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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10384819 No.10384819 [Reply] [Original]

the thread for people who can’t find a job or who have just recently found one and would like to brag

>> No.10385067

Is it a good idea to switch from ChemE to Energy and Process Engineering?

>> No.10385139

I have a job and it fucking blows. All that work to become a glorified technician. Fuck engineering.

>> No.10385254

Just curious: why an engineer thread in /sci/ when there is /g/?

>> No.10385334

/g/ is for discussing anime mousepads

>> No.10385341

ME vs CivE? Both sound fun.

>> No.10385343

>29 years old basically already dead
>started EE program while working
>by the time I finished I'll have 12 years of relevant field experience
What are my chances guys?

>> No.10385347

You will regret both of them. Study something other than engineering. Better yet, something outside of STEM.

>> No.10385438
File: 30 KB, 518x558, ew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please critique my resume.
i'm applying for an internship doing energy analysis.
they also want a cover letter. what do I write?

>> No.10385441

Go to some classes and find out which one you really like.

>> No.10385470

Whats your major and what electives did you take?

>> No.10385492
File: 46 KB, 437x501, fug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate computer scientists and I hate that people see me as one (because I am one).

I hate that people see me as a retard even thought I adore math and I'm very interested in science topics. I hate that I work so much because I'm in a not-a-meme cs degree while other people graduate in other schools with minimum effort.

But godamn it makes me feel good that I am assured I will have a job with good pay. Sucks to be you, engineers, but at least people don't think you're a pajeet willing to fix people's printers when you state your job

>> No.10385495

who gives a shit about your work as barista lmao

>> No.10385502

I’m going to assume you’re a college student who has a job lined up after college. This is not exclusive to CS majors. You’re not special, this happens literally everywhere.
If you don’t have a job lined up and you think you’re going to find a job, good luck with that. CS is oversaturated af just like engineering.

>> No.10385516

/g/ is more about discussing technology from a consumer standpoint. majority of its userbase is either CS majors or hobbyists.

>> No.10385519

I’m sure the hiring manager doesn’t, but it’s better to have on there than no work experience at all, right? At least I’m not some babby who just goes to school and has never worked a day in their life.

>> No.10385593

i wonder how pathetic you feel when talking to an engineer with a job lmao

>> No.10385595
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>CS is oversaturated af just like engineering.
not at all, what are you smoking?
Yes there are a lot of cs students graduating, but there are even more job openings.

>> No.10385651

>even more job openings.

>> No.10385662
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>> No.10386425

>so that means triangle P would
>triangle P
Why must I be in the same classrooms as biofags and biochemretards

>> No.10386523

How difficult will it be to get software engineering jobs as an EE?

>> No.10386530

>tfw my school awards EE degrees as degrees in "Electrical and Computer Engineering"

>> No.10386566

I did Civil and wish I did mech but maybe the grass is just greener on the other side

>> No.10386602

You should always pretend to love team work and cooperation when applying for jobs. You need to really bullshit about that. Employers have this irrational hatred for lone wolf spergs, even though that's what most people in the engineering field actually are.

>> No.10386846

Ok let's think together here. You say you love math and science topics, so for this I assume you would like to work in an actual CS job and not making pajeetware.
Then you post some graphic that while right, it is widely known that at best 5% of those jobs are actually Computer Science related. The rest are code monkey and software engineering jobs.
Thus making your field probably one of the worst regarding the amount of job positions available.
Get your facts straight dumbo.

>> No.10387110

Don't list the cafe jobs

>> No.10387122

total CS job openings : codemonkey openings : real CS openings :: total engineering job openings : CAD/CNC monkey openings : real engineering openings.

>> No.10387178

I fucking hate programming, I fucking hate algorithms, I fucking hate having to take this gay shit as an EE. I want more EM, and SSP related material, not this fucking autistic shit.

>> No.10387473

Just the barista? Can I leave my current job on there just so they know I’m not some loser who doesnt work?

>> No.10387484

Talk like a godamn human being

>> No.10388807

Choosing my engineering field later this month (second semester first year.) I'm not completely sold on which field I want to go into yet. On one hand EE seems interesting, but a lot of the jobs are in power unless I want to move to Ontario (Canadian.) On the other hand a Software engineering degree sounds like a CS degree with some science course, plus I'd probably end up a code monkey.

Is EE a good choice (I don't want to switch out of engineering.)

>> No.10388811

I'm hyped for my Systems Engineering classes starting soon

>> No.10388817

The engineer is engi-here!

>> No.10388915

Got a 3+ year experience CS job as a CE out of uni with a garbage GPA, kys.

>> No.10388919

Started my first job in an R&D position about a month ago, with a shit gpa and no internships. Keep at it and we'll all make it.

>> No.10389158

How do you do to deal with your ego problem ? I just started my first job where I am supposed to do some basic Block diagrams on visio (industrial automation for a nuclear plant) . So basically I am doing a designer job with an engineer degree (Grande Ecole Master in energy systems ) .. I can't stand talking to my low iq collegues this shit is Killing me. I can't even sleep good. Should I just quit now and start looking for a real job ? The pay is not that bad desu (35k€ for a moor Who just came to Europe 3 years ago is OK) but it kills me when I think all that hard work went into the trash bin. What hurts more is that people with lower grades and better social skills are doing waaay better in their professional life.

>> No.10389177

About as easy as it is to get a job as a medical doctor with a bachelor's in chemistry.

>> No.10389195

I would move this one to the trash. Even after my usual half-goes-to-trash routine.

>> No.10389199

>with a garbage GPA
Define "garbage".

>> No.10389207

Work exp >>> GPA always, don't worry, just apply

>> No.10389222

Is it honestly that hard to find a good EE job?

>> No.10389224
File: 166 KB, 781x401, batteries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys are really interested in engineering?

Physics/Math threads actually talk about Physics/Math

Engineering threads talk about jobs, salaries and other non-technical issues.

Jesus you should be discussing NavierStokes equations, steel alloys, closed feedback-loops, Stirling engines, Archimedes... engineering is beautiful and yet you are always bitching about a fucking corporative jobs.

Fuck you.

>> No.10389232

That's because we get jobs.

>> No.10389234
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Well, no fucking shit. If money weren't a factor, everyone would just go into math or physics. The only reason to go engineering is for the money.

>> No.10389245

>it's another edition of delusional college kids think they will be making more than $50k a year as an engineer

>> No.10389257

Why do you say this fren

>> No.10389263

Shit, I'm a ChemE and it's been 1 month and a half and still no job.

>> No.10389268

No, engineering is applied science. No one want shit on paper.

>> No.10389278


Engineering existed long before Science did moron. Engineering just uses scientific proven facts and its methods as tools to solve real life problems

James Watt made his steam engine without themodynamic knowledge

>> No.10389286

I already do, $70k starting, will be $110k and up when I'm done with my 2.5 years rookie period.
*whisper* first year of that is finishing uni ;)

>> No.10389304

People are only going to read your contact details, school and GPA.

Even then no one cares about your resume, call someone or meet face to face. There are career events and there is linkedn.

>> No.10389308

Maybe if you're socially handicapped and generally retarded.

>> No.10389331

Science is applied engineering.

>> No.10389720

Grades dont mean intelligence honey, those students were smarter than you since they knew how to play to their strengths better than you did and are now reaping the rewards.

