, shiny and chrome!

>> No.10416579

I have seen this claim here before and it's bullocks. All materials that were prone to hydrogen embrittlement where shielded by copper plates. The most cost-intensive aspect was the refurbishment of the Turbopumps, which had seen no embrittlement at all.

>> No.10416602

Are they building a new hat?

>> No.10416603
File: 123 KB, 800x1200, 1547352091962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is there no info on New Glenn? we haven't seen any hardware as far as i know

>> No.10416619

BE-4 had a flight profile test recently (2,5MN thrust for 200 seconds) so they are wrapping development up and will start production by the end of the year.

>> No.10416623

They haven't even gone past 70% thrust yet though, the engine is being redesigned so the next version can go full throttle (which is 2.4MN). But they have done long burns at 70%.

>> No.10416659

yes, and it seems to be from higher quality pre-polished sections

>> No.10416663

That was in septembre. I'm talking about the one they did recently. That was a full flight profile burn.

>> No.10416669

is there a video?

>> No.10416674

New Glenn will fly the BE-4s at "70% thrust" in the sense of that they innitially planned to have 400k pounds of thrust but ULA asked them to increase that to 550k. So 70% thrust of their new configuration is enough for a New Glenn.

>> No.10416698
File: 88 KB, 750x765, IMG_0117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've been stuck at 70% since then

Your quite the clever disinformation shill aren't you?

>> No.10416709

>It's the annoying clueless Muskrat again

>> No.10416729

>"I would have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for you meddling Muskrats!"

>> No.10416731

Yes, your tweet from a month ago that says that soon there will be 100% thrust test really completely disproves everything.

>> No.10416736

>the tortoise will magically build a new redesigned version of the BE-4 in just a month and immediately test it with a flight duration burn.

>> No.10416742
File: 3.23 MB, 4702x3260, IMG_0118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10416744

Before I post the source I just want you stinky Muskrat to further tangle yourself up in your own clueless bullshit.

>> No.10416760

Post the source then lol

>> No.10416779

stop replying to him ffs

>> No.10416799

It's really cute how you think only one guy on 4chan thinks Musk is a fraud

I bet you are the same guy who keeps claiming that reddit is an anti-Musk site.

>> No.10416800

I'm sorry

>> No.10416806


>> No.10416811

Implying it's not the Muskrats going mad whenever somebody even mentions NG or BO ayy lmao

>> No.10416815
File: 24 KB, 572x406, redditmusk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit is an anti-Musk site.

Not just an anti-Musk site, the ONLY anti-Musk site. There are pro-Musk people everywhere (including reddit), but it takes a contrarian redditor to actually be retarded enough to be anti-Musk. Try that shit on NSF and see what happens.

>> No.10416818

Nah, BO is the best thing in aerospace after SpaceX.

- a muskrat

>> No.10416819

Just ignore anyone who utters the phrase "Muskrat" for further notice.

>> No.10416837

sounds like a good use of the filter, done

>> No.10416838

People who I know personally that have a genuine dislike for Musk

* Every actual engineering professional I ever met
* Almost all leftists I ever met
* A whole lot of investors
* Almost every european I met
* The SEC

The only crowd that is pro-Musk is actually the 12-18 year old "science is so cool!" teens and increasingly right wingers who seem to think Elon is a white supermacist.

>> No.10416850

I am an engineer in Europe working in a large aerospace company and I have yet to meet someone who is anti-Musk. Most colleagues either like him or dont care.

>> No.10416855

yeah sure thing buddy

>> No.10416856

>* Almost all leftists I ever met

This is true, socialists hate him. But then they are some of the dumbest people ever, so I would wear that as a badge of honor.

>> No.10416868

What I noticed is that the pro-Musk shilling on this board drastically increased after he allegedely "called out the jew" (or atleast poltards think he did). Before that, this board was mildly anti-Musk.

>> No.10416880

>Before that, this board was mildly anti-Musk.
huh? those Falcon 9 launch and first landing attempts threads sure were not anti-musk at all

>> No.10416888

/sci/ was less anti-Musk, until the *ayy lmao* reddit troll showed up when hopper construction began. Then it kinda went downhill.

