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File: 221 KB, 1200x949, DmdPG9LW4AEXLw8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10413701 No.10413701 [Reply] [Original]

Can you come up with a scientifically plausible explanation for why swords might become a useful weapon again in the future?

>> No.10413710

Usually the scifi angle is that they are somehow able to cut through walls or metal in one slice. This would be pretty useful. Or if everyone has armor that is immune to bullets then they would be useful.

>> No.10413714

they look cool

>> No.10413718

Maybe you live in England?

>> No.10413730

You can kill someone with it. It's useful.

That's a pretty stupid thread

>> No.10413733

Modern Kevlar armor is not stab resistant.

>> No.10413736

>futuristic character uses a sword
>it's katana
So fucking sick of this.

>> No.10413739

Gun control in the united states. If you think cletus wont be rolling 2 katanas deep after the government takes his guns then you dont know what street samurai are.

>> No.10413740

>interdimensional demon pedophile portals start popping up everywhere
Be prepared folks. Stand AGAINST the devil and stand AGAINST Joe Rogan.

>> No.10413760

Because then you have the power of god and anime by your side.

>> No.10413769

Swords don't run out of bullets

>> No.10413779


>> No.10413847
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>after the government takes his guns
i.e. something that will never happen

>> No.10414165
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if duelling culture made a comeback

>> No.10414191

lmao reminds me of this guy I talked to who lived in the UK. he said he did "historical reenactment". some people said he was larping and he got mad and said he uses real swords and he's not to be messed with.

>> No.10414197


in Battle Angel Alita the tyrannical government has made possessing ranged weapons punishable by death, so everyone has to go in with melee. That's the only way I think of that's not total bullshit.

>> No.10414214

not anymore. All you have to do is soak the fabric in shear thickening fluid
Robotic police though. If we make robots durable and fast enough, more guns can be confiscated than robots are destroyed.

>> No.10414230

scientific reason...
gun shot detection
you could strike people down silently without alerting police gun sensors
also gun control
in the uk i can bet people will eventually become skilled at hand to hand combat due to the use of knifes. also people will start using longer swords like a wakizashi (shorter version of a katana)

with the advent of technology we ready are headed for a cyperpunk asian inspired future. deadly goth sword wielding babes with a robotic arm here we come

shivers in excitement

>> No.10414247

is this the end goal of boston dynamics though, although they dont want to say it, it will be robot police or robot soldiers.

>> No.10414278

the end goal for boston dynamics is actually to make money. Right now they'te just living off of investors money.
Then you could just install sword sensors. Polarimetric radar can be used to detect long metal objects. With a bit of signal processing you could probably detect a moving sword with microdoppler radar, heck maybe even figure out the fighting style or people doing it. I'll bet you could even detect street brawling if you wanted to. That could be done without radar too, just with a bunch of cameras.

>> No.10414311

you're poor

>> No.10414475

Idk, why are knives still relevant?

>> No.10414510

yeah but nowhere near as easily, there would be so many other things that could come across like a sword signal wise

>> No.10414528

which what you use signal processing for. You can at least detect them on people remotely and disable them before they even have a chance to unsheath it

>> No.10414827

Decades from now, death will become a temporary obstacle in life that the local hospital can fix so everyone just says fuck it and defends themselves with whatever they find to be cool.

>> No.10414861

European Longswords > Gook Katanas

>> No.10414974


Gun control.

>> No.10414992

They were never used much to begin with. If anything they have more usefulness than before.

>> No.10415025

I don't think there would ever be a purely "scientific" reason why we'd stop using guns. my best guess though is that there might be a shortage of lead/steel or gundpowder components (my guess is the nitrocellulose or paraffin in modern smokeless powder since those are made from petroleum and oil will become less abundant)

It's also just possible that with the advances in biomedical engineering, a person with a sword and some sort of enhancement is deadlier than someone with a gun.

>> No.10415061

Maybe the enemy has slow aim

>> No.10415087
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, blades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because when we invade other planets we will have tech like below.

As you can see in the following video, guns fail:

Now, compare the above to this:

Guns suck. Warp blades are superior.

>> No.10415201

I too am in middle school.

