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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 75 KB, 1024x576, ihatepotheads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10383449 No.10383449[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I despise recreational drugs, and my most despised drug of all is marijuana. I vehemently despise potheads. I take solace in the fact that when it comes to most other drugs, people tend to fuck up in some form and drop dead, be it from overdose, jumping off a building because they think they can fly, or by crashing their car.

Unfortunately this isn't the case for marijuana. My question to /sci/ is how do we stop the marijuana menace?

>> No.10383455

Why is weed bad

>> No.10383492

Why do you care about what other people do?

>> No.10383493

Why do you care about what they do? And why don't you despise alcoholics, despite the fact that they frequently become aggressive and destroy life of those around them?

>> No.10383494

Kill potheafs

>> No.10383498


I do despise them, but they end up drinking themselves to death or killing themselves in an accident. I despise all drug fiends. But marijuana unfortunately doesn't have a way to eliminate the degenerates like alcohol and other drugs.

>> No.10383517
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literally consider that you are not intelligent enough to pursue a career in the sciences if you even so much as defend the morons who abuse drugs
it's hard enough to get me to take a fucking painkiller after a god damn surgery, or to have a caffeinated tea.
some people just have no self respect or admiration for discomfort, everything just has to be happy happy fun fun all the time
imagine being such a moron
the only people who i respect who use drugs are erdos and other similar mathematicians who use drugs purely as a vehicle to produce more mathematics. though i never would myself.

>> No.10383558

I partially agree, people who addict themselves to drugs, just because they cannot deal with life problems in other ways than running away from them, or because they want to have fun are fucking morons. But drugs can be used as a tools. Everybody reacts to them in a different way, and while for ones, marijuana makes them mildly retarded, for others it can make them highly productive, creative and be a gateway to improve themselves. The same goes for other drugs. I have a friend that loves amphetamine, gets the shit done while high and makes a shittone of money thanks to it. So i think, that drugs aren't naturally bad, but it can be, if you use them like a brainlet

>> No.10383559

it's already been killed in canada and the profits from people who are stupid enough to smoke weed will go towards the government in most places (excluding bc). notice that almost everyone smoked when it was illegal and thus the government legalized it because nobody gave a shit anymore. just like chewing tobacco its grave is in legality

>> No.10383598
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t. Brainlet

>> No.10383895

Because the moto of capitalism is efficiency and productivity in labor. Cannabis works against both and therefore has a negative social connotation.

A lot of rich businessmen and entrepreneurs do cocaine, but that usually isn't an issue in the workplace because it makes people more energetic and productive. When you look at the more recent history of labor (like Fordism era for example), you see many remarks to bosses that would literally have people responsible of following employees back home to check if they would be drinking/smoking after work and all that sort of twisted shit. In some 3rd world countries this is still common practice.

You may dislike cannabis for your own reasons, but you're probably very biased about your opinion in some sort of way

>> No.10383911

Try it yourself. Its not like you will get addicted. You'll just find out that it isn't really a big deal and stop being such a stuck up faggot all the time.

>> No.10383917
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>> No.10383918

>Comparing Weed to painkillers

>> No.10383919

It basically turns you into a woman (makes you stupid and gay)

>> No.10383955

No one has been recorded dying directly from marijuana, you can’t even overdose, maybe you should stop shitposting about something that isn’t that harmful and focus on actual problems

>> No.10383989
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>t. awkward nerd who was never invited to smoke a bowl with friends

>> No.10384009

You must be fun at parties. This is the most autistic post I've seen today.

>> No.10384396

Do you have friends or fun ever

>> No.10384601

>if you even so much as defend
but they didn't even defend, anon
they asked why you think drugs are bad and you only reiterated that drugs are bad while not answering the question

>the only people who i respect who use drugs are erdos and other similar mathematicians who use drugs purely as a vehicle to produce more mathematics.
and now you even contradicted yourself by apparently admitting that drugs can be positive

you will never do anything significant in mathematics if you can't even answer why you think your statement is true

>> No.10384611

Guys seriously marijuana is bad, it fucked up my life and im addicted to it and have trouble quitting. Im about 115 IQ and just thinking of how marijuana knocked down about 8 IQ points sucks ass. And now im having memory and concentration issues, trouble with abstract thought at times, as well as extreme anxiety and depression when I try to stop. Its not worth it guys unless you dont have an addictive predisposition I say to stay away completely.

>> No.10384614

kys and it'll be solved

>> No.10384707


>> No.10384754


>> No.10384777


>> No.10384829


>> No.10384859

>some people just have no self respect or admiration for discomfort
Imagine being this much of an edgelord

>> No.10384866

You could have been a 123 IQ manager in a big company

>> No.10384884


>> No.10384894

*this thread brought to you by a paid shill for the alcohol industry*

>> No.10385010

everyone look at this pussy who couldn't handle weed

>> No.10385116

>meh i don't like what other people do in their free time
many poeple in the scientific area do drugs for recreational purpose. if you know the science behind it you can estimate the risk you'll take and do so in a responsible manner.

