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File: 81 KB, 670x540, frequencyresponsephaselocking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10403083 No.10403083 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a genius but I can't work out how to calculate the frequency response for both the red and blue here.

Any ideas?

oh and these are two neuron models exhibiting phase locking if that helps

>> No.10403090

If you have to call yourself a genius then you really aren't.

>> No.10403098

It isn't a title that I have chosen, it is one that has emerged.

If you have to attack others intelligence it is usually because you yourself are subhuman.

>> No.10403152

>no axe labels
yeah fug off, baito.

>> No.10403177

I don't know what they are, I can try and find out, but can't you just use x and y?

I guess that the y axis is voltage and the x axis is time in ms

>> No.10403235

Frequency response is graphed on a bode plot, first of all.

>> No.10403237

OP is a certified retard as of right now
Whoever is calling you a genius is avin a laff m8

>> No.10403533

lol do you even know what a frequency response curve is

>> No.10403540

I'm taking the bait.

There are 17 spikes in a "300" time frame, which mean a 17/300 = 0.057 "timeunit^-1" frequency.

>> No.10403548

this isn't bait...and thanks anon,

also does anyone know how to calculate phase shift, not from this graph but from one just like it, but the amplitude of the spikes for one neuron are a little lower than the other

>> No.10403645

To find a phase shift.
Measure the average distance between two spikes. This is the inverse of the frequency. Given >>10403540 result it would be : 300/17. We call this "average distance between spikes" x.

Then, measure the distance between the first spike and the vertical axis at position 0. We find y. Or, if the world was perfect, if there was no phase shift, we should find x. This means that there is a phase shift of y-x.

Use a ruler.

By the way, I'm curious, how old are you ?

>> No.10403672

Fourier transform

>> No.10403688

mid 20s, and on a masters program....

theoretical neuroscience is a heavy component

Thanks again sir

>> No.10403723

>I'm a genius
you aren't

>> No.10403784

something like 2% of the population are +130 iq

do the math?

>> No.10403791

So 130 IQ isn't genius-level. Even 145 isn't genius, just highly intelligent.

>> No.10403812

You probably are 2% of 130IQ

>> No.10403826

I can have a 130 IQ and spend all day shitposting, masturbating and smoking weed. Do I deserve to refer myself something as highly regarded as a "genius" just because I got an above average score on an IQ test? No, achievements prove your intelligence and creativity and the people on the area you contributed with those achievements are the only ones that can refer to you as a "genius", since you'll obviously have a subjective idea about yourself.

>> No.10403847

Achievements are less important than objective measurement. Achievements are nothing, especially today when they're all made by greedy ambitious people.

>> No.10403989


Achievements are the best form of objective measurement, due to the fact that "intelligence" is a nebulous, culturally defined trait and not one's measurable G factor. IQ simply measures that G factor, which is roughly how well you deal with abstract concepts and can interpret data and patterns.

All IQ tells you is your capacity for intelligence if you leverage your efforts properly, it's not a guarantee that you'll do so.

Take your question, for example. Is there a purpose to you gaining a better understanding of frequency response? Do you work in a field where that comes up? Are you tackling a problem, and in order to figure out a solution you're attempting to understand this better? Will bettering your understanding influence your actions at all?

If so, great. That's a proper use of your natural ability. If not, it's extremely niche trivia. It's slightly less meaningful than obsessing over anime, because at least anime knowledge allows you to interact with members of a large community.

The difference between Hawking and the Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons is where each of them focused their gift, and the measure of that is their achievements. Both seem to have a remarkably high IQ, but no one would call the Simpsons character particularly intelligent.

>> No.10404248

What is the frequency of .9999999... In Hz?

>> No.10405100

like 3 or smthing?

>> No.10406301

just apply a fourier transformation to the graph, you can do that numerically.
also label the fucking axes

>> No.10406317

Mid tier bait, try harder next time retard

>> No.10406463

Close. I claim that it is larger than 1. Since .99999... Is strictly less than 1, the frequency must be strictly larger.

>> No.10406647

Everyone on the internet is a self proclaimed genius. I'm laffin @this guy wanting strangers to think that he is one

>> No.10407080
File: 2.56 MB, 480x480, wince.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a genius