>> No.10389722

why do so many electrial engineers work as baristas
i know like 4

>> No.10389814

I know a mechanical engineer (MSc) who works as a fish and chips monkey. His wife has an economics masters, works along with him frying fish and chips.
The joke is they make 3x more than me with a 7 year experience in the field. The difference is they moved out to the UK and I stayed here in the smelly armpit of the EU (now fascist Hungary)

>> No.10389826

entry level engineering jobs don't exist outside of a handful of places

>> No.10390017
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That's pretty interesting actually, I'm on the edge of switching to CivilE from AerospaceE. There's just a fuckton more jobs for it where I'm from and it definitely sounds more interesting.
>I wish I did mech
Can you elaborate?

>> No.10390053

What kind of programming languages should I learn?
Right now I'm just doing basic shit with matlab.
Is the free and open source software a meme or not?

>> No.10390235


>> No.10390286

>Watching concrete dry
>More interesting than building planes

>> No.10390430

When it comes to specialized usage, free and open source falls hard on its face. Matlab, Maple and Origin (and the likes) still have a market and demand because they not only deliver a full package but they also offer to provide the best service for your work and needs.
With FOSS you need to wait until one deranged dev decides his niche bullshit doesn't need as much attention than a wide range of users unified demand for basic functions (I am looking at you, Octave)

>> No.10390496

This post is proof that /engi/ is full of undergrad retards talking shit about stuff they don't understand.

>> No.10390640
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And engi-queer

>> No.10390643

Pls respond

>> No.10390674

How the hell should we know what is good for you?

>> No.10390685

I’m asking in general, anon-kun.

>> No.10390702

In general ChemE is a good degree

>> No.10390712

Why would you switch to some meme degree? Process engineering is a discipline within chemical engineering, and I don't know what "energy engineering" is supposed to be but it's probably included in chemical engineering too. Engineering BS degrees are supposed to be broad, you can specialize later.

>> No.10390724


I translated it from German.
ChemE doesn’t have enough technical courses at my uni and focuses heavily on chemistry instead.

You actually have more options to specialise during the last two semesters in Energy and Process Engineering and you have more technical modules.
I’m worried that it will be regarded as a meme degree because ChemE seems more respectable

>> No.10390765

Energy engineering is power plants, heating, coal, gas, oil or nuclear.

>> No.10390860

Good choice, AE is shit

t. Aerospace Engineer

>> No.10391413

I'm gonna disagree with the people saying that you should drop the other work experience. If you don't have anything else to occupy it with, it doesn't hurt when you're looking for internship.

You need to learn to make it sound "sexier" though. Use action verbs to describe your duties, and drive home why they're important. I work at a Whole Foods currently, and while I don't list any of my duties (I just have it on there to really fill up some space since there's not enough room for one of my other projects but it's good enough to explain a gap in my life), it's the only thing that can really set you apart from where it sounds like where you are

Also, I'm not big on "objectives" personally, I just think it's dumb and everyone knows what your fucking objective is, but i'm sure some other fags with jobs can chime in and tell me if I'm wrong

>> No.10391474

I'm gonna be the guy who brags. Recently graduated mech eng, and am working for a company who is prototyping electric motors to power small propellor planes. I definitely have to be one of the luckiest people ever, it's pretty much my dream job.

>> No.10391477


I'm an aerospace engineer too. The work is fun, more interesting to me than most other branches of eng. I like the field, the industry.

>> No.10391481

Everyone uses Excel, becoming an Excel/VBA wizard will serve you well.

Python is the best for non-software engineers because of how good is is for quickly building a prototype piece of software. You boss won't want to pay you for the process of automating work until after you've already done it. So you have to build your macros/scripts in less time than it would have taken you do the work manually.

The only people I know who use matlab in their work are control engies.

>> No.10391681

Matlab is good but Python doesn't require a license to do pretty much the same thing in the computation sphere.

You should also learn C just because.

>> No.10391683

>not doing mechatronics dual with physics

It's like you don't want to be the next Davinci.

>> No.10391768

You're suffering from delusion. Snap out of it because it will really hurt you in your studies and when trying to find a job.

>> No.10392529

This, though matlab is also used for vibrations and acoustics

>> No.10392588
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Just trying to get some more opinions on this matter:
If you were 20y old again and had to decide between becoming an industrial electrician or a software developer (both apprenticeships. The plan is to study later). Which career path would you chose and why?
Further questions:
>What is more likely to get replaced by foreign workers / robots?
>Which one will be more fulfilling?
>What about stress?
>Are these fields over saturated with workers?

>> No.10393723

ded thred

>> No.10394128

It probably is, seeing as vibrations is basically a control problem.

The vibrations team at my company is on the same floor as me. I walk past them every time I head to the tea room. I haven't ever seen them with matlab open though.

>> No.10394144
File: 66 KB, 1480x832, feelsgoodman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be math major
>just got 94 in lin alg midterm
>mfw $300k starting guaranteed

>> No.10394185

>telecom/EE recently finished my master's
>effortlessly top 10% of class in grades
>couple of internships back in Europe, cool flashy master's project, soon a publication
>look at job listings
>almost zero entry level engineering positions in my area, even less in my field
>positions announced as entry level but asking for 5+ years experience
>interviewing processes that take 2+ months and the company doesn't even have the courtesy to send you an email written by a human being telling you that you're out and giving some feedback

It's not like I've been applying and networking a lot, though.

>> No.10394638

So I was on rebbit and I was reading through a thread where people were saying that the interviews they got weren't really that hard and sometimes they weren't tested on what they knew. How true is that for people already in the field here?

>> No.10394967

im so sorry.

>> No.10394971

The /cyb/ general in /g/ is comfy and covers neither mousepads nor consumerism.

>> No.10394973

I've never had a technical interview in my life.

>> No.10394975

You need something to distinguish you in some way above the 300 others applying. A barrrista job is a small start but nowhere enough,.

>> No.10394979

The ob openings are limited to those that will accept slavery contracts out of India. The whole graph has one purpose: import more people from India and offshore more jobs.

Don't fall for this garbage.

>> No.10395015

/sci/ is like /b/ but people are fucking stupid here

>> No.10395070

Does it matter what I do my master's thesis on, or will it set me back if it isn't directly related to my doctoral research???

Also, what are you guys researching???

>> No.10395075

>doctoral research

>> No.10395102

Congratulations bro. That sounds pretty rad.

I've never been asked a single technical question in any interview. Just behavioral questions and talking about projects.

>> No.10395185

/engi/, last Monday, I attended a career fair for engineering students at my alma mater. What I experienced greatly concerned me. It's no small wonder that so many people here experience difficulties finding suitable employment if the students who approached my firm's booth are representative of today's engineering student (and I have no reason to believe they are not).

Firstly, the students performed little, if any, research into my company. We are a global professional services firm serving virtually all engineering fields, a fact plainly visible on our website and even on the collateral displayed in our booth; yet, many students had gross misconceptions about the services we perform for our clients, with one even asking if we were a trucking company (again, this was an engineering job fair).

Secondly, the level of antisocial behavior on display was very discouraging. In my position, we have to interface with clients on a daily basis, present to the public, etc., and social skills are critical to maintaining client relationships. Unfortunately, many of the students had great difficulty even introducing themselves to myself and my coworker. On several occasions, noting students who were hanging around near the booth but not approaching, we went to them and brought them to our booth.