>> No.10416891


>> No.10416907

will be funny to see the reactions for the in flight abort; lots of people watching in Florida probably won’t know that it’s supposed to blow up a minute after launch

>> No.10416926

Hmm, I hadn't thought about that before. There's always going to be someone watching who wasn't paying attention to the mission objectives. This could even be fun.

>> No.10416937
File: 782 KB, 1578x1912, A357B968-5229-4400-B085-16BD292A16CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems that they spot weld the panels, then run a joint weld along the seam. Then a 2nd SS strip is added on top of the weld. I guess the machine does the joint weld?

>> No.10416939

>Space Force expected to bring in an additional $500 million per year to space


>> No.10416947

CoDominium when

>> No.10416979
File: 52 KB, 512x512, F2CC7C11-5A76-46E1-B9DE-828EDA595729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New cool hayabusa2 pic from 25m
discoloration is where they landed

>> No.10416992

So the upper section was just an aerodynamic structure?

>> No.10416997

yeah it’s always been for aero and looks

>> No.10417003

Thats raptor assembly.

>> No.10417010

It is an automatic girth welder


>> No.10417036

Just poking fun at the one who was claiming that last thread.

>> No.10417127


>> No.10417257
File: 220 KB, 1200x898, 5c72013807265.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awww https://www.wacotrib.com/news/business/spacex-nighttime-test-fees-pay-for-park-upgrades-in-mcgregor/article_7678f8b9-d3ae-5b56-b80f-4fdeed5a14a4.html

>> No.10417278

Those spots are from strongbacks, arched pieces of metal welded on to hold the 2 sides of the cylinder in place so they don't warp when welding. Their the yellow/orange bars in the previous pics

>> No.10417299

That machine sure is fast

>> No.10417300

Fucking moon toddlers got their way again.
Literally no advantage going there rather than Mars.
Orbital station seriously limits where you go, and makes the whole rendez-vous thing fucking retarded.
Look, momy! we found helium3! too bad fusion is not a thing.

>> No.10417303

Elon says a moon base should probably come before a mars base. Also, hydroponics confirmed for food?

>> No.10417306

Elon says, he'll take the money.

>> No.10417337

>Literally no advantage going there rather than Mars.
A mission for SLS is the only advantage that matters.

>> No.10417379
File: 34 KB, 768x528, pmx0401129touriseguidespace031-1551105724[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Musk interview:


>> No.10417385

Is that a new image from SpaceX? I don't remember seeing that one before.

>> No.10417409
File: 93 KB, 1439x991, pmx0401129touriseguidespace031-1551105724[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does say "spacex" under it, and reverse image search turns up nothing, so probably. Here is a bigger version.

>> No.10417417
File: 76 KB, 985x719, pmx040119touristguidespace-17-1551105916[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is also this pic, by Tristan Bassingthwaighte.

>> No.10417422

Olympus Mons is so huge. It would be interesting if the volcano was basically the entire territory of future Martian country.

>> No.10417430
File: 28 KB, 396x385, Ct20JVMWAAEFtls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when you realize your crush is at least gravitationally attracted to you
>eventually, our atoms will find each other
>later virgins!

>> No.10417442

it needs to be fast, because the sheets are so thin
they probably have it cranked up as high as it can go

>> No.10417466

will be interesting to see how they weld the tapered top portion. The machine wouldn’t be able to do those sections

>> No.10417525
File: 636 KB, 1821x1365, bc190225b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new aerial photos

>> No.10417532
File: 592 KB, 1821x1365, bc190225c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10417540
File: 675 KB, 1821x1365, bc190225e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10417549

looks like ~10 min per revolution

>> No.10417561
File: 706 KB, 1912x1375, 52816986_2343604845872374_7069898047643189248_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chevy bel air

>> No.10417562

Why is having an injector preferable to both fuel and oxidiser mixing as gas?

