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10406645 No.10406645 [Reply] [Original]

is it a meme major yet?

>> No.10406708

What would make it a meme?

>> No.10406726

there's nothing mechanical about it

>> No.10406732
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>> No.10406750

>engineering isn't like living in a cartoon
wow who would have thought

>> No.10408018

It is a low paying meme at least more places hire mechengs than aerospace but my propulsion degree is gathering dust while i work writing software for banks for 4x the money i made in aerospace

>> No.10408095

Mechanical Engineering student here this is accurate but that's okay

I really like heat transfer, thermodynamics and fluids, currently taking Thermo II

Funnily enough it turns out I fucking dislike the machine design shit with levers and gearboxes and such

Also fuck vibrations

>> No.10408120

If those are the classes you honestly enjoy taking you should look into chemical engineering, its all we do, with a little reactor design and a bit of actual chemistry here and there. Those classes seem useless for ME

>> No.10408122

I used to shit on mech engineers, but I realized they can branch into a lot of interesting sectors with a masters, some of which are really interesting.

But in reality most of them can only calculate strains on metal beams, draw on CAD and design oiling holes for shafts or dumb shit like this.

>> No.10408149

The reality is that if you fags had half a brain you would have started your own business and make affordable cnc routers and multi axis milling machines and make a killing.

>> No.10408210

I hate machine design as well. We had to take two fucking classes on it. I like vibrations though. In an advanced vibrations class for a tech elec.

>> No.10408286

sounds like you should be in chemical or process brother

>> No.10408333

If you actually did linkage kinematics and cam design you got to experience the purest form of mechanical engineering. A lot of the concept from cam design are relevant in robotics. Even if you just learned bolts, bearings, gears, fatigue, and wear that's all pretty important stuff. You'd be surprised about how important all that boring bolt stuff is. My CS friends who try to build things keep asking me about bolts.
thermo, heat transfer, and fluids are incredibly important in ME. After all we make cars. Heat transfer is important in make sure our machines don't melt.
Don't listen to the pipefags. There's plenty of fun stuff you can do in ME involving all that. If you really want the full fluids experience take a CFD class, compressible flow, or turbomachinery class. There's all sorts of fun stuff involving those fields like nuclear reactors, solar thermal power, rocket engines, hypersonic aircraft, race cars, and more. I would also like to point out that the field of cooling is heating up. For making microchips not melt, making electric motors so powerful we can have gundam, portable cooling for energy efficiency. Even the stuff involving air conditioners isn't so boring anymore. There's some pretty exotic stuff out there
there's a reason why multi axis milling machines aren't affordable

>> No.10408383

>there's a reason why multi axis milling machines aren't affordable
Precisely why I said if you had half a brain

>> No.10408514

There's not much of a consumer market. Multiaxis milling machines are expensive because they are an investment. You can make more money than they cost, that is if you can keep them running. To even use a multiaxis milling machine you need a skilled operator to set up and program it. It ain't like a 3d printer where you can just send files to it and have it run. Multiaxis can be particularly hard when making certain parts because the parts are being loaded by the tools, so you have to make sure you have little legs to keep your part attached to the chuck. In addition, a large amount of oil coolant must be circulated and metal chips will be produced. Just the need for a skilled operator and the cost of CNC software alone is enough to turn off most consumers to multiaxis CNC, all that dirty oil and chips will turn them off any more. The average consumer doesn't even know CAD. Sure you could try to make it cheaper than other multiaxis milling machines for small businesses, the problem is that this is difficult to do. It will be hard to beat the productivity and accuracy of commercial multiaxis milling machines. Not to mention some companies mass produce CNC machines, it will be difficult to beat them on price. The market for hobbyist tier multiaxis milling machines is basically already met by pocketnc and they're just scraping by.

Now if you really want to see home CNC machines as common as 3d printers what you need to do is eliminate the need for a skilled operator such that you can just send a file to it like you can with a 3d printer. That's a software and AI problem

>> No.10408521

>introduction to electrical engineering
>implying you get to work with schematics with more than 4-5 elements

>> No.10408530

It's the meta engineering discipline. Whatever you design and produce, there is always a mechanical engineer somehow involved.

>> No.10408540

Great, let me just make them in my multimillion dollar factory.

>> No.10408549

It's been a meme for the last 10 years. People tried to warn me but I didn't listen because I was retarded and assumed "hurr it's all your fault for being a failure."

>> No.10408612

Also you should not be able to comment on whether a major is a meme until you've actually graduated and had to look for a job/work as an ME. This field is absolute dead end bullshit and nothing like what you do in school. High stress, low pay, dumbshit work.

>> No.10408634

None of the engineering fields are memes and they never were.

There has been a shortage of engineers ever since the industrial revolution 150 years ago. There are 8 more job openings for engineers. Than people with engineering degrees.

The demand for engineers is growing faster than the ability for universities to educate new engineers so this is only growing.

My grandfather, father and me are all engineers and in those three generations the job market has only become MORE favorable, not less. When my Grandfather graduated there were 3 openings per engineer. for my father there were 5 openings per engineer. For me (now) there are 8 openings per engineer. When my children are of working age it will be 15 openings per engineer.

Again the demand for engineers is growing exponentially because they form a more and more central position in the global economy while the ability to educate new engineers is only growing linearly meaning the degree will become less and less "meme" over time.