Finally, even though I talked to over a hundred students, received dozens of resumes, and gave all my business card while expressly asking them to keep in touch, I've received one e-mail and one call from students in the past week. I offered the one who called back a job during our phone conversation. I have a small number of students I will contact next week simply because we must fill positions, but most have squandered an opportunity by not following up.

In summary, it seems too many people here are obsessing over details of minor relevance while neglecting more important behavior and skills required to function in the professional world.

>> No.10395350

To be fair, on the topic of research, in a job fair there are hundreds of companies present. You can't expect people to research all of them ahead of time. Every time I've gone to a job fair I've seen dozens of companies I've never heard of beforehand -- which is the purpose of the fair, even. Now, if you get them scheduled for an interview later in the week and they still haven't bothered to look up what you do, that's a problem, but if you're just on the floor and people don't know you that's to be expected.

The rest of it, though, yeah that's not a big surprise to me.

>> No.10395375

>not knowing about the company they want to work
Ok I'm surprised too. What kind of abstract incompetence is this?

>> No.10395566
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Tik tok December grads. Student loans are coming up

>> No.10395612

>Graduated with a Petroleum E. degreee from a below average school during one of the most competitive and low demand years

>worked my ass off to be top 5 in class

>comfy office job making $130k with great benefits

Lesson: if you graduated with no job, you have only yourself to blame for not being good enough. Regardless of what industry you are or what college you go to, as long as you’re among the best, companies will seek you.

>> No.10395633

>data point of 1
Brainlet that doesn't want to admit he's lucky detected

>> No.10395702

Out of all the people I've talked to at all the career fairs Ive been to I never once received contact information from anybody. If I had you bet I would be on his ass about getting a job.

>> No.10395740

Luck plays a part of everything in life, but you have to work to put yourself in a position for luck to be applied

>> No.10395751
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>as long as you’re among the best

so if i fucked up my bachelor with say 12 semesters and got a very good masters degree in 4 semesters (top of the top)

am I shit or good.

>> No.10395761

During boom times, the average salary (not incl. bonuses, etc.) of a PetE grad at my school was 160k. PhD's were getting over 200k.

>> No.10395807

ME is for sure funner. Never once regretted the decision to major in it (aside junior year college, but that's weed out year in most universities). Designing and ripping apart machinery always fascinated me more than static structures tho.
But the first 2 years both majors almost entirely the same classes. There's a few classes that will define what type of engineering you'll most enjoy. Physics II buffs make good EE, chemistry chemical of course. You'll take Statics and Dynamics sophomore year. If you enjoy statics more, switch to civil, and vice versa.

>> No.10395906


The university posted the list of companies on the website a few weeks in advance, with links to websites, blurbs about the companies, and lists of applicable majors. The majors could be filtered as well. Regardless, there weren't that many firms at the fair since it was restricted to engineering, maybe 50 total. Should have been trivial to at least scan the list.


You probably talked to HR reps, instead of an engineer or manager. We ignore our HR personnel since they are all but useless in actually helping us fill open positions; they tell us to refer candidates to the online application system then sit on the resumes or send us "screened" (i.e., diverse) applicants.

I always hand out business cards to try to get candidates to contact me directly instead of going through our website. Unfortunately it seems people prefer the indirect and impersonal method of applying and as such they get stuck in HR purgatory.

>> No.10395923

>The university posted the list of companies on the website a few weeks in advance, with links to websites, blurbs about the companies, and lists of applicable majors. The majors could be filtered as well. Regardless, there weren't that many firms at the fair since it was restricted to engineering, maybe 50 total. Should have been trivial to at least scan the list.
If it was that small then your point makes sense; at least some of them should have done some research on you. I'm used to going to fairs with 200 to 400 firms, and I mean even with advance notice there's zero way I could possibly research even a reasonable fraction of that ahead of time beyond just reading the quick blurb.

>> No.10395944
File: 431 KB, 640x478, Man_Of_Integrity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I've never met an HR rep that didn't belong in the deepest circle of hell. Recently applied to a contract job, and it was so damn refreshing to talk to someone who actually wanted you to get the job. Every job I've gotten so far is because I've managed to get in touch with someone at the company through means besides HR, so good on you guys for making that easier.

>> No.10395960


>> No.10396046

I'm not gonna make it bros, I'm getting btfo by fucking water

>> No.10396530


>I'm used to going to fairs with 200 to 400 firms, and I mean even with advance notice there's zero way I could possibly research even a reasonable fraction of that ahead of time beyond just reading the quick blurb.

If you're attending a large fair you may be better off choosing a few firms and looking into those. You ought to be able to pick out some depending on the type of work you're looking for, the company culture, etc. and then seek them out directly. After all, even at a large, engineering-specific fair, not all of the companies present are going to be a good fit for you.

Regardless, if you don't know anything about a company you can still ask while sounding like you know what you're doing. "I haven't heard of your company before, but I was passing by and I noticed [something in the booth presentation]. Can you tell me more about what you do?" The trick here is to have some basic knowledge of what a business does and does not do. For example, most consulting firms, like mine, are not going to pay you to do research. (We have tens of thousands of employees and less than fifty do actual research. They are in our federal group.)


>Every job I've gotten so far is because I've managed to get in touch with someone at the company through means besides HR, so good on you guys for making that easier.

This is the same for me, which is why I bother to attend the fairs in the first place. It's the one piece of career advice that /engi/ hates to hear. You have to find out who your future boss/coworkers are and reach out to them. If they can put your face to your resume then you stand out from the pile of paper and they are the only ones who can go to bat for you in the hiring process. I graduated before LinkedIn was around, it's a million times easier now than it was then. Really no excuse to not take this approach.

>> No.10396570
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Neat. Got into a masters civil engineering program (transportation). I have a urban planning/GIS background instead of an engineering background. Not sure how I can complete this with the full-time job I just got but I'm happy either way.

>> No.10396576
File: 91 KB, 2014x330, its hopeless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 applicants for an entry level position at my local government. Please tell me how you're supposed to compete and distinguish yourself against 100 applicants.

>> No.10396582

do minors mean anything at all?

>> No.10396588


Drop the objective and replace it with a summary ("Hard working and highly motivated engineering student seeking a rewarding internship in X field. Elective coursework in X, Y, Z. Proven communication, etc skills...").

Unless you only have required coursework completed, list your STEM electives instead. Everyone takes physics, etc. What courses have you taken that make YOU special?

Move skills before coursework and add to the skills list. Soft skills count, and HR types eat that up. "Proven interpersonal skills in a diverse and inclusive working environment"... That kind of thing.

Definitely keep your employment listed, but use it as "proof" of your soft skills, e.g. "interfaced with customers and resolved conflicts between coworkers"... that sort of thing.

Make sure your resume has ALL of the keywords from the job qualifications list if this is an online app. It'll get filtered otherwise. Better yet, go to a career fair. 98% of job hunting is getting a carbon-based life form to read your resume.

As for the cover letter, I usually wrote mine with a starting paragraph expressing interest in the job and the company. Then I delve into qualifications. I had a small table that maps the job qualification from the listing to the qualification I have. Certainly not the only way to write a cover letter though. YMMV.

>> No.10396606


Python for general purpose scrip[ting and automation. C++ for heavy lifting.

>> No.10396614


I have had technical interviews before, but often it's more along the lines of 1) do you have any idea at all what you're talking about and 2) how would you go about solving a problem. It depends if you're being interviewed by actual engineers or HR types.