>> No.10415214

The real tricky part is being deadlier than enhancement plus gun.

>> No.10415222

gun control was implemented
>inb4 shitstorm

>> No.10415228

Pretty much this or if you could somehow dodge or deflect bullets

>> No.10415246

Technology to triangulate the source of gunfire from sound already exists. In a cyberpunk setting firing a gun could instantly get you swarmed with drones.

>> No.10415273

Basically the introduction of dune.

>> No.10415284

>Doesn't realize the government uses guns to bribe tools into a false sense of empowerment.

>> No.10415344

>shield that only blocks fast things
Plausible? Usually with forces it's the other way around.

>> No.10415364

Because you can still kill someone with one know like you could at every other point in the past when we had other weapons

>> No.10415396

Killing is so commonplace and human life so worthless that people stopped caring about efficient ways to do it and rather just want to look cool while doing and dying.

>> No.10415435

>never used much
>standard sidearm for centuries

>> No.10415446

It's not going to be a big swoop grab you retard cleetus, they will simply continue the slow erosion like they are doing now. The NRA is a fucking joke that seems to barely even care about your rights. They will use the red flag laws they already have to disarm the most dangerous and eventually you will find that all you own is a bolt action 22. I don't like it either but that's what's happening and you are retarded if you think fudds, boomers and oath keepers larpers are ever actually going to rise up.

>> No.10415458

>anti-personel weapons advance from kinetic projectiles to electrical current or plasma steams
>armor and shields are developed in response to this
>uses tech to diffuse electrical currents/repel plasma
But in turn they're absolutely useless against a razor sharp steel blade or even blunt force trauma

>> No.10415523


If we run out of elements to create electronics and/or explosives.

>> No.10415537

>When the mental gymnastic hit all times low the post

>> No.10415539

If they've developed armour that's immune to bullets in the future then it seems they'd be able to add sword immunity too if swords became common.

>> No.10415577

That's why I said usually scifi swords can cut through walls or metal in one slice. Blah science blah blah atom thick cutting edge or whatever.

>> No.10415687

If armour progresses to a point where even when "soft" (flexible and capable of covering areas such as joints) it can block very high power rounds, then it could become more practical and cheap for people to begin using large electrocauterizers or simple liquid oxygen-hydrocarbon torches as weapons. Although not really swords, it would still mean melee would make a big comeback.

>> No.10415698

Forgot to mention the armour would abviously have to also be cheap

>> No.10415753

Only for those rich enough to have them, and outside of Europeans using them as sidearms/self-defence weapons in the Late Medieval/Early Modern period, they were not abundant. And how much does a sidearm get used? Very rarely, whether it be a sword or a handgun. I meant swords are given extreme and almost exclusive precedence in pop culture, historical reenactment, and everything else. So no one knows their actual uses and applications.

>> No.10415760

Even if some kind of sword did have that use you would be killed by some other weapon before you could get close enough to use it. Warfare would just shift to heavier weaponry carried by infantry or by this time, away from human infantry altogether. It's a matter of face-to-face vs. several hundred metres. Maybe melee weapons for combat in tight urban interiors, at most.

>> No.10415827

this is beautifull

>> No.10415864

this nigga livin in Morrowind

>> No.10415877

do hundreds of thousands of roman legionaries not count?

>> No.10415968
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german fraternities are still doing academic fencing. which is a form of duelling. i did it 8 times.

pic related are our colors

>> No.10416056
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Armor makes projectiles useless, with kinetic absorption that heats up a gel layer. The only way to assault someone is with the use of high energy blades that simply overloads the armor to the point it cannot absorb the blades energy.

>> No.10416259
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>> No.10417742


>> No.10417852

for any armor you can develop there'll be a ballistic weapon which can defeat it. I don't think swords will comeback. Even back in the days of swords, armors were developed easily which were essentially immune to swords, and often men at arms would carry poleaxes as primary weapons. The sword was arguable obsolete as far as armoured combat was concerned by 1500.

>> No.10417954

This is circumvented by breaking line of sight. They are already installing "traffic sensors" that can automatically record and locate the direction of gunshots. This is why rail guns, silencers, lethal shock devices, and even swords will continue to be useful.

