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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 386 KB, 656x1268, fx100auplus_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10394030 No.10394030 [Reply] [Original]

What calculator does /sci/ use? Thinking of getting pic related since it does complex numbers.

>> No.10394034

for what purpose? computer math packages or a program on your phone are strictly superior unless you need it for a standardized test

>> No.10394041

For engineering, and I'm going to use it in exams.

>> No.10394066

Aw yisss I have that one and I love it

>> No.10394173

Had to buy that one for my electronics class to quickly convert polar and rectangular.
Otherwise I use the TI-30XB from 7th grade for my physics classes.
Also have a TI nspire CX which I haven't used since I did stats in highschool.

>> No.10394174
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omegachad 36x pro has the most comfy layout

>> No.10395153
File: 60 KB, 679x858, Casiocalc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this. Seems to be pretty good.

>> No.10395166
File: 51 KB, 293x600, mandatory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only usable calculator. We call it "graph drawers" in Sweden though, maybe it doesn't even count as a calculator (even if it has that function and much much more)

>> No.10395544
File: 90 KB, 800x1067, ti-nspire-cx-cas_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you will need in Uni

>> No.10395592
File: 420 KB, 1140x1400, Casio fx-115es plus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the version with solar power and the integral key.

>> No.10395666

Any calculator that does it all? Something that I can use for years without having to switch up bc of special functions that I need.

>> No.10395682
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>> No.10395717

you should've asked what he wanted to use it for

>> No.10395791

this is the only correct answer

>> No.10395811

the CX CAS is pretty based, shame it's so overpriced for what it is. Relying on the solver in my first couple years of engineering instead of actually making an effort to learn the math was something I had to work past though

>> No.10395963
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>> No.10395969
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Get the 115ex+ instead. It has matrix operations that are very handy.

>> No.10395973

>Any calculator that does it all
FX-JP900-N but it's not worth the marked up in price over the FX-991EX

>> No.10395991

Buying used exists, most uni students sell theirs after graduation and drop out.
I got mine for €60.

>> No.10396035

FX991 is good, should help you out.
Mathematica for everything else outside of exams

>> No.10396505


>> No.10397437

I used my TI-89 (base model, before the platinum) all through college. Earned my Masters in EE. It did everything I needed.

>> No.10397440


>> No.10397543

That's the best calculator for engi grad

>> No.10397588

Why hasn't some chinese foreign exchange student engineered a chassis to hide a phone in that looks like a calculator?

>> No.10397596

They're already available and they cause quite a scandal and subsequent banning of a specific calculator model when discovered.

>> No.10397601

Anything more advanced than a casio fx-82 is brainlet-tier.

>> No.10397745

If you don't need more than an fx-82 than you are either in high school or on a non-engineering degree.

>> No.10397768

I spent like $15 on mine ten years ago.
It was enough for highschool and college.
It also has unit conversions and physics constants.
For anything too complicated, just use matlab or whatever programming language you know.
Anything other than TI is a good choice.

>> No.10397772

Isn't 82(suffix) just a 115/991(suffix) without solar power?

You'll never need more than a scientific.

>> No.10397784


>> No.10397839

Typical math undergrad thinking.

>> No.10397876

this right here

It Just Werks (tm)

>> No.10397893

That's why when I study I use the calculator for arithmetic and graphing only. Otherwise your shooting yourself in the foot. You need to get that shit in your lizard brain.

>> No.10397896

Satan doesn't use calculators, you can't trick me!

>> No.10397907

all the Casio's I've seen except for the 991EX look like the 991 ES+ I had to buy for uni. Very powerful if a bit clunky to navigate, especially for matrix operations. The 991EX is what they recommend to new freshers and it looks baller as fuck.
I also use a Casio Business app on my phone which is these two combined but with a shit ton more, like symbolic calculations. Also the touch screen makes it very comfy to use for large expressions.

>> No.10397928

I just use Wolfram Alpha.

>> No.10398323

Ah, now I see, 99% of /sci/ is larping high schoolers and freshman brainlets.
You see, calculators are not meant to aid you in math class, do the calculus for you. When you get over those and you familiarize yourself with diff equations the more complex tasks will come. This is the part where you learn to do engineering based on your basic skills you learned in math, physics and chemistry classes. Then you will absolutely need the more complex tools calculate strain in tensor space, calculate yield on hot rolled steel and calculate phase transformations from a set of data measured from a cooling sample.
These are just some tasks you absolutely need a good calculator.
But to understand this situation you have to be a seasoned engineer (((student))) who is well over the babby classes.

>> No.10398643
File: 91 KB, 603x456, scientificpythonecosystemsi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These are just some tasks you absolutely need a good calculator.
No, you need a basic laptop.