>> No.10396618


This is so true it hurts. I honestly think 50% of the reason I got the awesome job that I have is because I was able to confidently interact with the recruiters and clearly express myself. They pick up on that sort of thing right away.

>> No.10396639

Around graduation, I interviewed with 2 Fortune 500 semiconductor companies, on site. One peppered me with technical questions, almost exclusively. The second was much more of an interview to get to know me, the only technical questions they asked were to assess my familiarity with the technologies they work with, instead they were interested in my work experience. I start work with them soon.

>> No.10396649

>made an autistic joke about how I can build a nuke during an interview
I'm actually going to kill myself tonight, see you all on the other side.

>> No.10397189


>> No.10397199

>student capitalized for no reason
>erroneous space before GPA
>inconsistency with spaces before/after hyphens throughout
>different fonts for no reason
>one word hanging onto next line
>extra new lines before career history segment

>> No.10397205

Are you a PLC programmer?

>> No.10397208

sit around making drawings in solidworks all day
sit around doing spreadsheets

Both make less even after years of work than decent programmers make starting.

>> No.10397211

It's not irrational, employers care about value added to the company not what you can do in your garage with your hobby project.

>> No.10397249

you can't build a nuke

If you think you can you have probably never actually built even something as simple as a junction box.

>> No.10397259

luck decides everything but luck follows probability

>> No.10397551


>> No.10397558

they won't hurt but are not necessary. you should use your time/energy to get better grades in the classes you're already taking or get research or internship experience. minors are for people who's major wasn't good enough to begin with and needs to be supplemented

>> No.10397569


It'd be good to have the broad credential of a ChemE degree (along with that sweet generalist understanding of chemistry you claim), then try credit-transfer into whatever specialisation you want (i.e. the specialisation stuff for process/energy). May take longer and cost more though, definitely worth attempting to do if your financials/situation allows it.

>> No.10397998

How's the demand for RF?

>> No.10398526

Is mechatronics a meme?

>> No.10398550

maybe in the future it won't, but as it is now, definitely

>> No.10398589

God fucking dammit yes. If you have to ask that brain dead fucking question about any major then it's a meme. Next time do literally any amount of research about it before shitting up this already shitty general.

>> No.10398594

I see you don't know how to use a keyboard and so many abstract mathematics have fried your brain.
But if you are implying there are even remotely close as many real CS jobs openings as there are real engineering jobs, you are more delusional than I thought.

>> No.10398596

Follow up: are engineering PHDs a meme? Been hearing a lot from people doing PHDs and they sound like a lot of fun (plus doctor title would be nice). Is the ~3 years spent on one a waste of time in that you could have just spent 3 years in the workforce progressing there?

>> No.10398670
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>Structural Engineering & Architecture
It's a dual honors degree, 50/50 split.
I'm really interested but also really unsure about myself since it's a massive change from my current pathway
Any thoughts, /engi/?

>> No.10398715

two companies want to employ me badly, and tries to get me first
feels good being at the center of attention

>> No.10398783

Anyone tried working abroad as an engineer?

>> No.10398980

Depends entirely on where you live. In the first world, yes. Here in the second world where things like industrial machinery get manufactured, a job is pretty much guaranteed.

The problem is, you will be sitting around programming in shitty buggy proprietary IDEs all day and troubleshooting non-transparent systems while getting paid 1/3 of what a java android dev would get. If your major is mechatronics every businessman only cares about the programming part, the mechanics and electronics is just what binds your dumb ass to him.

Study CS instead.

>> No.10399155

That girl is kinda ugly

>> No.10399174

Mechatronics sounds like a bunch of fun to me. My current plan is to do both mechanical and mechatronic engineering subjects in my undergraduate. Would it be better to do electrical and mechanical subjects instead of mechatronics?

>> No.10399176

so if I DO go for one, it's totally fine to do it for fun/interest right?

>> No.10399525

I am thinking about doing a degree in mining and minerals engineering in curtin University in Perth. I was wondering if the pay is good and if there are many job opportunities. Or if you could, please do recommend me a different degree

>> No.10399547

sure, it won't hurt anything other than use your time/energy which could be spent on something more useful as i mentioned

It's worth it if you want to be a researcher and enjoy the grad school lifestyle.

>> No.10399594
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>Firstly, the students performed little, if any, research into my company. We are a global professional services firm serving virtually all engineering fields, a fact plainly visible on our website and even on the collateral displayed in our booth; yet, many students had gross misconceptions about the services we perform for our clients, with one even asking if we were a trucking company (again, this was an engineering job fair).
I used to believe not researching a company before visiting was an embarrassing mistake on the part of students, but now that I have a full time engineering job I can confidently say it's actually retarded companies. HR didn't give you guys a banner, posters, business cards, free pens to give away, free water bottles to give away, free backpacks to give away, or a slot at a job fair because they only wanted people who had researched the company to come by. If you can't succinctly explain what your company does in an enticing way without rolling your eyes then you have much worse social skills than anyone visiting your booth.

>> No.10399672

Are you smart enough to get high distinctions on everything? Are you an extroverted normalfag? Do you know people in the industry?

>> No.10399673

>mechanical engineer graduate
>only found work as a draftsman, and the only qualified engineer in the whole company

>> No.10399676

No. No. No. So should I just focus on some other engineering?

>> No.10399689

mining, chemical and petroleum pay the most in Perth but you have to be a top student. civil, software and electrical are the overall best for employment. Do not do mechanical.

>> No.10399794

@ sheffield? skip the degree & just get the books. get roark's formulas for stress & strain, the materials books, foundations, & the vibrations book from roark's. also get structural dynamics,fluid mechanics
the reason is you're gonna wanna be bea the beams, not the other paradigms
what i did in america is go to cc for 1.5 years then just get the texts

>> No.10399796

ur better off learning to weld, and grab metallurgy for welders, design your own welds on ur designs

>> No.10399799

you'd otherwise literally be going for four years to learn wasteful & incomplete ways of building

>> No.10399800

anyways dude, wanna trade drawings?

>> No.10399889

>@ sheffield
Yeah, not UK national though. Not sure how degrees work in your country but I pretty much need an accredited degree to work as an engineer or architect.
I have a sponsor covering me, and a few from the uni purely from grades, but I'm not enjoying what I'm doing right now.
>learning to weld
That's a totally different career path, man. Tradesmen get really fucked over in my country.
>learn wasteful & incomplete ways of building
Why do you think that? Can you expand on that a bit

>> No.10399958

I don't know what the job market is like in the US. Here mechatronics graduates can program PLCs or maybe work as draftsmen. You don't really gain anything by splitting yourself up because the company will need you to go one direction or the other, and you will be last in line for promotion to any kind of actual engineering position because it will be MEs designing the physical system and electricians/EEs/automation engineers designing the control. You are a halfassed mix of both.

I'm thinking of hopping over to software because the pay is better.

>> No.10399974

The Fortescue MG are always complaining about how there aren't enough mining eng grads.
But of course that's what they say, the more competition in the labour market, the less they can pay.

>> No.10399986

never trust unis and employers whining about a shortage

unis want to make money, employers want to have the cream of the crop without raising pay. an oversaturated market also helps with things like long term employee retention. no need to think about benefits, respecting their free time, good workplace conditions and treating them like people in general when they have nowhere else to go.

>> No.10399990

>roark's formulas for stress & strain
Some turbo boomer guest lecturer in my machine component design lecture whipped this one out.
He was pretty based.
Screaming his lungs hoarse because over 70% of the class forgot to include the weight of the rope when calculating the stress in an industrial lift system.

