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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 166 KB, 400x295, gravity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10377292 No.10377292 [Reply] [Original]

The fact that pi is an irrational number in this universe proves that this universe is actually on the surface of a hypersphere, and our 3d geometry/space is technically non-Euclidian.

Think about how 2-dimensional non-Euclidian geometry works. It's on the surface of a 3-dimensional sphere. So therefore, the measurements are different. For example, the angles of a triangle will not add up to 180 degrees anymore.
In a normal universe, pi would have to be a rational number, because there is no reason for it to be irrational. But if the universe is actually on (in) the hypersurface of a 4d hypersphere (or perhaps a hypercone, which is the conocal equivilent of a hypercube), then it would change the measurements and dimensions so pi would now be something other than a rational number like 3, such as what it actually is (3.14159...)

>> No.10377293

Stop posting your shit on /pol/ fucking kike

>> No.10377297

You're retarded on so many levels it hurts

>> No.10377303

I posted it there first so shut up

>> No.10377310

That flies in the face of what all the scientists are saying.

>> No.10377314

Well sometimes all the scientists are wrong like when they believed in Newtonian mechanics as absolute sole truth

>> No.10377317

When we observe smaller scales, we are essentially compressing 3d information into a 2d representation. We can in fact build up entire 3d worlds out of 2d representations. The idea of curved surfaces in 3d space is closely tied to a bodies ability to hold these 2d representations together (gravity/magnetism). But these bodies are also just 3d things built of 2d things, built of 1d things (strings?). Everything spins, everything vibrates, but somehow, it all holds together.

>> No.10377321

Does anyone from this board actually have a response to this autist? I mean the argument is shit but how do we tell him that?

>> No.10377323

We have biggy telescopes that let us know the shape of the universe.

>> No.10377324

It still doesn't belong on /pol/ who gives a fuck what a circle is, get a job, get married and have children.

>> No.10377327

i gennuinely do not have a response

>> No.10377331

unlike you did you mean? lololo

>> No.10377333


>> No.10377371

Its not fucking hard, stop being an incel and meet a woman.

>> No.10377388

Oh cause GR has no flaws.

>> No.10377389

Do you actually believe that? I thought this was the highest IQ board.
Our telescopes tell us the universe goes as far in every direction as we can measure.
Not its shape.

>> No.10377391

what flaws are there in gr

>> No.10377392

What are you smoking and how can I get my greasy hands on some anon?

>> No.10377393

>That flies in the face of what all the scientists are saying.
Please cite sources and or references?

>> No.10377394

How about the fact it only works on the scale of our solar system without that fabled dark matter and energy?
That's a big one desu.

>> No.10377395

"This flies in my face"

t. Albert Schmegmerberg

>> No.10377399

dark matter and energy are there for energy conservation

>> No.10377401

as well it's still the most well tested and true theory physics has known to date
this is considering the standard model and qft have gotten things wrong while idk what things gr has gotten wrong

>> No.10377402


Hardly any news that as far as we can see and ever will be able to see, the universe is flat.

>> No.10377404

That and GR is missing 80% of the mass it needs to work. Without that mass we can't hear, see, taste, touch or smell our own planet is currently breaking classic GR by having a rotational acceleration that exceeds the measurable mass to hold it in place gravitationally.

This board wasnt what I was promised...

>> No.10377406

so you're just retarded then
alright i thought i was going to learn of a flaw that gr has besides white holes not existing
good job bro

>> No.10377407

>the universe is flat.
I've read that article. It says flat but it means Euclidean. Did you read the article or just the headline?

>> No.10377409

>so you're just retarded then
Is that your rebuttal? If it is that's fine, I enjoyed our talk.

Here's a ball, perhaps you'd like to bounce it?

>> No.10377411

>as well it's still the most well tested and true theory physics has known to date
What's special relativity?

>> No.10377414
File: 9 KB, 247x204, 1549859550069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as well it's still the most well tested and true theory physics has known to date
that's QM

>> No.10377416

>This board wasnt what I was promised...
Does this mean you can go back? Please?

>> No.10377422
File: 51 KB, 496x429, 1549612724295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lurk but am often underwhelmed. This should have been an interesting thread. I think I will stay just to annoy you now.

The thing about science is that you don't get to go "hurr durr you're dumb" you have to explain why they are dumb with science.

Carry on.

>> No.10377425

Yes, I actually dont think the universe is flat. It is euclidean which a hyper sphere is not.

>> No.10377429

I'm no physicsfag but I believe Hawking was looking into something similar later in his life.
Here it is.

>> No.10377442

Yeah, you're not going to get the most riveting discourse in schizo threads, sorry. I mean did you read the OP?
>should have been an interesting thread

>> No.10377462

I didn't know JIDF was here.
Hi frens.

>> No.10377468

who now?

>> No.10378342

I am the anon you replied to and lol wtf are you talking about? I don't think GR is flawless. In fact, I don't even believe in GR. I believe that it is accurate from a certain perspective, kinda like Newtonian mechanics is. It's not the absolute truth though.
I am genuinely curious how you took my post to imply that GR is flawless

>> No.10378347

I am a volcel, and I know plenty of women, in fact most of my friends are women but I am single. How can I get a gf?

>> No.10378352

What? I don't understand what you are saying. It works on smaller scales with dark matter/energy? Or on larger scales? On the solar system scale, it works with or without dark energy/matter? What?

>> No.10378357

QM has not gotten anything wrong that we know of. Certain interpretations of QM have. GR is false. QFT as far as we know is correct.

>> No.10378362

>What's special relativity?
A flawed theory.

>> No.10378368

similar to OP claim?

>> No.10380197


>> No.10381630


>> No.10382797


>> No.10382900


>In a normal universe, pi would have to be a rational number.

Why? Because you say so?

>> No.10382952

Because all other numbers in geometry are rational

>> No.10383055

>In a normal universe, pi would have to be a rational number, because there is no reason for it to be irrational.
I'm not sure what makes you think it needs a reason.

>> No.10383060

Jewish Internet Defense Force.
They shill /pol/ a lot, and that guy is from /pol/, so he thinks they're here too for some reason.