>> No.10385125

I bet you were a loser through K-12. Probably still are. Fucking square

>> No.10385222

literal autist

>> No.10385384


>> No.10385403

That fucking sad feel when
STFU faggot and I can 'handle' weed but stoners go to work everyday and I can't even pass a drug test to get a drug test.

>> No.10385538

>My question to /sci/ is how do we stop the marijuana menace?
remove all potheads, there is no other way

>> No.10385551

i mean, why would you smoke weed when you can masturbate

>> No.10385573

I'm an awkward nerd and even I still got to do that.

>> No.10385647

These posts are undeniable proof that the addicts of /sci/ are have diminished cognitive function and underdeveloped psychological maturity.
>Why do you care about what other people do?
>Why do you care about what they do?
>name calling
>too high to answer but not to high to ramble about capitalism
>name calling
>blog posting leftism
>why do you even care
>name calling
>social manipulationand insinuation
>social manipulation and insinuation
> insinuation to the unrelated
>just shut up
>name calling
>name calling and insinuation
>name calling
>insinuation and false accreditation
>name calling
>name calling

>> No.10385657

Mass replies should be bannable

>> No.10385660

>hurr durr name calling
>"I take solace in the fact that...people tend to drop dead"
Quiet, retard

>> No.10385666

you didn't answer the question, why is weed bad?

>> No.10385667
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>> No.10385668

Lmao at this 105 IQ autist thinking he's smarter than the thousands of 130+ IQ people who tried and massively benefited from weed, LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, and other mind-expanding substances

>> No.10385673

Wow nice job showing the rest of the board you can use a thesaurus instead of actually rebutting their ideas I'm sure you are a genius

>> No.10385674

>These posts are undeniable proof that the addicts of /sci/ are have diminished cognitive function and underdeveloped psychological maturity.
This coming from the person who does not actually engage with any of the 18 posts he just quoted, and resorts to just belittling them without the slightest counterargument instead?

>> No.10385691

How does a person argue with name calling?
Are you saying take the bait?

>> No.10385698

This post is undeniable proof of the arrogance and prejudgment of some people on /sci/

>> No.10385703

The original post was nothing but someone mad that other people did a thing without killing themselves in the process. It doesn't deserve any more substantive responses than it received. If you want to be a moralizing busybody soccermom, you'd actually do more good by locking your cleaning chemicals under your kitchen sink.

>> No.10385751

lol what a fucking dumb faggot. we need to bring back bullying for people like you

>> No.10385755

> Hates marijuana
> Is cool with opiods killing most of America alone and antidepressants should be stacked

But the doctors fat pockets and pharma told me it's going to be alright.

>> No.10385765

Serious question, OP. Do you really think you're smarter than Carl Sagan?

>> No.10385911

These posts are more undeniable proof that the addicts of /sci/ are have diminished cognitive function and underdeveloped psychological maturity.
>they disagree, ban them
>name calling
>insinuation, no you're the retard
>you didn't make a argument combatting non-arguments
Well then a argument on the same level is warranted. Shut up, virgin.

Of course.

>> No.10385955

Fuck it I say. If you are going to die anyway why not try a psychedelic before you Did?

How about LSD on your deathbed. Is that acceptable?

>> No.10385962

Wait... is this a bot. Or am i on drugs and reading identical posts.

>> No.10386369

The posts weren't identical, perhaps the drugs are affecting your perception.

>> No.10386374

At last, Hades, we are awake.

>> No.10386381


>> No.10386631


>> No.10386635

Anyone caught smoking weed must be put to LMAO camps. It is the devils herb. They are heretics. Gods divine punishment shall be that they are burned, just like the devil weed that embers in their mouth! DEUS VULT

>> No.10386810

i can tell you're one of those people who has way too high of an opinion of themselves

>> No.10386860

I guarantee you this guy is a 25+ yo virgin and it eats away at him every day.

>> No.10386886

This is name-calling

>> No.10387018

Why does the hot dog look higher than giraffe pussy?

>> No.10387037

>implying this hard

funny thing about your post is that you're describing yourself

>> No.10387077

If you cant pass a drug test nowadays then you are the real dumbass.

>> No.10387656

Teenagers and young adults will do weed whether it's illegal or not. The only difference is your daughter can get her weed from a nigger drug dealer who makes her have sex with him first (I know many white girls who've been forced to burn coal for weed), or a legal marajuana dispensery where it is taxed and regulated and not laced with any shit plus you don't have to deal with any niggers.

>> No.10387838

I prefer the current set up thank you.

>> No.10387876

I smoke pot every day and theirs nothing wrong with me

>> No.10388334

>I'm right! Everyone else is wrong! Waaaa I'll show you! See look, these unrelated points invalidate you!
Before you ask, I'm quoting (you).