>> No.10417574

how do they mix? that's your injector, however you put the juice in the banghole is called an injector

>> No.10417578
File: 449 KB, 1777x1253, bc190225a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10417592
File: 578 KB, 1821x1365, 53321665_2343605642538961_2588276111523708928_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it sure is close to the ocean

>> No.10417597
File: 3.60 MB, 4148x3111, IMG_4689 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are covering the dome with shiny foil. Now why would they do that? It will not be visible under the fairing..

>> No.10417599

looks insulating. maybe prevents ice from forming or something

so there's one concrete pad with the three leg mounts, but then there's also a smaller one behind it. one for fueling one for launching?

>> No.10417604

thermal insulation for cryogenic fuel? maybe the foil is not just for show then..

>> No.10417607
File: 24 KB, 730x625, pmx0401129touriseguidespace031-1551105724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like the old model in this render. Don't think you can deduce anything new from it

>> No.10417636

There's only one pad, the area behind is just for the tanks and GSE which is why there's a big dirt wall between it and the actual pad. In other pictures you can see where the fuel umbilicals will be attached to reach the hopper.

Elon has said that the silhouette of the new version is the same as the 2018 presentation.

>> No.10417650
File: 406 KB, 1606x883, 53003697_2343605969205595_8610736170881515520_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean the truss stuff under the red arrow vs the blue pad with the three mounting points and umbilical hardware. Looks like those truss things will be for concrete or something? They piled up dirt around them

>> No.10417715

Oh that, I believe their storing those trusses for future construction, as there doesn't seem to be an apparent use for them currently. Some people believe the area where they are might be used for a bigger pad to launch the entire stack, if this is true it suggests this is what they'll be used for.

>> No.10417723

the only reason you'd need a bigger (as in wider) pad is for landings

>> No.10417759

>plugging your shitty website
fuck off and die

>> No.10417769

Spacexstats is useful bruh, it’s one of the better spacex data aggregate sites. I use it if I forget how many landings there have been or whatnot when making launch threads.
Not everything is a shilpost you know

>> No.10417775 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 343x359, 754875657426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is starting to border on mental illness, anon.
I hope you seek help soon.

>> No.10417783

Fuck off reddit nigger.

>> No.10417802
File: 125 KB, 1227x1037, jello babies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that muskrats have no refutation for this.

>> No.10417808

The nice part about 4chan is that telling someone to leave doesn’t actually make them leave.

I’d imagine that down the line they’ll have to make a landing pad some distance away to test landing at a different spot as takeoff.

15 mile altitude is when it pops off. will have a big viewing area

>> No.10417812

ACES isn't even being funded.

>> No.10417821
File: 790 KB, 2000x1735, mainqimg62631d622e6d8263512e9cbdac7df8ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, just like Musk, can't wait for more companies to come to the launch business and start competition, it's healthy for the market
More competition = better prices, development of new tech etc = faster conquering of space = best time to live in

>> No.10417823

don’t they first use BE-4 for Vulcan? Wasn’t the plan to wait on ACES until there are some flights done?

>> No.10417830

Are you retarded?

>> No.10417841


>> No.10417847

SpaceX didn't launch 12 missions in a year until 8 years after their first launch.

>> No.10417856

>Elon Musk likes competition

Elon Musk is trying to sue missions away from ULA while at the same time whining that Arianespace is getting more subsidies than them.

>> No.10417862

My bad, I got the bidding for the 1st and 2nd stage mixed up. BO has the contract for the 1st stage engine, AR got the 2nd stage engine (RL10CX). I always thought that ACES comes after they do some flights with the RL10CX and BE4 combo

>> No.10417865

Don't forget also suing NASA and refocusing on the moon in order to kill SLS.

>> No.10417875

Funny thing is New Glenn is perfect for lunar gateway missions and BO is also developing a lunar lander. It's almost as if Bezos is some sort of business genius who knows exactly how to grow a business to market domination.

>> No.10417877

Pretty sure that’s not what’s happening. SpaceX doesn’t exactly have to do anything special to kill SLS anyways other than build starship at a reasonable price.
Nonetheless SLS will still be better for extra fat payloads, at least if the block 2 extendo fairing ever flies

>> No.10417895

That's completely false. The only leg up SLS will have is being man-rated for NASA astronauts, whereas starship/super heavy will never be.