>> No.10418423
File: 482 KB, 1098x660, shot spotter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shot Spotter technology can pin-point the location of a gunshot to within a few yards.

Within a few years, this will be combined with rapid-response drones that can get to the scene of a shooting anywhere in the city within seconds to identify and pursue the shooter. Perhaps even be able to attack them with non-lethal weapons.

Modern suppressors are insufficient to hide from next-gen shot spotter.

Therefore, bladed weapons and martial arts will make a massive come-back for career criminals.

>> No.10418426

this is ridiculous. how would you seperate the sound of someone talking out a knfe for eating food or a machete for cutting their grass. to taking out a metal rod for making something

thered be way too many false positives.

>> No.10418429

nigger that cant even fix baldness shiiit even picard was bald and they had warp drive and alien tech from a hundred thousand races

>> No.10418435

ultrasonic swords

>> No.10418439

false...you have to justify why youre carrying armor around with you use. swords or short blades are easy to hide until we start installing milimeter wave tech through on every street corner

>> No.10418459

>humans create completely bulletproof material for armor
>crazy super energy swords are invented to cut through the material
>bullets are to small to contain the special energy weapon tech

>> No.10418495

lmao yeah like that time some rice farmers with rifles had a false sense of empowerment against the entire US government. We let them have that false sense of empowerment for over a decade. Also some illiterate sand people have had some false sense of empowerment for the past 18 years. If only they knew its not even real empowerment!

>> No.10418498

No you weeb

>> No.10418745

>Can you come up with a scientifically plausible explanation for why swords might become a useful weapon again in the future?

same reason as now.... near infinite ammo.

>> No.10418787

>crazy super energy swords
OP said "scientifically plausible".

best response yet.

>> No.10418817

i would expect people to start using crossbows over close-combat weapons. why would i get closer to my target than i need to be?

>> No.10418988
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Spitballing here. Maybe society is a post-apocalyptic?

>> No.10418990
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This is the type of shit im looking for

>> No.10419063

Why wouldn't you just use a normal gun instead of a sword in that situation?

>> No.10419064


>> No.10419372

You're right, Johnny Mnemonic had like three crossbow scenes in it.

>> No.10419381

I expect a lot more of this type of stuff in the future. Lots of knives as well, as they are what's currently in use in areas where criminals have a hard time getting guns. For professionals I imagine a combination of knife work, kidnapping and killing in safe location, and use of remote IEDs.

>> No.10419389

I think it's very unlikely that swords might ever be an useful weapon in the future.
Throughout time we have been witnessing a lot of changes in weapons. For instance, weapons nowadays don't require as much physical efforts as a sword (as we only need one finger to launch/fire/operate) and in the future it's likely that the weapons are all automatic and require no humans so as to reduce direct personnel loss. Also the impact of a sword is only 1 person at a time, which is far less severe to a nuclear bomb so..

>> No.10419396

Poison darts would make a big comeback. Silent, easy to conceal, very low noise.

>> No.10419398

Face tracking drone swarm equipped with shaped charges.

>> No.10419404

so it's a drone with a gun with a sharp bullet
if it's a sword it should be used by hands to slay or pierce, otherwise it's all a bullet

>> No.10419413


>> No.10419505

Katana means Japanese sword

>> No.10419808

the government doesn't need to take americans guns to act tyrannically unopposed, americans are such chickenshit brainwashed slaves that the goverment gets free roam no matter what they do. Mentally destroy americans in psychedelic experiments? Not a peep. Spend hundreds of billions in foreign wars on false premises? Go USA! Be blatantly corrupt and pandering to corporate interests in a two-party state? Nothing. Lower living standards for the majority of americans? Work harder you fucking parasite! Meanwhile the fucking french don't even need guns to make the government shit themselves in fear. The last american hero was timothy mcveigh.

>> No.10420051
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Swords are meh. I would much rather see scientifically justified use of pole arms.

>> No.10420059

The only way a sword can beat a ranged weapon is if you can kill the person faster than a ranged weapon, like move faster than the ranged projectile allowing you to close the distance. This puts you at risk of being attacked though so its better to just use a range weapon overall. Therefore swords in scifi are completely retarded.