>> No.10400010
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just b urself

>> No.10400027

To be fair, I can practically guarantee that 90 of those candidates are woefully underqualified

>> No.10400166
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I'm glad someone said it. I fucking hate the current nature of the job market and HR niggers don't help a lick. Isn't the entire point to try and attract people who otherwise wouldn't apply to your company for one reason or another?

The market is so fickle for employment as it is, but i guess these sick fucks just get off on watching prospective grads grovelling

>> No.10400187

>I'm glad someone said it.
You're welcome. Don't hurt yourself telling HR that.

>The market is so fickle for employment as it is, but i guess these sick fucks just get off on watching prospective grads grovelling.
HR is often a great example of how being "good at talking" isn't the same as having good social skills.

>> No.10400440


>tfw fell for the mechatronics meme

I just wanted to make robots n shit. I really enjoyed working in construction so I can always fall back on that if it ends up being worthless.

>> No.10400442

I'm about to graduate with my bachelor degree in CS and I live fairly remote at the moment. There's this job which is governmental and super cool, involves weapon testing pretty much, where I'd be a radar technician (very specialized). The pay would be fine, but the department is fairly small and I'd work mostly independently with developing radar technology for missile tracking, while also using it.

What I fear though is that this sort of job wouldn't teach me the necessary skills I'd need in order to get into a better more high profile job later on, I aim to work at some larger company at some point which is slightly more "cutting edge" since I ultimately want to create my own company and I'd need the structural knowledge. Yes: this job would teach me and make me an expert on very "low level" stuff, I'd be coding in C and Cpp and also doing a lot of physical work with actual electronics, I'd also be driving a lot and having a lot of hands on experience with the devices, but the jobs today ask for scrum and that sort of shit; this does not have any of that.

So my question is this: would it be fine to have this job for a couple of years, and then look for a slightly more "metro" job? Will i ruin any chances now only because i chose a slightly "off" job as a first time employment (within the computer science sphere)? Are the aspects I'd learn even merited in higher profile work, since that would probably be an ordinary "desktop job", whereas this one is very physical and hands on?

>> No.10400575

>I just wanted to make robots n shit.
Should've gone into robotics then.

But to be entirely honest, no matter what degree you pick you're unlikely to actually get to make anything. Most engineers work on small parts of larger systems all their life.

>> No.10400764

Got an internship at a medical company, but it's shit work documentation validation that sort of thing. Sure, I bet it will get fun and insane as soon as we get going, but I couldn't stay because of my lousy communication skills. Now I'm looking for another company in the same area if not I'll try to get into sustainable energy in solar panels. For now, I'll see how it goes considering I graduated a few months ago.

>> No.10401623

but what good does the knowledge do you if you don't have the certification?

>> No.10401669

How did you get it?

>> No.10401852

Are physical chemistry or orgo at all interesting? I can't bear to look at another page of chem 2 content - honestly only doing chemE because it lets me take science classes and still come out with job prospects. I much prefer physics and EE(read: sound engineering).

>> No.10401948

any international students/engineers in the USA here? Is there anything I should know or do now to make it easier to land an internship or job?
t. international freshman

>> No.10401957

Do physics with proper programming side projects, or (if you're smart) just do physics and work on your problem solving skills then interview for a place like citadel or Jane street

>> No.10401963

I'm trying to get a research internship or part-time job (preferably physics but id be cool with engineering) but it's so fucking frustrating.
>be 18
>almost completed my second year of college
>still no high school diploma bc early college program, once i get my diploma in may they will make me pay for my college
This makes me ineligible for like 99% of jobs from the start, at least until i graduate and transfer to a 4 year. I need a job (not my shitty food service job) very soon, within a month. What do I do?

>> No.10401969

Get your GED and use that until you get your diploma/graduate college. Also, stop complaining. Many people wish they had an early college program.

>> No.10401979

if i get my GED its the same deal as a diploma, i have to graduate. would they listen if i try to explain that i effectively have a diploma and couldve had one a while ago?
i do acknowledge that i am blessed to have an early college program tho, thats fair

>> No.10401981

Fix capitalization and grammar.
Also—if you don’t know what to write, find a template using google.

>> No.10402003

It's a dichotomy, extremely big companies have the opposite problem you are talking about, they use systems that are specially made by them for their personal use, so any experience is going to be limited even if it's a big company since your knowledge won't be transferrable.

Am just saying this so you can keep it in mind.

>> No.10402010

Really? I always thought you get your ged the moment you passed the test, ate you surwe about that? Consider just taking the test anyways and putting it in your application.

>> No.10402051

If I was willing to do programming I'd have already switched to compE. Those businesses are not the kind of work I'm going for either.

>> No.10402205


>If you can't succinctly explain what your company does in an enticing way without rolling your eyes then you have much worse social skills than anyone visiting your booth.

Like many other engineers out in the wild, I sell my services to clients as part of my job and interact with them on a daily basis. I don't mean to be dismissive or condescending but telling students about my company in a polite manner is not exactly taxing.

>Isn't the entire point to try and attract people who otherwise wouldn't apply to your company for one reason or another?

The point is to put employers in front of students and put students in front of employers so both parties aren't forced to interact across internet tubes.

I lugged the displays and swag into a rental car and drove three hours to the students, dragged everything up to the third floor, set it all up and stood around on overhead for four hours before doing it all in reverse. I'm going through resumes right now in the middle of the night to see who gets a call back after none called me. This is all done to help out both of us by putting students in contact with an actual engineering manager, I could just as easily sit back and let the HR NPCs handle this. But I don't. I don't think it's too much to ask for students to walk up with some basic idea of how we might mutually benefit from a business relationship.

I need people badly but not badly enough for this to not be a two-way street. If you can't be bothered even to spend a few minutes on your phone looking up my company's website before walking up to the booth, with the expectation that I'm doing all the selling, what message does that send about your attitude as an employee? Would you be put off if you came up to a company's booth and it was empty except for a sign that said "apply online"?

>> No.10402215

no youre right, you get the GED immediately, but you cant take the GED unless you are dropping out. the requirement is that you a) havent graduated high school and b) arent going to continue being in high school
so that doesnt really work, unfortunately. i feel like the SAT or ACT should suffice desu but oh well

>> No.10402351

How can i get better social skills?

>> No.10402364

Place yourself in social situations and listen a lot. Make yourself look good (if you look good enough and stand up straight, it's not you who's bad at social situations, but the person you're talking with. Good-look privileges), so start working out.

>> No.10402366 [DELETED] 

>read through my professional association's recent disciplinary cases
>kek everytime

>> No.10402558
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It's commonly asserted knowledge that single motherhood is the hardest thing, so why are single mothers never used as a building material?

>> No.10402570

Hardness and strength are different things. Hardness is the relative ability to resist surface deformation, strength is the ability to take load without failure or plastic deformation.

>> No.10402574

But a mother whose child is in danger will become incresibly strong. Easy fix. Also I'm sure some constructions could benefit from the ability to resist surface deformation at the cost of other attributes. Maybe just use single mothers as a coating?

>> No.10402722
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The power of flesh!

>> No.10402738

this guy is right. looking up the company first is job hunting 101. if you don't do it you look like a desperate retard

>> No.10402746

Is this the true power of Human Resources?