>> No.10417900

NASA's moon programs will get cancelled as soon as Trump is out of the office, so they are functionally irrelevant.

>> No.10417902

hmm? SLS block 2 can definitely launch single larger payloads; the fairing size is larger than current starship.

>> No.10417907

SLS block 2 is vaporware, and starship/superheavy should be able to exceed it in everything except payload volume with just one refueling flight

>> No.10417915

>SLS block 2 is vaporware
Starship Super Heavy is vaporwave

>> No.10417920

NASA doesn't even have a pen and paper design for block 2 that would let it meet its claimed 130t to LEO.

>> No.10417923

Calling other rockets vaporware while shilling for an unfinanced steel-rocket that can only do useful stuff if they nail multiple orbital refueling is really brave.

>> No.10417927

I'm not denying that bfr is also vaporware, it's just several years closer to not being vaporware than SLS block 2.

>> No.10417931

Wouldn't the full stack, BFR+BFS, need a flame trench?

>> No.10417932

*Several decades now work on the EUS has been halted

>> No.10417933

What exactly do you mean? The upgraded sideboosters?

>> No.10417935

read my post again
a whopping great big one, yes
almost as big as Pad 39A, but much stronger

>> No.10417936

That's why many believe they'll need to build a second bigger pad

>> No.10417943

it won't hit 130t even with upgraded boosters

EUS was funded this year

The won't launch it there, because it would literally collapse the nearby houses from noise alone.

>> No.10417970

New Glenn is large enough that they could do some serious damage in the Lunar market by having a hydrolox tug and reusable 7m tanker 2nd stage.

>> No.10417985

>EUS was funded this year

It's construction has been halted according to multiple inside (SLS workers) and outside sources (Eric B*rger) tho

>The won't launch it there, because it would literally collapse the nearby houses from noise alone.

I think that's how SpaceX intend to get the inhabitants to move

>> No.10417988


>lunar market

constrained by SLS and Orion to hardly anything

>> No.10417999


>> No.10418005


>> No.10418015


>> No.10418025

nice cop out, fag
source your claims or don't post them at all

>> No.10418049
File: 239 KB, 1242x1059, IMG_0126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a screenshot

>> No.10418081
File: 2.08 MB, 4896x3672, IMG_0128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10418090
File: 149 KB, 1562x683, IMG_0127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10418094

oh yes, that's the shit I need
they're not talking about theft, they're talking about cannibalizing parts from something that seems useless to make something useful, it's common practice on job sites
the parts frequently outlive the usefulness of the tools

>> No.10418096

Needed for Hopper **** Checkouts

>> No.10418115


>> No.10418124


>> No.10418136


>> No.10418138

there's a piece of grass near the letter 'h' that throws everything out of wack

>> No.10418171

fuck this whole operation is so jank and I love it

first hop when

>> No.10418210

soon after the raptors arrive

>> No.10418232

the problem is that you don't make the distinction
the insufferable man that is elon musk has a lot of stupid ideas
but he has good ones too, is dedicated AF and has had some luck as well
=> SpaceX
it is impossible to hate SpaceX
Tesla deserves some admiration
Watch some thunderf00t videos if you want to see some really over-the-top reasons why the tunnels and the hyperloop are a waste of time and money. spoiler alert: he's real salty and repetitive, but his points make sense

>> No.10418234


Welp, its officially over, folks.

>> No.10418241

Can't wait to see this guy rot in jail.

>> No.10418249
File: 4 KB, 291x102, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently one of SpaceX's lawyers is named Dane Butswinkas

>> No.10418262

should that ring a bell?

>> No.10418265

Meanwhile Raptor reached over 3.2MN.I guess Mueller can't be replaced with stacks of money

>> No.10418267

Butswinkas is a fucking hilarious name

>> No.10418268

oh. ok

>> No.10418271

also I'm retarded, he was a Tesla lawyer and he quit

>> No.10418274

He means there's no lunar anything unless SLS gets to play.