>> No.10420074

And when you are not killing dude you can use them to give yourself perfect teeth.

>> No.10420089

>The only way
What about solvents to damage the gel layer before you shoot the bastard? What about explosives? Can a gel with those properties plausibly exist?

>> No.10420223

>posting nu-sc
Stop, please. It hurts.

>> No.10420675

You don't use the sound of the knife. You can use polarimetric radar to detect if someone is carrying a long metal object remotely. This is because long metal objects will reflect radiowaves in certain polarizations more than others. This may not necessarily be a sword, but it is pretty suspicious. So people can be flagged for extra surveillance. Another thing we can do is remotely detect sword fights. A long metal object being swung around by a person will have a particular doppler radar signature we can pick out. While a long metal object being swung around is not necessarily a sword fight we can flag this for immediate investigation
get a life, bin that knife
you could easily cover a whole city with a radar platform flying over the city. Oh and radar works through walls:
Better armor can be fought with better guns. Physics says that in order to 'dissipate kinetic energy' an equal and opposite reaction must be applied on thing slowing the bullet down. No amount of magic gel can change this. We can fire bullets faster, fire bullets with shaped charges, use guided bullets to headshot every single time. One of the best upcoming means for defeating armor in a cyberpunk scenario is the bob-omb. Explosives can be very effective at defeating armor as it is hard to prevent injury by a shockwave. Of course we have things like grenades today, but if we can add an intelligent delivery system everything changes. I call this the bob-omb after the enemy from super mario. We can make a small explosive device capable of seeking out targets and do see cheaply and with enough efficacy that the battlefield is completely changed. Cover starts to matter a lot less because of the amazing indirect fire capability. Now there are many ways we can move the explosive, but south korea is taking the bob-omb idea most literally. They're developing a quadrupedal robot to do exactly this.

>> No.10420790
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>No amount of magic gel can change this.
Thermal energy is a form of kinetic energy. The 'scifi magic gel' would absorb the kinetic energy of the bullet by converting it from vectored kinetic energy to a macroscopically indiscriminate and chaotic heat form.

Gels are already in use with Kevlar, to help dissipate kinetic energy, as well as in cars/trucks. The byproduct is the redirection of energy.

I don't know, maybe cover the armor in a layer of protective paint. The gel could exist right below the armor, preferably as close to the point of impact as possible, maybe in some kind of lattice structure.

>What about explosives?
Depends on how directed it is, and the magnitude of the overall energy. An explosive has much more energy than a bullet. A bullet carries energy that is roughly equivalent to lighting a handful of bulbs for a few seconds, and directs that energy to a sharp point.

I'm not trying to overthink it, because at some point you might as well invent the damn thing you're simply trying to use in scifi. I just don't see why a gel couldn't exist as a hyper-efficient inertia damper in scifi, when we techically already use the principle in heavy automotives and armor.

>> No.10420833

>hating this
Its like you don't even understand the superiority of nippon steel

>> No.10420883
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>Seething lefty urbanites
Swords are retarded, but we could always go with better knives in the future. heard some cool stuff concerning Glass Metals.

>> No.10420895
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>Blunt Force Trama
Guns are great for that.

>> No.10420982

I saw that video too

>> No.10421009
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Shields that block anything above a minimum energy level and that cause atomic meltdowns when they get shot with lasers.

>> No.10421019

man... that scene... lol

>> No.10421041

>oi, m8 lemme pour dis acid on you so I can shoot you later

>> No.10421091

>what is subsonic ammunition?