>> No.10402785

>not a shitty food service job
Yes, a shitty food service job. Just until you get your GED and find the job you want.

Fuck off, we're full. Seriously, I have international friends with Master's degrees, and the best I've been able to do is find one of them a part-time internship.

>> No.10402789

I have a broken rib and this comment caused me so much pain, holy shit.

>> No.10402862

Aerospace engineering. Yea or nay?

>> No.10402894

for planes, yea
if youre a space virgin who wears nasa, SpaceX or colonize mars shirts, nay

>> No.10403265

Really look out for job location, prospects range from pretty good to fuck all depending on that (idk about US).
Also see what pathways your uni offers, (in my uni) Aeromechanics is a fucking slog compared to Avionics because it has literally twice the amount of subjects.

>> No.10404484


>> No.10404496

Just remembered - is there any masters one can do after a chemical engineering BS to get into a fulfilling field of work?

>> No.10404504
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>tfw my major's jobs are barely existent where I live
>tfw all entry level laboratory jobs here are medical
>almost all of them require MLT license or some other shit, even entry level
>almost all of them require at least one year of experience, even entry level
>MLT license requires some courses I never took in university
>MLT license requires X months to 1-2 years of experience for it
>no internships exist, and the ones that miraculously do require you to be taking credit hour classes already
>graduated August of last year, been looking for jobs ever since

>> No.10404516

My mom went back to school for a ChemE degree in her early 40s, about 5 years ago. She's a team lead at KBR now.

>> No.10404521

What country/state are you at?

>> No.10404523

Depends on what you want to do.
Do you want to work in oil and gas? Pharma? specialty chemicals?

>> No.10404539

Is it really worth it to take tje EIT/FE exam?

>> No.10404541

If you will be the only person in the company with the PE stamp, then yes

>> No.10404549

Recently graduated from Petroleum Engineering (about 4 months ago). Can't seem to find jobs locally, can't seem to find jobs internationally. My country is a shithole. Have a fucking ton of courses and volunteer work in my resume, still can't get shit.

Been working as a translator. Seems like I wasted 5 years of my life. At least it was a nice ride

>> No.10404558

Why not? You should already know all the stuff, especially if you recently graduated. If you stick with it for 4 years, then if nothing else you at least get a badass stamp and get to look down on other people who aren't real licensed engineers.

>> No.10404575

have you considered that youjust inadequate?

>> No.10404656

Your chance of being offered in interview does not increase after meeting 50% of job posting requirements.

>> No.10404679

Yes and no.

If you're university is ABET accredited and you want to work in your region and you aren't civil, probably not. Its as effective as 6 months of membership to a club if not necessary. Its useful but meh.

If you want to work farther from home and didn't go to a notable university and/or the university is not ABET accredited, then 100% absolutely.

If you want to become a PE, then absolutely.

If you want to put EIT after your name on a resume and you aren't civil, you will be laughed out of your hiring pool.

Really, if you have the money and can get through the lindeburg manual reasonably, then just do it. If not, then consider your options. It probably wont matter later in your career, but you can use it to get your foot in the door.

>> No.10404682

Need to know more info before an honest opinion can be made.

>> No.10404686

I guess it's a job? Got into my 2nd choice PhD program though. Biochem/Mol Bio is EZ stuff.

>> No.10404765

Are there any good supplementary videos for statics out there? So far our professor has only instructed with the 2-D slides and textbook which is kind of tedious to deal with.

>> No.10404960

Is it weird to not be able to decide between CSE or civil engineering? inb4 cs brainlet

>> No.10405171

Well, I'm from Venezuela. My GPA is 15,48/20 which is about 3,7/5. I am a member of the SPE and also member of student chapter of the university where I graduated. I was secretary, then later vice president.

My courses are mostly related to well logging and reservoir Engineering. I'm thinking I'm just really shit at networking. Thing is, I've been offered work in PDVSA, but I'm not really fond of getting a wage of 10$ a month, so I started to apply for jobs overseas. However, I haven't had any success with that yet.

I also applied to some transnationals who continue to work in Venezuela like Nabors, Weatherford, Halliburton, but I'm guessing that since there's not a lot of work to do here they hardly hire anyone, or so I've been told.

Thanks to this guy, I'm going to do some searching and see if I can do the EIT/FE exam and also the TOEFL. Perhaps that could increase my chances. I get this feeling that I'm late to everything because I'm already almost 24 although lots of people are probably worse than me

>> No.10405207

>Unfortunately it seems people prefer the indirect and impersonal method of applying and as such they get stuck in HR purgatory.
Well considering that every job that they might have had only accepts online applications you shouldn't be surprised. Might as well of asked them to fax you to get in touch.

>> No.10405214

Maybe they did and saw the shit tier reviews your company got about work conditions, shit pay, or horrible bosses? Maybe that's why you are being ignored?

>> No.10405264
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Between these two, which one would you recommend?

>> No.10405277

sorry I don't speak Mexican

>> No.10405312
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>get shitty HVAC controls job
>everyone in the company is retarded
>finish literal weeks worth of work in a single day because I'm not retarded
>everyone else at the company is amazed that I'm not retarded
>currently working on software tools so that other people in the company can pretend they're not retarded too
>only been here three months but already one of the most productive people
>get paid $29.50 an hour when the electricians that I work with at job sites are making $40 or more without a degree or student debt
How big of a raise should I ask for?

>> No.10405323

Just tell them you got an offer from another company and let them sweat over it

>> No.10405340

>okay mr. anon, we're happy that you found a better place, good luck !

>> No.10405342

nonironically start trading up jobs with other companies. they will literally always give you a better deal than your current one and you can continue doing this until satisfied

>> No.10405352

They have a huge turnover problem as it is. Like a quarter of their engineers left this year.

>> No.10405357

Ah, it's a sinking ship, then

>> No.10405365

Somehow they're still expanding. I guess they just have to hire a lot of replacenents.

>> No.10405498


Then you should really consider >>10405323
&/or >>10405342 's proposed strategies, probably the latter.

>> No.10405610

>you can't build a nuke
I bet a primitive gun type device would almost be doable, muuuch less precise shit than implosion. It would be a mockup however, as you can't exactly buy HEU at the hardware store.

>> No.10405615

you mean they knew which uncle to ask for the job

>> No.10406127
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Okay /sci/, I'm this retard here >>10404504
Going to post pics of my previous resume and new resume (that I finished revamping just now) so you guys can tell me how it's trash and how I might be able to improve it. I removed all specific information that could dox me, for obvious reasons.

Here's the old resume.

>> No.10406131
File: 80 KB, 740x950, ResumeNew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the new resume. Used the advice in >>10396588

>> No.10406754

>holy shit this guy took a class on Shakespearian literature. That's exactly what we're looking for I better call this guy right now

>> No.10407034

I fucking hate heat transfer so fucking much.

>> No.10407047

It could be worse. Your professor could grade the class entirely off of exams, each of which are 10 multiple choice questions with no partial credit. And some of the questions run together. Each worth 3 to 4% of your final grade.

I'm still salty about that one.

>> No.10407082

how do I deal with burnout from school

I've tried googling "Self Care" but there doesn't seem to be any actual empirical thing called "self care", rather it's a marketing term
>treat yo self bitch by yoself a Starbucks ™ coffee and that fancy Louis Vuitton™ bag and Ralph Lauren™ Dress you've been looking at

point being I can't find any resources on how to cope with burnout until I'm done with school and the cracks are really starting to show

>> No.10407221

My dynamics class was 10% homework and 90% tests. There were three exams of three questions each. Each question on each exam was worth as much as your entire homework grade. The University of Washington is some chink bullshit.

