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10376943 No.10376943 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this?

Do they have a point or are they just being paranoid?

>> No.10376949

That's a cute bird

>> No.10376954

Thanks. Thought on the link, the 5G satellite network, & the possible effects it would have on the environment & humanity?

>> No.10376956

It's stupid, but so is that article. 5G is going to make IoT shit really easy to hack.

>> No.10376964

May I ask how the article is stupid? I understand the benefits of 5G, but if the radio waves offer serious health hazards I might consider signing the petition if only to be certain.

>> No.10376970

What they're saying is true. No amount of citations or evidence will convince the naysayers. These devices are addictive, these people have been sold a bill of goods, and getting rid of the problem will require significant social pressure (proven difficult to bootstrap), or brute force. This is really about the survival of life on this planet. Soon some of us will have to decide whether we're going to let the machine and its brainwashed servants kill us more than it already has.

That's the summary of where we stand.

>> No.10376975

Because almost no one will see it, most people who do see it from the mainstream wont care. Why? Because they all want better connectivity.
Not to mention, the various IoT companies that lobby for it.

>> No.10376977

Uh, you can't flash people, bro. That's immoral.

>> No.10376989

I mean create a movement that gets results.

>> No.10376990

Came here to post that

>> No.10377004

Sure, sure, I bet you actually trepan them, stick in some data cable and try to root with subconscious.

>> No.10377023

That's right. I'm the threat, bad guy, bad intentions. Professed self and true self, beware! You're being used... for something! I don't entirely understand your post.

Well, what I can say. The document the OP linked is solid. Yes we're in a bad place. Mutational load is probably approaching, or passed, a point of irreversible infertility. No sign of large scale population mobilization, no sign of halting much less reversal. To think all it would take is cutting the power and learning to say one simple word, "no".

Do what you can in your local communities.

>> No.10377027


>> No.10377029

All this made me think about is how sorely we need to teach Americans basic chemistry. The idea that a radio wave could cause DNA damage, jesus fucking christ

>> No.10377032

All this made me think about is how sorely we need to teach Americans basic chemistry. The idea that remote detonated explosives could exist, the mere idea that a radio wave or electrical current could bring down a building, jesus fucking christ

>> No.10377034

If we said "no" then we would never know "what if?" Humanity doesnt learn by "no", we learn by "go". But ya we should probably have run some longterm testing with it first not gonna lie.

>> No.10377036

>Radio waves
I think you mean physics.

>> No.10377058

Physics is just chemistry with smaller and larger chemicals.

>> No.10377076

We already did testing 50 years ago. We just didn't bother to use it, as far as the public is concerned, at any point afterward. Doesn't matter whether it's published in 2019 or 1950, there is a very large control structure at work that will block sane reactions to any available data.

Part of my own endeavors is to unravel and document how this formed, how it functions, what's known about it generally, and possible long term goals (money as a means to an end). I do believe this structure is the real driver

There's a lot of history. The evidence has never been the problem, politics have. I'll be real blunt about that.

>> No.10377081

Also thanks OP. This contained a citation to a document I'd been looking for.

>> No.10377083

do you have down's syndrome or something? that wasn't remotely related to anything I said

the article literally says there is "experimental evidence of damage to DNA" I'm curious how they've come to find this experimental evidence when DNA does not absorb visible light much less radio waves

>> No.10377089

>50 years ago


>> No.10377092

It's safer to live 20 years in the past.

>> No.10377099

It's entirely related to what you said. You can't see it because you don't actually know what you're talking about.

>when DNA does not absorb visible light much less radio waves
What does that have to do with anything? Why are you so stuck on a direct interaction?

Cells aren't inanimate objects. Think about this. You're typing on a keyboard, how? Your muscles are moving. Are you kidding me? You're expecting me to believe some "electrical signals" from your "brain" traveled to the muscle fiber and then triggered a massive change in the behavior of those cell populations?