However do your own research and don't trust my words on it because /sci/ is filled to the brim with highschoolers, college freshmen and larping NEETs that try to discredit every possible study to make people feel bad.

Degrees in general hold a lot more value than people think, even art ones. Let alone genuine engineering ones.

However please pick an actual engineering field that fits you. Don't just pick what you THINK makes the most money but just what you think is most interesting. I tried Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering before settling down on Aeronautics and aviation engineering. It's not the end of the world to lose 1 or 2 years trying to find your perfect study. It's a lot better than forcing yourself to finish something you don't like and work in an industry you're not totally happy with.

>> No.10408654

Haha nice meme
Even in my public university from a third world shithole Intro to EE is a proper lab where the uni lends you equipment to make an actual project.
Your pic is right but an exaggeration.

>> No.10408664

Wow, it's like I'm listening to another HR scammer. Have you even graduated yet? Please come back to reality.

>> No.10408702

You will realize your delusions eventually.

>> No.10408703

>half a brain
and a bajillion dollars, and a bajillion dollar market

It is possible to mass manufacture anything, but the upfront cost quickly gets exorbiant as tolerances go down.

>> No.10408708

you're full of shit
t. ME

>> No.10408712

>There are 8 more job openings for engineers. Than people with engineering degrees.
You flipped that statistic around, it's the exact opposite. So now I know you're not just ignorant, you're actually dishonest.

>> No.10408731

Imagine typing all of this out to cope that you made the wrong decison HAHAAHHAHAAHHAHAHAAHAHHAHAAHAAHAHA

>> No.10408757

This is pasta guys, I've seen this post before.

>> No.10408882

Engineering is such a shitty career that they made an entire movie about it.


Why oh god did I fall for this terrible meme?

>> No.10408979

>making smaller mills costs trillion dollars
ok guy

>> No.10409063

Have you ever tried manufacturing anything in your life? No, you are a delusional high schooler lecturing actual engineers about how they don't know what they're doing.

>> No.10409260

I think you can get 3-printers sized 3 axis mills for like $1000 dollars now but how good they are I don't know.

It's just too involved to be a hobby. If you have the kit to actually machine stuff you might as well be selling the service on the side.

>> No.10409460

>Gas turbines class
You must be joking, solving the thermodynamic diagram, and heat/energy-mass balance, with all these diagrams and drawings is way more fun than watching a F119 starting up.

>> No.10409467


>> No.10410206


>> No.10410225

is the software to do with the foreign exchange?

>> No.10410245

EE is spot on, but thats absolutely fine circuit design is what I enjoy

>> No.10410248

Right. That's more advanced, you'd at least need digital logic but the reality seems to represent what it culminates as. I didn't make it so could be blowing smoke up your ass

>> No.10410251
File: 34 KB, 370x699, 1550377157583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw electrical engineering
>tfw getting job offers while still in school
>tfw read this post
>tfw read replies

>> No.10410980

I would be happy doing LabView stuff forever, its fun

>> No.10412258
File: 97 KB, 1050x671, 1522561062574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the reminder i should have been an EE you boomer piece of shit

>> No.10413328


OwO what university? what third world shithole? what could your university do to improve both itself and the shithole?

>> No.10414824

ITT: Bronze league shitters with a serious case of the git guds.

>> No.10416444

You only need 3: A voltage source, a resistor, and a load :^)

>> No.10416458

If you are really interested you can check this link, there are videos from projects from past years.
>what could your university do to improve both itself and the shithole?
Hard to tell, but maybe put some more money to improve the quality, all in all this lab is one of the few decent things this uni has because they limit the number of students per lab.
But in the rest of the courses from the first 2 years because there is no limit, and more advanced labs would be impossible with so many people, they increase the difficulty of the math and physics courses to ridiculous levels to filter people from passing, and when I say ridiculous levels I mean interchange students from the US generally complain about the difficulty level, the reason being it is a government owned university and anyone who finished high-school can enter without any admission tests or paying any fees (you only pay a yearly fee after finishing the degree, and only if you do...), this causes an alarming number of dropouts.
This makes people with money frequently switch to private universities that have overall less quality and less prestige, only because it is MUCH easier to pass.
In contrast places like Cuba have free education well implemented, anyone can access but only good students get access to a place in college, there is actual spirit of self improvement and hard work, here the general mindset is "I want to do as little as possible for as much as possible, and if possible fuck over the rest", "viveza criolla" is what we call it.

>> No.10417767

Engineering is a good field if you're willing to put everything you have into it.

>> No.10417800
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>thinks all outcomes are 100% the responsibility of the individual
>gets fucked by circumstance


>> No.10418092

>smarmy teenager pretending he understands economics
>doesn't understand scalability from micro 201

They really should tell every engineering student during the intro class that if your a sperg autistic nerd without social skills who is depressed whenever they aren't on their phone or sucking dopamine out of videogames and porn, your life will continue to depress you after graduating and it's not the field of engineering's fault.

>> No.10418669

Me too! Analog IC designer here

>> No.10419307

Where did you study? Are you working in the industry? If so after how many years of education did you land a job? Sorry for the questioning, Im just interested in the field.

>> No.10420118

A surplus of 8 jobs, wooow.