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10405128 No.10405128 [Reply] [Original]

Why do some people look good in mirrors but in photos they look like shit?

>> No.10405140

Hair part theory.

>> No.10405146

What if you're bald?

>> No.10405149

Somehow mirror image can be better than original

>> No.10405178


>> No.10405192


>> No.10405199



>> No.10405203

take more pictures of yourself and stare at them for hours. then your brain will learn how to shield you from reality - just like it did with your mirror image.

>> No.10405213

I look great in some mirriors in some mirriors I look like trash

>> No.10405230

Motion, emotion and 3 dimensions

>> No.10405247
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events where you look at mirrors and photos will in most cases feature different amounts of light and shadowing. Therefore in theory you have to predict how you look in all possible variants of lighting and shadow conditions, if you really want to look good all the time.

X = Shadow
Y = Light
A,B,C = Variables defining the angle of face, skin color, other factors which define a face, etc.

The Equation goes something like this:

A(-X)/Y+B(X)+C(X/-Y) = Z (Handsome Factor)

>> No.10405267


>> No.10405279

Cameras are shit

>> No.10405284
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>> No.10405287

lighting and camera lenses REALLY distort reality

>> No.10405294

>Bogdanovs rigged the game by looking horrendous all the time

>> No.10405423

That's some bantz

>> No.10405425

no, they just have more ways of showing the same reality

>> No.10405438

>Some people
Face it fella, you're an ugly duckling

>> No.10405560

Which is the real image of me, the mirror or the photo?

>> No.10405634

The camera, but it depends on what kind of camera it is.

>> No.10405637

There we go

>> No.10405703

1. Photo quality. My iPhone camera makes everything look "whiter". Basically all yellow gets taken out of the picture, which makes some look super creepy/pale while others do not.
2. The projection of a 3D image onto 2D space can lead to a lot of confusing stuff. For example if you have dark hair it can look as if your hair is just one 2D dark afro, even if you have a visible style etc, it wont get noticed because of the lightning of the picture.

But essentially, take a pic infront of the mirror and look at it, you will look extremely different even under the same light/angle. (Note this has nothing to do with the pic not getting mirrored, even if you take a pic of the actual mirror the color will be different etc)

>> No.10405706

Look at the far left and the middle one. Both look non-extreme, ie he would look like either irl. But there are a lot of differences, including width of face, height of face, coloring of face, hair, eye/nose/mouth/jaw/ear/eyebrow-size

>> No.10405730
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don't take mirror selfies, but instead fromt camera in good light.

pic related

>> No.10405755

>oversized sweater
>hides neck and cheeks with arm and hair

>> No.10405992


>> No.10407418

Because the demons in the camera hates being enslaved for such a menial task. Thus they make people look ugly in photos as revenge.

>> No.10407435

Because my skin sucks and I get shaving bumps and my scalp flakes and my eyebrows are too big and my bone structure is weird and I have a problem pronouncing r’s and my arms are too hairy and I sweat too much and oh god I’m going to be single for the rest of my life someone kill me

>> No.10407438

lol, but really this is the answer, the difference between a mirror and a photo is the fact you're not looking at the same version of you, when you look at the mirror you are flipping your face in a way that is familiar t you, but when you look at a photo you are looking t your face in a non flipped way, this is how most people gets to see you and the way more people is also used to look at you, if you were more exposed to your photo self you would certainly become "used" to your own defects (every human face has them) and eventually not notice them either just like the rest of the population doesn't (as much as you do at least).

Alternatively you're using the wrong lense for a photo and it is either squishing or broadening your face in ways that make it look different.

>> No.10407468


A combination of:
>brains being more used to your mirror you
>consciously or subconsciously making stupid poses
>differences between image in movement and frozen frame
>camera images are a representation of reality, not the real thing itself
>i.e. how closely the image resembles reality depends on the lenses, the focal length, lighting, image processing, etc.
>how you see the world is also not the real thing

I know people who look better in person than they do in photos. It's not just something that applies to how a person views himself.

>> No.10408482

In mirrors, they see themselves in a *kek* mirror reflection and are used to that look. When they see how they normally look, given that face is non symmetrical, their appearance is different and weird.

>> No.10408489

But what if you sometimes look good in images, particularly those taken by others but look bad in the mirror?

>> No.10410199

Best answers.
If you want to see it in action, hold up a mirror to a picture of any celebrity that you're familiar with.