>> No.10418286

says who? Falcon 9 just put a small payload on a lunar intercept course

>> No.10418297

If you want to play moon with NASA involved, you'll have to make room for the big boi.

>> No.10418398

Starship is being designed with Unigraphics NX and Teamcenter CAD apparently.

>> No.10418400

the jews are pulling out all of the stops to prevent white people from leaving the earth

>> No.10418402


"The Build Engineer role is responsible for design for manufacturability concepts through integration and testing of the full vehicle, and everything in between. Build Engineers will be highly engaged on the primary and secondary structures of the vehicle, including designing tooling (assembly aide, welding, part fixturing, etc.) and processes (welding, large part movement, large structure integration) to rapidly build early versions of the Starship and Super Heavy vehicles. Further along in the build, this role will be responsible for items such as integration operations sequencing, and working with technicians on installing flight-critical hardware on the vehicle. Throughout the build, engineers will be responsible for documenting processes, and driving continual improvement to them for future builds. Furthermore, Build Engineers will be expected to sometimes act as de-facto supervisors and advisors to production technicians, welders, and other skilled labor partners. Build Engineers will spend time both in the office and on-site (local production floor and remote build sites) to execute on the mission to build an orbital-capable Starship and Super Heavy faster than anyone though possible. "
> build an orbital-capable Starship and Super Heavy faster than anyone though possible


>> No.10418407

the tank fab job also implies that they're using flux-cored arc welding, submerged arc welding, & gas metal arc welding

>> No.10418413

just call it "machine welding" anon

>> No.10418431

wtf does "faster than anyone though possible" mean?
though possible?

>> No.10418437

spellcheck a shit?

the interesting takeaway from the postings is that they all show that the starship design will change and improve rapidly. The construction crew makes suggestions, those go into the next batch. also, the tank jobs say that they will later assist in transitioning to large-volume production.

>> No.10418478
File: 1.94 MB, 1180x1232, pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which part of this 36580×37640 1.5gb image should I zoom into

>> No.10418481

also that grey hole exists it just didn't load since my viewer was being weird

>> No.10418501

Spelling error, I think they are of the opinion that the shift to SS has massively accelerated their timetable, seeing the hopper come together so quick with just some random water tank welder dudes I can fully believe that, in fact I think they will be able to crank out an absolute shitload of them once they get geared up, the raptors and tanks will be the limiting factor for sure.

>> No.10418509
File: 40 KB, 547x542, 1551146982880_Guetzli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be a stupid question but... what's the purpose for having pipes bent like that?

>> No.10418515

fuck that sucks. If SLS gets canceled or Orion never flies it'll probably add 20 years to manned deep space missions.

>> No.10418525

To reduce hydraulic shock?

>> No.10418552

There's some crazy bends in the pipes at the launch pad too. >>10411727

>> No.10418558

expansion https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/steel-pipe-expansion-loop-d_1069.html

>> No.10418561
File: 2.33 MB, 1180x1232, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these would be nice

>> No.10418567
File: 402 KB, 640x360, Victaulic Thermal Expansion Loop and Angular Defle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh. neato.

>> No.10418576
File: 140 KB, 324x406, df33ebcaf3af7f1e8085e3a372398c92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10418588
File: 3.51 MB, 2683x4939, [Group 0]-2T0A8069_2T0A8292-222 images_0000 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10418592

aawww yeah that's some ghetto-ass pipe rigging if I've ever seen any (I have, it used to be my job)

>> No.10418601

I'm pretty sure I have that same c-clamp

>> No.10418614

>A spaceplane on the other hand can go as low as hundreds of thousands per launch.
Too bad they don't fucking work

>> No.10418618
File: 3.92 MB, 1789x1758, [Group 0]-2T0A8069_2T0A8292-222 images_0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10418651
File: 1.28 MB, 900x3499, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10418666
File: 3.08 MB, 8119x2735, 3.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10418675

These photos are fucking excellent. Too bad the thread is already auto saging.

>> No.10418680
File: 3.76 MB, 1455x994, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trace those taps please

>> No.10418692

>"star hopper will be autogeneously pressurized"
>*installs helium COPVs*

>> No.10418698


The reverse. NASA can get fully on board with SpaceX and Blue Origin and move the state of human spaceflight ahead by a century within your own lifetime.