>> No.10421216

>This is because long metal objects will reflect radiowaves in certain polarizations
you honestly think a katana will show up on radar. id have to see the tech on that.
if so peoplewould be using this in warzone so armies can scan for hidden weapons

>> No.10421219

yeah carry that around that wont raise any suspicion as all

>> No.10421582
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>>a katana will show up on radar.
hell fucking yes.
>> using this in warzone
Pic related. It's not a warzone, but I think detecting an elephant poachers rifle from an airplane certainly counts
It would be more surprising if a katana was for whatever reason undetectable on radar. In general, something is going to interact with radar waves when it's conductive and has a dimension at least more than one wavelength longer than that of the radar wavelength. A katana's like 60 cm long, that's like 5 wavelengths of 2.4 GHz. 2.4 GHz is about the frequency which wifi operates at, there are certainly radars that operate high than this. So a lot of things interact with radar waves, but what we can exploit here is that a katana will interact with radar waves in a particular manner. Because of this unique signature we can pick it out from the noise. You can detect quadcopters just from the fact that their spinning rotors have a distinct radio signature. Even though said rotors are made of plastic they still interact with radar enough that they can be detected:
You can even detect human through 9 meters of rubble just because a human breathing has a distinct radio signature:
For short range detection you can actually buy a radar capable of detecting katanas:
The technology to do this over longer ranges reliably and without human intervention is being investigated, although it is somewhat new. It might receive more funding though as it might be a way to prevent mass shootings:

>> No.10421604

This is awesome info anon, thank you for sharing your knowledge.

>> No.10421638

>We can make a small explosive device capable of seeking out targets and do see cheaply and with enough efficacy that the battlefield is completely changed

>> No.10421682

good post. be sure to watch the patriot1tech marketing video for inspiration. they say their devices update weapons' radar signatures from a central database. those weapons include guns, knives and bombs.

>> No.10421685

If you look at this image cross-eyed it becomes 3D

>> No.10421727

Crossbows could make a comeback but they are bulkier and less accurate than guns and have heavy, hard to load ammunition. Knives would still have an advantage in concealment

>> No.10422098

>laser swords

>> No.10422118

Its useful now. Within 21 feet a guy with a drawn hand weapon can kill before a gun is aimed.

>> No.10422120

Something like 40% of all small arms in the world are owned by American civilians.

>> No.10422325

full automatic crossbows

>> No.10422361

maybe if someone had to mow down hundreds of people/creatures/whatever without ever running out of ammo

>> No.10422366


>> No.10422372


anime isn't real kid

>> No.10422387

Isn't there another semi-related copypasta/screencap that detailed how the logistics of attacking your own citizenry is impractical and dangerous? I would like to see that again.

>> No.10422938

Sword connected to a supercap in the hilt or a backpack?

>> No.10423107

What happens when you shoot a cop though?

>> No.10423110

Cloaking or hard armour.
Melee weapons are better in the hands of an armoured guy or an invisible guy.

>> No.10423170

since you have alot of knowledge of radar tech and this is a furtistic thread. Could you record 3d information and have t played back. likesay could you use radars to 3d scan a city or smalll town andsee what everyone is doing (think the batman tech)

>> No.10423534

This. But not with a sword, usually a knife, since you can run with a knife more easily.

>> No.10423579

I think there is an upper limit on how powerful a gun with a given form factor can be and my guess would be that some existing guns are already pretty close to it, so if you could engineer humans to be able to survive a few gunshots relatively unharmed then guns would become much less useful. Such tech is obviously hundreds of years away though, if possible at all.

>> No.10425044

That would be a lot of information to colate.
Go watch the radiohead music video for house of cards. The entire thing was "filmed" using acoustics. It's pretty neat what they did.

>> No.10425169

In a purely fiction perspective, maybe armor/protection became so good that bullets aren't practical or effective, and somehow other weapon systems like swords saw more use?
Kinda like how in star wars lore, that white armor for storm troopers is practically invulnerable to projectiles but a new weapon system was invented i.e. lasers which was actually effective against the armor...but, this is science fiction. Who the fuck knows if this is even possible
This would only apply to military too because civilians wont have access to advanced armor and they never will. I think even in a nonfiction perspective, traditional firearms will never lose their practicality when it comes to civilian matters such as law enforcement, criminals, home defense, etc. Who knows? Maybe even said advanced weapon systems made specifically to outperform the fictional impenetrable armor would underperform against unarmored people with regular guns because the lack of armor would make the advanced weapon system the worse alternative as opposed to the firearm? Because the only reason to use said future weapon system is to overcome the armor?

>> No.10425295
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Fuck you anon.