Your vision. You're tryin'a tell me, that LOW ENERGY visible light enters the eye, is transduced above a certain threshold, then can trigger a chain of dynamic massive downstream changes in the rest of the body? You're trying to tell me I can alter someone's behavior and global bodily state just by showing them a picture?! RIDICULOUS. Absurd! EVERYONE KNOWS VISIBLE LIGHT HAS POOR PENETRATION DEPTH AND DOESN'T HAVE THE ENERGY TO DO ALL THAT. IT'S IMPOSSIBLE.

Unless you have... uh, transduction and amplification. Because cells are programmable self replicating self powering machinery, that can leverage their own energy production and metabolic ability to "amplify" incoming signals in the character of their response.

Two different ranges.

>> No.10377103

Nuh-uh, you said "50 years ago" and 1950 in the same post so therefore everything you said is wrong.

>> No.10377104

stop samefagging for effect

>> No.10377106
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>DNA does not absorb visible light much less radio waves
>DNA doesn't absorb visible light

>> No.10377111

DNA emits highly coherent bursts of UV.

>> No.10377128
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it doesn't absorb visible light very strongly, sorry anon. you couldn't induce a DNA double-stranded break with a radio wave.

>> No.10377142
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>DNA does not absorb visible light much less radio waves

2 words: oxidative stress

>> No.10377147
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DNA is a fractal antenna. Some frequencies also make it thrash about in wave-like motions and to my recollection can cause it to break away from its histones.

>> No.10377156

>muh glutathione
Just kidding, that'd be retarded.

>> No.10377161

r u joking?

>> No.10377163

>poster count goes up
>call them a samefag for shitposting
At that point you might as well just assume everyone else is one giant entity fucking with you.

>> No.10377164

What are you implying here? It is the primary source that damages DNA. There is also a ton of experimental evidence of electromagnetic radiation inducing oxidative stress. Shouldnt bee too difficult to count 1+1

>> No.10377171

I was being sarcastic. Didn't really make it clear.

Yep, hydroxyl and peroxynitrite radicals are among the main problems. Should actually post a flow chart for the pathophysiological pathway at work with chronically elevated intracellular calcium.


>> No.10377173


>i was told only gamma ray can cause DNA damage in high school therefore it is true


>> No.10377177

>peroxynitrite radicals
(peroxynitrite isn't really a radical rather)*

>> No.10377178

cite? this would be really interesting to read if it's not bullshit

visible light induces oxidative stress retard


>> No.10377180

Visible is non-ionizing so it's safe, just like microwaves.

>> No.10377188

>radiation with lower energy than the UV-visible light we are constantly bathing in can cause oxidative stress, which can have a butterfly effect leading to DNA damage


>gamma radiation and intense UV are ionizing, induce DNA damage, and are generally considered dangerous

>> No.10377204

Image is from WR Adey, Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems.

Most of the work on DNA as an antenna is scattered around in various reviews of Soviet and Eastern European literature. In the west Martin Blank comes to mind.

Not everything comes up. Try different ways of searching.

>> No.10377499
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>> No.10377502

About as much as the water flowing onto the bird? Let the 5G waves gently cleanse your mind of improper thoughts, anon.

>> No.10377828

Reminder that if you don't feed the schizo he'll eventually leave.

>> No.10377872


And who the fuck are you again?

>> No.10378402

post more birbs?

>> No.10378405

Why did you sage?

>> No.10378420

I agree with the link you posted OP

those fuckin corporations keep asking for more and more, and we keep gobbling down the garbage they sell us.

meanwhile, we have no problem being turned into guinea pigs or fucking up our environment in every way possible

fuck that bullshit

>> No.10378558

So next time you come here to cry about your life do not use reddit spacing and use the right board >>>/r9k/
although I somehow agree with you

feb 2000, and nobody ever put that to large scale ?

>> No.10378567

So apparently, as expected, it's a small group within the UN that's in on this as well. The rest are being purged like everyone else.


