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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10392845 No.10392845 [Reply] [Original]

does math and logic discriminates against women?

>> No.10392879

logic justifies anything
t. woman

>> No.10392882

no womyn are perfectly equal to men in every single way. the reason they arent good at math and logic is because of systematic oppression.

>> No.10392883

stupid frog

>> No.10392887

social pressures discriminate against women
Women have no inherent problems dealing with math and logic, as their scientific success in more egalitarian states like the USSR demonstrates. It is only when a country like the US teaches women to focus on their feelings and spend their childhood planning their wedding that women become logically stunted.

>> No.10392960

Women have a biological responsibility to reproduce but I'm sure they are just as capable as men at math. They just need to get their priorities straight desu.

>> No.10393223
File: 530 KB, 1334x694, 1547414376120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>muh discrimination

they have a different kind of brain. ITS A FACT

>> No.10393227

You forgot the /s

>> No.10393231

I hate partial creationists like you who believe that evolution stops at the neck.

>> No.10393236


>> No.10393319

I never claimed that mental differences don't exist. I would claim, however, that in the presence of such great social pressures they are difficult to detect.

>> No.10393331

>no source
fuck off incel

>> No.10393344

fucking 10 outta 10 anon

>> No.10394400
File: 106 KB, 1080x1080, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are women attracted to beards ? My CS class has surprisingly allot of fem-students (around 20% or slightly less) and thinking about trying to look presentable
Asking for a friend

>> No.10394644
File: 27 KB, 375x542, CEqNrh4UUAMAOOl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure they'll like it if you take care of your personal hygiene

t. Ugly femlet

>> No.10394674
File: 888 KB, 749x821, rosie_the_cumdumpster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if it doesn't, it should

>> No.10394694

R U mtf ?

>> No.10394781


No I'm just short and ugly
I have a vagina down there somehow

>> No.10395237

Look at the citations you fucking retard

>> No.10395254

Women are just NPCs. All of them.
The sooner you realize this, the happier you will be.

>> No.10395270


>> No.10395414

>implying neuron/synapse count is everything
fucking brainlet
do some neuroanatomy, faggot

>> No.10395875

>social pressures discriminate against women
Wrong!Women do not think because they do not need to.

>> No.10396790

are you trying to imply traits such as short and ugly occur in men ? huh ? fagboy

>> No.10396889

*only occur

>> No.10396948

Well boys, you did it.
Sexism is no more

>> No.10396967

For how many years are you planning of spreading this myth? The feministic revolution were in the 1970's. That was 40 years ago. You can't go on forever! At some point women has to take their own liberal responsibility

>> No.10397052

jesus fuck off back to /r9k/ or /soc/ or /int/ already you fag/w*man

>> No.10397489

absolutely based

>> No.10397518

A beard alone won't solve your friends problems but it is a start.

>> No.10397524

This isn't a good question. A good question is: Do people in the fields of math and logic discriminate against women. I'd argue yes in some cases, and no in others. Discrimination isn't universal.