>> No.10425313

It was a good video

>> No.10425322

Based jap

>> No.10425331
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LOGH did a pretty good explanation.
>Someone invents a non-toxic, viable, gas that explodes when weapons are fired through it
>As soon as someone tosses a gas nade, everyone has to go back to using melee weapons or they all die in the explosion.
>Yes suicidal religious fanatics still fire into the gas and blow themselves up in the show.

>> No.10425341


>> No.10425386

>Shield blocks fast things
>Fast sword swing just slow enough to enter shield
>Also, bigger, heavier, slower bullet reaches similar speeds, can deliver similar impact in a finer point, and can enter shield too, from range
At best it would be the re-introduction of black powder civil-war-era hand cannons.

>> No.10425401

So a single tripwire device that triggers a laser that hits your shield would wipe out half of your forces. Nice.

>> No.10425415

That sounds pretty stupid.

>> No.10425418

Actual reasonable explanation:
>cybernetic enhancements are available in the future making its users much faster than a normal human and have much better reflexes. hence the gap between a sword and a gun user is more narrow
>you have to do most of your fighting at close range and be as discreet as possible
>enemies are some kind of cyborgs with multiple redundant systems that render bullets wounds much less dangerous. the best way to quickly and reliably kill an enemy is to cut him in half or chop his head off

>> No.10425429

It doesn't even need to be, it can simply be

>gunpowder in its ideal solid form (smokeless AND black powder) is almost completely used up for the entire area/continent/planet
>what little remains is either hoarded by investors, too expensive or inaccessible to import, or simply the few surviving guns and cartridges of antiquity still in private circulation
>other explosive propulsion substances are either too powerful to harness in a convenient portable weapon, or too weak to combat the common armor already resistant to "medium-power" rounds (without pinpoint accuracy of small vital areas)
>Energy or magnetic weapons are still just out of technological reach
>Mechanical/tension-powered projectile weapons (bows, slings, catapults) are either too big and heavy, or too light and weak for man-portable use
Swords and other melee weapons are almost the last option. Law enforcement would certainly use them too, so civilian uprisings wouldn't be out of the question. Only the rare eccentric rich or very powerful would have access to effective ranged weapons in urban settings, making for great boss characters.

Wait, are we talking about video games?
Oh shit, this isn't /v/. How the hell did I get here?

>> No.10425445
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>Can you come up with a scientifically plausible explanation for why swords might become a useful weapon again
far far away in a different universe the year is 2019

your little sister is banging achmed and his friends while you are still an incel. how is this fair? time for revenge on this society. your name is not important. what matters is that you managed to pass the 3 background checks required to buy this mighty sword
>pic related
with a smug smirk on your acne ridden unshaved face you walk past the "save a life bin that knife" after all yours is a mighty katana. you watched a lot of anime so you are an expert in combat. time to choose your first target. this big black man will do. you prepare to teleport behind him. but nani??? TN:he's fast. he notices you
>oi wanker u lost ere m8?
>n-n-no s-sorry
time for a tactical retreat to your battle station. maybe you will just keep venting to the only friends you have, some strangers in an anonymous anime image board. someone else will surely fix this broken unfair world. surely the god emperor is only pretending to be just an other weak puppet. surely tomorrow will be a better day. or the day after tomorrow. or the day after...

in case you didn't get the message of my beautiful haiku, the only possible explanation is if any form of more lethal weaponry is banned. there literally is no other reason you dummy

>> No.10425448

sounds like some hardcore projection is taking place in that post, friendo

>> No.10425526

The thing about the dune universe is that there's a convention against atomics.
Every major house has a bunch in reserve that they hold onto for the sole reason of ganging up and nuking anyone who violates the convention off the face of the universe.
What you suggest is pretty much the ONLY war crime in the landsraad.
Later in the series the universe is attacked by mysterious people returning from a galactic diaspora and they make a bunch of dummy-ships that were stripped of anything but engines and shields specifically to trick the bad guys into nuking their own side. (The shielded object, and the person shooting the laser nuke, so it's as dangerous to your own side as it is to theirs),

>> No.10426640

Nuclear war or other cataclysm drives humanity to stone age.
Humans are almost extinct. Survivors reinvent tools, wheel. Bronze age comes. Swords are now very useful weapon.

