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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10383186 No.10383186 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you math wizzes are self taught and if so how hard was it?

>> No.10383192

Took a few years. Im more a self thought astro physicist but with allnthe standford lectures freenon youtube, cosmos, nova etc...its possible without giving a fortune to the institution gimmick in place.

>> No.10383204

Oh sorry I forgot to specify that I dont want to hear shitty larp success stories

>> No.10383239

Aint larp. Its hard to accept but some of us are smart enough to not have to go to school to understand dark energy, types of civilizations i.e: types 0 (us) , bigbang inflation , electrons slit experiment etc...

>> No.10383243

nice bate

>> No.10383268
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>> No.10383271
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>> No.10383275
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My thread....my beautiful thread

>> No.10383300

I still go to a university because I want a degree but I'm definitely self taught. I spend my breaks researching the basic concepts that will be covered in the classes I'd take later, and I derive my own constructions to solve problems that I come up with which are related to these concepts. That way during the regular semester all I have to do is relate the formal definitions to the stuff I already came up with. As a result, during the semester I get to spend very little time studying and can instead use the classes as an opportunity to train myself in formality, which is something that is almost impossible to do on your own (take, Ramanujan for instance). It gives me a huge advantage over my peers who have to spend so much time figuring out the concepts that formality becomes an afterthought for them, and they miss points as a result.
A professor caught on to my methods and is mentoring me in to make sure that I can fulfill my destiny to become a great mathematician.
I've been doing this for 2 years now. Before I would just go through classes normally and I would get low As in proof classes, but now that I do this I rarely miss any points in any of my classes, and I've gotten 100% many times, but I pretty much always get above 98%. I also spend a lot of time tutoring undergrads to keep my calculus skills sharp.

>> No.10384408

sounds comfy
also checked