WHO knows quite well that wireless is bad and don't expose themselves to it. Their RF working group is industry captured.

>> No.10378587


>20 watt phased array beams

wow shit. that's a pretty legit concern. If you're within range of several towers they can fucking fry your brain on purpose.

No wonder they didn't let the chings install their own death beams. They want monopoly on that shit.

What a time to be alive. The worst nightmares of schizophrenics with persecution paranoia are actually coming to life.

>> No.10378603

5G was developed in Israel. Israel will not be "deploying" 5G.

Everyone should also google active denial system.

>> No.10378643

>Everyone should also google active denial system.

Yes, this is incredibly important.
Also this kind of system gives them RADAR-like imaging abilities. As in high-resolution, through-wall detection or people and objects.

Let's NOT do 5G.

>> No.10378660

I wonder how people with electromagnetic sensitivity would to react to this.

>> No.10378703

>Also this kind of system gives them RADAR-like imaging abilities
The LED streetlights play into this as well.

>> No.10379036

>20,000 satellites
>each brodcasting maybe a kW or two (since they are only several hundred kgs)
>a grand total of 20-40MW for the WHOLE FUCKING EARTH
>the same amount of EM power that that hits a 200x200m square on the surface from the sun
I want this cringe to end. We had and have flat-earthers, electric universe retards, free will fags, 100% renewables retards, chemtrail tards, global warming denialists, engineers- this board cannot handle all the double digiter sludge that /pol/ and /x/ produce. Just fucking post your stupid shit on /x/, we've had this thread 10,000 times.

Case in point.

>> No.10379069
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If you think 5G is scary, wait until you hear about this badboy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun.. It's literally blasting my house with ionising and non-ionising radiation as we speak, at power levels orders of magnitude greater than the entire 5G network. Why is no one talking about this monstrosity?

>> No.10379076

Oh, a retarded highschooler wants to lecture me on the safety of EM radiation! Again! what a fucking surprise.
Please stop posting if you're under 18 or if you can't read a spectrogram properly.

>> No.10379083

So you totally go out and do measurements with your spectrometer and document the dangerous microwaves?

>> No.10379092

>Frequency doesn't matter

>> No.10379095

>says the person that thinks several miliWatts of non-ionizing radiation per square meter are killing him (despite him not being dead for (presumably) 2 decades)
>other people are children, I'm super smart- this is why I believe in schizo conspiracies that make no sense

>> No.10379099

Natural microwave background is around a quadrillion times lower intensity, and non-polarized.

read a book.

>> No.10379105

>Can't heatcha, can't hurtcha.
You belong in the 50's. Read a book.

>> No.10379108

The same way people with morgellon's would

>> No.10379123

>DNA does not absorb visible light

What? So are DNA molecules perfectly reflective, or perfectly transparent?

None of which is to say that 5G fags or electrosensitivity retards or anybody of that ilk are not retarded.

>> No.10379130

>anti-5G tards claim a higher frequency is worse (otherwise they wouldn't be able to bitch, since that's the only change)
>somehow 1kW of way higher (including near ionizing) frequency radiation isn't bad
>but lower frequency radiation with 100,000 times less power is super bad
How do you handle the blatant cognitive dissonance?

Read a book.
Take your antipsychotics.

>> No.10379138

They would literally explode.

>> No.10379140

>How do you handle the blatant cognitive dissonance?
gey autism probably

>> No.10379145

>>anti-5G tards claim a higher frequency is worse (otherwise they wouldn't be able to bitch, since that's the only change)
That's not the only change. There are changes in modulation, addition of beamforming, etc. The character of the field is very different.

Higher frequencies are not necessarily more damaging, however the millimeter waves have unique[...]

You know what, I'm not going to bother. Instead I've got some questions for you. What exactly is making you so upset? You seem genuinely angry.

>> No.10379150

>Never mind my assertions, which I cannot back up, let's discuss something totally unrelated about you.

Fuck off back to /x/.