>> No.10407249

Did you at least get partial credit? The lack of partial credit is what pissed me off the most about my heat transfer course. Twice I ended up with an algebraically equivalent answer to the correct one, but since I didn't use the same trig identities as the professor did in the key it looked completely different and I had to guess, which of course I guessed wrong. No points. Not even when I brought it up in office hours.

Lazy fucker did not want to grade anything.

>> No.10407327

I just burned until graduation. Had TMJ, gray hair, and nails falling off. Good times.

>> No.10407585

Some protips:
>The format
Work on it. I'm in for keeping it simple but this just screams low effort.
>"requiring minimal experience"
Delete this. Let the employer decide if you have enough experience or not.
>"Shakespearean literature"
Delete this.
>Skills before work experience
It's ok, but I think it's better in reverse order
>First skill listed is Office
Why? It's 2019 you're supposed to know how to use fucking Word and Powerpoint. I have Office listed as my last skill and I will probably delete it the next time I update my resume.
>MINOR Photoshop listed second
WHY? Are you looking for jobs as a forensic scientist or as a bad graphic designer? Put those Thermo X-Calibur skills at the top goddamnit.
>soft skills and buzzwords
Everyone and their mother can say they have a problem-solving attitude. Putting that in your resume isn't going to make it stand out in a pile of 100 resumes.
>employment history
change that title for work experience
change that title for relevant coursework and adapt it to target specific jobs

Overall I would focus on improving the format and the summary and skills sections.

>> No.10408037

Hello /engi/

Mechn undergrad here. I want to learn a new coding language to expand my repertoire and I was thinking Python would be a good choice, what do you think?

Current experience is primarily MATLAB with a sprinkling of C

>> No.10408055
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This one, not sure if you can get it in hue tho, but probably yes.
It isn't even spanish burger.
What can you expect from a country with 4 year engineering degrees though lol

>> No.10408068

I've never understood the hate for heat transfer. I found it error prone because of the specificity of equations but the solution methodology was always very straightforward

>> No.10408100


>> No.10408129

He’s probably going to have a whole class on vba anyways honestly

>> No.10408143

Nope, Im graduating in december and never touched VBA. Pretty much everything we've done has been off MATLAB, but outside of Simulink MATLAB doesn't seem all that useful to know compared to other languages

>> No.10408198

I'm sorry anon, I'll give you a call. What's your firm?

>> No.10408438

>now fascist Hungary
cringe and blue pilled
speaking of hungary, how much does an embedded hardware engineer make over there?

>> No.10408764

Hm, I’m pretty sure the mechs at my uni have to take a class that’s literally just learning excel and vba.

>> No.10408776

2nd year ChemE with a decent GPA who actually does engineering club stuff and volunteers. I’ve been applying to Co-Ops and internships like mad, but haven’t heard back from any yet. Hopefully I’ll get some good experience and some cash. There’s one I’d be really pumped to get at a food production plant, but I doubt I will.

>> No.10408889

Affirmative action always gets me a job, silly brainlet

>> No.10408894

I’m banking on this once I get out and to get internships

>> No.10408916
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How's mine? graduating in a few months and i'm trying to look for a job in software architecture

>> No.10408922

Got a well-paying engi job that requires the company to train me for 1-2 years, making me difficult to replace. The work is varied and interesting, I get to apply 80% of the stuff I learned in university (materials science) and I also get to travel around the globe (which not everybody likes, but I do). The colleagues are nice and competent as well. As an entry position, I think I've done quite well.

I went through months without responses to my job applications, though. Almost gave up hope.

>> No.10408930

remember to report to HR departments if any management or leadership doesn't automatically cuck to your superiority.

Write up press releases to the local news outlets that you are being oppressed if you don't get a six figure start.

if you don't get a comer/window office suite make a big scene about it.

and as always if you're not promoted within a few months write up more press releases about how affirmative action has failed and your genius is being oppressed

any White co-workers/leads/managers who do not bend the knee must be noted to HR. use words like systematic racism and feeling targeted for your skin color. -- more press leases.

>> No.10408937

Nobody cares about your hobbies. I'd put that section at the very bottom or excise it altogether.

>> No.10408959

So comfy man, congrats.

>> No.10408967

How did you get it?

>> No.10409012

I'm jelly

>> No.10409017

Got found by a recruiter after adding a whole bunch of tags to my XING (basically a German/European Linkedin).

>> No.10409076


>> No.10409094

Seconding getting rid of the hobby section. I wouldn't put your high school on there either.

>> No.10409095

>Will be going to uni starting this September
>Broad general engineering at the beginning so I specialize in 2nd year
>I will most likely pick AeroE but ChemE sounds interesting too
>Graduate and join the Air Force or Navy as an Aero Maintenance Officer
>If I like my job stick with it for 20 years for retirement mulla
>If I hate it, then switch to a comfier position, take BioChem prereqs in my spare time and consider med school.
Plans might change along the way but we’ll see..

>> No.10409128

is elecE worth it?

>> No.10409247

If you do ChemE, you can work in the Navy as a Nuclear Engineer. They're desperate for those. I've been called by recruiters multiple times and there are big signing bonuses for enlisting. One of my classmates is getting paid 40k a year to finish up school from them. There's additional schooling you'd have to do once you enlist though.

>> No.10409285


>software "engineer"
>web dev
>no C or C++

>> No.10409289

Is phenolic paper flammable? Can I safely build a flame enclosure out if it? Also what are some (cheap) non-flammable adhesives?

>> No.10409291

List your GPA, get rid of the high school diploma, list experience from most recent to least recent, and say why you left your jobs (unless you got fired)

>> No.10409324

Don't give your number to NUPOC recruiters, they'll never stop calling you. It's not even real engineering, you're a glorified nuclear reactor operator which is still pretty neat but not really what I went to engineering school for.

>> No.10409342

what in gods name were you thinking putting hobbies there
who the absolute fuck would read that and say "board games eh? THAT'S our man"
i just want to know what the fuck you were thinking

>> No.10409501
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>> No.10409513

.... those nuclear reactors are also conveniently located on submarines which resurface once every 6 months.

>> No.10409516

Needs more quotation marks

>> No.10409522

not enough irrelevant work experience sorry

>> No.10409525

Ya gonna remove hobbies

>no C or C++
Ive done plenty of embedded and accelerated projects in these, but nothing that I can really show off so I don't list it

Do people really care about GPA for something like engineering where it's (at least in leafland) acredited?
Also I didn't state why I left because I thought it was implied as summer job while I was at school

>> No.10409528

put these words in quotation marks
>"tech support"
>"my own"

>> No.10409556

Nukes have horrible quality of life. Much rather be on a Carrier.

>> No.10409559

How much do these jobs pay exactly? Also do you need to pass a physical?

>> No.10409562
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Fuck HVAC.

>> No.10409582

not enough to go to military school for 2 years and then have to salute and obey people

>> No.10409589
File: 50 KB, 479x294, torq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it even possible to calculate this by hand? Searched up a bunch of papers on rudders, ailerons, and of course torque-tube gates, without finding any relevant calculations on how you could determine the loads on the bearings. The load on the axle is doable, but we're going to find suitable places to mount strain gages to determine the condition of the bearings in a non-obtrusive manner.

