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10394821 No.10394821 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people shit on the Hyperloop like it's some impossible technology? How is it not just current Maglev technology with lower air resistance?

>> No.10394906

>Why do people shit on the Hyperloop
I mean, if it's got toilets people are going to shit anon.

>> No.10394914

Because it's nothing new and is still a shitty idea compared to ordinary mag lev.

>> No.10394918

There is nothing to be shitting about.

Rality is, Musk is way too attractive and rich and many people out there KNOW they can't even afford anything he produces.

>> No.10395227

Because Elon Musk is a meme.

>> No.10395233

hyperloop doesn't have toilets. I mean you can hold it in for 30 minutes right?

>> No.10395258

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

>> No.10396691

They can make it bigger. Why can't it be regular sized train?

>> No.10397039

It *is* just current maglev technology with lower air resistance. But one half of that equation is something we cannot practically make happen. Can we build current maglev technology? Yes. Can we build gigantic vacuum tubes at geographic scales that are safe, reliable, and affordable? No

>> No.10397051
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Not impossible, just undesirable.

>> No.10397056

Because rail is already prohibitively expensive and all meme train projects that offer more speed but require a completely new and more complicated track infrastructure so far have failed.

>> No.10397064

The Shinkasen didn't fail.

>> No.10397074

>The Shinkasen didn't fail.
It just needs the right context in which to fail:

India's first semi-high speed train breaks down day after launch

>> No.10397077

This. People love hating on Musk.

>> No.10397080

Agreed. He gets a fat paycheck for milking on the dream of retarded futurist millennials and will produce nothing of substance.

>> No.10397082

Elon Musk and the hyperloop is the closest thing to the monorail guy from Simpsons that reality has ever produced.

>> No.10397087

>>ALL meme train projects that offer more speed but require a completely new and more complicated track infrastructure so far have failed.
that was the argument made, and I showed it to be false by bringing up a a high speed rail project which didn't fail.

>> No.10397109

I kind of expected this reply and it‘s valid. But Japan is kind of lined up perfectly for rail. In a lot of other countries, it‘s a lot harder to find routes that justify the effort as cities are more spread out.

>> No.10397115

the argument made was that ALL high speed rail projects have failed. Clearly the case of the Shinkasen disproves this.

>> No.10397130

There are many densely pooulated areas. The reason why high speed rails make more sense in Japan had something to do with its mountaneous geography. The cost difference between normal and high speed isnt so big because of that or something.

>> No.10397159

>But Japan is kind of lined up perfectly for rail
Japan has to spend billions of dollars to tunnel through mountains.

>> No.10397195

The idea of progress for normies is basically for an ultra genius guy to come and bring the the "gift of science" that is perfect and trasformative and great and free and makes you happy etc. Shitting on musk is equivalent to shitting on wright brothers because their plane wouldn't be able to fly across the world in two hours with thousand people on board. Musk in a man of his time, times are of memes and big money and inefficient projects but at least he is doing something interesting, however flawed.

>> No.10397198

Unironically no.

>> No.10397340

>But Japan is kind of lined up perfectly for rail

Nigger have you ever been to Japan? The whole place is one big fucking mountain range, you cant go 5 minutes on a Shinkansen without going under a mountain. The project cost a fucking fortune and they nearly bailed several times, fortunately they thought long term, put top notch engineers on it and limited the kind of bloat western trains suffer from by not handing cost + contracts out to their mates in the government.

>> No.10397355

Because Skytran is way more practical and doable.

>> No.10397385

With Elon's resources we could have replicated Rife's microscope and frequency generator ten times over, just with brute force. Instead we get bullshit, marketing, hype, and objectively horrible ideas like "5G from space". What, is that going to repair our ozone?

He isn't even trying to revive the gauss or railgun launch technology.

So yes, he's a "man of his time". ie, pure mediocre meme. Also, his hyperloop is going to factor into Agenda 21 if it happens at all.

>> No.10397395

>railgun launch technology

The biggest fucking meme ever.