>> No.10379165

You already quoted all my posts above. You know what's what. You're a time sink that gives nothing back, you're hostile in the most trite way, and put bluntly you're boring. So what you think is of no concern.

Here you go.

Read a book. Ask questions. Give real responses. Overall I'm finding it very difficult to see you as an actual person worth talking to.

>> No.10379172

>modulation, addition of beamforming
Whoa, that 100 miliWatt beam hitting you for 3 seconds will totally kill you. Meahwhile, the 500W of multispectral radiation that falls directly on you for hours does nothing at all. Higher frequency waves also have lower penetration so you should be happy with 5G.
>What exactly is making you so upset?
The fact that you've been shitting up multiple boards with your luddite drivel for the last ~2 years.
>genuinely angry
Not really.

>> No.10379173

Also, there are some omissions from that version.

California Medical Association, resolution 107-14

No reading version:
^(This channel contains a lot of presentations from researchers who have been in this field for a long time. I recommend going through them.)

Watch some of this bizarre crap:

Literature sources:


Information on the physiological and pathophysiological pathways of NO. That covers Ca2+ overload, NO synthases, that NO reacts with superoxide at a rate 5x faster than the latter can be removed by superoxide dismutase (a reaction which itself yields H2O2 and relies on the glutathione system).

Effect Threshold Lists:

1996 Telecommunications act, section 704 subsection II clause iv.
"No State or local government or instrumentality thereof may regulate the placement, construction, and modification of personal wireless service facilities on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions to the extent that such facilities comply with the Commission's regulations concerning such emissions."

>> No.10379177

WHO doesn't expose themselves to it. Their RF working group is industry captured.

Historical reviews, symposium proceedings, etc ^
These are not just trivia or now irrelevant intermediary stages of a scientific field. There's a lot of important stuff in here.

Irreversible infertility:

General theory:

In vivo DNA damage in humans:

Behavioral changes with prenatal exposure:

>Higher frequency waves also have lower penetration so you should be happy with 5G.
This is addressed in the linked post. Biological systems are not simple inanimate objects.

>luddite drivel
You're addicted and you're scared. Your notion and narrative of progress has been threatened. Too bad, it happens.

>Not really.
Not the way it's looking here.

>> No.10379181


In this link, look at [Studies in Soviet science] Pathological effects of Radio waves[...].pdf
Read the section on low intensity millimeter waves. The other books in there are also informative.



This isn't everything. Refer to the other thread for more.

>> No.10379392

How does it feel to know your relentless spamming has only turned more people against you and further tarnished the image of your cause?

This is my first post in the thread, inb4 you accuse me of being someone else

>> No.10379402

Oh wait, this one is my first post.
I get threads confused when you post the same copypasta every single day

>> No.10379406

Reminder that the schizo will eventually leave if you simply don't feed it.

>> No.10379411

I don't know what I've done.

>> No.10379419

>I don't know what I've done.
I know you've sucked pp because YOUR GAY

>> No.10379437

Also, I would like additional feedback on this.

>> No.10379577
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>> No.10379719

>Their RF working group is industry captured.
I think you mean "consists of top experts in the field, who you can identify by how much money they make off of it".

>> No.10379758

You should read the paper.

>> No.10380729
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>All this made me think about is how sorely we need to teach Americans basic chemistry. The idea that remote detonated explosives could exist,

>> No.10380758

Imagine if he just slapped his hands together

>> No.10381158
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So the overall consensus is against the installation of 5G satellites, yet we all know they're going to be installed thanks to a variety of reasons (corporate lobbyists, a lack of support on the other side, etc.)
How can we minimize or even fix any damage that could be caused by this network. Since the wavelength is of short frequency, thicker bedroom walls could help reduce damage during night-time (when most people are asleep, thus not doing anything anyways.) Would genetic engineering & other forms of biotech help fix the issues, at least on humans? What could we do to ensure 50% of all species don't go extinct?

>> No.10381167
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