>> No.10409591

Way less than a real engineering job

>> No.10409605
File: 87 KB, 780x585, billions_204_342-r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently a junior for mechanical engineering and my resume looks like shit. No response from employers yet for a summer internship, and i have no connections.

Aside from possibly getting an associates in electrical engineering at the same time as my bachelor's

what else can i do? What kind of certifications would look good? I currently know autoCAD, Autodesk inventor, nx 10 and a little bit of solid works all learned from school or from pirating the software. I have these listed on my resume, but would real certification help much?

are there any other programs that would look good? i was thinking also Lean Six Sigma certification.

Pls help

>> No.10409643

You're fucked, just like everyone in your graduating class is fucked. There are way too many engineers and the only thing you can find comfort in is the fact that the graduating class after you will be even more fucked than you are.

>> No.10409650


I feel like this is true, there are a shit ton and only so many engineering positions.

But how the fuck can engineering not get you a job? I figured the threshold would be high enough to be one of the least fucked careers

>> No.10409659


Show us your resume without personal info, I can give you tips.

Other than that, focus on networking. Applying online is trash. You get screened by stupid software, or by HR NPCs.

Try to contact people from companies where you want an internship. Message someone in Linkedin and say something like "Hey, your company looks very cool and I'm interested in the kind of work you do in your department. Would you mind to chat with me for a bit?". If you get to meet them in person, that's better. Talk with them, ask them about their job and have a conversation going, then drop that you saw an intern position in their website and ask for a referal.

Asking for certifications for a junior internship is BS.

>> No.10409672

Let me put it this way: it took me a year and a half to get this job and it's so shitty that I am considering leaving to become an electrician.

>> No.10409676

If you think you don’t obey your manager or boss then you’re deluded
Given that rent and healthcare is non existent and you get other pay bonuses money can rack up

>> No.10409710

Just not a big fan of the whole 'yes, sir no, sir' thing

>> No.10409722

hard to get hired as a junior. Are you white? If you are then unironically put your headshot in the top right hand corner of your resume and submit it to companies that have been around for ~100 years and/or are filled with boomers

>> No.10409725

Best resume ITT

>> No.10409728

Yes sir no sir is only a thing if you’re an enlisted crayon muncher

>> No.10409729
File: 66 KB, 695x1139, 4chanresumle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon

i'm also getting a letter of recommendation from a really successful art PhD professor next week, any tips would help a ton.

I need to make a linkedin, i haven't networked much and i feel like it's late. right now i've been throwing my resume at whatever internships i see within a 1000 mile radius for the summer

>> No.10409732

i am a spic :(
i thought it would help

>> No.10409742

make it fit on 1 page

>> No.10409743

What even is this? What loading and support?

>> No.10409745

yeahhhh, i was trying and it shows as one page on the website, but when downloading it, it becomes 2 pages.

Any advice other than that though?

>> No.10409751
File: 40 KB, 680x848, 1440378278192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GPA: 3.00/4.00
Instead of looking for a job, figure out how to raise your GPA, yikes. Also

>i'm also getting a letter of recommendation from a really successful art PhD professor next week
>art PhD professor

>> No.10409753

left | right column your education? Could also decrease line spacing between list items

>> No.10409757

yeah, i'm working on my gpa. Attendance was the issue but I've fixed it. Think i should remove the GPAs from the resume?

it's not an engineering letter of rec but it's something

>> No.10409762

>Think i should remove the GPAs from the resume?
As long as it starts with a 3, I'd keep it on, personally

>> No.10409767

Also, don't bother with that letter, your average engineer/engineering manager thinks an engineering PhD is fucking retarded, if you tell them that you've been recommended by a goddamn art PhD, they're gonna bully the fuck out of you

>> No.10409775

Make the 1st sentence not 5 miles long. The recruiter doesn't want to read your epic poem, if they don't find the information they want quickly, they toss it.

2016 job, 2nd bullet point, make it 'located' so all the sentences are in the same tenses.

>> No.10409790
File: 633 B, 97x23, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 minutes per function evaluation
Fuck differential equations.

>> No.10409803


Ok, here go those tips I promised.

I'm obsessed with graphic design and the format can certainly be improved but I guess this is fine for most HR/engineers who don't care that much about that.

Other than that this is a good base but it needs refining. Rephrase what you have in a way that sounds clear, concise and appealing.

For example:
>"Dedicated student of University of Narnia working towards..."
>"Passionate junior student working towards a joint BS in Mechanical Engineering and AS in Electrical Engineering program in the University of Narnia. I am a fast learner with research experience looking for an internship where I can learn and put my knowledge and skills to practice."

This is something I came up with in 3s. I'm not saying it's perfect, but I think it sounds better than what you have. Do some research on how to write. If it doesn't click on you just ask for someone who knows how to write to do it for you.

Also, in the skills section, I think it's better if you do something like:
> 3D Drafting and Design
> Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
> Some other relevant shit from your coursework
> Autodesk Inventor, Solid Works, AutoCAD, Matlab
> Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt
> MS Office

You see what I mean? List technical skills acquired in courses or job experience first, software tools then, certifications then, Office last (if you even list it).

I'd give you more tips but I have to go.

Focus on Linkedin and networking. Get referals. Applying online doesn't get you anywhere, especially if your resume is not top notch.

>> No.10409812


Me again. Just wanted to add something about the skills. "Matlab script and function programming" is wrong, just say "Matlab". You don't say "Football passing the ball and running some yards". I repeat: clear, concise and appealing.

>> No.10409813

thanks anon, good advice

>> No.10409814

I know you think you're trying to sound smart and all, but forming sentences like this makes you look like a complete fucking retard.

>> No.10409828

Not that guy but you have me interested.
Can you be more specific, what's wrong with it?

t. someone looking to improve their communication skills

>> No.10409900

literally nothing in your resume is "showing off". if you don't want an embedded job then fine, but if you do this resume will not get it for you

>> No.10409946

This is a very subtle troll

>> No.10410039


>> No.10410118

Hayt uses chad language and it makes learning easier.

>> No.10410119

Dynamics is 4 tests, 4 questions each, no other grade component for your class score. Shit sucks

>> No.10410122

Words like these arent used in informal conversation.If the person that posted that wasnt a craft beer-drinking faggot that walks around with meme books like The Brothers Karamazov so people think he's deep he would have said:
"I dont know why people hate heat transfer. The equations can be too specific and cause problems, but the solutions are pretty simple."

>> No.10410419
File: 7 KB, 288x175, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dam spillway. The hydraulic peeston is not included in the model as for now. Water works on the flat surface and the whole thing pivots about the bottom and the only thing locking it in the most upright position is the said piston.

>> No.10410741

>decent change I might blow calculus II
how do I end it all /engi/

>> No.10411009

>mad that my speech is above a 4th grade level

Also "error-prone" is hardly technical speak and its the exact way I would describe heat transfer even to non-engineers

>> No.10411231

Where do i put extracurriculars on my resume? Under work experience?
Although, it isn’t a school extracurricular, it’s something I do with a group that transcribes and covers music. I just want to add it to make me stand out more. I have 0 engineer related experiences and my resume is just restaurant work, school work, gpa, skills.

>> No.10411289

Say what you want, but every person I've met that talks like that doesn't actually know what they're talking about.

>> No.10411291
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>Where do i put extracurriculars?

>> No.10411296


Learn Python.