>> No.10426669

>urban environment
>everybody is wearing minimal armour due to price + agility
>reach + weight
>perfect weapon for close quarters
>except it isn't
>a hammer or a knife is probably way better
>swordfags rekt

>> No.10426673

>implying a police cordon to the insurgent controlled area followed by a small insertion of a heavily armed, heavily trained special ops unit won't dispose of this problem
you fuckers seem to forget the U.S. has been dealing with insurgents for decades now. why would you attack them on their own turf? they simply cut off the water supply and starve you out
>m-muh guuuuns

>> No.10426677


>> No.10426708


As >>10413710 says very simply, if armor evolves to the point that most normal munitions are invalidated, then melee weapons could make a comeback if they reach a point where they can cut through the evolved armor.

Although not likely in reality, you can see this very often in fictional settings, where things like lightsabers and power weapons allow sufficiently protected melee combatants (either they dodge everything or their armor lets them be immune to most things) to destroy almost any hardened target given enough time.

>> No.10426734

Swords don’t require any permits to buy. That’s already a perk over firearms and it’s not even the future yet. Let’s say guns get banned in the West though, that is another thing that could necessitate a revival of sword usage. But then kooks would be screeching about sword control laws. You cannot change humanity by outlawing his right to protect himself.
But seriously, swords won’t make a comeback unless guns are somehow uninvented. I own a sword and a gun and practice with both. If there were ever an intruder in my house, I don’t know how he is armed so I’d always grab my gun first. Sucks too because I like the sword more.

>> No.10427256

They only used the gladius after they had thrown their javelines and lost their spears. It was more a symbol of their position as a soldier than it was their primary weapon.
Roman metal has always been pretty shitty anyways.
The swords popularity and ubiquity in ye oden times is mostly a meme from the romance period where everyone was wewuzzing as chivalrous knights.

>> No.10427270

Still noisy as fuck.

>> No.10427275
File: 67 KB, 1038x576, mace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the superior melee weapon.

>> No.10427294

That's pretty much what it's like in Metal Gear Rising, everyone is a cyborg with super strength and a body highly resistant to anything weaker than an RPG, hence they use swords that vibrate really fast because it's more practical than carrying around a bunch of explosives.

>> No.10427313

A sword doesn't run out of ammo.

>> No.10427372


Knives have far more multi-purpose use than swords do. Unless we learn how to fucking cut shit with our brains and crap then small, sharp pointy things will always have a place in society. Even if tech evolves to the point we can just materialize something to cut food or cloth or whatever with out of thin air there will probably always be people who don't trust the tech or feel it'll crap out in a survival situation and want to rely on something physical will use them.

There's also the sheer ambush factor of a knife. You can stand near or in front of someone and pull out a switchblade to stab them in the chest or back before they even realize what happened. Even assisted opening knives can be opened one-handed pretty fast with some practice. If you walk up on someone with a sword they're going to be on guard.

>> No.10427399

>swordfags BTFO

>> No.10427413

It's still useful if your opponent doesn't have a gun

>> No.10427472

so what happens when the system gets overloaded or sabotaged at a single entry point? Do you lose triangulation in the entire range?

>> No.10427548
File: 363 KB, 1024x576, 952A3F26-34B5-4BCB-BE95-95C1B2179538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do “””laser swords””” count? If they ever make real light sabers, every gun nut in the world would probably switch teams and main swords again.

>> No.10428087

Guns would still be better because the bullets would simply turn into molten metal shots.

>> No.10428586

it's quiet but if it's to big it can lack stealth.

>> No.10428657

basically purge night?

>> No.10429975

That's when you seize shit or acquire it from the land yourself, duh
And just how do you cordone large cities and metropolitan areas?

>> No.10430001

Oh Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.10430807


75% of Americans think gun laws should be more strict, and that includes the 60% of republicans.
Gun laws will pass, this generation will be content. The next generation will ask for more gun control, gun laws will pass, they will be content. Give it 50 years tops and you'll need a license to own a handgun.
If you dont see this you're blind, /k/ is not representative of the general public.

