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File: 44 KB, 660x450, Cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10386873 No.10386873 [Reply] [Original]

How do we deal with livestock emissions?

>> No.10386881

Realistically? Introduce a meat rationing system. First 125g/day are tax free. Progressive taxation for each additional 100g.

>> No.10386884

Since the methane produced from cows is from belching, couldn't we contain them somehow and trap the gas before it reaches the atmosphere?

>> No.10386885

The large part of a cows footprint comes from the water required to produce, which a meat tax would also help to reduce

>> No.10386899

1-2% red algae into the feed


>> No.10386961

Some places do. You basically have a fume hood over the barn.

>> No.10386976

we need some final solution for the cow question!
i say we collect the gas for future use. you can never have enough gas.
/sci/, do you want the total gas tank?

>> No.10386981

Can someone redpill me with some evidence that global warming isn't just some parabola of the ice age were living in, as we have no valid data to compare the current situation with?

>> No.10387000

stop asking these types of questions you climate terrorist

>> No.10387350

first post best post

>> No.10388369

Put fart bags on the cows, once full, brand it as hot-girl-gas and give to brap fags to filter through their lungs

>> No.10388471

cow diapers

>> No.10388487

Pass laws requiring the consumption of only beef to kill off excess cows preventing more methane from reaching the atmosphere. Anybody refusing to eat meat will be taken out and shot for not doing their part in saving the environment from the cow menace.

>> No.10388536

Euthanizing third worlders. Isn't that the solution to every /sci/ question?

>> No.10388734

exile them to space

>> No.10388752

Genetic engineering so they can breathe their own methane.
Pros: cows stop emitting methane, they can now survive on Titan.
Cons: none.

>> No.10388759

It's the solution to every /pol/ question.

>> No.10388760

airships that carry methane-consuming bacteria to cleanse the atmosphere.
also replant the earth which is one of the biggest causes of climate change. the cows can stay. beef is good. more permaculture tho. let all the animals roam free, end all prisons : )

>> No.10388767


>> No.10388774

Lab grown beef

>> No.10388782

>Make cowfart balloons
>Untie and put in mouth so you suck it up and don't let any cow bit of fart get away
>Now make human fart balloons
>Repeat and repeat and repeat until farts are purified

>> No.10388820

i cant believe its not butter!

>> No.10388825

stop eating meat and dairy

>> No.10388853

I'll kill a thousand cows before I eat a broccoli pie

>> No.10388859

they're insignificant

>> No.10388864

This just punishes the poor. You are better off trying social manipulation to make meat eating less fashionable.

Ive stopped eating meat as a main dish and now only have it incorporated into things in smaller quantities.

>> No.10388888
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>> No.10388892
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>> No.10388905
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>> No.10388906
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Suck the fart out of their assholes so the methane doesn’t reach the atmosphere. To achieve this, you could hire a bunch of brap fetishests and use VR to trick them into thinking that the anus their mouths are attached to belong to a pretty lady.

>> No.10388908
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>>10388888 (quints)

>> No.10388912

remove cow.

>> No.10388918
File: 15 KB, 300x180, POL-POT-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The actual solution is liquidating worst world wh*tes, who eat the most meat and cause the most pollution

>> No.10388922

Real answer: actively convert atmospheric methane into CO2. Shouldn't be too hard, it happens naturally. The real issue is CO2 from fossil fuels.

>> No.10388923

Proxy data does not show a global mean temperature anomaly changing as rapidly as the modern trend for at least the last 400,000 years. The modern warming is at least 10x faster in rate than any other observed trend. Whatever the limitations, the instrumental record unequivocally shows the modern warming trend is happening and correlates well with increases in GHGs since the industrial revolution.

>> No.10388929
File: 41 KB, 441x599, 441px-Paul_Verlaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pol pot would not approve of this, his favorite poet was a white man and he was quite fond of the french decadent movement
you see he was a sensitive man who was just trying to make things better

>> No.10390716

>The real issue is CO2 from fossil fuels
That's the bulk of it, but everything matters now.

>> No.10390720


>> No.10390727

This is the real elephant in the room.

>> No.10390730
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>> No.10390827

But i thought we were talking about cows?

>> No.10390837

Why don't we start by solving the emission problem for spherical cows in a vacuum?

>> No.10391624

>you eat them before they emit

>> No.10391650

>This just punishes the poor.
>doesn't understand what a progressive tax is

>> No.10391675

>This just punishes the poor
Ayy lad but the poor are meant to be punished for being dumb lazy buggers.

>> No.10391678


>> No.10391777

Put me in the screenshot

>> No.10391821

We don’t

>> No.10391823

Will never happen.
All this nonsense based on a theory.

>> No.10391827

Global warming will do that. It’s one of the reasons I want it to happen.

>> No.10391829

No, won’t happen.

>> No.10391832

I eat meat everyday and every meal. I’ll never stop.

>> No.10391972


>> No.10391993

Top lel

>> No.10392154

We eat all the cows, once they are gone the emissions will cease.

>> No.10392192

reminder that the original paper claiming that agriculture was a large percentage of total emissions was retracted by the publisher as incorrect- they're not as significant as industry, transport.

>> No.10392207

fu libruls

>> No.10392947
File: 299 KB, 1440x2160, wasbak op toilet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stop blaming cows!

>> No.10394147

People need animal protein to grow big and strong.

>> No.10395022

>How do we deal with livestock emissions?
It is 25 years since the Japanese deviced feed additives to reduce livestock emissions. So the real question then is: why are you not up to date with tech?

>> No.10395067

>How do we deal with livestock emissions?

Now the radical left is worried about cow farts!
Ignore the degradation of your society, culture, and traditions, fight nuclear energy, GMOs and vaccines, BUT worry about cow farts!

>> No.10395073

Stop murdering cows and raping them so we can kill them. Pretty simple.

>> No.10395074

No they don’t. They need essential amino acids, which are in plants.

>> No.10395977

agreed. im transitioning to a diet with significantly less meat. still a poorfag so i mainly eat chicken and eggs for protein but i haven't had beef in months

>> No.10395979

BRRAAAAAAAAPPP...ahh yess..is that methane I smell...yes, quite right aren't I...BRRAAAAAAPPPPP

>> No.10395985

>still a poorfag so i mainly eat chicken and eggs for protein but i haven't had beef in months

Why wouldn't you eat broccoli and lentils instead? Better nutrition and far cheaper.

>> No.10397117

>Suck the fart out of their assholes so the methane doesn’t reach the atmosphere. To achieve this, you could hire a bunch of brap fetishests and use VR to trick them into thinking that the anus their mouths are attached to belong to a pretty lady.
>Put fart bags on the cows, once full, brand it as hot-girl-gas and give to brap fags to filter through their lungs
harvesting actual BRAAPs is cheaper

>> No.10397449