>> No.10397400

No. It's what we should do for the first stage of launch. Strapping something to an object to accelerate it is retarded when you can have ground based infrastructure to far more cheaply get it moving.

Some of these things can launch an object 80+ km, and you want to attach a big chemical propulsion tank to it instead. Unbelievable memer.

>> No.10397405


Lmao only 25920km to go

>> No.10397593


Just because you can build it, doesn't mean you should.

Also it wasn't his idea in the first place.

>> No.10398900


Considering self driving high performance electric cars and fucking rockets that land themselves...

I am pretty sure the Hyperloop makes way more sense than his current pursuits.

>> No.10398925

>Shitting on musk is equivalent to shitting on wright brothers because their plane wouldn't be able to fly across the world in two hours with thousand people on board.
Musk hasn't invented anything. He just got lucky with the internet bubble and large government contracts coming his way at just the right times.

>> No.10398954

Musk is winning at capitalism. That is why you hate him. You would rather rail against the system and complain its unfair while never accomplishing anything. Musk has memed his way into beating the system and pursuing his dreams of building spaceships and going to mars. You hate this because you are on the underside of capitalism and its exploitation of the proletariat. As long as you hate Musk, you can pretend you are morally superior while blaming the system for your own failures.

>> No.10398963

In the original instantiation it wasn't a maglev, it ran on air bearings. This fit nicely with the compressor musk proposed and appeared to give some very nice numbers in terms of speed and power. Like despite going faster than a plane it used as much power as a freight train, basically saying that it could even be profitable for freight. Then ansys did some simulations and it looks like maybe air bearings won't work that great. Now everyone's looking at using eddy current based levitation.If you do the math, it's only a little bit better than airplanes in terms of speed and power. Eddy current drag is constant past a certain speed which is nice, but you gotta go faster than the hyperloop to do a lot better.
biggest fucking meme ever. Not only does your rocket have withstand enormous acceleration and reentry level heating, it also has to withstand the EMP from hell. Railgun projectiles have an enormous magnetic field going through them that gets suddenly turned off, meaning it will induce huge currents in any electronics that happen to be inside. Even a faraday cage won't help.

>> No.10398966

>you hate him
When did I say that?

>> No.10398976

>faraday cage
faraday cages only work if you have something to ground them out to

>> No.10399072

No. For preventing currents induced by transient electromagnetic waves, a faraday cage does not need to be grounded. For a railgun the current and magnetic field are so high it just doesn't matter

>> No.10399614

>He just got lucky with the internet bubble

He made a calculated decision to leave his PhD program at Stanford, to return to it if he failed with his internet based company. He saw the internet revolution and capitalized on a sector where large players took huge bets on unproven small companies.

>> No.10399622


>> No.10399735

>exploitation of the proletariat
Musk isn't doing this though.
He's creating a lot of jobs.

>> No.10399838

Because there is no benefits. There is tons of problems with it. Who is gonna maintain it? With what money? What if there is an accident inside the hyperloop?
They didn't even got to the stage where they could put vehicles travelling in the vacuum. Hell they can't even create that big of a vaccum because its not possible. Its a shit idea. People thought about it decades before him. Everybody got to the same conclusion its a shit idea and a waste of time and money.

>> No.10399870

usually yes
sometimes very much no

>> No.10400476
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I'm a 38yo pregnant woman with 4 infant children. so no. Unless Hyperloop comes with baby changing facilities its completely unfeasible as a commercial system.

>> No.10400480

Its the only way to achieve hypersonic commercial travel due to air friction melting planes.

>> No.10400508

>How is it not just current Maglev technology with lower air resistance
t. never worked with vacuum

>> No.10400525

it takes a huge amount of resources, however cool it may be.
also, complexity = failure

>> No.10400528

railways used to be everywhere til they closed many of them. the personal automobile become more important. its a question of economics rather than an actual impossibilty.
economics is freakonomics.

>> No.10400537

based momposter