>> No.10418706

they said the final design is autogenously pressurized, but didn't say anything about the hopper

>> No.10418715

Dude SLS was never going to fly. No one seriously thought it would. It was always irrelevant to what happens in the 21st century.

>> No.10418716
File: 18 KB, 282x415, 1423452957009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For having an outdoorsy, fun atmosphere, you’d probably want to have some faceted glass dome, with a park, so you can walk around without a suit. Eventually if you terraform the planet, then you can walk around without a suit. But for say, the next 100-plus years, you’ll have to have a giant pressurized glass dome.
>the next 100-plus years

>> No.10418719

pretty sure there's literally an elon tweet saying they were going to use it on the hopper

>> No.10418722

yeah he's full of shit on that one
he's full of shit on a lot of things lol
at least his companies seem to do good work

>> No.10418730

Well technically 100-plus covers a lot of ground.

>> No.10418732

>early 21st century ground-dwellers comment on the practicality of planetary scale engineering.
God their arrogance knew no bounds. I'm glad they all perished in the third earth world war.

>> No.10418734

Well, technically anything above 100 is still "100-plus". But that's bad form. Although that might be the kind of populist bullshit a CEO has to feed to modern media.

>> No.10418742

Yeah too bad there's no space SEC, they'd be all over him for this one.

>> No.10418743

the sort of habidomes he was talking about earlier are really way more practical than full-on terraforming anyway, although the future is mole-people in space, for radiation protection

>> No.10418755

You don't need to be this defensive, not everyone is a vehement anti-Musk poster.

Eh, eventually you really need to have breathable air for your colony. Less points of failure. We are not roaches or mold, we are rather fragile.

>> No.10418757


>> No.10418763
File: 1.20 MB, 838x736, end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vertical one goes straight up and just ends in the air, not connected to anything. Other two just go right in the hopper

>> No.10418765

do they all go to roughly the same place?

>> No.10418777
File: 2.04 MB, 3382x2528, [Group 0]-2T0A8069_2T0A8292-222 images_0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10418781

probably the brains of the whole operation with a complicated sensing package

>> No.10418794
File: 1.93 MB, 3040x3040, 20160524_ganymede_vgr1_global_render_final_p_8b_caption.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mars is the best world in the solar system to start a colo-
blocks your path

>> No.10418805

Ganymede has like zero gravity because it's made of frozen farts. Don't like its girth fool you.
Relevant fact: Ganymede is the roman version of the greek Catamite, referring to a boy of astounding beauty whose role in mythology was to be fucked in the ass by a series of gods.

>> No.10418820

For a first colony, Lunar south pole is still where it's at.

Proximity eliminates the need for immediate operational independence, there's plenty of water ice, and developing a mining/manufacturing infrastructure on the Moon is critical for cheap large scale construction of ships or stations in space.

>> No.10418843

Top right - stage sep?

>> No.10418887

>try to do anything nearby in something less than a mega chonk rad shielded ship
>get fried by radiation from Jupiter
you need some more resources and tech before you can readily fuck around in the Jovian system

>> No.10418908
File: 32 KB, 795x161, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this man fucking trolling the SEC

>> No.10418927

If you’re outside the plane of the equator it isn’t as bad

>> No.10418929
File: 54 KB, 377x600, 1472837661930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10419004

I thought somebody is supposed to be monitoring his tweets from now on?

>> No.10419060

In his defense, he did say 100+ years and not just 100. He's inviting the idea that what we think about the possibility and processes of terraforming could be completely wrong.

>> No.10419225

What a shitshow.

>> No.10419235

>Too bad the thread is already auto saging.
>7 hours ago
Yeah, what a terrible problem that is.

>> No.10419239

it's almost like they're fucking retarded crossboard posters who don't know a thing about /sci/, right?

>> No.10419240

new thread


>> No.10419241

you fucking DOUBLE NIGGER you SAID THE GODDAMN WORD why would you do that oh my god anon how could you