>> No.10388340

>I know many white girls who've been forced to burn coal for weed
lmao what kind of mormon shit hole do you live in where that is necessary
>they burned the coal for weed money
Keep telling yourself that

>> No.10388354


I'm the OP.

People ITT are missing the point. This isn't about whether or not I think marijuana should be "legal" or "illegal". Marijuana is legal in many places, just like alcohol, but that doesn't change my opinion on it. Also, people mentioning "opioid addiction", hurrdurr opioids actually kill people, so in my eyes, this is a "good" drug as it eliminates the degenerate drug fiends.

I don't care if marijuana is legal or illegal. I hate it, just like I hate alcohol. Unfortunately, marijuana kills less people than alcohol and other drugs, which is why, in my opinion, marijuana is one of the worst drugs. Again, it doesn't eliminate the dregs.

Herpaderp "why do you care what other people do how does it impact you?" -- IT DOES Impact me. I smell their filth. I don't get to breathe in clean air because of these fucks. I have to put up with their stupid pseudointellectual bullshit.

Potheads should be culled.

>> No.10388365

Lol whatever incel

>> No.10388371
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>I hate alcohol
God damn, what a faggot

>> No.10388373
File: 369 KB, 545x672, dancing on the line of good and evil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry they'll get justice. If not in this life. Maybe in the next life.

>> No.10388428

Seek psychiatric help

>> No.10388454

If you support marijuana legalization, you are supporting thousands more people being killed on the roads, expensive healthcare for fucked up lungs and the infantilization of society.

>> No.10388456

>If you support alcohol legalization, you are supporting thousands more people being killed on the roads, expensive healthcare for fucked up livers and the infantilization of society

>> No.10388458

And both these things are a bad thing.

>> No.10388461

Dumb teetotaler

>> No.10388466
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>why do you care

enjoying prohibition ey?

>> No.10388473

well, well, well, what have we here? another faggot neckbeard shitting up the place with his /b/ faggotry. you picked the wrong night to fuck around, asshole. i've just texted the /sci/ mod (we're friends irl) about this thread, so he'll be here shortly to deal with the matter, and most likely hand out some sorely needed bans. i'm also going to report and sage the thread (for safe measure), as well as alert the other moderators in the 4chan irc channel. and just in case you wanna try and pull a fast one, i'm screen shotting *the entire thread for additional proof* and e-mailing hiro about the matter personally. i'm tired of you stupid fucking dick sniffers pressing out whatever lolrandom faggot shit you want on the fucking science board. it's time for you assholes to get a reality check, because this shit won't fly for much longer. prepare your anus, you 500 pound piles of shit. your days are *fucking numbered*.

>> No.10388477

Actually the accident deaths on the road stabilized to pre-legalization levels in the states where recreational pot is legal.
>infantilization of society.
lol you're gonna have to deal with a lot of profitable industries before you make a dent in that crusade of yours. Pot doesn't even scratch the surface. Worry about your next PTA meeting, soccermom

>> No.10388480
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holy shit

>> No.10388485

People always smoked pot in those states and therefore a great drop would be observed if pot was banned hard with harsh Draconian measures.
The same way prohibition resulted in better road conditions.

>> No.10388515

probably doesn't share a bed much either

>> No.10388531
File: 7 KB, 249x214, 1543533047792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you know potheads can be rednecks too

>> No.10388549

>how do we stop the marijuana menace?
How about letting other people live their own lives and you stop being an authoritarian 'tard?

>> No.10388553

>The same way prohibition resulted in better road conditions.
Prohibition also created a motive and greatly expanded organized crime and led to a great amount of violence, which led to the reduction of individual freedom in the NFA of 1934. Obviously there are benefits to almost any political plan, but you need to weigh the downsides. As it is, the American drug war is a prime instigator for violent crime whether inner city gangs or cartels south of the border. The human suffering created by this profit incentive vastly outweighs the rarer deaths from motor accidents. The war is lost, sorry bud. Legalization is simply the best option, especially when you consider the evil that is locking people up and destroying their lives over consensual consumption of a plant that is less destructive than alcohol.

>> No.10388975

Lol okay schoolmarm

>> No.10389147

low iq post located

>> No.10389149
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>trying this hard

>> No.10389151

kys already

>> No.10389212
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What if I support the legalization of not only marijuana, but all drugs not because I want to use them, but because I want to weaken my competition.

>> No.10389547

Do you think that someone who thinks he can fly on drugs deserves to be in gene pool?

>> No.10389624
File: 18 KB, 540x427, 9FA3D442-631B-41E1-A614-3C8473C51F5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ad-hominems and then disparages name-calling in the same post
>avoids answering a simple question
Yeah I’m thinking this semen slurping thread is not for me

>> No.10389684

OP think of this.

>> No.10389693
File: 93 KB, 716x960, based baba01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Pothead is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him a pothead and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'"

>> No.10389696

I thought potheads were known for using weed in a conspicuous way? That doesn't make sence

>> No.10389723

Science is settled.