>> No.10431382

Guns need bullets. Swords are good for as long as the edge stays sharp

>> No.10431402
File: 159 KB, 1600x1066, turret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A sword would have to be a tool like a knife or screwdriver to be plausible in the "distant future".
Look at where weapons systems are going now, they are all ranged turrets that can rotate in all angles and shoot for miles. Image recognition technology will be added to turrets in the near future as well. Chances are humans wont directly be fighting each other in 500 years because it will all be done by machines.
There is no way a sword would be useful unless it was a tool of some sort, maybe a spiritual thing if you want to add the Devil into your sci fi adventure

>> No.10431591

The edge doesn't stay sharp after a few kills I believe.

>> No.10431641

>humans wont directly be fighting each other in 500 years because it will all be done by machines
Das true.
Full-scale combat will take seconds, minutes at most.
The work of military commanders, meanwhile, will essentially that of a systems engineer - to setup a system of automatic weaponry that is more robust and more powerful than that of your opponent according to changing circumstances.

>> No.10431740

nanoswarm slinging/launching coupled with concealment and intimidation tactics, and just showing off wealth

>> No.10431866

Gun control is the least of the problems for the future of America. With the new demographics the country will be on par with the rest of latin america.

>> No.10432014

Your question is not really valid.
It's not a 'science' question.
At best it's a sociology question.
More likely a political question.

As warfare becomes more and more 'sanitized' we're more and more insulated from it's horrifying effects; example: that original Star Trek episode where they encounter a civilization that's been at war for 500 years, and it's all done by computer simulation -- except for the 'casualties', which voluntarily show up at disintegration stations, to be cleanly killed.
Returning to hand-to-hand combat with basic weapons would restore the 'horrors of war' -- and warfare would become a Last Resort again.
Nuclear weapons are a 'deterrent to war' because they are about the highest level of HORROR that war can offer: lingering nuclear death.

>> No.10432021

fuck off, ok?

>> No.10432024

No, it's not """ok""", you want to DO something about that you little faggot?

>> No.10432559

Humans become so fast through gene editing that bullets become useless as they can easily dodge them.

>> No.10432631

a puncture hole in a space craft = total hull depressurization. melee weapons become a necessity for fighting in-ship combat because kinetic weapons are far too risky

>> No.10432708

>= total hull depressurization
Horse shit.
Remember when they found a hole in the ISS and they decided to fix it after a good nights rest?
Even in the event of catastrophic hull failure, you'd still have emergency bulkheads and pressure doors.
For a space suit just have pressure seals around the joints to minimize the damage if anything happens.
It wouldn't be comfortable, but you'd survive vacuum as long as you've still got a helmet and oxygen.

>> No.10432731
File: 2 KB, 125x120, 1551111521083s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10433234

sword made of nano bots bitch. can shrink or grow longer.
t. gantz
or just have a mechanism in the sheath that sharpens the blade when sheathed

>> No.10433248

as long as someone survives who knows how to create gun poweder (that person also likely knows the mechanics of guns) then guns will quickly return

>> No.10433274

poster has a point. if youre in a spaceship. you dont want ppl to be shooting guns to either damage the systems or cuz hull depressurization.
picture this
mining or science crew has precious cargo worth millions of credits.

space yakuza hired by the takasihi corporation board the craft.
order: kill all personel but leave the captain alive.
your hottie assasin with side shaved hair starts slicing through meat bags. no part of the ship is damaged and the cargo can be retrieved.
its this or start using taser darts with lithium batteries inside to provide an electric shocks.(why hasnt someone invented this already)

>> No.10433296

Early space combat.

Ships, stations, and surface habitats are too fragile and valuable to use firearms. So swords make a comeback as weapons to use near or inside these structures.

>> No.10433301

Battery taser darts exist for 12ga shotguns

>> No.10434278


1) people become traditionalists.
2) honor attained through combat rather than just button pushing.
3) Frank Herbert did so in Dune.

>> No.10434281

Once they take the guns, they'll keep coming until they take the spoons, just like in jolly 'ol UK.

>> No.10434317

lmao have you any idea how long 21 feet is? Gun wins every time