>> No.10398931 [DELETED] 
File: 547 KB, 929x1269, pink and black tax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pink tax
>black tax

Casio is so problematic

>> No.10399624


>> No.10400233

You need a workstation level laptop for anything remotely engineering.
>quoting python
If you are an actual working engineer you need the sophisticated proprietary softwares like Origin, Maple, Simufact, Sloidedge etc...
A basic laptop would melt or throw an error message stating your hardware is laughably shit (Simufact and most FEM software does that)

>> No.10400321

>Origin, Maple

>> No.10400331

>data farming thread
Nice try, glow-in-the-darks

>> No.10400333

>You need a workstation level laptop for anything remotely engineering.
And? It's not like a 100MHz graphing calculator with 128MB of RAM would do better
>A basic laptop
Probably better than your desktop.

>> No.10400360

>128MB of RAM
More like 128KB of RAM

>> No.10400379
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But it doesn't support basic math, the other one is clearly better

>> No.10400386
File: 677 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20190219-111948_Wabbitemu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ti-84 on my phone

>> No.10400391

>Relying on the solver in my first couple years of engineering instead of actually making an effort to learn the math was something I had to work past though
Why? Fucking smartphones have apps for that!
Hand solving shit is so outdated.
I can't think of a job where you have to solve shit without a workstation with MatLab or Maple or some shit like that or a job that makes you solve shit out on the streets that a smartphone can't solve.

I use to say to people, if you are working on the field and your smartphone dies, you have worst problems to solve than mathematical ones.

>> No.10400917

It must suck being poor

>> No.10401146
File: 188 KB, 420x320, A7E55696-DB67-4D03-AE1E-590ACA6DF37A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this poor. Lmao
I use pic related. It’s a pretty cool calculator and does everything you need.

>> No.10401812

The casio fx-991ex is better

>> No.10401992

Why does my calculator also have to be a calendar?

>> No.10402598
File: 344 KB, 1079x1397, module-fx-cg500 prizm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a full keyboard when you could have used a bigger touch screen instead

kek, is TI even trying?

>> No.10402610


Literally banned from my uni cause it's too OP. Probably cause it can do integrals.

>> No.10402627

How do you like that setup, any drawbacks?

>> No.10402649 [DELETED] 

>Literally banned from my uni cause it's too OP. Probably cause it can do integrals.
What calculators are allow?

>> No.10402656

>Literally banned from my uni cause it's too OP. Probably cause it can do integrals.
What calculators are allowed?

>> No.10403815


>> No.10404172
File: 104 KB, 707x509, Slow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10405160


>> No.10405311

Ha! Mine has the biggest score!
Eat shit casihp faggots!

>> No.10405431

>he doesn't realize lower is better

Typical Ti owner.

>> No.10405459

I'm really debating switching to this one.

The TI CX CAS software is bretty good.

>not also using the calculator in order to be familiar with its functions and capabilities

>> No.10405768

Things that are not allowed on exams:
- calculators with full alphabetic keyboard in qwerty order
- laptops

Things that are allowed on exams:
- calculators with full alphabetic keyboard in alphabetic order

It's a learning curve, but the Nspire is designed as the standard high education calculator and no teacher will start arguing about it. It also has an "exam" mode where it is limited to normal scientific calc functions.

>> No.10405778

I have that one. But I never read the manual so I don't use any fancy stuff.

>> No.10405796
File: 817 KB, 3181x1297, P_20180831_210222_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I a meme?

>> No.10405809

If it's anything like the fx-991ex or fx-115es, then its complex functionality is very basic.

>> No.10405841

>posting SAT rules without context or clear quoting
>being a highschooler

You have to be over the age of 18 to post here

>> No.10406126
File: 200 KB, 490x355, utzTCyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10406138
File: 23 KB, 425x425, 7106ob3ATYL._SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It works great for what I use it for, I've had it for years.

>> No.10406144
File: 58 KB, 700x700, 4088I-CALC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no machinist calculator
It's almost as if you hate calculators.

>> No.10406321
File: 45 KB, 612x409, Old_Skool_Bitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? I'm poor.

>> No.10406369

You can never have too many calculators

>> No.10406484

Unironically a ti-84. If you aren't a brainlet, you can use it for just about any math class and get by just fine.

>> No.10406520

>Sits down in math class where the professor didn't ban calculators
>Hear the sound of 20 Asians typing novels into their calculators to find the problem most similar to the test question from the book.
This is what it's like whenever your prof doesn't only allow bare bones calc just so you don't shit yourself wondering if you're taking powers correctly.